WANT A IKS For Sa'e FOR SALE 1 1 .mi ?? c> al nn.I wi-n | c?H>k n' o\ i i Hdf t'.usl t(.il hrau r. A-l condition. ;-< t Mrs Henry II FOR SALE: Good reconditioned sinsle phase 2 H.P. motor. Good ba renin. Apply Cherokee Scout Office FOR SALE 1 Drlco lirht plant. | Good rondition Caaable of li?h!- | mp ion fifty watt liRhts. Reason able price See Charlie Johnson | at the Ford place. 'lt-pd' Established 75 year old company will bark ambitious man in Chero kee County in business for him self Must own car. furnish A-l references. Farming experience helpful. Write? Box 1975. Char- | lotte. N. C.. for personal interview. <6-2t-c> FOR SALE: ? Wanted you to know that you can get delicious and golden delicious apples at my place by the bushel or truck load From 35c a bushel up. These apples are not rotton or wormy. J. H. Hamp ton. 1 mile west of Murphy on No. 64 <lt-chg.> FOR SALE: Hay Bailer. P. P. Plott Hayesulle, N. C.. Rte. 2. near Ogden. '9-3t-pd> Murphy. N. C. <7-4t-cg) For Rent FOR RENT: 5-romm residenc?. practically new. Two blockr from Five Points. Phone 91-W or 101. W. M. Fain. (9-lt-c> FOR RENT: The J. C. Sales farm at Tomotla, 5 miles east of Murphy, to good responsible farmer with stock and tools. Write or see C. N. Sales-. 79 M->in St.. Canton. N. C. <8-4t-c) FOR SALE Several Horses, Mules and Mares PRICED CHEAP Clyde Townson Murphy, N. C. DR. J. E. SARRELL SPECIALIST Refraction and Mobility of EYE COPPERHILL, TENN. The most modern optical office between Knoxville and Atlanta. Can examine the Eyes, grind and deliver the glasses same day if de sired. Over 30,000 pairs of glasses made and delivered from this of fice. Established since 1909. Ali work guaranteed ? always on the job. ifp WELL on S?nRELL TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL I ESTATE (By Substituted Trustee) Pursuant to the power and auth ority contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 27th day of Sep tember, 1934. executed by W. E. Howell and wife. Ivy Howell to C. S. Noble. Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County. North Carolina, in Book of Deeds. No. 112. page 393. securing tt certain note payable to HOME OWN- | ERS' LOAN CORPORATION, default j having been made for a period of | more than ninety (90) days in thepay- j n^n* nf said note an provided there- | in f-nH in the performance of certain cwmnts set out in said deed of FOR RENT: 3-Room furnished a Cartment. Private bath and strain heat Also furnished room?. W M Fain. Phone 91 -W or 101 . '9-3t-c FOR RENT: Office or Storage room on second floor CaTringer Dept. Store building. Will improve to suit tenant on satisfactory loa."?\ W. M Fain. Phone 91-W or 101. '9-lt-c> Wanted Take over established Watkins Business in Cherokee County. No Investment, automobile only re quirement. Write J. R. Watkins Co. Dept. R. Charlotte. N. C. We buy accounts, bills, notes and judgments. Write P. O. Box 65. WANTED: Dry 4x4 oak lumber Write for prices, stating numb' r c! thousand feet you have. J. R. Miller. Robbinsvil'e. N. C. 1 10-2t-chg> CASH Paid For OAK and PINE LOGS at our mill or on good roads. W. D. Townson Protect Your Loved Ones With A QUINN & HUMPHREY mutual Burial Certificate Only Costs 25c to Join Quinn & Humphrey Mutual Burial Association Copperhill, Tenn. STOP SCRATCHING 1 There's a sure cure for the itch, overnight. Get a bottle of Turpins G-K. Guaranteed to cure, or your money back. At all drug stores-only 50 cents (4t-pd) DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg Murphy, N. C. trust and demand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee, having been substituted as Trustee, for C. S. Noble, said sub stitution being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County. North Carolina, in Book 127, page 570. will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Court House door in Murphy. Cherokee County. North Carolina at 12 o' clock noon on the 26th day of Oct ober. 1940 the following described real estate, to wit: Situate, lying and being in the Town of Murphy. Murphy Township. County of Cherokee. State of North Carolina, and more particularly des cribed and defined as follows: BEGINNING on a stake at the intersection of Hiland Avenue and Hill Street and runs with Hiland Avenue. North 22 deg. 50 min. West 131.25feet to a stake, corner of Lot No. 38: then with line of Lot No. 3R, South 54 deg. West 87.7 feet to a stake, corner of Lots Nos. 37-38: then South 28 deg. East 137.5 feet to a suike on Hill Street: then with Hill Street. North 46 deg. 30 min. East 78 feet to the BEGINNING. | Being lot No. 22 in Section No. j 3 of the Subdivision of the Duke | Land and Improvement Company, as shown by a plat thereof registered in Plat Book No. 1. page 14. Chero MALARIA FOUND ! CLOSE TO TOWNS i IN TWO COUNTIES TV A Suggetts WPA i Fund to End Danger: ? 5 Cases Reported For the first time In the history of this section. Malaria Is here. Tw. ca^es were reported to Health Offi cer Whichard from the Hiwassee Dam: three in Graham county, near llu Nantahala dam. According to Dr. Whichard. a I yearly recurrance. and possible spread [of the disease can only be banished by thorough spraying of all stand ing water, riddance of all weeds near water, ar.d filling in the thousand of holes and depressions which now trap water when back-ups from the dam cause streams to overflow their banks. The Health Officer reported the outbreak of malaria to the TVA authorities some six wee!:s ago. when the first cases were found, at Hiwas cee dam. He says Engineers and sprayers were sent. He said, however, that this was not enough for futurr protection. The TVA has advised that a WPA appropriation be sought to eliminate the menace. Even should a WPA fund be gotten, however. Dr. Which - ard said, expert professional direc tion would be necessary to insure the desired result. A11 the territory adjacent to streams would have to be minutely examined to locate holes and depressions that would have to be filled in: and experts would he needed to see that the work was properly done. As a result of his malaria report. Dr. Whichard said, the level of waters in Cherokee County had been lower ed. He added that the State is aid ing the local office in working for mosquito control: but stated that this work wars necessarily limited. Dr. Whichard mentioned specific places which he described as "ideal breeding places for mosquitoes", but said his office had neither the funds nor the man-power to eliminate them. He suggested that the town and county combine in an urgent plea to the TVA for aid, promising that his office would do "everytring in its power to back them up". kee County Registry; and being the same property conveyed to W. E. Howell by HaTry A. Fain and wile, by deed dated September 21st. 1923. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee Coun ty in Book 87. at page 5, on Septem ber 29. 1923: and being the same property as shown on a plat there of prepared by W. A. Adams. Sur veyor. on September 12, 1934, which said plat i s now on file with the Home Owners' Loan Corporation The above property will be sold sub ject to 1940 taxes. The purchaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 5 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith. This, the 24th day of September. 1940. T. C. Abernathy. Substituted Thrs tee. M. W. Bell, Attorney. (10-4t-cg> o Mrs. Rose Watson, 73, Laid To Rest Friday Funeral services for Mrs. Rose Watson, 73, who died Thursday at the home of her daughter in Marble after a long illness, were conducted Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the Marble church with Rev. Alga West officiating. Interment was In the Marble cemetery. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Fred Johnson, and one son. Ed Wtttson. both of Marble, and sev eral brothers and sisters. o J. V. Coulven wrote to the traf fic court in Chicago that he "re gretted hia inability to accept a summons for speeding." Suing her brother because of in juries she received in an accident while riding in his car. Miss Oer maine Farller of Tiffin. O., was a warded $2,000 damages. Local Dealer Attends Premiere Showing Of New WiMys Automobiles tisd Monuay from Ciiftiot**. ?vhrre he attended a meeting of Wiiiys distributor* anrt dealers at whiclj the new 1941 Willys shown. Mr. Franklin of Murphy .??aid that the new car is by farr the finest ever produced by the Willys Overland Company. "Motorists of Murphy and vicinity are :n for a surprise when they see this new car in our showrooms next month." said Mr. Franklin. "It is a completely new car. newly designed and newly enegineered from bumper to bumper and from frame to turret top. It will really give the American family proud motoring at lowest cost. "It has looks, style, comfort, per formance and economy such as was never seen before in a low priced car. an.i this new Willys product will sell at the lowest price of any full-size car made." Present at the meeting, also, as guest speaker. Mr. Franklin reported was Mr. Balwin of Willys-Overland Motors Inc.. Toledo. Ohio. Mr. Franklin said that the new 1941 Willys represents fully the concept ion of the ideal American family car as conceived by the Company's President. Mr. J. W. Frazer. when he came from the Chrysler Corpor ation to take charge of Willys-Over - land two years ago. It is his belief that this new type car. offering style and roomy comfort, easy riding and remarkable economy, without excess ive weight or wheelbase, will prove to be the car for which millions of Americans have teen waiting. o NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER ACCEPTS TWO COUNTY MEN Two Cherokee county youths were accepted for entrance into the U. S. Navy by Charlie C. Smart, re cruiting officer, stationed in Mur phy during Monday and Tuesday of this week. The boys accepted weere Fred Ber lin Mintz. of Murphy, route 3, and Vincent Luther West, of Murphy, route 1. About 30 applicants were inter viewed during the two days, out of which number 10 were given the physical and mental examinations. Mintc and West were the only sur vivors of the test. Smart, who is a chief machinist'^ mate in the navy recruiting service, stated that all others who for some reason or other were unable to make application this week could do so if they wished at the Ashevllle stat ion at any time in the future. At present, he said, the recruiting quota is unlimited. Young men applying for entrance into the navy are required to have at least a grammar school educat ion and roust come within the limits of 18 to 35 years of age. inclusive, to be eligimle for the examination. Following the close of registrations in Murphy, the recruiting officer went to Frpnklin where he will be stationed for two days, and then back to Asheville. o Mrs. Tom Phillips, Of Hayesville, Dies; Funeral Tuesday Final tribute was paid Mrs. Tom Phillips. 82, of Hayesville, in services held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o' clock from the Oak Forest Meth odist church with the Rev. Wilson, assisted by Rev. Gentry, officiating. Interment was in the church cem etery. Ivie funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Thompson died Monday after an illness of more than a year. A native and one of the most prom inent citizens of Clay county, she had been a member of the church since childhood. Her husband, the late Tom Phillips, was a civil war veteran. Surviving are one son. Frank, of Rainbow Springs: six daughters. Al thea. and Edna Phillips, Mrs. Ben Cheeks. Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Mrs. T. Thompson and Mrs. Oad Nelson, all of Clay county: several nelces. nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren. THURS.-FRI "S, *?'t. Humphrty ^ William Holdrn. -In "Invisible Stripe," SAT.-SEPT. ;g Bill Elliott ln__ "The Return of WiU Bill" d LATE SHOW SAT. 1?:1| Warrrn Wllliam-Jr>n Mulr 1? "The Lone Wolf Meeti A Lady" SUN.. SEPT. 29 Bob Burns-Una Merkel In? "Comin' Round The Mountain" MON.-TUES. SEPT. 300C7 I Maureen O'Hara. Louis Haywire Lucille Ball In "Dance, Girl, Dance THURS.-FRI. OCT 3-4 Brenda Joyce. John Payne U "MARYLAND" IN TECHNICOLOR With Walter Brennan. Fay Baiste, Chas. Rngrlcs Conservation Districts operate in 32 Counties One-third of North Carolin*, i 32 counties lying between the middle Coastal Plain and the Blue Ridjt Mountains, is now included in the It active soil conservation districts. W. D. Lee, extension soil conser vationist of State College, explained that each of these districts was or ganized as a voluntary cooperative move ori the part of land-ovners to control erosion and build up the soil This is being accomplished throart the use of good conservation pnt tices. During the first half of this year, activity in these districts has been varied as well as extensive. Mucb educatio lal work was conducted to enaHe interested farm-r^ to receive definite information on the district program. In all. 157 meetings were held with a total attendance of 5,906. Fifteen soil conservation tours were conducted by county and hone agents of the State College Exten sion Service to farms having com plete programs in cooperation with the districts. At each stop, the oper nt <v nf the farm led the group over his place, explaining each part ol the program and how he established the various practices. CCC assistance was given without cost to those farmers within w^lt range of one of these camps. The labor was used in establishing prac tices which normally are beyond the resources of the average fanner. Such work has included terrace outlet construction, building meado* strips or vegetated waterways, control measures, timber stand provements, reforestation, and reo cating fences. In the first hal 0 1940. farmers in the ten districts re ceived 138,752 man-days of CL labor. Mrs. Lillie Pearl Smith Is Buried In Andrews r Mrs Ullfe Funeral services foi r M Pearl Smith. 43. of AnfIrc* ,d ?t died last Wednesday, were )n 2:30 o'clock Thursday afte ^ the funeral building in A u? a,,. ?? Tn?U o? terment was in Andre of Ivie funeral home was in arrangements. She is survived by ^n'U' four sons, Gordon. John. hl,?. Warren P. Jr.: three _ Ruth. Minnie and Blnnle

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