cjH IPJJH NOTICES Catholic Services Vu wery 5Ui Sunday. 7:0t? A; vvcry 3rd Sunday. 8.00 rvukh. every 2nd and 4th Sun t ? v "00 A. M. W^m-svUI.. every Sunday. 11.00 every 1st Sunday. 8:00 *' ^c*. A. F. Rohrbacher BAPTIST K? V. J- C. Ammons, Paster Services 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. CALVARY BAPTIST p., Clarence A. Voylcs, Pastor j*t. m l.in* each Second and Fourth , Sumi.iv :it 11a. m. METHODIST v. t". B. NfWton, Pastor s wi'S each Sunday at 11 A. 5f ?nJ " M. Kpworth League o;i:. . m. Prayer Meeting Wednes day ? this at 7:00 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN H'-nvy I-- Paisley, I>. D., Pastor. Sirvi- < every Sunday at 11a. m. and 5 p m. except on the first Sunday mornings and the third Sunday even ing. Ml. Carmel Baptist R.-v. K. A. Beaver, Pastor Rev. Graham. Asst. Pastor Church services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. n>. Prayer services 7 p. m. Wedges- I days. Friendship Baptist Pastor: the Rev Edgar Willix Church services 11 a. m. Prayer1 mer?ing 7 p. m. Wednesdays ETU j Sunday evening at 7 p. m. Oak Grove Baptist Rev. C. A. Voyles, Pastor Church services Sundays 11 a. i Sinking 2 p. m. Ranker Baptist Rev. \V. T. Truett, pastor Church services 11 a. m. 6:30 p. m.? BTU. Swanson Baptist Church Rev. J. R. Hamilton, Pastor Services Saturday night 7 p. m. On third Sunday, and at 11 a. m. on third Sunday. Wolf Creek Churches BAPTIST Rev. W. A. Hedden, Pastor Services second and fourth Satur days 7 p. m. Second and fourth Sun ! dav-s 11 a. m. BYPU Sunday 5:45 p. m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST \V. L. Garren, local EMer Church service each Saturday 10:''. ' * m. SNOW IIII.I. CHURCH Rev. Vf. C. Pipes. Pastor Sunday School each Sunday art 9 A. M. Church services each second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M SHADY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. W. T. Truc'.t Services held every third Sunday. OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. E. A. B avers. Pastor i J C. Clonts. Sunday School Sup- | erintendent. Preaching every first and fourth Sunday. Singing every Sunday at 1:00 o'clock. Fine Demcr>sl',?1',,n Made in Irish Potatoes By C. S. Day of Marble The advantage of using certified seed in planting is well demonstrated by C. S. Day, unit demonstrator farmer of Marble community, ac cording to a report by D. C. Snod grass, assistant county agent. Mr. Day's demonstration was In irlsh Potatoes. One and one-fourth acres were Planted in irlsh potatoes by Mr. Day this year, using 700 poounds of seed Potatoes. 100 pounds of the seed was certified seed potatoes, while the ot her 600 pounds was home-grown. Both were planted in the same land and the same amount of fertlllzat 'on Riven each. From the entire plot Mr. Dajr har vested 155 bushels of potatoes. 108 bushels came from the 600 pounds of home grown seed while 47 bushels came from the 100 pounds of certl , Hiwassee Dam News 1*. T. A. MEETING The November meeting of ::???? I' T. A. ?as held Thursday evening a' the school Miss Tolbert presented an interesting program with Lloyd Hendrix. eounty superintendent. Miss Mary Gasman, child welfare worker: Mr Kilpatnck. Mrs. Gsch wind and son. Theodore, taking parts. Plans were made for the P. T A. to hold a meeting at the Shoal Creek church. Thursday evening tor those who are unable to attend the general meeting. Miss Tolbert will have ! charge of the program. After the program and business Miss Tolbert and Mrs. George Tul loss served refreshments. CLl'B NEWS The Womans Club Is busy getting Thanksgiving baskets ready for the needy families. The club is also planning at silver tea on Tuesday evening. Forty-five guests have been invited Mrs. Gil be: t. Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Hodges are to be hostesses birthday party Mrs. Gsrhwind and Mrs. Tulloss were hostesses to a surprise birth day party Friday evening at Village Center honoring Mrs. Hickev, 4rh eradc teacher. The guests played bunco. Mrs. Curtis won first prize. Mrs. Hickey won second and the booby prize went to David Oschwind. who made low est score. Refreshments were served. o FACULTY MEETING A faculty meeting was held Mon day and plans for Christmas were discussed. There will be a community Christmas t:ee with children between the ages of 5 and fi as guests of the school. Dinner will be served and ''fxch child will receive a stocking filled with candy, nuts and fruit. In addition to this a program will be presented with all the grades taking part. o PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Railey have moved to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Care's had as their * las' week-end Mr Card's brother and family from Sommer vi'.le. S. C. Mrs. Pitts and children. Charlie Tfi Carole Sue. spent last week in ?-!'h Mrs. Pitts' mother. r.i;: Gilbert is on a h'm".' : t tip in Pelf- eo'intv. Mr*. Jack Webb h.s been s.:b s'-futing for Mr-. Smith :>acher. whose baby is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Waflter 13 Darken' sr>cnt Wednesday visit inn M- and Mrs. John R. Rogers in Lenoir City Tenn. Miss Tolbert and Miss Williamson :-st week-end in Knoxville with Miss Williamson's mother. They also attended the football same. White, postmistress, visited her mothe- last week-end. Miss r!?nn visited her mother at | Per brother f'om N. J. also , ? (l-rm. T> Cl>'b at i on in 3 ""I rc^ y^frpn} W T A demonstration on neat cookery was given by Miss Alline Plchard son. home agent. at. *he resnilr meet'nit of !h? Peachtreee home de monstration cluh at the schoolhouse Fiiday afternoon. Miss R?beccar Mauney. presided. Following the meeting a delightful i social hour was enjoyed by the mem- | bers. Refreshments were served to i the following: Mrs. Julia Wells. Mrs. George . Hayes. Mrs. Ed Barton, Mrs. Fred Sneed. Mrs. Z. B. Brackens. Mrs. John Hall. Mrs. C. N. Pipes. Miss Rebecca Mauney and Miss Richard son. fied seed. This shows an average of 18 bushels per 100 pounds product- ! ion for home-grown seed as against 47 bushels per 100 pounds for certl- J fied seed potatoes. Child Dies Instantly When Bit By Taxi Monday Afternoon POILY WHITE VICTIM IN FATAL ACCIDENT: FI'NEKAL TVESDAY ' Polly White. G. was killed instant I Iy when struck by an automobile in j Andrews, at four o'clock. Monday afternoon. The little girl stepped j diree'ly in front of a car driven by j Grover White, of Andrews. White j ran the car into a ditch in an effort to miss the little girl. She was rushed to a Iccaly physi cians office but died immediately She wa.. badly crushed in the acci dent. She i; the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. White who reside in Andrews The little riri w as a pupil of the An drews school in the first grade. Spectatcrs said the accident was j unavoidable and that J&O blame coulO | he placed on the driver Grover j White, who is a brother to the girl's 1 father. Grover White W a taxi driver I of Andrews The girl's father. Fred White, is employed on the Namaliala dim project by the Utah Construct ion company In addition to her parents, she Is survived by her grandparents. Mr and Mrs. M. C. White of Andrews and the following brothers * and sisters: Ray. 8. Opal. 4 and Winnie Lee. 1. Funeral services were held Tiles day from the Biptist church with the Rev E. F. Baker in charge. The Rev. G. N. Dulin of the First Andrews Methodist church assisted. Burial was made in the Andrews cemetery Andrews Girl ?? Star Of Play T o Re Given * ' Western Carolina Miss Mary Doll Davis, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis, of An- I drews. will bo starred in the charact er of "Mrs. Gibbs" in "Our Town" which is being produced by the West ern Carolina Players of W. C. T. C. in the college auditorium at Cullo whee. December 5 Miss Davis, a senior maioring in Science at the college, was also star red a' "Jane" in "Tcebound" given by the Players at the college last Sprinc. She is vcrv promi-tent in college i activities, being vice pesident of the j Woman's House government iis-oci- ! ation. secretary of the Student Bodv. j pnd a member of the Business Edu- i n::i club, the Science club and the ' '.Ves: :i Carolina Players. John Jn.'drn of Mu-phv. i pro ; ;.?tion minaeer of the Playnrs t.'! | wi'l ;i?"e cf l'.Tction :>f this ! "?1-v. Mi- M:i':el T~ , j; di.oetor. Mary Frances Bell Is Made Member of Quill Club atVV.C.of U. N. C. Greensboro?Miss Mary Fr.mi" Bell daughter cJ Mr. ar.ri Mr., M W Boll. was one of twelve new mesr.brr initiated into the Quill Club, hono rary writer's croup at the Woman's collcKe of the University of North Carolina this week Formal initiation of Miss B.-ll amd the other new members took place in the Altunnae house on Monday evenmc Members are required to eontribute creative matetial includ ing poetr.'. essay-, and short storie; for criticism. Marv N. Swanson. 76, Buried at Hayesville Funeral services for Mrs Mary N' Swanson. a?e 76, who died November j 21 at her home in Hayesville. were held November 22 at the Hayesville Paptis rhureh with the Rev. Wilson officiating. Ivie Funeral Home had clnrge of the funeral arrangements Mrs. Swanson was born in Towns County. Ga? but had lived in Hayes ville a number of years where she was a member of the Baptist church. Hayesville residents were pallbear ers. She is survived by several sons and one daughter in Virginia She is also survived by a number of grandchildren. o Fi-aJ Rites Conducted Tuesday for W. P. Pipes r*inal rites for \V. R. Pip?\ . who i died at his home Saturday u:.;1k. were conducted from the Peaclitree church Tuesday afternoon Burial , was in the church cemetery. Town son funeral home wa in charge >f I arrangements. Pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased. "?irvivinsr are three sons. J. C. f !' * r of Murp . ? '?! i!4ii ton; an . M Q. A. Wttl ; ! ?! ty. Use The irViint Ads s, orr$. Wad am ? it can't be done with a. gadget! ?Y oti can't hiamo the little ladv for wanting to avoid a tire some trip to the telephone. Hut her method's all wronz. What she should do, of course, i* order an upstairs extension telephone and say good?hve f >jvver to those wearisome, worrisome dashes down the stairs. An extension telephone take* the run out of running the home and gives the whole family a lot of extra conven ience and added protection... All for a few pennies a day. Call the telephone office to You'll he pleasantly sur prised to learn how little aa extension cost?. SouTHERn BellTelephoiie m TELEGRAPH COHIPRIU ,NCORPORATED AND THEN* HE SAID: "Milk sure makes me feel 100^ better these tfays and MOUNTAIN VALLEY MILK sure tastes BETTER. DRINK MORE MILK The carbohydrate, the fat, the proteins, the vitamins and the calories arc the nutrional components of Mt. Valley Milk which are so necessary for your sus tained health. Especially now, during cold weather, you'll want to drink an extra amount of milk for energy SCIENTISTS SAY: "Mi IK is the most Important food in a well-balanced diet!" Ice cream is a focd too, and a most delicious cne. Valuable proteins. Car bohydrates and fats are present in abundance in Mt. Valley Ice Cream. Mountain Valley Ice Cream Parlor