SOCIETY Barbara Meroney, Society Editor, Phone 49-J Thanksgiving Bridge-Tea Is Highlight Social Event of Week jlrs L. D Schuyler. Miss Marv Willa^rd Cooper, and Miss Barbara jleront-y were Hostesses to a bridge tea in t lie club room at the library Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Thanksgiving motif was ear ned out in decorations and refresh ments The center table was covered with it lace cloth and laurel, ivy and fern arranged around a pumpkin served is centerpiece In the mid dle of each card table, covered with a while luncheon cloth, stood a novel turkev The napkins also bore a tur key figure. Laurel, hemlock, and jr.- were placed at various intervals about the room in big urns, vases, etc. Miss Sara Ruth Posey and Mrs. John Davidson won high and low score prizes in bridge. Bridge guests invited were Mrs. Robert Akin. Miss Mary Cathron Henley. Miss Ssrra Ruth Posey, Mrs. Emogone Bates. Miss Marinell Wil liamson. Mrs. Robert Weaver. Mrs Jim Gibtos. Mrs. C. L. Alverson. Mrs I John Davidson. Mrs. Cleo Pitzer, Mrs. j Lawrence Meyers. Miss Dot Higdon. j Mrs. T. W Kindley. Miss Elizabeth Parker. Miss Anne Hill. Mrs. C>vde I Townson. Mrs. John H. Bayless Miss Elizabeth Gray. Mrs. Peyton Ivle. Mrs. Pred Johnson. Miss Neal and Mrs. Dale Rnodftrass. Those invited for tea were Mrs j W. D. Townson. Jr.. Mrs. P. J. Henn. | Mrs. Victor Olmsted. Mrs. Joe Ray. Mrs. Joe Fulmer. Mrs. Frank Forsyth. Mrs. Grady Carringer. Mrs. Ruth Nichols. Mrs. Neil Sneed. Miss Cath- j crine Abernalhy. Miss Christine How ell. Miss .Timmie Carev. Miss Kath leen Roberts. Miss Fannie DeWeese. Mrs. Eva Nell Laurie. Mrs. Spurge Christopher. Miss Willie Bell McKin ney. Mrs. B R. Meronev. Mrs. Wil lard Cooper. Mrs. E. O. Christopher and Miss Betty Kate McComb?. BAPTIST WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY GIVES 'LOTTIE MOON' PROGRAM TUESDAY The Woman's M'-slcnary society of the first Baptist church met Tues day afternoon in the church for the sperial "Lottie Moon Christmas pro cram " Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix had charge of the program which was planned a imind the topic: "The Prince of Pc-ice, The Only Hope of The World." The program riven Is as follows: Sons: Faith of Our Fathers. Peace, the Message of the Prophets, by Mrs. Hendrix. JT"aling in Nicaiasua and China? Mr-;. A. E. Vestni. Sang?Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Peace. the Message of the Angels - Mrs. William Oettys. By All Means Save Someone Mi Henry Hvatt. Song?Jesus Saves. Peace. the Message of Christ to His Disciple ?Mrs. J. c. Amman. Song?We've A Story to Tell to the Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Welborne of Waynesboro. Ga.. spent the Thanks giving holidays here with their daughter, Mrs. Bunt Alexander. Mrs. Edwin Winchester and smarll sen. Tommy, left Sunday for Char lotte to join Mr. Winchester, who is employed there. Jack Christopher and Quentin Townson were visitors in Gainesville Sunday. Mrs. Florence Lucas and daughter. Roberta, left Sunday for Gastonia where Mrs. Lucas will open a beauty shop. Nations. Peace. Our Message to the World? Mrs. J. W. Davidson. Lighthouse of Peace?Mrs. Leon ard Allen. Song?Sweet Hour of Prayer. Peace, Through the Power of Pra yer?Miss Dorothy Lide. The Story of Miss Lottie Moon's Life?Mrs. Alvin Buchanan. Song?How Firm A Foundation. The program was closed with a prayer by all present. Members present were: Mrs. Lloyd Hf'ndrix. Mrs. Besrie DeWeese. Mrs Nonli Lovingood. Mi's. A. E. Vestal. Mrs. W. II. Murray. Mrs. J. n. Hall. Mrs. J C. Animons. Mrs. W. C. Kin ney. Mrs. Alvin Buchanan. Mrs. William Get; vs. Mrs. J. W. Davidson. Mrs. Leona'd Allen. Mr:.. Laura Green. Mrs. ITcnry Hvatt, L. E. Bay '-ss. Mrs. T. S. Evans. Mrs. C. I. Calhoun, and Miss Dorothy Lide. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown of And ews. Dr. Robert Brown of Hen dersonville. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, spent Thanksgiving dory with M '. and Mrs. Henry Hvatt. Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Henn attended a film convention in Charlotte this week. Mr. Willard Cooper was V visitor in Atlanta. Monday. Mrs. Tom Mauney and Mrs. T. W. | Kindley were visitors in Atlanta. Wednesday. A1 Swan of Andrews was ar visitor i her Sunday. vrr.hDiiBLJ SERVICE,... When the thermometer drops '.ui (<. zero .... it's tiino to be sure your ear M been scrv'ced correctiy acd roMpit!. '. m our car down to '? WSIS irhr SERVIC "Bl'MTER TO Bt'MPER SKRVICE'' * WOCO-PF? GASOLINE PUROL AND TJO! ENE M^TQP OILS ? T- ' ? Hall. Mgr. Murphy. V C. Lottie Moon Program Given Monday Night Bv Mallory Y. W. A. The Millory Y W. A of the Bap tis' church hold a Lottie Moon Chrir.tmas procram Monday night St the homo of Mrs Ruth Nichols. Miss Arietta Ramsey was hostess. Tn t ho afc"*nce of Mrs John Donley. Miss Ramsey had chance of the pro eiam. ;.l The proRrim was opened with the | devotional led by Mrs. J. C. Ammons Other parts were taken by Mrs. Joe Hamilton. Mrs. Alvin Buchanan. Mrs Blanche Davis and Mrs. Vir*il (Elliott Th?* LotM* Moon Christmas i offering was taken. I Assorted candies snd fruit were served to the following members present: Mrs. Ammos. Mrs. Berlon I LovinROod. Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. | Davi??. Mrs. Buchanan. Miss Kath leen Robert^. Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Nic hols. and Miss Eunice Shields. Mrs. Dickey Honored At Party on Saturday ' Mrs. C. E. H yd p was hostess to a | coca-cola party at the Regal Hotel Saturday morning at 10:30 honoring Mrs. Cnarles Dtckey. Coca-colas, sandwiches and fruit cakes were served to the following: Mrs. Charles Dickey. Mrs. Harry Bishop. Mrs. Wade Massey. Mrs ?lohn Davidson. Mrs. Frank Forsyth, j Mrn. H. A Mattox. Mrs. Jonn H Ba>- | les?. Mrs. H Rucck. M's. Bill Dirnell 1 Mrs. Buel Aii^m?. Mrs .Tim Oibhs. ] Mrs. Jimmy Word. Miss Para Ruth ' Posev. Miss Dot Hiedon. Miss Frances j Dixon. Miss Dorothv Crook, and I j Miss Margaret Holland. Mrs. Bill | | Cover. Mrs. Aldcn Coward. Miss Mary , Boone. Mr*!. * R Ph.indler. Jr.. and Mrs. Morris Bush of Anrirnws. j T!v Wcn.TiVs club will snoot next j Wedr '.>*? in the club room at the , I Mjra: v. This meeting will t ike the j . l-: t.e regular monthly meet- ' i ing. Circle Mo. 3 of the Methodist ! will ???* n-vt Tncsdav night j with Mr . T. W. Thompson for their j Christmas party. I o j Dr. and Mrs. B. W Wlii'field re i ti>rn"d Wednr<*lav from a week's ! vacation In the northern states. M>'. John Davidson and Mr. John j Bavlesi sv><-nt la?t week-end in Mur tphy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forsyth soent j lsrst Thursday in Andrews with Mr. | Forsyth's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Jensen left ; Ti'csd"- f~r Iltitsville. Ala., to re main i-n"' aft' Chr'-tims. Mr. "'id Mr ~i"> Oribs so?**' Thank - Tir.E! i.i Oainc .ville with Mr. Oibb's mother. M-. F1 wn- n and M!ss Ptal.vavi. Gainesville. sr la' ' week-end hero with?T -nd >.' > '>.1 O'M-s. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Reading is important in the program ot ?he Boy Scouts o# America. This great boys' or ganization realizes how much time boys spend in reading ? and what an important part it plays in youth training. That's why ' list included Mrs O. B Hoblitrell. Mrs Donald Wilson. Miss McPhr'-son. Mrs. G W ("over. Jr.. Mr ? *"* \v C^vrr. "'tenor Comd and Mrs Catherine Martin all of Andrews: Mrs B W Whitfield. Mrs J. W Thompson. Mrs W. M Axlev. Mrs. G-ady Vernor. Mrs W r Studstlll. Mrs. Frank Forsyth. Mrs. Mvron Jensen. Mrs Fred Johnson. Mrs Finest Nutting. Mrs Frank Jus tice. Mi H" tie Axlev. Mrs H E R'.^hop. Mr H A Mattox. Miss Sara Ruth PO' V Mrs M. P Whtchnrd Mrs. W M. nip-ci Mrs T A. Citse. Mrs K c " riBlr Mrs F V Tavlor. Mrs. Julia Mar'n M- . Ten Axley. Mrs. Nina Hubb-ll. Mrs. Walter Mau I ney. Mrs. C. W. MeCasltn. Mrs A M Briitaln. Mrs Don Witherspoon. Mrs. Jim Gifc*>s. Mrs. Harvey Wilson. Mrs. II Bueck. Mrs. C L. Alberson and Mis R S Parker. Dr. and Mrs. M G. Hendrix and Miss Thelmnr Tatum. of Ball Ground. Oa . were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . C. M Wofford. Sunday. j Mrs. Frank Justice and small I daughter. Cecelia, visited in Atlanta j several davs last week. Thcv were pc j rompanied on their return by Dr ( Justice and his mother. Mrs. C. O i Justice, who will rema'n indefinitely Mr. C A Webb, of Etowah. Tenn i visited his daughter, Mrs. R. C. Mat I tcx last week end. Mr Franci A"'n- v'sit.ed his I mntliT in Tulahomi. Tenn . during ; the Thanksgiving holidays j Mrs. J. II. MrCall and Mrs. E. S Miller returned Sunday from a week's visit in Atlanta. And here is what they wish for most! Give something for the home and you give enjoyment all year 'round! Electrical gifts are practical . . . she'll bless you for anything that lightens her work. TOASTER T* ' 'n TWO slices of broad, adjust relator and when done to a rich srolden brown. out they'll pop! No fu?''. n'? bother. Spee?;iHv priced. He JprocF G' < "FV.Z MAKE?. Only . $6.05 T.V I V-AFFLE !rON, special $7.95 ELF^t^jc T.riV, automatic con . r-c" C~ 00 ' -r". I' FOR COLD WEATHER COMFORT ONI,I" $3.25 up . CLOCKS i (p vb *? ^T-r- KS ?*** *UO> LAMPS CiTY OF MURPHY ELECTRIC DEPAfmiPT