LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Dear Santa:?I am nine years old. I am in the third grade. I wont a doll anil a big tall anrt nuts, candy, ap ples. oranges. I want a book to read. Your little friend. Maggie Morgan. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl 9 years old and in the third grade. I want a bed. a big doll and some candy and some tin toys. Your friend. Annie Mae McConnell. Dear Santa:?I am sure you will come to see me this year. I want you to bring me a bicycle. I have been good all year Your friend. Glen Taylor. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl 7 years old and I am in the third grade. I want some oranges, apples, candy, nuts, a ball and bring my sister something. She wimts some candy, nuts and she wants a doll and a little ball. I will try to be a good girl. Your friend. Darline Aiken Dear Santa::?I am a little boy 6 years old. Will you please bring me a wagon and a tricycle. And anything you msry have to spare. I would also like a ball. Thank you in advance for anything you may bring. Your little friend. Tommy Rose. Desr Santa:?I am a little girl 3 years old. I've been a good little girl most of the time. Santa Claus. please bring me a doll, and a filling station, a broom and anything else you have to spare. I have a big sister who is in the first grade and I'd like for you to bring her s blackboard. Don't forget to look on the break fast table when you come. Patsy Ann 'that's my sister) and I will leave you some fruit cake and milk there. Please remember all my little fiiends and my mother and daddy. Love | from your little friend, Mary Clare Daniel. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl in the first grade. Miss McCombs is my K-acher. Samta, I want you to bring me a doll and a glass tea set. an iron and ironing board and I really would like to have a typewriter too You brought me to my Mother and Daddy Christmas Eve six years ago and I know you will bring me some thing nice now. Please remember all the little girls and boys and especi ally those who don't have a Daddy to buy them things. Remember my little sister too. she is three years old. Love, from your little friend. Patsy Anne Daniel. Dear Santas?I am a little boy 10 years old. I am in the fifth grade For Christmas I want you to bring me a ball, candy, apples, oranges, nuts and a cocoanut. I will be pleas ed with anything else you can bring me. Please bring my sister a story book and a pencil, some candy, or anges. apples, nuts and some bana- i nas. Your little friend always. Noah ; James. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl 5 years old. For Christmas I want you to bring me a baby doll, some candy, oranges, apples, nuts and a big cocoanut. I have a little brother. Please bring him a toy dog. some candy, oranges, apples and nuts. Your little friend. Bobby Jean Tan ner. Dear Santa:?I am a little boy. I am nine years old. I go to school and 1 want a wagon and a pedal car and some apples, oranges and candy for Christmas Your little friend. Floyd Kenneth Radford. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl 6 years old. I to to school sometimes Please bring me a doll and a pair of white boots. Also please bring me a carriage for my dolly and some ap ples. oranges, candy and nuts. Santa please take somthing to other little children and don't forget Evelyn and Sereta Rose. I love you. SamU. Betty Lou Radford. P. S. Santa please bring me a little car. Betty. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl. I am in the third grade. I go to school every day and I have tried to be a food girl. Please bring :ne a big doll, a new dress and pretty ribbon for my hair. With love. Betty Jean Verner. Dear Santa I am a little girl t-y to get mv lesson every day and be good to mv teacher. Please bring me a doll, a watch, a ring, a pair of beads and some randy. With love. Lana Mae Miller. | Dear Santa: Please bring me a big doll, a doll cirriage and lots of j nuts and candv I try to help my mother all I can and be a good little girl. Your little friend. Blanche Car ringer. Dear Santsr:?This is what I want for Christmas A doll, a watch, a nretty necklace, a little radio and lots of nuts, candy and apples. I am a girl ten years old. With love Imo eene Nelson. Dear Santa:? I am a little girl seven years old. I go to school every c<av. I am in the second grade Please bring me oranges, apples, candy and K billoon and a nurse's bottle. Youv '.ittle friend. Cleo Hedden. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl 10 vears old. I go to school. I like to go. T like m" teacher fine Her name is Prances Dixson T want you to brine: me a big doll, a new dress, a doll ctrrriage and some doll dresses. I want a Shirley Temple book tc read. I wanl some nuts, apples, candy, and oranges. So don't forget me. I'll be expecting I'm your friend. Mozelle Carroll. Murphy. Rt. 3. Dear Santa*?I am sr little boy 7 years old. I go to school. I am in the first grade. I sure do like tc go to j school. My teacher is Miss Frances Dixon. I like her fine. I want you to bring me for Christmas a big pis- 1 tol. a tool set and a Lone Ranger i suit, a red wagon and plenty of \ ! nuts, apples, candy and oranges. ; Your good friend. Boyce Carroll. | Murphy. Rt. 3. i Dear Santa:?I am a little boy 6 years old I have tried to be a good boy. I want you to bring me a foot- 1 ball. 3B gun. car. mackinaw. games, story books. I have a little brother 4 years old who is exepectine you also. You can bring him ju?t any thing you think he will like. You cin bring me anything else vou want to. Wd will be looking for you so good- j bye. Merrill Trull. Marble. Dear Santa:?I am 5 years old. T want you to bring me a doll, ti-ycicle. nurse outfit, pajamas and if you have one please bring me a policeman. Rosalind Stalcup. Dear Santa:?X am going to school. X am 7 years old I am in the third grade. My teacher's name Is Mrs. King. This is what I want for Christ mas. a basketball, a train, bugle, and oranges and nuts, apples, candy. Good luck to Santa. Eddie Grarham. Dear Santa:?I am a little girl 8 years old. I am in the third grade. I want you to bring me some candy, nuts, oranges and bananas. Mrs. Vesta Roberts King is my teacher. She is a good teacher Your friend. Loreno Taylor. Dear Santa Claus:?I want you to bring me a piano and a red tricycle and lots of candy, oranges, apples, nuts, doll and a doll layette. From your little friend. Betty Jone Ashe. I TREES [ Yancey County farmers continue their interest in forest tree planting as orders for 300.000 tree seedlings through the TVA are expected be fore the winter Is over, says Farm Agent R. H. Crouse. Uoper Peachtree Mrs J W Barker hit t'fn ?11 (he P*^t few days with cold. The many friends of Miss Bcttie I Laura Curtis ?111 be sorry lo hear | she Is Ul. MKs Charrlotte Thomasson srn ni j Friday night with her sister. Mrs. t Loy Lunsford of Peachtree Mrs Emma Eggers spent Weilnes- I day nisht with her dauphter. Mrs. j Grady Watkins HANC1NCOOG j There will be a Christmas prograv-. at the Hanglngdog church De-eirb" 22 and a community C'aris: m ?s 'iv Mrs. Etta Clay and daughter. Tt ?* ty were the Sunday guests of Mr Ruth McDonald Mr. in'1 Mrs. Vernon Dockery an-', children. Mr. and Mr;. Clyde Dork cry and children were the Sun day guests of Mrs. OMvan Dockery Mis* Virginia Clay was the Sunday dinner guest of Miss Ka'her'm; Mc Donald Mrs Hattie Johnson visited Mrs Rollin McDonald Monday. wrw HOPF. MFWS Mrs. Lue Qraws wlio hits bw-n visiting her grandmother. Mrs. Lola James in Danville. Va. ha? returned to her home here. Mrs. Jennie Crain w?s the Sat urday dinner guest of Mrs W H Montgomery. Miss Edith Montgomery soent Thursday night with Miss Ruth Whitener. Mr. and Mrs W. W. Montgomery' were visitors at Mrs Rollin Ta-.-!or's Tuesday. John Taylor visited Mrs. Lou Tay lor one day last week Mr. and Mrs. John Earnest Whit ener visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Whitener Thursday. Mr and Mrs Albert Crain visited Mr and Mrs. AUen Chamber Sun day. Mrs. Lizzie Ann Killian was the Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Ruth Martin. Those who visited Mrs. Mary Sneed Sunday were Misses Edith. Hazel and Fay Montgomery. Mr and Mrs. John Clark visited her mother Mrs. Martha Whitener Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Johnson of Peachtree visited her mother who is ill. Mrs J. K. Tayioi\ Sunday Hill Higdon visited John Montgom- i try Sund*j John Montgomery visited Ltithet Kidd Sunday. MU* Virginia Montgomery ?pent Sunday night with Ha/e! and Fjry i Montgomery MALTBY NEWS Mr<. Fran k le Holland made a business trip to Marble Saturday. Hall Stiles returned from Virginia this week where he has been visitinu several weeks \tr Arthur Elrod. Mrs Bessie Craig. Jack Craig and Mrs Fl**od \y~r~ in Knox v ill* Wednesday Ml Mrs Ert WiltOA Of Muv Hmk end with Mr WM . mother and grandmother. Mi s "^lon p* nf Tom^tia ??tr*-' tSr* ur*?k end with her si tt*.. >f-c r|o<'r1 Andor.enn >T C^rdi? Anderson visited her s*?t*r. Mrs. Norm a r. Parker, at Coal v?ll nn?? da v t!vs week AT'?-; Pearl Parker aoent Tuesday " h Mrs. Bf?s>ie Craig .Tack Craig and Fred Scrogg*. Jr j were visitors in Hayesvllle Friday | night. M- . F^rl Mtllsan* and son of! T st>?*n* one niiht last week I Mr* Flovd Anderson. Mr< Evplvn? Oarrett of Marble was a visitor here It?t Acr.mFNT fact? Bv I*. B. Careful Onlv a reversal of pan experience rtnrin? tlv> last two weeks of this , month will prevent North Carolina's 1940 traffic death toll from exceed ?ii ? the 1339 slaughter. .?ccidents records received by the R'ate Hiehway division .show that more than 900 persons were killed on North Carolina streets and high ways from January 1 throuah Dec- ' ember 15. 1940. The state's 1939 traf fic toll numbered 934 persons, which means that am average of two fatali ties a day for the remainder of Dec ember would run the 1940 toll above that of last year. And pas: experi ence in the state has been that Dec ember. most dan.terous month of t'-e year, averages between three and four traffic fatilities a day We hope all North Carolina moto ruus and pedestrauis would hee<l Governor Holy's terent plea for greater caution, alertness and obe dience to trarttic law* during the re mainder of this year It is true that there has been an increase in traffic fatuities in the nation as a whole this year, and it is also true that motor vehicle re gistrations and gasoline consumption have hit new peaks in North Caro lina this yar. but these factors do not mean that there f.s any more ex cuse for a bird accident record this year than there \va slast year, they only mean that there is more oppor tunity for accidents and all who use our streets and highways have am alternative of rejecting that oppor tunity. * :?n null together for the re of ?his and walk and ?vmv<* \r\ p manner, to the end Vnr'h Carolina's 1940 traffic ?oil m\v N? hold below that of '939 t ny.-.>Mpo p.T^ mintor whose home ; ?s?r*H? th-? tT S -Canadian bor h ? n v Newijort Vt was fined $50 hv n C inad- m magistrate for pape rs ftm Canadian Mde of his house with American-made wallpaper in violation of customs laws. I Mrs Blanche Ketcham of Le ' Harpe. Ill . is making her own tomb | stone from rock.; collected in every 1 stare in the Union, and several forc : . ?n countries SPECIAL SPECIAL?BANANA SPLIT 10c With every nickles worth of merchandise you ?ft a chance on a 5 lb. box of chocolate candy, to be Riven away at 3 o'clock. De cember *!4th. Mt. Valley Ice Cream Parlor YOU DON'T HEAR of many Sunday iquabblet "over the paper" among Journal families . . . because there*! enough to go around! Eight big sec tions . . . news and features that satisfy the individual reading tastes of every member of the family. Here are eight good reasons why The Journal It the Sunday reading habit of more than 200,000 families: 1. MAIN NEWS . . . Complete coverage o. local, state, national and foreign newt. Two full pages of editorial feature*. A farm page written expressly for Rural Georgia. 2. SPORTS?RADIO NIWS .. . The world of sport?, reported by the South'? nwt expe staff. Complete radio coverage. ?. SOCIfTY?TMIATRI . . . Social happen bias end club new* from aH over the state, |b?e and reviews of current entertainment. A MARKCTS?RIAL 1ST ATI?WAMT AM ? a , Readable, understandable new? if ImM ?wf national buslneee conditions. 5. PUCK, COMIC WEEKLY . . . Brilliont four-cofor reproduction of America's mos? popular comic characters. 16 pages? Favor It? with o Id and young alike. 6. JOURNAL SUNDAY MAGAZINE . . . Tope the list! Feature storlee about Georgia folk? and Georgia fact?. A favorite for year?. t T. THI AMERICAN W1KKLY . , . Jtroryt foot and fiction from toe four iomiH of W Interesting and exclffnfll b f? ROTOOtAVUU . . . Latoet fsreetmQ pldun? (KIMnlw M(f ?* ??? ^ man w?i oeroiw, f

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