Official Oman of Murpliy and Cl?er County. North Carol)a*. rriU.ISHKIl KVKKY TIH'KSIJ.W Entered In the Post Office at Mur pliy. North Carolina as second class matter under Act of March 3. 1897. Victor t\ Olar-trt! Publisher C. H Daniel Business M(r. Iladlry Williamson Kditor Barbara Mrronry .... Social Kditor SUBSCRIPTION PKICK Otic Year $150 HI* Months 7&c Parable strictly In Advance .. Legal Advertisements. want ads. reading notices, obituaries, cards of tliank?. etc , 5c line each Insertion, payable in advance. Display rates furnished on nsqueat. Obituary notices. cards of thanks. i tributes of rospcci. Iv Individuals. . lodges. churches. organizations or societies. will Ue regarded os adver tising and inserted at regular classi fied advertising rates. Such notices will bo marked "ndv." in compliance Willi iMKstal regulations LET'S COOPERATE When til?" Ulu t>i<> Chamber ot Commerce took steps list week, to ward obtaining a full-time secretary, the members were considering not only the welfare of the town!f. but of the entire count' In the first place it Is known by everyone that what helps the town, automatically helps all Cherokee In engaging a full lime secretary, however, the Chamber will devote major efforts to obtaining an Industry for this sec tion Should they succeed. \\lit mean a new itiv-roll :noi. collectable taxes, more peopV 10 buy the pro ducts of our forms summed up. .111 iniTVAsiM prosperity for al! ? The chamber .ilsj will make .1 coil- [ t inuou. drive for more and more tourists, and here It deiiiuicly musl j have cooperation front every resident, whether a member or not. It must be remembered that get t in;: tourists here for a visit of a few hour i. or for one night* means little. It helps those who have rooms to rent but that is all We have gorgeous scenery. gorge- I oils climate, a friendly people but j t are not enough The same ! things can be found, in greater or | lessor degree all over Western Norih j Carolina Tins is an or eompc- ' lit ion. and jet tins and keeping tourists and haviiv. tliem come back next bringing friends with ( them, s just as much a business as running a store Gatlmburg. only a few hours distant has realized this: | and has grown from a tiny and rat- j her ugly settlement into one of the most popular touris: centers in tins | section. As this :s written a fifth large hotel is being constructed there. Oatlinburg had no more natural advantages probably not as many as Murphy But tlu? Tennessee town cleaned up and painted up. Its homes were tn.xlernized. its lawns fences and shrubbery made spic anc t.pan In other words. Oatlinburg dress ed itself up like a girl going out to r party?and kept itself dressed ur Then it set about to provide attract ions for visitors A swimming poo was created, and a golf links laid on: There were tennis courts and cro ouot grounds A bit pavilion wa. built where the quests at the various hotels might foregather and meet ?srh other: talk plav cards, read knit, or do whatever they iiked. And there, also, in t.he evening, the young er genera: I.U-. fril.t dance The result is ;hat Oatlinburg isn" even interested .11 re! tin-: an ind.:<: rial plant Tie :ourtst industry take care of every' '.ncltid'.n. :h farmers, whose ;?rodu.*ts find a read? sale, at good pr e Outside our natural advantages we have here ll'tl" r>r nothinr to of fer the tourist Even . ? Hiwassef 1-ake the tourist? can't hire boats Al they c?'i do is drive out there ar;? look Ther-'s nothing about that pri relese to r..?ke them want tn prolonc a stay here. Nature has dealt us with a lavish hand: but we have been inclined tc let it go at that. and do nothing ourselves It U quite true that the exquisite scenery will bring tourist.? here but it definitely will not keep fPORTNBWS Local Teams Invade Tennessee for Two Cage Games Today Murphy's hardwood ar*'sts Journey | into Tennessee Friday afternoon and I ni-rht. for lusscls with the Ducktown | ?nd Coi?|>erhlll squads The Duck town Rami- Is one that had to be ?x'tifd from earlier in the sea 1- is knor.n of the strength ol Uit- opncnen'. except that they rank doseli in lh- standings of the Tri Stat ? loop I .oral hopes rest on tli lontinutd brilliant play of the Kirls and an improvement in the shoot niK of tli- Inns. THr Sir!s have sur 1 prised everybody to date with thrir I fine pla ?'le has been expected | of lh.- boys the most of whom air I ine :eneed M-rpliv V. o tarkV* Bluirsville Tuesday in another league fray 1 i. po.-.-ibiliiv exists tint the name I lie played at Murphy sine J does not have a eym. The . . mous boys' same resulted in a thrilling two point. last-minute vic tory for the locals and fans are anxi ous to see the return match. iA YES VILLE WINS .OW-SCORE GAME ?ROM BULLDOGS Tlu- I'nited st itos program for emphasis on defense had nothing on the Hayesville and Murphy basket - ball boys Tuesday as they waged a merry battle which iiie visitors t m - aly won by the eount of 14 to 10 The j contest ?as a defensive one from the | i.utset as is proved by the fact that I all of Hayesville seven field goals I eame from behind the foul circle. The ball handling of the Muiphy quintet was unproved over the recent >11: with Robbinsville However, the marksmanship continues to be far below par for winning basketball 111 1 the Tit-State conference. Odom and Wells were the only locals who were able to score while the Hayesville held an 8 to 2 lead at lie half but Murphy tied it up at I the third quarter and went into a >rief lead soon afterwards. Only six personal fouls were called luring the fray, a new all-time low ! or Referee Kmdley. Paul Dunbar was "sort of mad" at is wife That was why. he told In Ianapolis police he tossed beer bot les through the window of her besru y shop. hem here. Tourists, are on varcatior and people on vacation insist or. icing amused. This is especially true of younf >cople:?and parents go or stay af he children desire It is. sheerest folly to sit back anr" vait for a Pederrrl Santa Clans tc lump tourist attractions in our lap. j iVe must pet them ourselves. The ' Federal Government may help: but we are coins to have to dig down in our own pockets, tc? But there could not be a safer investment. The Scout takes this opportunity " ?jngi ? tulate the Chamber on its lew officers Joe Ray. the new presi ' it. : r go-getter who l.'ts no -ras' :row ur.der his feet. Dr. Hoover and Tchn Doniey. and the Board of Dir -ctors all are willing hard workers if bread vision, who wil never ask for help without making their own 1"nsfti->n' first All the officers, and al the mem bers believe in Murphy, and are *'li:v -o wark for it. But the Cham ber can't do tt all. Every person in ?he town must help Every resident .if the town must give his or her '.utcklng. both moral and financial to make Murphy ? place where visitors rant to stay. We must do this?or sink Into the ioldrums Our f?te lies entirely in ' our own hands Two Sexettes Tied For Tri-State Lead With Clean Records Ellijay's sextette of b&sketballers con 1 tinue to go through the rank and file of Tn-State members without defeat as they make a serious bid for the conference diadem. However. | Elltjnv cannot slinkr loose the equally j brillian six from Mineral Bluff who have also rolled over five consecutive foes to tie for first place m the girls* race. Ellijay easily downed Mnrganton and Blairsville during the past week while Mineral Bluff got back into action .ifter a week's rest bv trim nun!; the Towns County lassies of Hiwas-.ce. 25-18. The biggest upset of the season cnrne Tuesday at Murphy as the Murphv hoopsters triumphed over the hitherto undefeated Hayesville aggregation. Two extra periods were required to decide the issue with Miupliy finally emerging on the Ion? end of a 24-23 count. Epworth eked out over Blue Ridge while the Duck town and Robbinsville teams fought to an 18-all deadlock. Thr Standings TEAM W L Ellijay 5 0 Mineral Bluff 5 0 Murphy 3 Epworth 3 Hayesville 2 Coppi-i hill Hiwassee More.;! nton Ducktown 0 Robbinsville 0 Blue Ruige 0 Blairsville 0 o \ fllijav, Hayesville liawassee Tied For Conference Lead A triple tie for front ranking among "Sllijay. Hayesville. and Hiwassee fea- | urcj the toys' standings in the Tri- j State conference. Elluay rates first ; llace due to a greater number of vie- ] ories The Georgians have won five i traight contests while the Haryesville i ads and Hiwassee have triumphed ; i three and two. respectively. Games ran true to form over the eek as Hayesville took Murphy 'pworth downed Blue Ridge. Ellijay j riumphed over Morganton and lairsvllle. Robbinsville overwhelmed lucktown. and Hiwassee snowec lineral Bluff under. Robbinsvlll' urprised with a 44-18 victory a Tucktown's expense. Hiwassee ran u; he largest score of the year agalns Mineral Bl .ff. 65-14 Cherokee and Robbinsville fe-atur he coming week's card with Bryso ?ity. who is making its season's de nit in conference pla~ at Robbins : ille. The Standings TEAM W L i "311Uay ? 5 o "layesville 3 0 Hiwassee 2 0 Copperhlll 3 1 Spworth 3 1 Murphy 2 2 Robblnsvllle 2 1 Cherokee 1 1 Ducktown 1 2 Blue Kitice 1 3 Blairsville 2 5 Morganton 0 3 Mineral Bluff 0 4 B-v ,cn City 0 0 T! s week's schedule: Friday-Murphy at Ducktown. Blair sville at Hayesvllle. Cherokee at Rob blnsville. Murphy at Copperhlll. Tuesday ?Duckt own at Fpworth Copperhlll at Blue Rldse. Minera' Bluff at Htwissee Bryson City at Robbinsvllle Murphy at Blalrsville. o When a Venice. Ha., fanner com plained of unusually annoying static in his radio, repairmen found two rattlesnakes inside. Splafterings On ports After teeing the fine teims repre 1 sentlnii Eltijuy In the conference, the writer can easily understand why cach it is leading its particular divi sion to date. Ellijay girls present a forward who is quite adept at the pivot shot. Her brilliant placy was the main cause of victory over Mor ganton. A well rounded boys' squad shows no individual stars tut de pends on teamwork and sure hand ling of the ball instead of the net the ball, let it fly at the basket type so common to other outfit?. Murphy basketball fans who wer* lucky enough to be present at th" Hayesville games Tuesday saw two very close contests The first eontev is described fully elsewhere on thl-> page bur there are one or two points concerning the boys' fracas which are very rare. First is the fict that neither team registered from the foul line. But six fouls were called on the two teams. Hayesville Scored 8 points before the BuIWiViM register but then Murphy turned the tables by counting 10 times before Hayesville scored again. *? ?* ? Suffice it to play that the'Cliycoun tians then scored 6 more while iio'.d in:. Murphy scoreless. ' A .! Easetarll will hold the spotlight j again before long. Only 14 days from today the New York Giants go into spring training Other major league outfits will follow closely on the heels of the Giants. Murphy baseball will take an upturn with the beginning of work on the new ex hibit hall and moving of the grand -siand. Once again the infield Will be moved, this time probably to the corner where the highway bridge crosses the river. Batting will be in the direction of the gate at the old exhibit hall. It is understood that the grandstand will be added to con siderably and the fans will find more comfort during the coming summer. ?o 1AYESVILLE DROPS LOSE CONTEST TO 1URPHY SEXTETTE A favored Hayesville sextette suf fered its first conference defeat of the season here Tuesday at the hands of the Murphy lassies. Two extra per iods were required to reach a decis ion. Each team had a chance to win as he regular game ended. Referee Cindley called a double foul after ie visiting lassie had missed. Nina ones proceeded to miss her charity lot also. Each team scored a field oal in' the first extra period? "Agiiri n the second extra canto a two ointer was registered for each team ut once again Jones had' the op ortunity to win with a free toss and his time she did not fail. The flna' ount read 24-23. The victory elevated the local ?iris to a third place tie with Ep orth. both teams passing the layesville outfit. ] -lome Agent Announces j Schedule of February bounty Club Meetings The following schedule of meet ngs of Home Demonstration clubr n Cherokee county has been an nounced by -Mrs. W. D. King, home igent. for the month of February. Belleview. Monday. Feb. 10. J 'clock: Suit. Tuesday. Feb. 11. 1 I Vclock. with Mrs. Walter Anderson: | "opton. Wednesday. Feb. 12 2 o'clock 1 vith Mrs. Ruth Bowers: Tomotla | Thursady. Feb. 13. 2 o'clock, with Mrs. J. B. Shields: Martins Creek =Yidiy. Feb. 14. 1 o'clock, with Mrs "Jessie Hall: Ranger. Monday. Feb .17. 1 o'cock: Beaverdam. Tuesday Feb. 18. 1 o'clock, with Mrs. LilHe Dockery: Andrews. Wednesday. Feb 19. 2 o'clck with Mrs. D. Mostell er: Feachtree. Thursday. Feb. 20 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Lawson Luns ford: Wolf Creek. Friday. Feb 21. 1 o'clock, with Mrs. A. L. Ools: Mar ble. Monday. Feb. 24. 2 o'clock. I ED. Club Member Makes Door Mats of i Plain Corn Shucks A very interestlns project is of Mrs. Lilllc Dockcry. of Beaverdum who capitlJUes on her unique ability U> weave beautiful and durable door mats from nothing more than plain corn shucks. Mrs. Dockery. a member of the county Home Demonstration clubs, has taken the mat-making idea m i her individual project in club work, and is making quite a nice sum of I cash for her trouble. Making shuck door mats win taken up as a project by Mrs. Dock ery tli November. Since then she has sold several locally and sent some a.i Tar as Florida and Louisiana, clear in;, around $20. i The mats are made entirely from | shucks which are twisted and woven back and forth, making a very st 1 urdy mat. The mats are mad?, tc both round and oval shapes, about 17 by 34 Inches in size. She sell* them for about one dollar. Sen. Bailey Writes Stating Stand on Aid to Britain Plan starting out aj more or less of an isolationist. Senator Josiah W. Bai ley has completely reversed his posi tion and now squarely behind Pre sident Roosevelt in the "al out" aid for Britain program. Outlining his attitude he has sent the following; statement to The Scout: Editor, Cherokee Scout. Dear Sir: "It is our purpose to render full aid to Great Britain and other coun tries allied witli her. in resisting trie aggressions of the totalitarian pow ers." In order that we may render aid promptly and intelligently, we ene about to give the President extraor dinary powers. It is not intended that those powers shall be permanent, but shall expire whenever the neces sity for therrt passes. "The President has declaied that he does not intend to have our ships used for purposes of convoy of ships to Great Britain or ports of other bellif th United States." "My decision, as above set out. has ieen reached not suddenly, but after orolonged consideration." ; cuneral Services Are Held for Will Henson Will Henson. age 52. died at his home near Mission Dam Monday January 27. Funeral services were -onducted from the Sweetwater Bap | 11st church Tuesday afternoon with | 'he Rev. Nichols officiating, i He Is survived by his wife. Mrs Dellar Henson and two sons. Doyle t md Verkm. He Is also survived by ?me brother. Tom. and three sisters Mrs. Everett Nichols. Mrs. Ledford and Mrs. Laura C rain of Murphy. Irfe funeral home had charge of arrangements.