SOCIETY Barbara Meroney, Society Editor, Phone 49-1 Mrs. Edna Gschwind Is Hostess at Shower for Mrs. Walker Saturday Mrs. Edna Oschwind of Hiwassec Dam was hostess at a linen shower Saturday evening art the Village Center complimenting Mrs. King b. Walker Jr.. recent bride. Three tables of "bunco" were In play. Mrs. E. E. Curtis and Mrs. 1^ liodgers were winners. The hostess served coffee and cakr. Those invited from Murphy were Miss Emily Sword. Miss Clara Mc Combs. Mli.s Kb;? Padgett. Mrs Harold Hitchett. Miss Bette Mc Combs: Mrs. V. V. Johnson. Mis? Barbara Meroney. Mrs. Jo Phaup. Mrs P. J. Henn. Miss Ella McCombs. Miss Mary Cathron Hena.ey, Mrs. L D. Schuyler. Mre. Emogene Bates. Miss Sally Kate Wilson, and Mrs. W. J, Adams. Others invited were Mrs. Geortf^1 Tulloss. Mrs. J. E. ODell. Mrs. Jack Webb. Mrs. Velma Cloud. Mrs. E. 8 , Curtis. Mrs. Charles Allen Jr.. Mrs ' Vandiver, Mrs. C. E. Wood. Mrs ' Martha Gra&g. Mrs. H. D. Cords. ' Mrs. H. M. Wagoner. Mrs. W. O. Watson, Mrs. O. E. Turner. Mrs. Arthur Sraitha, Mrs t. Hodges. Mrs J. O. Bell, Mrs. W. B Dockey. Mrs Carrol! Pitts and Mrs. Ono B. Hic key all of Hlwassee Dam. Lahn?Sims Mrs. G. V. Allridge of Dayton. Tennessee, formerly of Murphy, has announced the marriage of her daughter. Miss Muriel Lahn. to Mor ris Sims of Atlanta. Mrs. Sims is a graduate of the Murphy High School and attended W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro. North Carolina. The couple left Knoxville for their honeymoon in Florida. They will make their home in Sequoiah Hills at Knoxville, Tennessee. Mr Sims is vice-president of the Metro Products Co. in Atlanta. ?o Baptist Girls Auxiliary Mas Meeting on Monday Tile Girls Auxiliary met at the Baptist church Monday afternoon. L-ouise Gheen. Lorene Johnson. Jean Dickey, Maureen Lovingood. Kath arine Howell and Thomasine Slay ton had parts on the program. "Our Star Ideals." Other members present were Mary Porter Pain, Jayne Ricks, Betty Lou Burch. Mary Jo Lloyd. Virginia Mul key and Irene Jordan. o Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Lee of Dalton. ? wln spend this week end here with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck. ? ? ? ? . TMrS., Harjld H*tchett and Miss foots" Cooke were visitors in Cop Perhill. Tuesday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barnett and ? Iv> Gertrude Palmer of Marble spent Sunday here with Mr. Bar n,s Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bar nett. * ? * ? ? c _.^r; and Mrs- King B. Walker Jr.. view ea^e Saturday for a ten day m Knoxvlle with Mr. Walker's Parents. ? ? ? ? Tlie many friends of Mrs. Frank ij, * rd wn sorry to hear she is * * * * ntlh. V'reinia Cobb returned Sunday can r?m Lenlor where she was I father SC 0f the death of her ! Dr and Mrs. J. W Thompson Jr.. ot Atlanta spent last week end here with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. ? ? ? ? Miss Katholeen Hcnson spent last *eek end at her home In Cullowhee. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Mattle Taylor had ses her quests last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hall and children of Len tor City Tennessee. Bapitist Church Circles Meet Jointly Tuesday; New Officers Elected A joint meeting of Circles No. 1 and ] of the First Baptist church was h aid Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Hyatt. BUsices3 ot interest to the combin ed Circles was discussed. Officers elected tar the coming year were. Mrs. H. Bueck. chairman of Circle 1: Mrs. R. D. Chandler, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. A. E. Vestal, cha'r -man of Circle 2: Mrs. Thelma Dick ey. secretfu-y: Mrs W. H. Murray. Ueasurer. ""hose present were Mrs. Lloyd Hendricks. Mr*. L. T. Russel. Mrs. Henry Hyatt. Mrs. W. M. Gettys. Mrs., H. Bueck, Mrs. Robert Reid. Mrs R. D. Chandler. Mrs. T. A. Ter rell. Mrs. Leonard Allen. Mrs. W. S. Dickey, JJrs A. M. Simmonds. Mrs. ^Ibnzo Shields. Mrs. J. C. Ammons ^\t)r*. T. P. Calhoun. Mrs. Ida Hyatt. Mrs. A, E. Vestarl, Mrs. Paul Hyatt, j^ls. E. J Darnell. Mrs B B. Corn wel. Mrs. Lv-E. Biyless. Mrs. Howard Martin. Mrs. C. I. Calhoun. Mrs. C B. Gonnett. Mrs. Noah Lovingood. Mrs. L. M. Shields. Mrs J B Mul key. Mrs. W. H. Murray. Mrs. A. E. Vestal. Mrs. T. S. Evans. Mrs. Buc hanan and Mrs. Thelma Dickey. Visitors were Mrs. Lillian Hui'.on and Mrs. Pearl Dickey. Miss Sara Ruth Posey Entertains at Shower For Mre. K. B. Walker Miss Sara Ruth Posey entertained with a lovely tea towel shower Tues day evening at her home in Moore land Heights honoring Mrs. King B Walker Jr.. recently manied. The hostess presented the honoree j and her grandmother. Mrs. J. F. Abernathy with a corsarge of pink rose buds. Ice cream and cake with coffee were served. The guest list included Miss Clan McCombs. Mrs. P. J. Henn. Miss Ella McCombs. Mrs W J. Ada'.is. Mrs. F. V. Johnson. Miss Frances DicksDii. Mrs. Walter Mauney. Mrs Jo Phaup, Mrs. Buel Adams. Mrs Quay Ketner, Mrs. T. O. Slayton. Mrs. John Posey Jr.. Miss Barbar* M.roney, Mrs. Willa Belle Posey. Miss Dot Higdon and Mrs. J. F. Abernathy. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Whitley and Mrs. Walter Mauney were visitors in Atlanta Wednesday. Th?. afapy friends of Mrs. Bessie DeWeese wil be sorry to hear she is ill. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Case spent larst Thursday and Friday in Atlanta. While there Mr. Case attended a Forest Conservation meeting. Mr. amd Mrs. A. R. Bell of Reeds ville are visiting here with their daughter. Mrs. W. E. Studstill. The many friends of Mr. L. E. Manuey will be glad to learn he is improved after a serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee spent seve ral days this week in Lenior City with Mrs. Lee's sister. Mrs. James B. Ward amd Mr. Ward. Mrs. H. E. Freas of Franklin is visiting here with Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whitfield. Mrs. Lilian Horton of Blue Ridge is spending this week with her brot her. T. A. Terrell and Mrs. Terrell. T. C. Stewart of Chattanooga spent last week end hero with his mother. Mrs. W. E. Ferguson at Peachtree. Mr. and Mrs. Htrrry Ferguson and little son. Tommy, spent last week end here with Mrs. T. S. Evans. ? ? ? ? Buel Adams who has been em ployed in Jefferson City has been premanently transferred here. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McBrayer of Anderson. S. C. will arrive Monday to visit here several days with Mrs. McBraryer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chandler. ? ? ? ? Mrs. W. H. Griffiths returned last Wednesday from a visit in Ccfftta nooga with Mrs. J. W. Belvins. -CALENDAR of CpMINGfVfNTS Tile Womans Society of CurisUin Service of the Methodist church will | meet with Mrs Dixie Palmer Tues day afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. T A. will be . Emily Sword and B?tie McCombs were hostesses to a tniscflltmoous liower last Friday evening honoring Mr,. King B. Walker Jr.. who-was before her marriage. Miss Catherine Aber nathy. The house was attrjctiveljr decor ated with evergreen leaves in urns placed about the room The color scheme, white and green, was carri ed out In decorations and refresh ments.. The guests ptiyecJ varum.-, cames Following this the tvanoree opened her gifts. . .i; The hostesses served ice -ream, cake and coffee. ? ) ;?> Tliose invited were :Mlss Fanuue DeWeese. Mrs. Ruth Nichols. Miss Barbara Meroney. Mrs: P. J. Henn. Mrs. Harold Hatchee. Miss Salty Kate Wilson. Miss Chrlstlhe Howell. Mrs. Raph Scott. Mrs. Evanell Lau ria. Mrs. F. V. Johnson. Mrs. W. J. Adams. Mrs. Jo Ptiaup. Mrs. BUI Brandon. Miss Sara Sword. Miss Sarah Ruth Posey. Mrs. Waiter Mauncy. Miss Rebecca Mauney. Miss Louise Maune?. Miss Thomaslne Slayton, Mrs. T. O. Slayton, Mis. Wm. Darnell. Miss E)a McCombs. Mrs. R. B. Meroney. Miss Elda Queen Miss Marinell Williamson. Mcs Henry Axley, Miss Justine Jolinson. Mrs. Duke Whitley. Mrs. Buel Adams. Miss Francer. Dickson, Mrs. Jim Mc Combs. Mrs. Bob McCQm'w. Mrs. Bill Gentry. Mrs. Thelma Dickey. Miss Addie Leatherwood. ML? Louise Lnatherwood. Miss Anne Hill and Mrs. Kenneth Denny. February Schedule Of Community Farm Meets Announced The February schedule of com munity planning meetings for unit and aiea demonstration farmers in Cherokee county, has been announc ed by A Q. Ketner. county agent. A meeting of all unit demonstrat ion farmers will be held in the Mur phy courthouse at 8:00 o'clock Febru arv 13. for discussion ot crop rotat ion. fertilization recommendations, farm records, and pasture, livestock and farmstead improvements for the new year. W. B Collins, district farm mana gement supervisor, will head the program for this meeting, which will be conducted in cooperation with the county agents and the soil con servation and land use committee composed of J. C. Townson. president E. A. Wood, vice-president, and Law son Lunsford. secretary-treasurer. The schedule of meetings for area demonstration farmers is as follows: Monday. February 3. in Marble at 1 o'clock P. M.; Wednesday. Febru ary 5. Tomotla at 1 o'clock P. M.: Thursday. February 13. Maryins Creek, at 1 o'clock P. M.: Friday. February 14. Maggie's Chapel at Lit tle Brasstown at 1 o'clock P. M. Shields Has Excellent Pasture Demonstration A good demonstration on tempor ary winter pastures is being conduct ed by John S. Shields, unit demon-, stration farmer of the Culberson community, according to reports of County agent. A. Q. Ketner. During the latter part of October. Mr. Shields seeded 20 acres of old permanent pasture with a mixture of rye grass, wheat and rye. About five bushels of this mixture was seed ed per acre, using a heavy small grain drill to do the seeding. This drill was heavy enough to scaraify soil enough for the seed to catch, and at this time it la showing up an excellent stand. From observation on old pasture will afford as much grassing as one acre where a seed was prepared and seeded. Mr. and Mrs. Huge Patrick moved into a new home at Lynn. Mass.. then discovered that their opposite neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hannaford. their neighbors in Glas gow. Scotland. 20 years ago.