UNAKA NEWS Mrs. J- B. Uose of Fort Louden wthe week end guest of Mrs Ma' iiael Allen. Frank Morrow of Ollbertsville. Kentucky spent last week end here. The many >f children who want milk will be re quired to pay cash for it so there will be enough money to pay th? monthly bills. Plans were discussed for planting a 5 acre garden ar.cl raisin; ve?c ables for the lunch room. Mrs. Ver die Wise gave a report on t lie lunch room. Over 9.000 lunches have been served since October 22. Miss Anna Lou Kcenum who was a victim of infantile paralysis, seve ral years ago. uiged those present to help In every possible way to make the campaign against this disease a success. The audience was honored by an address from Bass Carroll, teacher in the Murphy High School. He compared the consolidated school system of North Carolina with the State Highway system. He told o! the meager heg.lining of both, start ing with free labor, then advancing until they are both now taken care of by taxes. Election for the school committee was held. This committee will strive to make the school better and more beautiful. Those on the committee will be Mrs. Q'.schwind, Jack Webb. Guy Suit, Mrs. Felix Hill and Clary Allen. Refreshments were served. CLUB NEWS The bridge club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Elmer Raley Mrs. Carroll Pitts was joint hostess. The Womans Club will hold the Watch For This Every Week SHORTTO "Everyone can master a grief except he who has it" JANUARY 29?Kansas admitted to the union, 1861. 30?Franklin D. Roosevelt bom. 1882. 31?Germany declared new ?ub campaign. 1917. FEBRUARY 1?Housing bill enacted by congress. 1938. 1?Groundhog Day. 9?Ambassador Gerard re called from Germany. 1917. 4?Senate repealed cotton, tobacco and potato con trol act. 1936. Any and Every Day The Best All Around Car Service Is Found At SHERRILI/S SERVICENTER Esco Products tegular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Allen will give a book review. PARTIES Mrj. King Walker Jr. who was foimerly Miss Cithcrne A"jcrn?thj 1 was entertained Saturday evening j with a linen shower. Bu:icd was play ed. Miss Barbara Meroney won first prize. Mrs. Curtis won s? wert end with Mr. Mc Nabb'., mothei. Mr.t. Celta McNabb Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Anderson and children. Virginia. Orady and Marvin, visited Mr Anderson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E A. Anderson at Liberty Sunday. Lee Wood left Sunday morning for Fort Bragg The condition of John Stiles who was seriously hurt ane day last week while cutting timber is Improved. Mr. Stiles is a patient In sr Murphy hos pital. Mrs J. M Patterson and son?. Kalph and Harold, have been called to Cleveland. TraMwee to tl>e bed side of their daughter and sister. Ruth who Is seriously ill. Mrs. Charlie Wocd has been ill for the past few days but is improved. Mr and Mrs. Gay Hawkins have moved Into their new home which has j tut been completed Mrs. J. F. Wood made a business trip to Murphy Saturday In Lookout. Calif., fire tnteruptcd the volunteer firemen's annual bene fit ball by burning down the dance hall, a warehouse, and 1.000 cords of DEALER S NAME HERE ARE COMING -thousands of chicks of superior value--chicks that will live and grow and make money for their owners. If you want to make a profit on the chicks you buy, come in and see these sturdy, vigorous chicks, bred right, hatchcd right and sold right. Smithmont Poultry Farm and Hatchery "HOME OF QUALITY CHICKS" NEW LOW PRICES DRY CLEANING OVERCOATS ) CLEANED AND PRESSED 50C ci|iT