LEGAL NOTICES AN ORDINANCE MTIIOR1/ING Tli K ISStANCK or BONDS TO KKKl'ND OR riTNlt TIIK I'KINOI FAL OK ANU INTKKEST ON SI97, 000 OUTSTANDING BO\l>S OK TIIK TOWN OK Ml'KPHY. BK IT ORDAINED by t ?? Board of Commissioners of the Town of Mur phy ut follows: Section 1 Tlie Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Murphy has ascertained and determined and does hereby denial* that said Town has duly issued tiu- following described konds. viz.: (It $25,000 ??. Street Improve men'. Bonds, dated January 1. 1927. payable serially, on January 1st in each year as follow-*: $1,000 in each or the years 1938. 1940, 1942. 1944. 1946 and 1947. $2,000 ill 1948. $1,000 in 1949. an* $2.000 in each of the year 1950 to 1937. inclusive." <2> $11.000 6', Public Improve ment Bonds( dat'ii Au :ust 1. 1928. payable serially, SI.000 on August 1st in each of the year-. 1939 to 1945. inclusive. 1947. 1948 1953 and 1954; (3? $25.000 6',, Water and Street Bonds. dated October 1. 1911. pay able October 1. 1941; <41 $25,000 SV,?,, Water Works and Sewer Bonds, dated May 1. 1910. payable May I. 1940: (5> $32,000 t?' and Sewer Refunding Gold Band ? dated April 1. 1930. payable serially, on April 1st in each year as follows: $2.000 in each of the years 193fi to 1948. in clusive. and $3.000 in each of the years 1949 and 1950; (6> $6.000 6', Street Bonds, dated May 1. 1925. payable serially on May 1st in each year as follows: $1,000 in eacli of the years 1939. 1941. 1942 md 1944. and $2.000 n 1945: <7> $19.000 5, Water Works and Sewer Bonds, dated May 1. 1909. payable May 1. 1939: (B> $32.000 6';; Street Bonds, dat ed June 1. 1922. payable June 1. 1952; <9> $22,000 6 % Water Bonds, dated Deuch bonds Is cancelled simultaneously with the issuance of such bonds. Section 4. A statement of the debt of ',;>** Town of Murphy lias , been filed with the Town Clerk, as I required by .a v. and .. open to pub lic Inspection. Section 5 This ordinance shall | take effect unon its passage and | shall net be submitted to the voters , of the Town ot Murphy. The foregoing ordinance w AN ORDINANCE AITHORIZWO T1IE ISSl \NC? or BONDS TO IflNU THE PRINCIPAL OP AND INTEREST ON A S10.#00 OtT STANDINti NOTE OF THE TOWN OP MURPHY. HE rr ORDAINED b..- the Board i Commissioners of the Town o( Murphy as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Murphy has ascertained and determined and does he-eby declare that said Town has duly issued at note of the principal amount of 510.000. payable on the 24th dav of April. 1930. and authori zed by a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of said Town on the 14th day of October. I 1329. .ind that said note was duly ! issued pursuant to law and that no part of the principal of said note j i-; been paid and that interest in j ..mount of $5.800 which had | a. or. said ni;e on the 1st day of Jul-, 1940 lias not been paid and is now owing. and that said note is now ,i legal and binding obligation oi se.d Town, and that it i* neces sary : i fund >uch principal and such j interest, s ^ hereinafter provided. Section 2. For the purpose of re- | funding the principal amount of the ' deb' evidenced by said note, there shall be issued, pursuant to the j Municipal Finance Act. 1921. of N .:!? Cirohiu. as amended, bonds, oi said Town of Murphy of the ag gregate principal amount of S10.000. ? > be rte i?n.?ted "Note Funding Bonds." For the purpose of funding said unpaid inierest. there shall be issued, pursuant to said act. bonds of sand Town of Murphy of the ag gregate principal amount of $5.800. to be designated "Interest Funding Bonds. Series B." Section 3 No bonds shail tf is sued pursuant to this ordinance un less the debt be refunded or funded by the issuance of such bonds is cancelled simultaneously with the i issuance of such bonds. Section 4. A statement of the debt of the Town of Murphy has been, ; filed with the Town Clerk, as re quired by larw and is open to public inspection. Section 5. This ordinance shal' take effect upon its passage, and ?shall not be submitted to the voters I of the Town of Murphy. The foregoing ordinance was pass- , ed on the 13th day of February. 1941. ' and was first published on the 14th ' dary of February. 1941. Any artion or proceeding quest- J ioning the validity of said ordinance ? must be commenced within thirty | days after its first publication. E. O. CHRISTOPHER ; Town Clerk of the Town of ; Murphy. North Carolina. (29-2t-ch> STATEMENT OF THE EXISTING ' AND PROPOSED DEBT OF THE ! TOWN OF MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. MADE AND FILED i PURSUANT TO THE MUNICIPAL FINANCE ACT. 1921. AFTER THE INTRODUCTION OF THE ORDIN ANCES INTRODUCED AT A MEET ING OF THE GOVERNING BODY | OF THE MUNICIPALITY ON FEB i RUARY 13th. 1941. AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF S273.978.00 OF i BONDS. AND BEFORE THE FINAL ! PASSAGE OF SAID ORDINANCE. A. GROSS DEBT (not including | ! the debt incurred or to be incurred I in anticipation of the collection of I taxes or in anticipation of the sale i of bonds other than funding and re f'mding bonds), consisting of the following items: 11 > Outstanding debt not evidenc ed by bonds including interest to be funded $ 76.978 ?2> Outstanding bonded debts as listed in attached "Schedule of Bond ed Dcsts" $255,000 '3> Bonded debt to be incurred under ordinances passed or introduc ed. consisting of the following is sues : PURPOSE OF ISSUE AMOUNT Refunding outstanding bonds $197,000. Refunding outstanding nofo $10,000. Refunding interest on outstanding I bonds and note . $66,978. $273,978 TOTAL GROSS DEBT. $605,956 B. DEDUCTIONS FROM OROSS DEBT, as listed in attached "Sche duled of Deductions" . $429,978 C NET DEBT $175.978 D. Assessed valuation of property aus last fix?) lor municipal uixa t ton * $1.353.655 K Percentage (hat said net debt Urals to said assessed valuation 13*',' Dated February 13th. 1941 J 1? CJHAY Mayor of the Town of Murpliy. North Carolina 4CHEDUI.E OP BONDED DEBTS Date Purpose Amount ? of Issue of Is--lU' of Issue '5-1-09 Water Works and Sewer $19.000 15-1-10 Water Works and Sewer 35.000 110-1-11 Water and Sewer 25.000 6-1-22 Streets 32.000 5-1-25 Streets 6.000 12-1-25 Water 22.000 I-1-27 Street Improvement 25.000 0-1-28 Water. Sewer and Streets 11.000 4-1-30 Refunding Water and Sewer Bonds 32.000 | II-1-19 Electric Light Bonds 9.000 j 1-15-20 Electric Light Bond-. 15.000 6-1-30 Electric Light Bonds 8 000 j 8-1-20 Electric Light Bonds 20.000 j 12-1-20 Electric Light Bonds 6.000 I TOTAL BONDED DEBT S255.000. j SCHEDULE OF DEDUCTIONS 11 > Unissued funding or refunding bond-., included in the gross debt. $273.978 (2> Sinking funds or o'her funds held for the payment of any part of j the gross debt other than debt in curred for water, gas. electric light ? or power purposes, or two or more | of said purposes. 000 ; ?3> Uncollected special assessments . heretofore levied on account of local I improvements for which any part of | the gross debt was or is to be incur red which will be arpplied when col lected to the payment of any part of the gross debt. 000 <4> Uncollected special assessments to be levied on account of local im provements for which any part of the gross debt was or is to be incurred and which when collected will be ap plied to the payment of any parrt of the cross debt (the amount of this item being estimated by the under signed officer designated for that pur pose by the governing body of the municipality). 000 <51 Bonded debt included in the gross debt and incurred or to be in curred for water, gas, electric light or power purposes, or two or more of said purposes. 156,000 i6> Bonded debt included in the gross debt, and incurred or to be in curred for the construction of sewer age systems or sewage disposal plants said sewerage systems being entire ly supported by sewerage sei vice charges. 000 17 > Bonded debt included in the gross debt and incurred or to be in curred for the construction of sewer age systems or sewerage disposal plants which are operated together with the waterworks of said muni cipality as a combined and consoli dated system and as an integral part thereof, the amount necessary to meet the annual interest payable on such bonded debt, and the annual installment necessary for the amorti zation of such debt, and the amount necessary for repairs, maintenance and operation of said system or sys tems being included in the rate for waterworks service and collected by said municipality. 000 <8> Tine amount which said muni cipality is entitled to receive from any railroad or street railway com pany under contract heretofore made for the payment by such company of all or a portion of the cost of eli minating a trade crossing or cros sings with r. >;nd municipality, which amount will be applied, when receiv ed. to the payment of part of the gross debt. 000 <9> Indebtedness for school pur poses. included in the gross debt. 000 I I TOTAL OF DEDUCTIONS. $429,978 1 o STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OP CHEROKEE I. J. B. Gray, being duly sworn, says, that he is the Mayor of the Town of Murphy in the State of North Carolina; that by a resolution passed by the governing body of ssrid municipality he was authorized and diree'ed to make the foregoing state ment: and that the foregoing state ment is true and was made ind sub scribed by him arfter the introduct ion and before the final passage of the ordinance or ordinances refer red to in the heading of said state ment. J. B OR.AY Sworn to and subscribed before WANT A IKS For Rent POH RENT: 3-room furnished Ap artmen Steam lwat MRS. W M. FAIN. '29-3t-ch> ! FOR R^NT Practically new 5-room Bungalow with all modern conven I iences. 2 blocks from Five Points. W. W. PAIN <29-3t-Ch) For Sale ? FOR SALE?One 20 foot 1H inch line shaft. Also pulleys. Can be seen at Cherokee Scout Office. FOR SALE: Practically new Wal nut bed room suit. Apply Scout Office. Personal A. W. FREEMAN will be in Murpnv from February 15 to March 15 for assisting in preparing Federal In come Tax Returns. Have all latest changes. Address. Davidson Build in*. <29-4t-pd.> WANTED: Man with car between 25 and 45 years of age to handle 1000 family rural route in Chero kee county. Business established, no cash investment required. Write The J. R. WATKINS CO.. Bo>: 1975. Charlotte. N. C. (29-2t-ch.> MAN WANTED. Good nearby Raw leigh Rou'e now open. If willing to conduct Home Service business while earning good living, write immediately. RAWLEIOH'S Dept. NCB-150-45-. Richmond. Va. <29-lt-pd> ! NATIONAL DEFENSE calls for skill ed men. Thousands of electric welders required in this work, high wages parid. Our six weeks course prepares you to hold thsse jobs. Day and night classes, skilled in structors. Most modern equipped school in south. Easy terms. Enroll today. SOUTHERN WELDING SCHOOL. 68 N. Market St., Ashe ville, N. C. Phone 2940. SALESMAN WANTED: Age 30-50. To work retail trade Tip Top liiie of peanut butter sandwiches, salted peanuts, cakes. Goodie pies, cand ies. Exclusive arrangements and attractive earnings to competent and industrious man. Reply Box N. c-o The Cherokee Scout. (28-2t> WANTED: Middle-Aged woman for general house work and to help with children. Please write Mrs. Austin Arrant. Murphy. N. C. >29-lt-ch) me on the day of the date of said statement i N. P.) L. E. BAYLESS ? SEAL) Notary Public My commission expires the 21st day of May, 1942. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF CHEROKEE I. the undersigned E. O. CHRIST OPHER. Town Clerk of the Town of Murphy, in the State of North Caro lina DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing statement and accom panying affidavit were filed in my office on the day of the date of said statement, after the introduction and before '.he final passage of the or dinance or ordinances referred to in the heading of said statement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand atid affixed the seal of said municipality, this 13th day of February. 1941. E. O CHRISTOPHER <28-2t-ch> WANT TO EXCHANGE lajf Chrysler Sedan with radio and heater, will exchange for place in country. Apply TOTHE ROW AUTO PARTS. Murphy. N C. <29-3t-pd MAKE FEEDS OO Vi PARTHOt Orind your home grown grains roughages with "JAY BEE" *u steel swing hammer mill. Big Capacity. Low power needed. Pra c.cally indestructible. World's st andard grinder (or capacity. ?eo. no my. durability. Governor con trolled mixer-feeder (optional, extra cost). Operates with any farm tractor. Sizes?style for every grinding requirement. New and used mills, priced right. Batch mixers, molasses mixers, corn crackers, grist mills. Write qulfck for full details, terms. P. F. HER MAN. P. O. BOX 504. NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. <3IMt-pd> OUTSTANDING POULTRY BREEDERS PLAY IMPORTANT PART IN BRASSTOWN HATCHERLY Yes. friends, such outstanding breed*:-? as Wilcox. Haun. and Post er do play an important part in the Brasstown Hatchery, for from these men come eggs and breeding stock which we can pass on to you through our baby chicks. You therefore get chicks fro mbirds that have proven they can and do live and produce profitably over a period of years The Brasstown Hatchery is a local hartchery. thus making it passible for the poultrymen of this section to pick their chicks up at the hat chery or if they are shipped by mail, they will not be in the mail more than a few hours, which assures 70? of receiving strong, vigorous chicks. Barred Rocks. New Hampshire?. White Leghorns?$8.50 per hundred P. O. B. Brasstown. BRASSTOWN HATCHERY Owen Comwell. Manager Brasstown. North Carolina Classified Display Protect Your Loved Ones With A QUINN * HUMPHREY Matul Burial Certificate Only Costs 25c to Join Quinn & Humphrey Matval Burial Association Copperhill, Tenia. DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg Murphy, N. C. Dr. L. T. Russell DENTIST X-Ray Service Phone 42: Sunday St Night: 1M Murphy, N. C SANDWICHES?MEALS A SECOND CUP OF COFFEE FREE Beer Wine Smokes Music Good Food?Fine Cooking?Smiling Service. Meet And Eat At? BARNEY'S CHAT AND NIBBLE