Dedicated T?i Servicc For Progress She Ulltmikpp u Aim: - A Hftlc r Mur j >y 1 Fiasr County THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ,N WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, covers A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICH TEURITOR Y \OI NO. 33 MURPHY. N. c. Till KSDAV. MAUI II 13. ,9? 5c COPY? 51.50 I'KIt YK\H PI .UNGE OF ROCK CLAIMS ANOTHER WORKER AT DAM Robbinsville Man Die En Rcute To Hospital Following Accident Another worker on the Nantahula Dam project was killed late Monday night, the tragedy occurring at al most the same place as the fatal ac cident of two weeks ago. As in Uie former case, the latest victim had ;:f< crushed out by a plunging boulder. Monday's victim was Olin Phillips. < ; Robbinsville. He was killed shortly ! fore midnight when struck by a mobc which came hurtling down a i :ance of from 50 to 75 feet. Clarence Wilson, another employe y Uic stuff of the Institute ?f Government CHEROKEE COl'NTY BILLS INTRODUCED: SB -Senate Bills. HB ? House Bills. HE 758. i Town of Murphy ' "To Fix the Terms of Office of the Mayor and Board of Commission ers of the Town of Murphy. Cherokee County, and Fix the Duties and Sal_ aries of Certain Officers of Said Town." 'Mayor and commissioners would serve 1 year term. Police chief's salary would not be over S100 per month; assistant or assistants, not over $75 each per month. Police of ficers to receive no costs, commis sions or tonuses. Clerk to be tax collector, under rules set out. and also to collect water and light, rents and perform duties of treasurer un der charter. Clerk's sole compensa tion to be $100 per month.' Intro, duced by Mallonee. March 6. HB 759. 'Cherokee County) "For the Relief of the Taxpayers of Cherokee County." i Would bar collection of all intereest above 3 per cent, and all penalties, on tax sales certificates held for collection by Cherokee County or any munici pality or other Kovemin^ body there in for years 1929-1937. if taxpayer pays them by Oct. 1. 1941. Applicable to pending tax suits where final judgment not yet entered. Costs of advertising, court costs and attor ney's fees in foreclosure suits al_ readv started not disturbed. Where certificates have been bought in good faith by persons other than govern ing body, the taxpayer may redeem same before foreclosure on payment of full amount plus necessary and proper expenses plus 6 per cent.) In troduced by Mallonee. March 6. (Continued on Editoral Pane) Fontana Dam Controversy Brings Retort from Thorpe JACKSON DAY FETE IS SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY, MAR. 22 Tli?> unnnnl Phfiv-H' .? im>tv .lacW . on Day dinner will be htld Satur day night. March 22. in the dining loom:, of the hotel in Murphy. It. A Mattox. county deemocratic chairman, announced this week A prominent speaker will Lv pres_ ' ent lor the banquet, and several other notable members of the demo- , cratlc party from all over this see- i tion. Mattox s.iid that complete plan fur the dinner would be announced ' later. The affair is staged yearly all ovei the United States by the democratic , party, the purpose being to raise funds to relieve obligations of recen. election campaigns. All democrats oi the county are invited to attend. Tourists Escape Death By Eyelash As Car Hits Cabin Two tourists escaped death by the i proverbial eyelash last Friday eve- i ning when an automobile driven by 1 Clarence Dean left the road out of , control and plunged through the j tourist cabin they had renter, barely i a moment after they had stepped ' outside. The car tore its way through tilt cabin. leaving it a complete wreck. | The automobile was badly damaged 1 but Doan. its driver escaped unhurt. 1 Dean said he was driving down the I road, when he was blinded by the : lights of a truck coming from the ' opposite direction. The roadway was lippery from rain and sleet, and for ! mcmen; he lost control of the car , The occupants of the tourist cabin, a man and his wife from the North had stepped out, just before the crash, to go to a nearby store. Dean volunteered to pay for the d. mage done to the cabin. Neverthe less. lie was arrested charged with driving while under the influence of liquor. He was given a hearing in Andrews Monday evenin;: and iva bound over for the next term of court. Noted Garden Expert ? Lectures in Murphy To Women's Catherine: Mrs. Fletcher Crown, noted south j urn garden authority, lectured be fore a comparativf ly small bin in- | teres led and appreciative gathering of women from the western section i of the state art the Murphy school auditorium Friday afternoon. Home plant ins: and care after planting were subjects stressed in Mrs. Crown's address, giving explan ations and illustrations of each phase of gardening discussed She particu larly explained use of color and art in flower arrangements about the home from the principal standpoint of beautification. Mrs. Crown pointed out the possi_ bilities for beautifying the town's public square, and made a number of suggestions for developing such improvements. The lecturer appeared here under i t he sponsorship of the local Woman's club, and through the courtesy of Rich's of Atlanta. C.M.T.C. SUSPENDED A bulletin by the U. S. Army in formation states that no Citizens Military Training camps will be held during 1941 and that no applications should be made this year. 1 Montaha'a President A newer? Charges of I cderal Commission ( ? . : I- 1 1[' : . ? : ji. v. ? mi ni ' i ' ' " .i lUdit la P >wer unci Ltgnt con., n vat 'mpedlnn national defense i> not h*\ld ^ (ho Fontana Dam under a fodtr. i license \v#?ro chBrterired a< unfair" by J. E. 5 Thropo. president of the com pany in a statement issued to the pres-. Tuesday. The Nantahalr. company a sub sidiary of the Aluminum Companv ot America had p- ' itlnned the com_ mission to dismiss without prejudice its declaration or intention to uuild the Fontana project the later part !n -t v. crh. The eommisstaB. how ever. refused the petition md chart ed the company's dceis ,