Kmj Fararr D W Kolk. a ranger in MiCur tam County . Oklali wiia. tells u> of' one farmer. unique method of .a: ? guarding hus quail during :!w list hunting settson "At th ? b-^ of tlie season." Kolb informs "this farmer simply lured all the quai' on his farm :nto a trap. kep*. them i well hidden anil well fed diiin^; 'a shooting season. granted entrance t? all who desired to hun on ir. - land, and when th!- season cl turned the well fattened birds out ui>on his broad acres once more'" '??? i tlook ? Save a Life ft is a hard matter to release a full so skillfully that it will not die later once the tender, slimy outer covering ;s injured the fish dies, lie may look fruity as a col', when you let hun go ? but an unbeliev ably high percentage of the fish you handle die later Cut your snel! or leader and re- j lease the fish with hook in him. You only lose a hook which can be bought for ;? nickle a dozen, and two or three ( inches of line. Die hook will gradu ally distintergrau inside the fish I with no ill effects. Swallow-Proof Catfish Hook Anything that would keep an old cat from swallowing a hook so deep you have to tussle half an hour to get it out would be a boom to civilizat ion'" That's the way most Southern fishermen feel. Make a guard wire I.oop a piece if stiff wire through the <ye of your .10 * T*ist the wire around the hook shank and bring both ends out straight to the sides. If a cat is big enough to swallow 'Aire and all. he'd be old and tough and no one would believe he was 'hat b.a j anyway! Drtour ? Qua it Nest Ahead \ mother quail and her n-<' of twenty-one eggs recently caused . tiavelers to do a bit of detouring b'tween Brarcketville '.n Kinney conn- i t, and Rock Springs in Edwards county, Texas. The state highway department's crew of eng.neers and construction gang in building a road between those two communities, lo cated a quail nest. All traffic was detoured around that spot, until ! mama quail hatched nineteen of her ' fventy-one eggs and the little birds I were able to leave the nest. Tough. Eh! The lady of the house ludtrd a knock at her door. Looking through the screen she saw a Chinese fish jioddler. Not wishing to be disturbed, she called to her maid: You go. Ellla ." The Chinaman blinked his little eye.s. thrust out his neck and sung out belligerently: "You go 'ella your HIWASSEE DAM B T. t*. A Baptist Trairuiw Union ia< bfen rvan;/ed at the M: Carmel church T)v church c inference was held Saturday and pa^d approval on orcanizuu die near union Officers eleted are ax follows Richard Fjrar. director. Meredith R.'.per. intermediate president. Lucile Birchfteid. Vice-president: Wilmi Reece. Sfc:eUlT'7iiMig?r; tVlid Voyles. Daily Bible Reader: Dorothy Tulloss. Quiz Leader: Theo, d >re 0-cti? .nd and Clyde Birchfteid. Oroup Captains: Mrs. Carl Quinn. Senior President: Carl Ouinn. Vice-President: Mrs tul:on Thomajson. Secretary. Trea surer: Mrs. Oschwind. Daily Bible | Reader: Mrs. Tulloss and Mr Tho Group Oapunns: Tlielma R iper. Story Group Teacher. NEW POUCE Fjur new officers will be added 'o the police force at the Dam for spe cial training HOUSES BEING PAlNTtU PMnters have started work on vacant houses in preparation for the expected T. V A. construction employees and their families. The hospital is ready for an early open:ng PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Pitts and ?iiiljren left Wednesday for Rocky Mount where they plan to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oilbert and ? sons are visiting in New Jersey. Mr. ind Mrs E. E. Cu'tU? and f i m l y are expected lome this week fnd They have been visitint in Wis ?jnsin and Minnesota. French Wolf, of Farrier, .spent ?If!" Fish Have Lubrication Too While we don't know whether fish change oil" every thousand miles, we do know that, in order to enable fish to slide easily along in the water, its body is covered with a mucus which Is being con 1 r . ' y poured ou :n large quanti , 'yy .? special glands situated in he epidermis. This mucus makes :ie tody of the fLsh slippery and also minimizes friction with the sur rounding water. A Flying Squirrel? There is no such thing as a flying quirrel. They can glide downward, but can't rise. With the exception of bats, no North American marmmal capable of sustained flight. In the quirrel that glides there is an exten sion of skin on both sides of its body extending from the front to the hind feet. When it leaps with is feet spread ou, this membrane of skin is extend ed. forming a flat surface which en ables it to glide diagonally dowvi I ward from one linmb to another. LOWER MARTINS CREEK NEWS Several peopl? ifjr'-iered a: the old county horn;' cemetery last Sunday afternoon Jt 2 o'clock and held de coration services. An address w-as made by the Rev. Gordon Thomas and prayer was offered by Mr Marr Tl>e congregation sang several songs. The many friends of Kinda Com well will be glid to learn she U Un proved after an illness. Mr. and Mrs Paul Buchanan were visitors at Brasstown Sunday. Mrs Ben Mann and son visited Mr and Mrs Frank Ingram Sunday night. Mis* Hit tie Frankum and Pay Carringer attended the clinic held at Murphy last week Miss Elizabeth Mann spent Satur day night with Ijiretta Hedden. Mrs. Onio Carringer amd children I 'pent Sunday with Mrs. Margaret j Carringer. Miss Maude Carringer spent Pri- | day night with Mrs. Jake Stiles. Mrs. Addie KiUian. Mrs. Prank In gram and Maude Carringer visited Miss Rinda Comwell Saturday night. Miss Violet Buchanin spent Fri I day night with Mrs. Kate Mann and I Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McClemore ; >nd children spent Sunday with Mrs i Margaret Carringer. The many friends of Jewel Miller will be glad to hear he is improved afte. an illness. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brown have moied to our community. i The Horn.- Demonstration Club met at :h; home of Mrs. J. W. Dyer Friday aiternoon. Jur.e 13 at 1 o'clock tor their monthly meeting. Mrs George W. Keasler. president, pre sided. Mrs. King assisted by Mrs. Ben Mann gave a demonstration on yeast bread making. Mrs. J. W. Dyer made a short talk on marketing. As he roll wars called each member an swered with a new receipt for cook ing some vegetable. After a business session the hostess served refresh ments to the follow. ng: Mrs. G. W. Keasler. Mrs. Ben Mann. Mrs. Jeff Martin, Mis. Grady Smith. Mrs. A B. Stalcup. Mrs. Mark Stalcup, Mrs. Ernest Hughes. Mrs. W. D. King. Mrs. A. H. Brown. Miss Jean Martin Mrs. Addie Martin, Mrs. Arao Hughes, Tuesday night as the guest of Theo dore Gschwind. t PPKR Peachtrec New* W.lUrd Clonta. of Oastoma u visit in* hu mother. Mrs Docia Clonts. Mas Mildred Hendrix hu return- j ed to her homf aft-?r spending a wee It , with her aunt. Mr? Cmrl Hendrix. i a Wiiketboro. Mrs Eva Rogeis and children of1 Murphy v_iited Mrs. U)U Roger* Saturday. Haydt'ii CicnV. returned to hn home a; Lctitia A te.- spending jeve- ? ral days with Vrrjtl Plants Miss Kate W::t who has been cm: in Florida returned to her horn here Sundae Mrs. Troy Suddreth vuited >.er pa j rents. Mr and Mrs. H W. Roberson. 1 Sundas night. PATRICK NEW 5 Mr. jnd Mrs. Junior Croft were the j guests of her parents. Mr. and Mn . Buster Worley. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Payne an nounced the birth of twin sons last ^ Friday. They were named Aruel and Arnold Gene. Arnold Gens died and I was buried in Pleasant Hill c?me ! tery Saturday. The many friends of Junior Croft i will be sorry to hear he is ill. Mr. and Mrs George Reid and family and John Picklesiraer were visitors at Hiwarssee Dam Sunday afternoon. Cleo Horton. small daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Horton. is ill at [ this writing. Mrs. Ella Hamby was the guest of Mrs. Mary Haiuby Friday night. Lee Horton and two children were the guests of his sister. Mrs. Arthur Payne. Friday afternoon. Dr. A. B. Shearer of Madisonville was a visitor here Sunday. o When thieves stole L. D. Snr.w's automobile from a street in Prov rience. R. I . they left another in its place. x Mrs. Franklin Smith. Mrs. Roy Hughes. Evanell Keasler, Eunice Hughes. Iris Porter. Oerry Ruth Smith jntf two others. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bowers and two children visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buchanan last Sunday. Miss Violet Buchanan spent Mon I day with Mrs. Jeff Martin and fafmi 1 1;. THREE ARE HURT ?N CAR WRECK AT SANTEETLAH DAM An automob.le wreck )uv. nor'.:-. j< 3anteetlah dam last Monday .a which the car of J. J Smder and the ur o i a Tennessee man figured, consider able dam?*e wn dons to e?ci -ar. Miii Carrol Snider, passenger in the Snider, car was injured, receiving numerous cuts and bruits and driver of the Tennessee ctr required hospital treatment for a partly sever ed sir and other cuts. M.\ Snider wiis not injured to my extent but Mrs. Snider received cut* ant* bruises. Boiling Springs News Mr. and Mri C C. Mi!U jpeu*. -.he week end with their daughter. Mr; Don Graves and Mr. Grave's. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Garrett spea* Saturday night with his parenvs Mr. and Mrs. Monro Oarrett Mrs. How*rd O'Dell and children spent Sunday with her parents, M: and Mrs. C. C. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Willie Davis vmved Mrs. Z. B O'Dell Sunday. Iowa McDonald was the Sunday dinner guest of Alma O'Dell Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oraves. Mr. Kid Mrs. Bob Graves visited Mr. and Mm C. C. Mills Sunday. LIBERTY NEWS Mr. and Urs. John Panter. T.ud Ledford. Pear) Led ford an.1 L J Watkins visited friends and relative, act Isabella Sunday. Lon Watkins and son. Gurnn visa ed Tom Elrode Sunday. Mrs. Winford Ledford visited Mrs. Lon Watkins Sunday mornin.: I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Watkins vi sited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Watkins Sunday. Mrs. Lon Watkins and Mrs. Ho ward Watkins visited Mr and Mrs Robert Panter in Murphy last weei. Howard Rosie Watkins visited Mr. and Mrs. Ledford Sunday afternoon o A man on trial in Akron. Ohio far intoxication refuted an officer's testimony that his eyes were bijd shot by extracting his glass eye. Tlie case was dismissed. JUST OPEN HIWASSEE INN ON THE HIGHWAY, THREE MLES THIS SIDE OF H1WASSEE DAM SPLENDID ROAD ALL THE WAY A DELIGHTFUL DRIVE ? WITH DELI CIOUS FOOD, COLD DRINKS ? A BIG DANCING FLCOR AWAITING YOU COOL COMFORT, REASONABLE PRICES DRIVE OUT ? YOU'LL LOVE IT ! The Hiwassee Inn J. W. Smith, Mgr. WALTER COLEMAN Phone 124-J Murphy. N- C

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