LEGAL NOTICES vol H I ?>? ^AlE I'NDIK A Ol TKl'ST \Vwr*.?- ??? the !8th day of X>crm til r 193-">. w M Hau l'.i '' ?nt- *'?'* Maude Hatehett. m;td>. executed and Ui.ivered a certain ?!.<'? of trust to t ,-.r undersigned. ?? trusts, which th.ii of trust ?> recorded in the of Jict of :he Register of Deeds for Cherokee County. in Book 11-. ? phk!t 51C. by which the following ae bribed 1-nds were conveyed, mid Wnereas. default was made in the payment of the indebtedness secured Lv the deed of trust due \V. B. Kaper j amounting to the principal sum of S400 00 'the indebtedness due P Mauney been paid': No*", therefore, in order to satisf7 . , , J nMMtMftt t/1 tu.d indebieciiitrafc, . tcvns of said deed of trust, .he undersigned wBl on Monday Juiy J4t!i 1941, offer for sale the follow - Ui|: described land, at the Coun House door in Murph>. - ? ;i 00 a. m Central Standard Time to? Wit *sr?. Adioining lands of A M" Hatehett. J W King. R. B. Hood, ?ir.d others, bounded as follows. In Notla Township. District No. 3, it turn: a part of No. 80 in said dist nct bounded as follows: BEGINN ING on a Persimmon on the South ..-de of the Public Road near a branch, runs South to a small Chest nu: in the Georgia State line: thencr East with said line about fifty rods to a mall Sassafras, thence North about fifty rodi to the top of the ridge: the Souhwest corner of A. M Hachett's land: thence North with tin- ine of A. M. Hatchet to a Post oak on -he line of No 83: thence West about fifty t?ds to a double Spanish Oak thence South to the BEGINNING, containing FORTY I aires, more or less. Second Tract: Also another piece. (,r parcel of land, part of Tract No r. in District No. 3, Cherokee Coun ty and bounded as follows, BE GINNING at a Black Oak on the South of the W. M. Hatchett and and runs an Easterly course with the top of the ridge and A. M. j Hatchett's line about twenty poles j to the Northwest corner of the Cor tit Und: thence South about four poies with the Cordell line to a stake en the Georgia State line; thence West with the line of said tract twenty poles to a Sassafras: thence North forty poles to the BEGINN ING. containing about FIVE acres more or less. Th.rd Tract: Being part of Tract No. 80, in Notla Township, District No. 3. in the County of Cherokee, tuunded as follows: BEGINNING in the road near a Hickory on a stake. Peter Hatchett's line, and runs East with said line about forty poles to a > ke : and Northwest corner of John W. Loudermilk's land; thence South the line of John W. Louder milk's land: 150 poles to a stake in the Georgia State Line thence West ?wo poles to a stake in a trail; thence a North direction with said trail to a mill ro,ul ; thence a North direction with said Miil Road to a bridge across the mill race; thence up the mill ^SPECIALIZE '? TRUCK GREASING With SINCLAIR'S Finer Lubricants There's only our way to be sure of a rood Grease Job.. . . the SINCLAIR way. . . Every movin* part requires special individual attention. Every job done by experienced expert*. WE GREASE ANYTHING THAT ROLLS 75c PALMER'S SINCLAIR STATION Ben Palmer, Mgr. Phone 202 Murphy, N. C. met* on the South * :dr. About fortj : ous to > roc* oil t he South side o! r?o : th tin mouth of a branch on the op- j po>:w side of the Creek: thence in r otherwise in and to the premises de scribed in the petition filed in th.s cause and described u? this notice, and .>nv and all lieirrs and devisees of the sewral parties above named, whose names and addresses are un known. and all and singular their heirs, husbands, wives, devisees, extcutors. administrators, represen tatives. alienees, successors and as s.gns. of each and every of them; and all unknown owners, lienors, or claimants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, estate, equity, interest or lien: and all occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners of and claimants to any rights of easement or prescription in. over, across, or through said lands, or any part thereof: you will please take no tice that an action entitled as above ; that the lands proposed to be condemned and appropriated by the plaintiff United States are describ ed substantially as follows: Tract No. 296. Apparent and presumptive owner being G. G. Stiles and C. M. Wofford Company. Inc., containing 1 according to survey 86.36 acres, situ ated in Cherokee County, N. C., on the waters of Morgan Creek, a tri butary of Valley River more parti cularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit A", and upon map or plat Exhibit "B", attached 1 to the petition in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C: you and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court Tor the Western District of North Carolina, in the United States Courhouse Building ?t Asheville. Buncombe County, N. C.. not later than ten (10) days from and after the completion of service of this summons by publication for four <4> successive weeks, and an swer or demur to the petition or complaint herein filed by the above I named petitioner in the office of the said Clerk, and you are further noti fied that if you fail to appear and answer or demur to the said petition or complaint within the time speci fied the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition: witness the Honorable K. Y. Webb, Judge of the District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, this the 18 day of June. 1941. J. Y. Jordan, Clerk. By: W. A. Lytle, Deputy Clerk. 48-4t-c> NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas issued by J. W. Donley Clerk of Superior Court for Cherokee coun ty in matters of E. B. Norvell against Wood Hyatt commanding me to sell lot of land No. 9 in Norvell addition to Texana, which is shown on Plot Book No. 1. page 26. in office of Re gister of Deeds for Cherokee County, to satisfy judgment in favor of E. B. Norvell, I will, on Mondacy the 28th | day of July. 1941. at 10 o'clock A. M. Central Time, offer for sale and sell at the courthouse door in Murphy to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of Wood Hyatt in and to sale! lot No. 9 above referred to. Purchaser buys subject to taxes that may be due on said lot No 9. This 20th da}' or June. 1S41. J. C. TOWN6ON. Sheriff rt Cherokee County. N C By M P Coleman. Deputy Sheriff. ?48-41- chg) ? ? o NOTICE or SI MMONS INTHE SUPERIOR COURT. NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. CHEROKEE COUNTY : PLAIN - TTFP. VS. MARGARET ALLEN, widow of T. R. ALLEN; CORBETT ALLEN and wife. ALT JIN ; G. W, McAFEE; FRED McAFEE and wile. MADELINE McAFEE; DILLARD McAFEE and wife, BEULAH Mc AFEE: ED McAFEE and wife, ELZA McAFEE: TESSIE GARLAND and husband. FRED GARLAND: M YKTLJE DEAN and huSband. JONAH DEAN; BESSIE CHAPMAN and husband. JACK CHAPMAN; ANNIE FRY and husband. NATHAN FRY: ALICE PRATER and husband. HENRY PKATER: and ALL UN KNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF MARTHA AT J. EN, DECEASED. DE FENDANTS. The defendants Margaret Allen, widow of T. R. Allen, Corbett Allen and wife. Allen, Fred McAfee and wife, Madeline McAfee. Bessie Chapman and husband. Jack Chapman. Annie Pry and husband, Nathan Pry. Alice Prater and hus band. Henry Prater, and unknown heirs at law of Martha Allen, de ceased, will take notice that an act ion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing the lien of taxes held by plaintiff, Chero kee County against the defendants for the year 1931 and subsequent years on their lands in Shoal Creek Township, Cherokee County, North Carolina, more fully described in a deed from L. M. Anderson and wife to H. H. Allen and wife, Martha Allen, dated October 28th. 1925, and registered in Cherokee County in Deed Book 89 at Fage 206; and The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to be and appear act the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Mur phy, N. C., within twenty (20) days from and after the 4th day of July, 1941, the same being twenty days after the expiration of the four weeks notice prescribed by the order of publication, and answer or demur to the complaint in said act ion or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand, this the 16th day of June, 1941. J. W. DONLEY, Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina. <4U-4t- chg. G and C.) o ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as admini strator of the estates of Roxie Gar land, deceased, and Harret Mc Allister, deceased, late of the County of Cherokee North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Roxie Garland, deceased, and all parties having claims against the estate of Harret McAllister, deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Culberson. N C., on or before the 21 day of June. 1942. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to either of said estates wtl' please make immediate payment. This the 21 day of June. 1941. W. S. Garland. Administrator of the estate of Roxie Garland, deceased, and Administrator of the estate of Har ret McAllister, deceased. <48-6t-pd. ) Rome dispatches announce that 14 Italians were recently sentenced to prison terms ranging from three months to nine years, for listening to a radio broadcasts from London In Germany, even harsher punish ment is said to be inflicted for this "crime." o Judge J. J. Anderson of Urbana, 111., recently ruled out a lawyer's plea to introduce a skeleton into the courtroom as evidence in an acci dent case. CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Services W*ynesville, every Sunday. u;oo A. M., E. S. T. Cherokee, every 3rd Sunday, 8 00 A M., E. S. T. Bryson City, every Sunday. 8 00 A. M. E. S. T. Franklin, every 2nd and 4tli Sun day. 8:00 A. M . E. S. T. Highlands, every Sunday Uoo A. M., E. S. T. Andrews, every 1st Sunday. 8:00 A. M.. E. S. T. Murphy, every 5tii Sunday, 7:00 A. M.. C. S. T. Rev. A. F. Rohrbacher BAPTIST Rev. J. C. Ammons. Pastor Services 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. CALVARY BAPTIST Kev. Clarence A. Voyles, Pastor Civ&Cuiii){ mvu SsCwhu ?Bu i*Cufta Sunday at 11 a. m. METHODIST Rtv. C. B. Newton, Pastor Services each Sunday at 11 A. If and 7 P. M. Epworth League 6:45 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednes day nights at 7:00 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Henry L. Paisley, D. D., PasU>r. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. except on the first Sunday mornings and the third Sunday even ing. Tomotla Baptist Rev. Harve Stansberry, pastor. Church Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. EST. Mt. Carmel Baptist Rev. E. A. Beaver, Pastor Rev. Graham, Asst. Pcstor Church services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer services 7 p. m. Wednes days. Friendship Baptist Pastor: the Rev Edgar Willi* Church services 11 a. m. Prayer meeting 7 p. m. Wednesdays BTU ?sunday evening at 7 p. m. Ranger Baptist Rev. W. T. Truett, pastor Church services 11 a. m. 6:30 p. m. ? I BTU. Swan son Baptist Church Rev. Bill Johnson pastor Services Saturday night at 7 p. m.: on first Sunday at 11. Wolf Creek Churches BAPTIST R?*. W. A. HmUen, P?tor Services second and fourth Satur days 7 p. m. Second and fourth San days 11 a. m. BYPU Sunday 5:45 p. m. I ,1H DAY ADVENTIST L local Elder > " -pmte each Saturday 10:30 t. r?. SNOW HILL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Pipes. Pastor Sunday School each Sunday ?t 9 A. M. Church services each second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. SHADT GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. W. T. Truett Services held every third Sunday. OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. E. A. Beavers. Pastor J. C. Clonts. Sunday School Sup erintendent. Preaching every first and fourth Sunday. Singing every Sunday 1:00 o'clock. HATESVTLLE METHODIST Circuit B". J. A. Clemmer Jr., PusW 1st. Sunday ? Oak Forest. 11 A. M.: Hickory Stand 2 P. M.: Ogdcn 3:30 P. M 2nd. Sunday ? Hayesville 11 A. M.: Sweetwater 2 P. M.; Peachtree 3:30 P. M.: Hayesville 7:30 P. M. 3rd. Sunday ? Hickory Stand 11 A. M.: Ogden 300 P. M.; Oag Forest 7:30 P. M. 4th. Sunday ? Hayesville 11 A Sweetwater 2 P. M.: Peachtree 3:30 P. M.; Hayesville 7:S0 P. M.