Help Wanted WANTED: Middle Mttd white liouse keepe: Steady work if found satis lactorj. PleaM apply Mrs. Juiin Poiy Jr.. Phone 185-W. lt-pd.f OPENING fOH EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to work retail trade It:: ' .-v. EXCELLENT .ncomt lor n . :: capable and qualified :o yet . Oive a}.; and < xpi : .ence wlien : t j . Replies will be held) in ::f.d :.ce. Reply B.ix i N. M rr>: v \\ C. 52-31-c) For Sale ICR .1.1 -HP E: ' Ou'.oJa.t! j M ? P tic ally at* -940 mo- 1 till. R" r.iy 5,3 it ten houi <lt-pd> FOR -ALE il.i-int - ..Hon t M . ? - H.w.a It . Appalac:i:a| h . E.;.:(i;nis and Rwahact Combine: :ie i. c o I ground. J only 5500. G;>cc! Business site. Building alone cost more than to- 1 tr.! salt price. Murphy Realty Co Gen. InMir- 1 Phor.e 175. 53-2t-ch|t FOR SAW.. Five room house, all mo- 1 <rf:u tcnuniences. Cash or terms. W. M. Pain. '53-3:-chg' FOB :-ALE: 50 S'.ulding lots from | $100 00 :? C. .?h or terms W. M. Fa.n. ' 53-3T-chgi Wanted HATCHING EACH WEDNESDAY, | Red E ;. .. Rock*. New Hamp shire Crosses. Hatching eggs , - an:ed. The Burgin Hatchery. | Marion, N. C. l-4t-pd>. For Rent FOR RENT Five room house on] Peaehtree. also farm for sale. See i I,:. ? Fannie Wells. Murphy Rt. 1 il-lt-pd' | FOR RENT: 6 houses near Hiwassee Dam. Cool location. Rent from $10 to $lg per month. For informat jen call Dockery's store. <51-4t-p> FOR RENT: 2 office rooms, steam . 1 eat and recently renovated. See | Mrj. J. N. Kill. Phone 26. <52-2t-pd.) Classified Display Dr. L. T. Russell DENTIST X-Ray Service Phone 42: Sunday & Night: 104 Murphy, N. C. Protect Your Loved Ones With A QUINN & HUMPHREY Mutual Burial Certificate Only Costs 25c to Join Quinn & Humphrey Mutual Burial Association Ceppsrhill, Tenn. DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphy, N. C. among laxatives all over the South Fractured Skull . . . Continued from Trent Parr I p to :t 1 i'.c work, and tsar, :o t : , v.- v - . ?I< went back "o tii : treatment was resumtd, atui he sumcd to mend rapid!}'. Once more he seemed to have prac - ticalijr recovered. and oner more he was allowed to return to Andrews. A second relapse came soon a.'t< r he had alt the hospital, and iie was forced :o go back attain. This time hi ,'aiied to respond to treatment, and grew steadily worse, finally laps soon as possible, so that i: will be T:ie deceased is survived b.v his widow, : he former Miss Gibby oi Junaiuska. and eight children, a:, boy. Turn- of his sons are by a for m< : marriage. F.nal tribute, were paid at service - ?tit: ;:i the And: ius Ftuiera: Home M :uUy < wiling. at 5 clock. with !?.?; ? me friends serving as pal: bea: ? . T. ? services were conducted Rev. E. F. Baker. o! the An B . t Church and the Rev. Ixi : o Andrew*. Intel - ".w ioeai cemetery. w;.l> Fi . . Fun1 : al Home .n charge oi ..n ar.nftr.' r.:-. Murphy Section . . . (Continued from Front Pagci ?u- a. tit - and putting out intensive ? Mori. Then he called nib boss and ? Id ium ' a ; he had raised SI 1"J. "\Vt have the cash, too." Forsyth said. How much of yours is cash?" Well, Peretee admitted, "to tell you the truth about the only cash I have was donated by myself or b;. employes in the bank and a fen merchants." Forsyth says he is going to demand that nearly S100" which Ferebee boasted he had raised, even if the Banker has to pay it out of his own pocket. Following is a list of new sub scribers to the fund from the lower end of the county: Gleaners Class, Murphy Baptist Church. Mrs. \V H. Griffiths. Douglas Sniit. Edith Dobbs. The H. T. Hackney Company. Jim II. Gibbs. Mrs. Charles McGill. J. M. McAllister. T. T. Johnson. Miss Mary Gassman. r. J. Hrnn. Peyton G. Ivie. Miss Sara Ashcraft. Miss Helen Palmer. 1 Mrs. Verner. Miss Nease. Mr. Bingham. Sheridan Stiles. Mr. Jones. Bill Cloud. Fred Armantrout. J. W. Andrews. Miss Anna Clark McDonald. Miss Lucy Prudy. Jack W. Hines. Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Savage. D. A. Stewart. Earl Payne, B. B. Cornwell. W. E. Studstill. Elmer R. Stiles. o S. S. CONFERENCE The tri-township annual Sunday School conference will be held Sun day at Snow Hill church at 3 o'clok, C. S. D. S. T. All teahers and lead ers are especially urged to attend. o When Ivan Spencer of Des Moines, la., was operated on for appendicitis, an X-ray revealed that his heart, liver and gall blader were on his right side, and the appendix on the left. Typhoid Carrier . . . Continued From Pair Onr.) it.a-srs t:ia: htvt no; been Mer liztd a ;:d In .'?f i . r?) other ways. L'n nipped in the a sinii.t c se of typhoid may easily develop into ai: < v.iiemic" Dr. Which a rd iu< instructed m::n> residents of the Biav?: Dam section to necessary precautions, amt has warned that pollution 01 streams will be criminally prosecuted. Ho has asked the Scjut to publish an appeal to every person in this health district who has not taken the typhoid immunization tieatment durin;: the Health office in Murphy, or in any of its stations in the three counties. "We have bce-i very proud of cur record of two ye J rs without a case in in three counties" Dr. Whichard said "Now. through o carricr. it has been broken, bu: we are determined, if humanly possible, to confine the ou* brenk to this one case." The Health .'.':cer added tha. young Radford, the victim, seems ? nave only a mild attack, and probably will recover. jack Luiher . . . Continued fr<>m Front Parr) v.i-.e Roy Pullium. Jamf; Whitaker. rnti Waiter Bryson, all of Anderwt and Garland West of Tomoila. Ti'.c body '?'?as found about 7 o'clock Tues day momine. After Bradley's pole had loeated the dead boy Garl..nd West stripped! and dived. He got hold of the drown- | boy's hair, but the coldness of the | water foiced him to come back to the surface. Then Whitaker dove down, and (tot hold of the drowned boys' arm. but the body was so tight ly wedged he could not dislodge it. When Whitaker climbed back into the boat, there was a conference, as a result of which the party rowed ashore and got two potato diggers. Cutting down two saplings. they fashioned long poles which were fastened to the potato diggers. Then rowed back to the spot, over the bedy, and. working painstakingly | finally managed to get the diggers under the body, and lift it to the surface. Tne victim met death as a result of trying to get a rowboat. Fishing from the bank with his brother Vernon, aged 26. the latter's wife, and another brother. Clyde, aged 13. Jack noticed a row-boat on the other side of the river, about 150 feet across. Stripping to his underware. he swam over to get the boat, but when he got about ten feet from it he saw that it was chain ed o a tree and padlocked. Jack turned to swim tack and had reached almost the middle of the river when his strenght Rave out He called for help, and his brother Clyde called back telling him to get on his back and float until he, Clyde, could reach him. Then, although a poor swimmer. Clyde dove in. When Clyde reached Jack, the latter grabbed him around the neck with a strangling grip, and both went down. For a moment it seemed that botli would drown. There was a struggle and Clyde finally managed to free himself. Before he could re sume his attempt at rescue, however. Jack sank: came up some feet dis ! tant, and before Clyde could reach him sank once more ? for the last time. Too exhausted to dive. Clyde swam back to shore and set out for help. Then he worked all night trying to find the body. Funeral services were set two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, from the Valley River Baptist Church, which is only a short distance from the Luther residence and where Jack was a regular attend both at Church and Sunday School The Rev. Denny officiated, and pallbearers were for mer friends and school-mates of the drowned youth. Foryath Funeral Home was In charge of arragements. with burial in the Church cemetery. DR. F. K. GARDNER OPTOMETRIST No. HH Paiton Ave. Ashevtlle, N. C. WOl BE AT DICKET HOTEL. MURPHY. N. C. THURSDAY. AUG. 1th. 1941 EYE8 EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED We eater to those who do not with to pay the hltk-prled fen charged by * one far examination and lluan and who wish pre* ?erlpUon irasnd (ban at a reasonable price. TVA Begins . . . (Continued from Pi|r One) in the Elkins home on Tpnnrssre and applications are beinc :ak?n for all kinds o! construction work, the majority of workmen hired being unskilled, however. Employment of workmen has beer, entirely by requisition o' the various departments with large numbers be ing taken by the Project planning the Construction and Maintenance and the Reservoir Clearance divis ions. Several men have b?en employed temporarily by the engineering divi sion during the past several weeks but many of these are expected to be hired permanently. Two units of 50 men have been employed and sent to each of the Hayesville and Blairsville projects in the Reservoir Clearance due to the fact that these two darn* will be finished so rapidly. The sche dule calls for completion in approxi mately six months. Other major divisions will go to work first at the Appalachi site and Me Ocoee No. 3 site where construct - ion will require a much longer time. Core drillers have been at work since before approval of the projects a: all four sites and foundations have been reached, excavation to follow immediately. Other workmen are buisiy engaged m construction oi temporary offices and tool and sup ply houses. All houses remaining from the Hi w-assee Dam project at Hiwassec vil lage have been reoccupied and 3C additional houses will be built foi -ccomodations of workmen's families Doromitory accomodations for 2! women will also be provided. Doromitor;.- accomodations for ap proximately 240 men will be const ructed at Farner with tent accomo dations for an additional 200 men. Plans also call for a probable ad ditional dormitory accomodations a; Farner for 180 men. On sites where houses are raised all modern sewage, water light and street accomodations will be provid ed. The houses, however, will not be permanent. A new type of house some in two unit and some in foui will be brought to the sites and bolt ed together complete with all in terior accomodations. These houses are demountable and will be remov | ed to other projects when these are finished. IT'S NO GAG TEXACO GAS ' Gives Quickest Pick up. Gives More Power. Gives More Miles Per Gallon. TEXACO OIL Soothes your engine. Makes it Work better Costs Less. TEXACO SERVICE is Prompt and Smiling Low Priced. Expert. TEXACO SERVICE STATION Murphy, N. C. John Poaey, Mcr Chafing th.; h.. would arm hewelt with mVa?!** and then h,m arwij her shop, pummtlme when she caught hint u,vid J* lander of Conbridge, a divorce. I henn theatre mtjhphy, north carouna K Thurs. & Fri.. July 31-Aug 1 Joan Crawford and Mrhrin Douglas In ? 'A WOMAN'S FACE Added ? March of Time No. 12 "New Engb.nds's 8 MiV.ion Yankees" Saturday. August 2 Gene Autry Jc Smiley llurnrttt In "BACK IN THE SADDLE" 13th Chapter of "GREEN HORNET STRIKES AGAIN" Late Show Sat. 10:3? p. m. Frank Morgan and Anne Rutherford In ? "WASHINGTON MELODRAMA" Sunday, August 3 Anne Shirley & Richard Carlson ?IN? "WEST POINT WIDOW" Monday & Tuesday, August 4 4 5 Dennis Morgan, Wayne Morris and Jane Wyman In? "BAD MEN OF MISSOURI" Wednesday, August 6 ?* DOUBLE FEATURE Guy Kibbee and Dink Trout In? "SCATTERGOOD BA1NES" ?ALSO? "STRANGE ALIBI" Thur. & Fri.; August 7-8 Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake hi "BLONDIE IN SOCIETY" Saturday, August 9 Bill Boyd In? "BORDER VIGIL ANTES" 14th Chapter "GREEN HORN*1 STRIKES AGAIN" Late Show Sat. 10:36 p. ?? Richard Cortei, Wm- Lundlf?? ?IN? "SHOT IN THE DARK"

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