Young Pullets Require Gocd Housing, Feed P.< pair the layinc hyuw no* for the yt Ji.r. ? ??>?* C. F. Pfc::is.i. |M in timi .y ?UK|t< ?t it:: . Sort:* Curoiinn chickwua.. ? : A - . -> t jha: the liaM I !?:.???? i:t?n !?-< U tor the r?-n:a:nd t: ' ' t ? > ?uiv. -? i'.. "Srrut ou* the laying house ?::h hct . ? : Par: . ? : . -n.d. "ar.c: ultt : . i . - throug:...v a." . - ply i :1 d .-.nfectan: .1- an tx: .. prt : - i::u: L<-t tiu aoust air ou: ' :j a tc.v :! p.'viibio. bt! :< - - ? J ling :t pall* ts. ' T .t T yinan '??ivs . may fc< ! at.- ?. ??? ? ?; -nmt ?:: ' :.i*< fuaaner and !?:: He :ids soybeans a \V ? '.-ocar. - or other green !n :1 1 Half Again as Big For Faster Washing We sincerely believe that this is one of the best washer values today. Prove it to yourself ?ask for a FREE demonstration ? see it, use it ? then you too will agree with hundreds of satisfied UNIVERSAL Customers. ? ? Pcax*lata EnamtM 9 Xb. "Wb RutC-pr-oc t Wfiinu Stmlator A _ "nmo-O-Sfritch $59.95 IXmufUi Motor With or withuot pump ? AU White FinMa Beautiful Enameled Utility Cabinet with 60 packages of Kinso included in price of this washer. Murphy Electrical Shop Mrs. 11. G. Klkins. Prop Phone 134-R nr ni t available. broadcast oats in c( rr. or :i< h r the chicken house w.ien ? 'it ;rop u> laid by. These oat* will furnish tender green !tid through ..o" August and September weather. Farrish also sa.d: 1! the flock tf pullets is to be vaccinated for pox. c;- wormed. do it early. It is no; .. g~cd practice .o do either job alter pullets havr started lay inc. Go slow on feeding new grains. " he declared. Start with only a little :it ? rr.iin each day and giadually in ;?:? a.?e the amount if no trouble :s xed in tin *; a final suggestion, the Exten sa n specialist .-a::i "T.-iis is the sea- ] son c!.? M*: reparing of poultry hous es and equipment that has been pu: | :: lor.!:. What about putting I .- in the lav. up house? How a'oou: ! b'.i.lti:tu dropping boards orj -::nr rftcics '. nty of feed tor livestock r, !arms this 1*11 and winter i? infej. ?d by early reports. In many wcti#^ o! the South, the corn prospects the brightest in many years. Co.. ion has done lairly well in most *c tiorus but the weevil damage *j< cn the increase during July. Llvc.slock-fetd price rauas are tat I much more favorabi. to Umtoek | producers than in 1940. it *JS ^ I nounced. Cattle slaughter has bers somewhat larger this year than lut [ and prices are higher in response to ? a good consumer dem aid for mta, I Continuation of this situation dura? the rest of the year will net cattle. 1 men he largest in come in years. Hogs are selling at the huhest price* in three or four years p>;?. arc at profitable level ,:i relation to prices of feed, a s!:ua:.r,n th?; means larger pig crop probablj the largest on record ! ? . >nmin? demand is gcod. and p. ? above pre-w-ir parity. I Total production of < '.a: . ! cr in the first six m< .. . : 19? I than in the like per: yta: r.nd further increase . - ?*.. :cd ? the las: half in the year r< pent ta faviroble prices, c . - -i- :i- .nd eg'.- are selling higher t;.is . .mmtr than last, stimulated by innea d buying power of consumer- .tv.d Go vernment purchases in ti defeat program. By jumping 85 feet from a b'.dse into the Potomac river, Dud ley of Washington won 5- but was fined S10 for violating a j> i illation. USED BATH TUBS AND SINKS .... - i GOOD AS NEW FOR SALE CHEAP . ? APPLY TO KAY'S AUTO PARTS Murphy N. C. CHECK UP lw"r? u? STfiRT BE SURE YOUR CAR IS IN SHAPE TO TRAVEL Be Sure It's SINCLARIZED Have your oil changed to Sinclair's finer, longer wearing, smoother flowing oil. . Have your car greased with Sinclair's Finer Lubricants. . Then fill 'er up with Sinclair Gasoline and drive away without a worry in the world. WE GREASE ANYTHING THAT ROLLS PALMER'S SINCLAIR STATION Ben Palmer, Mgr. Phone 202 Murphy, N. C. SAVE AT SMITHMONT NEW STOCK-LOW PRICES PLENTY OF SPACE TO PARK PHONE 77 For Tender Fryers ? Fresh Laid Eggs. Fresh Produce (Both local and Shipped) SMITHMONT Cherokee County'* Largest Country Store Mile South ol City Limit* of Murphy