IS HI - Save Fleciricitv' She (Ehernkef &omt <E LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. COVERING A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RIO. I. RliJ"^ x :.-NO. 2. MVRP1IV. X.c. 1IIIUSD.U \l (?( s[ 7 ; , - -?i .1 : I i: ?> : ,\H 14 COUNTY UNIT SCHOOLS BEGIN WORK ON MONDAY New High School, E'even Others Will Open on August 28 :i rural .schools of the < :t o county iir.'.t were ope^d I mcrning ami plan-, are be- ! rnmpltted lor the openins of the ning twelve lehooh in tin unit 28, Lloyd Hendrix, sm>e i nt . announced this week. ! "Ulties of all the schools ... no;! have not been com .1- yet. Hendrlx explained. entire personnel will have . cud by opening date. Ai: :.4 i;,.e school on August 28 v 4-year high school which ? opened for the first time at e Dam. Including the ele n ry school, this will be a 12 school, with the possibility ? to thiee additional teachc necessary when "he school E. U. Carroll has been selected as .pal for the high school and e other high school teachers are y- be chosen. Teachers for the ?. :itary grades will be Fulton .... son. Norman Kilpatrick. A Lou Keenum, Trilby Glenn. P . ? Kisselburg, Mrs. Geneva j an: y, Mrs. Ona. B. Hickey and A:nv Jane Tolberi. .- ..cols which opened Monday ana teachers are as follows: Ma nia, Mrs. Minnie Tatham: ? :d . Mrs. Pearly Woodwood: ( ontinued On Back rage) Court Halts To Allow Bar to Pay Tribute To James Mallonee Jr. The Superior Court extended its nDon recess for more than an houi Monday afternoon while members ol the bar of this section paid tribute to the memory ol James Mallonee Jr. promising young lawyer, membci of the State Legislature and Chair man of the County School Board. Clyde Jarrett spoke representing v.e Andrews Bar and Tom Jenkins of Robbinsville, spoke for Graham County. Col. Edmund B. Norvell, dean of the Murphy Bar was in charge ol the ceremonies, and made the first address. Attorneys Marshall Bell, Don Witherspoon and Fred Christopher and Solicitor John Queen, Court Clerk, John Donley also spoke, al! praising young Mr. Mallonee both as ?n attorney and as a man. Judge Bobbitt brought the proceed ing to a close by onjo'ing the pro ceedings graven on tne Court Re- i cords. They also will be Included in | the records of the Bar Association. I Boy 4, Hit by Truck, Has Thigh Fraclured, Playing In Highway i ; n the V ad. W . | four ymr old con of .Sr. and Mrs I Di'.lard ?. \v. - cv.-r b" .1 TV A t.uclc or. Martin's Creek S?tn day mcrmne. and suffered a !>r. it- n thi . E :- Willful handllti -if the ".vhc by t iv uck-d.'. r. h ? 'vould have r? m killed. The . cu: a v-ured where v 1 turn the At the Jim F.uich ... :dcoc. . I ? injured ? . was c rritd first to his hom' and later removed o Tctric hospital, was reported, a the .laper Boes to pre- . '.' his condition wa pionre. -;nK .-ati.^factorily. Desnit< t'i. shock and terror undirnont by . . toy. attending physicians expi -d the hepe tlut hi would soon b" able tc be taken home. They aildrd that because of his ycuth. he would not. b-' p i'iit&r.t ?inly crippled. I Community Farm Tours ) Sche duled Next Week; Snoaprass Announces The annua! community farm tour- ! i in Cherokee county will he conduct- I cd during the week of August 11-15 ? with the county-wide tour set foi I ' 4ueust 18. U. C. assist- | ! ant county asent announced this | week. i Several specialists in farming. | poultry and forestry are expected to ! make the community tours which will be attended by all farm people in each community. \V. B. Collins, farm management specialist, will at I tend all the community tours and j ' possibly the county tours. 1 The schedule of community tour* I follows: August 11 ? Peachtree; Au gust 1- -Tomotla and Marble: Aug. I 13 ? Martins Creek and Brasstown: I Aug. 14? Suit, Postell and Liberty: ? Aug. 15 ? Persimmon creek. Schedule of Meetings Of 4-H Clubs Is Given Following is the 4-H club schedule ' of meetings for the month of August: . Monday, Aug. 11, Marble school house, 10 o'clock: Tuesday, August 12, Murphy courthouse, !? o'clock: Tuesday, August 12, Ranger, 2 o'clock Thursday, August 14, Sybil Hughes' I home at Belleview, 9 o'clock: Friday. August 15. home of Doris McConnell at Andrews, 10 o'clock: Friday. Au- ; gust 15, home of Mildred Hendrix at Feachtree, 2 o'clock; Thursday, Au gust 14, home of Eva Nell Keasler at Martins Creek. 1 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Darnell of Macon, Ga., were the guests of Mr and Mrs. E. J. Darnell last week end Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Davidson and Mrs. Margaret Pruden Lester were visitors in the Smokies Sunday. NY A Workers Begin Three Shifts A Day As County Project Put On Defense Basis Immediately following an order by the National Youth Administration "aking the Murphy shop a defens - Project. three shifts of boys a day have been placed tat work and in tr nir \ according to an announc mcn'. this week by Bob Scroggs, pro ject supervisor. Tv.e new project allows for 42 boy.s to bo trained in every three months Pt -iod. The 42 boys are divided into three shifts with four-hour trainin? and -orking periods each day be; the hours of 7 a. m. and 12 widriicut. Scroggs personally direct? 'he shop work while an instructor Conducts the training classes. Th?ifi boys are being trained in the new 1-tya building just finished i this spring. This shop is rated as an 'A" class shop with all the neces ?8Ty modern equipment". Plans arc also being drawn up for a storage shed and materials for the construction of this building arc ex pected to be delivered soon. This hod will be used for storing all the lumber and materials necessary f the defense project. Plans for a heating plant to bo installed for this winter an n v complete yet but provisions are be ing made. Work has already started on the installation of 220-volt elec tric lines into the new building for operation of the woodworking ma chines. Much favorable comment liar ]???<:? made locally on the excellent pro gress this project, which is spon sored jointly by the NYA and the county. T. P. Calhoun. cli rm n of the county board of commissioners, made the remark at the rcccn? open house held at the new building thr ' this was "money wel! spent by the J county." TV A MAN KILLED STRICKEN DOWN BY SUNSTROKE | Firs' Vict<m in Section Is Overccme at ^Vork; Leaves 10 Children claimed -eyrie-' victim cf ? . 'fa: in '....? < n old. c'.-.'d ? P : :i al "fi.-ni -"iie-mhr. H" was overcome by th intnw hea' Thursday, vhtle work Ins on a power Sir. c" v.anee ' t'i TV A. Tile i.e.T. v :;i v. a a -. en" Tu.squ.itn-. vh : tune a! servic were .uld Sav.irda ? afternoon. a 2 o'clock* ". Rev. F. B. CI r rctt o'fici.iUn". ivle Fum ra! Horn, was in charge >f the services. Although : ar'..v a core of rc - - \ den:.-- ha\e been partly overcome by | till- intense hear during ;h<' ;>a-;t t :i days, none of the other cases his ixen erious. Mr. Ml ? - : ? urvivi .! by a wid i\' 1 and ten children. The latter arc Mrs, Qaraet Stevens, the Misses Oma Lee Delia. N* j.a. ! . )U Bell. Eva. Maryien Martha and Joy and one -on. Monroe, all of Mt qu. ee. TO GET CASH TRY GROWING SWEET POTATOES. YAMS Crops Bring $2 Bushel In Atlanta, SoP Here Is Declared "Ideal" Soil experts have declared idea: for the raising of sweet potatoes abounds all over this county, especi ally in bottom lands; but compara tively lew of the honey-tasting tubers are grown locally. Instead, they are bought at the grocery store ? and they never are cheap. Many of the sweet potatoes bought hero come from nearby Georgia, where they now arc just completing the harvesting of the first crop. Given good weather, sweet potatoes and yams will produce two crops a year. Cherokee Farmers who stick to the time honored corn and Irish potatoes for their money crops are reminded that reports from Georgia state that the sweet potato and yam growers are getting an average of S2 a bushel. The first crop also furnishes vines for the second crop, to be harvested in the fall seed for next season, and food for home consumption. The combination of cash, food and seed seems pretty attractive. Yet few (Continued on Back Page) Joint Revival Services To Open at Peachtree Revival services jointly between the Baptist and Mrthodi churches will begin at the Peachtree church Sunday, August 10. and will continue for two weeks. The services will be conducted by ? Rev. R. C. Shearin. paster of the j West Bapti?*. and :'.)rr.v r| pastor of the Pea c i tree church, asis- ; ted by Rev. Clemme: of H yesvillr i H. H. Hickman Retrrns To Murphy for a V:s;t Henry Hickm -i. v. ii-fen'0'.v: monir local circU- for jnany " ; ; and now - ??:v. ? ' Wavi r:-' Ind:". i in- in M*.iry"n\ Mi*. 'Tic!::-'. :' .v'iom ?-?"?? remerr or a. b* . '-c. : <" !'v man i ? c . "M - o ill tram; for ? I ; >n ? ib: ? < r Murphy town hip for v. ? il ( terms, a; pr -en lie holds the sptt position in Wavcland. Hr was always a colorful fi-ure. not only in base ball circles, but in many activities. Boy Fatally Crushed As 2 Autos Collide i enth Gi ^up of County L>rafltes to Report it F crt B f. :: A.u ;u:-t :3 _ : VflC? OKSC "CVUiii V ?* t ? S2 " ""SUP in thi truup. L. u. . ?!. . . i.turoaj U iui.;; I' apiiv Rte. 1. t C.U'.lfJ', /I. >? Rte. 1. L. . Ldwm K.?av . M i 1 Burin L cl B V- . Wlillu V :ne Clark. ... ?. Vin Hal!. U. 1. WlUarci li ward Lovir. ?? Mm Hie 1 VVUl-H 1 J??? H.t rper. Tomotla. Claude M.t: . Jam A'' wile A.r:r.. < *Un*ni-> Bruce Carve. Audi t v. -. C . jmljiu 'i Head. Murphy, Rte. J. Lower. Ford Cearlev. Culkv. ?on Rte. 2 U. Wliite, Grandva.v. Anti-Tubercul?.- Ciinic For Three Counties to Begin Here August 25 The an!:-tuUrcular inic loi Cherokee, CJ.iy and G .... .m eoun t ie < conducted by Dr. H. P. Eason of the North Carolina Sanitarium will begin in Murphy August 25 anil will be held for a period of three days. The clinic- will Ik- in Andrew.-, two days. in Robbinsville. three days and in Hayesville, two days. Dr. M P. whichard, district health officer, stales it is desirable and advisable for all tubercular and tubercular contacts to have lungs fluroscoped. He also says because of limited time, it will be necessary for all individuals desiring this work to submit their names to the Health Department for appointments. Davidson Opens Store Here For Gents Only Murphy's first complete men's furnishing store. The Man Store, opened its doors this week in the new Dickey building on Tennessee street. Mr. J. W. Davidson is tho manager. Mr. Davidson is well known throu ghout this county, having conduct ed business here for many years. The new store, Mr Davidson says, will car.:/ only tho better brands of men's clothing and will handle no women's apparel whatsoever. Mrs. Frank McDonald of Knox ville is visiting here with her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mattox. Miss Jean Dickey is visiting in Atlanta with relative.-. Miss Marth : Prnland of Weaver villo spejit several days here this] week with Miss Sara Wit-herspi. in. | Y:c.c Cc.iin^, Ase 16, Cits Shortly after L 1 lit by Cars Mat- Collins. 16-year-old ...It >. hool .. ou'.h c! Graham court" uc cumbed t ? . 11 crushed bctwi' n .. uom- ? iW* Hear - :.!<?(? !.i .1:1 V-c: . y ntuht,. death vom?:y a; M ? ? ? i ? 3:30 e'clo Thur?-d; ? : .1 phy ? .:ly U , ' v .. pa. - in- mo: C. wi. > : .. Let. ijr thuik ba'. In .er JU7S was '.V.UKU1B a'UHe, ijiolii-i.. ii "urniu: lront . UK: 1 a: SamceMah n . u automi jiif aiul truck col lided crushing the boy between them arm a?;.. . y ttsnaled hla body. The alent.iy ol ?in drivers ot the two rnachim ? was not learned. H.r -tciar.j. attending Collins -a.d both his !< wire badly cruihed I and man - .eel . tlhKh b:okn; lift {Hest ?.??? .it*i and that he probably suffered -<?: -ous> internal abdominal injuries. Funeral ,-:vic< 1(1 the youth have been ranged lor Friday af'.er n 1:1 a' 5a?t< '.Uh church which . was . .ending on the nigh! of ?.he accident. I Surviving an his parent.-. Mr and I M: . .J. H. Collins, ar.d one brothel, j Boyd. Freshmen Must Take Placement Exams; To Register August 27th. Ai: incoming freshmen to Murph> schools will be given placement tests on registeration day, August 27. ;o determine what section of ilie eighth grade they will entei. H. Bueck. supe rintendent, announced this week. These examinations are not being given for entrance into high school. Bucck pointed out., a-s entrance de pends solely upon promotion from the seventh grade. The placement tests are made necessary due to the fact that the recent intelligence test were not given to seventh grade students. Rtyistration of all students :n the Murphy unit will take place on August 2". Provisions have been made to allow school busses to run one day early for this repislr.Uion. ATTEND AAA MEET J. H. Hamp: .1 o; Murphy, and U. S. G. Phillips, of Unaka. county 1 om mitteemen of the AAA program a tended the statewide meeting for committeemf n ::i Raleigh. Monday. Lawson Lunsford. third member of the local comnv.tte. was unable to attend. Big Bass Landed Without Hook at Docks, Swallowing Sfrin* of Bream?' Tl^ev Sav ? Tv fuller t joke -<" the bigger the f: "i ? orfes set. Th". m' : . h b.: - whu thoii"' ' to s.vallo v v.h -;. strinp of bream and ?">; f iuch but tve don't- ?. k yo'.i any!) ( to be P. J. K'-nts. own- . :b9 locaJ boa*- dock.1-, and ail .> . >c i ? : ? ? - swear to autiicr.ii-i y of this story . >;vr il pa it or. f y '.rlsement. T n . . m ffrmen had : ccn o;it on ?>,?? Jak- .inffling foi bream and iv.d b ?: vrtfn!, brincins in a p.;-- ? : . Wh-n t!i"' not bark to the t; l: v :i"d the bream to the side of ie deck 50 t.ha* they could swin-; down into the wate: as :??? 'he habit of fishermen. Af " V'.::" ? a ivx'.ce abic unirinc and t!:rashin,T about, n< ar wlv ?? *hev ?. <! m , w an investigation w.i ma.. <" a full of '<riwn. A ? r of f.-et he was chCfe'tv *? f'.u lie had teen able ? ?> ?? and couldn't se; m t ? shake V.m if :< -w. As the st.ory one ;{ men y?nkeri both bv am an:1 be., c.i . of the w.' or ~ Tri1 ' . : ' eiv-ued . . between man end f 1. a short while the mar cmc rged victorious, however, and also was i one bass to the good.

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