I B I I^SB I Uihr (ftbernke? ?>rmtt THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. COVERING A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY Klvi: i *RI U'*> \ i ? N??- 3. Ml'RPHY. N. C. 11 i 11 I :; \ k \li CORPSE OF BABY ' i OIND MANGLED IN UNDERBRUSH j Body Dug up by Arsima' ; Molher Is Released By Coroners Jury -\ ner's jury of six ratn refuse' j . charges Tuesday again*: ( M ? Kincaid. colored, whos ? : jaoy wa> tuuuu . >alisin. a. untie: brush near her home in ! .r.a Monday. .nation was made in an ef- i ? j determine whether or n,-: ; ? j.iby. which was born S.tturday I ! been murdered. A : . port was brought to Corone: i Hai Miller, Sheriff Townson and ) : Police Frtd Johnson Monday | a: the body of a new-born negro 1 oton found nejr the Kin-' ijine and that tile girl hac .. that it was hers. ?may a: the inquest Tue? : - vealed thai . . Kincaid girl ill alone ill the yard of iici Saturday evening, had becom< . ately ill. and had fallen anc' down the hill into the under li where she gave birth to tht i:ie Kincaid tsiil said t-iat the bab;. dead when born. She said shf ped out a shallow grave and (1 it immediately, and then led back to the house and to Late that night she told anothei who was living with her, abou1 ? :ji. th. and a midwife was called T.-.e body of tile baby was dis vered by several colored women . ring nearby, who had come to visit Annie May after having hearing she ill. The tiny corpse had been . aged from the shallow grave b> me animal, probably a dog. and t arm and half the head were mangled. The condition of the body was such little could be learned from an ::: iPtction. Rueck Announces Full Faculty List For Murphy School T:-.o faculty for Murphy high and elementary schools, and other schools :n the Murphy unit has been com p>ied and the list is announced this ?v ek by H. Bueck. superintendent. New additions to the local high st ooi faculty are Annette Smith, E.'.zabcth Phillips and Roy Alton Ferguson. Teachers in Murphy high school are: K. C. Wright, principal. Julian Houston Pitzer. Mrs. Virginia Sec horn Cobb, Mrs. Virginia Benton Hyde, Geneva Dot Higdon, Mrs. Nell McLaughlin Meyers, C. B. Chambers, Mrs. W. E. Studstill, Dorothy Crook. Anile Hill. Mrs. Emily ampbell Millet Mrs. C. B. Chambers. Reid Mallonee. Mary Lee Felmet, Annette Smith. Elizabeth Phillips and Roy Alton Ferguson. Wurphy Elementary school: Mrs &ijily Davidson, Kate Hayes. Talitha Moore. Mrs. Martha Mayfield Adams, Addle Leatherwood, Emily Sword Mts. Alonzo Shields. Mrs. Evelyn Pat ton. Stella Mason and Clara Mc Combs. I T.imotla school: Lelia Hayes, Bert hs M;i;/field, Willie Lou Wells. Bates Creek school: Mrs. J. Frank - Condoned On Back Page) o . Superior Court Ends; Few Cases Continued Moving with something like re cord ' ix-ed, the August Term of the ^upfrior Court came to A close this *"<*. with practically every possi JT raw" on *he docket disposed of. ^ cases which were continued carried over, mostly, because defendants, though under bond, ^o appear. ccn s right to Break Will II "ade by Dickey Resuits in Mistrial Tu-jui; . : Fii-d Dickey Jr. M brrmk I .it' will *.1 ins father, he late Fi\ : Dickey Sr.. result & in a m. - Widiu-u v when th** : a ors ri po. * to lunn bv a former mar. i .ye refused to a - cept tills amount and broi. at >uit j charging mental incapacity and un dui Influence. The yon v,.t, represented K A lorney.t Dun Witiier.spoon and \V:?itn MKinney. the Iaf.t r ot A vi'.'.e M.s. Maudv1 Dickey \v.?- represented by Attorneys Gray and Malloncc . At torney Fred Christopher. Gary's partner, who drew the will, was in elitiibk to act as counsel because he v. a a witness. Rch a::..; .v s : fo. the Novem ber term. o Forgotten Prisoner j Walks Away Free, Then Turns Self In Wesley Tillson who lives out Ran ger way. but often circulates around Andrews and Murphy sot mixed up cn his dates, and as a result Is nov at the Prison Camp, "building" eie!.: months. He was sentenced by Jud'-T Bobbitt. in Superior couit F::day. If Tillson iiad chosen to flee, how ever, he might be far from these P rts today, for after he had been sentenced, everybody apparently for got all about him. He sat in the court-room until adjournment for the day. Then he went nj: with the crowd, and got himself some supper, and began to ponder what to do next. He finally decided that he didn't want to be a fugitive. and 50 j shortly before 7 o'clock Friday even ing, he went to Coun:y J. :!e: Pat- j ton oleaian. told h:m abou; it. and asked to be locked up. He reached the jail just a few moments before the arrival of the prison camp wagon. There wasn't even time to put him in a cell. There was only time for iiim to Rive Jailei Coleman his TVA work badge, and ask the jailer to arrange to t 1 ! TVA pay check and give j; to son's wife. Tillson was sentenced for beir.?. drunk and for illegal possession of liquor. His trouble arose from a celebration that was staged too soon \ On Aug. 11, 1939. Tillson was ar- j (Continued on Page 4) 0 Owen McDonald Hurt In Tunnel at Nantahala Word has just been received here of an all but fatal accident to Owen McDonald, of the Lower Martins' CJreek section, at the Nantahala Dam. McDonald was crushed by * stone while working in a tunnel. He was rushed to a hospital in Frank lin. His condition was reported as serious. The accident occured last Thurs day. His mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Bamet McDonald, also of Low er Martins' Creek, were notified and hurried to his bedside. o ? 1 1 Volunteers Wanted To Fill September Call Wayne Walker, secretary to the local draft board, is looking for vol unteers to fill the quota for the seventeenth call on September 10. Heretofore volunteers have filled other calls but this one found the board flat, with not a single man. Walker said. The September 10 quota will con stat of 11 men to be sent to Port Braes SWi \"i.r.K GiVKN ?i'.V: N YRS. FOR : !.;!nTED THEFT ; A ?.nfr. Crock is Fou-v' Gu'hy Conspiracy And $2, COO Larceny Hi. -!I1 C i C' |am;iy. a: a . r- . ? V ..nd Atlar. a yas ixxaA sa*:t:. cj ccru;v.rj cv asd larceny of El.tw am V. Olm .< 1 aal s: paper . i b 1 1 ii * in Superior C ar I f . .a. . I - ? ?'< i" fiw ??? -oven year- each > hai v. ; Cobb was > >nvicted alter .? ' . - that exu uei- ? ???:? tli.ee (lays. H i v...... defended by Attorney Jame Msl* ? ?' by a B >:r: 1 Company attorney trom Saulsbury. j Ma:: . :::? d n tiee nt an ap ? and Cobb v . '.s ? d< . < d held $J.j 1 . A bi.ndini: compny : - pi ? tentative later said that .1..- ">:n- : ; any would no: ;>? tin- . :-k unli -- ; - iff u Tit jr. :?y was pasted, m ad- i riHion to the regular bonding to pay for ne expi n-e of . ihig aft?t [ the p:. tier f i.c should diciclt t flee. Cobb had previously vist-ed Olm .-tcd and had been offered, a . : mm; ton an;! a position if h< j could find an investor to help Olm- : i s*i c: i. ? velj]*- property in East Mur phy into a tourist cam]). He came to j Murphy las- year with an aliened attorney and an alleged investor to t - strangei s to Olmsted. The latter was I to put up land and iJ.OOO ca-.: : and the inve stor w. to put up SG.- 1 ' 000 cash. The money was to be I placed in escrow pending develop- j men*, and tile camp was to be owned ! and operated on a fifty-fifty basis After wewing Hie property and discussing terms, the alleged investor put up Sfi.000 cash, giving it to his attorney. Olmsted offered a check, but this was refused, on the grounds th.?t Olmsted might withdraw his funds from the bank and leave the check worthless. Olmsted thereupon went to the bank and withdrew S2.000 which hi turned over to the alleged attorney until all couid go to the ! offices of Gray and Christopher tc draw up a formal agreement and j put the money in e crow, in bank. (Continued On Back Page) ANNUAL COUNTY FARM TOUK SET FOR AUGUST 18 : _ ? Large Group WiU Visit Throughout County on Monday The Annual Cherokee County | Fann and Home Tour will held Monday. August 18. The Tour will start in front of the Court House at Murphy, at 8:30 o'clock. 1 E. S. T.>. and will cover the Peachtree and Andrews Communities during the morning. The party will return to Ranger for lunch, prepared by the PTA at the Home Demonstration club. This Tour will offer opportunity to visit with old friends and will af ford a close-up view of outstanding accomplishments, on the farm, and in the home. Ideas gathered may prove beneficial in improving your Farm and Home. Demonstrations to be visited in clude Home Improvement and Beau tification. Poultry. Pastures, Lime and Phosphate Check Plots. Beef Cattle. Diiry Cattle. Rural Electrifi cation, and Agronmy. With every resident of the County cordially invited to go along, the tour will be well worth making both from an educational and a recreat ional standpoint. Those without cars will be provided with transportation free, if they are at the Court House when the tour starts. Death Lie^ In Street L'^htning Causes Bre^.k in ? eclric \V r * -V- ? n\ -a> . .. . . ' . t scorc.s v). pt. -or. - ; F :una:*iv r.u ia:. certain and id|un: v.t id av- ; bet!: '.he tmo'oiH ran ov? ?: wire, ij ?* ? vi i w the . . ? r -.::t p.- v . .*. :j. ..... M ? ? . H*: ? ? : Lit : - trie d head quari< to' local ,?:ui v.-.tin fishermen this >ra>- were mowci Wednesday from the former location on I he lake* below Grape ?. reek Hiwassee Dam. P. J. Henn, u.vnt-i i :a- announced. Henn pointed out t: the change was made only after d.tr c-onside: ion or the best interests of all. The former location wa- satisfactory :c a certain extent. Henn -aid. but facilities will be much otiuv at li: wassee. Tiie docks already located a: the dam will be added to Hmn's docks beside new sections. They will be located near the Observation House, affording rest rooms and other facili ties tor comfor. A walkway has been built from the e nervation House to the docks, electric lights will be installed. Plea sure and fishing boats will be rout ed from the dock- separate lanes, and the lake will be patrolled con stantly at this pom:. The dis.nce from Murphy *o the ciock- will be greater but this is offset by the fat: that the new road now to he dam is paved all he way. Henn stated that later, when the lake waters are kept at a constant top level, docks will be installed at Murphy. o Dr. Anderson Returns After 43 year Absence Here for the first visit in 43 years. Dr. B. C. Anderson, whose boyhood home was in Peachtree. came back to Murphy. Wednesday, and found it so different from his early recollect ions that he thought he must be in the wrong place. Dr. Anderson now is a practising physician in Spartan burg, S. C.. and came here on a va cation. His family moved in 1898. Making a motor trip with his fam ily. Dr. Anderson, who could easily pass for 40. stopped to look up toy hood friends He also took out a sub scription for the Scout, declaring his father had read the paper since the first issue. o Scheduled Announced For Dog Vaccinations The County Health department has announced a new schedule for vac cination of dogs. All who fall to comply are subject to prosecution The schedule follows: Saturday. Aug. 16. 1941 : Bates Creek, Dockery's fetore ? 9 A. M.: White Church. Orandview ? 10 A M : Orandiew Post Office- -10:30 A. M.: Boiling Springs ? 11:30 A. M ; and Ebenezer School ? 1 P. M. i . V ? Fllvi.'iS OF BOTH LINEMAN" AIDES .c. ? . -.1. M irager Work. Cav and Ni'jht; Storm. Wreak Havoc WZX P ptl iar man?. <: El.ci.Jcal I>t ixirtmei." ??> is ClMt H1- - va-f;^x~ ppmi. n ? .vw a a . 11 h- ji c .?m( the entire it j ,nu:r. . n . ??:?.: I: ? imc : .i.v bv : v TVA .. ?,k ,iw,y EJ k.n v :r. n. \v ] |m c..?|| lit- vi'cik ? . ir?. i . ... ti . rn du : ? Carl Bin M j A TVA riffim. I is said to haw pro mised that the men would x. be ! until Elkins could replace ? .inn. B : :: meqj urEr. . ?:ic. :.u.w w: liv ing Mam ' > ni t only t it i \? i .vt v. v.;" a! > to don pole climbing -puis, and do ail the :n< vork in addition T ? :? lit .a.- been ?...*? E&ins ork ... l?i ? ? :no:v .iour A .. vo. wit':? the tiaj. -truck in in out were start - " ? \ J ? ? it'COT di>ruptecl. cllkins was kept hurrying : io . . enci ot town to the ot : t . v?. in: . Jgn!-;. both Monday .in . Tu?x:ay. Mt'.tiiw t .. :??>- ra. ? had : ? en Kent by ? . i: Atlanta. Ashe ville. C..u vnuoi and Knoxville, without if: ni:. Word came oack that so f.;r a.s was known, the men who could be recommentit d as competent and reliable were already employed. The feu joble>> electrical rkers who were known to power officials were described as being too unreliable to justify their hiring. Mayor Charles Mayfieic: toici thr (Continued On Back Page) 45-Cent Robbery Sends Two To Pen For Three Years Raymond Kimball and W. F Pickic!-:mer. v.vo of four youm. men arreted about "...roe wick- ago charged with li.'iiway robber; i>!id s. aui: or. Mr. and M: ? I V.\ P.:* t< n. oJti'.-rly i JijJe visiting Murphj from G rgia. were s