r C 1*1 :f.IS||KI> I \ I "tV ilH'KSDAY - |M>\ : h Carolina a rccond class ' : ur.:i r A.t * March 3. 1397. * C. Olmsted Publisher ll.it \\ lliam>un . Kditor Buili.ua Mrronr; .... Soeial Editor '1 IISIKII'TION l*KI( K I * .i- in v rth Carolina St.30 '? *1'^ . in N'tiIi t arolina .73 1 ^ -ar. Out ? I Statr 't 00 Payable Strictly In Advance .. Le" il Advertisements. want ads. reading notices, obituaries, cards or tlia .k-. etc.. 5c I:ne each insertion. pay ib'f in advance Display rates furm-hed on request. Ol); rv notices, card; of thanks, trih .- of : ;:ec' by ndividuals. : if hur h -. jr -mirations or .-?>? will lie ? irded as adver v. . md .a erted at regular classi fied i'. er . . inHra'i Such notices will ? ? mark, d ' adv." :n ccrnnl:ance ?; . uotal re^tilationa. A Credit to Ths Bench p. .. i.:.. ? .11 Cierokie C'ountv. and h< 1 1 til. .. ,1 i nui-e that mean: ..of tj the -uil'V and joy to those who vauie clear.' I , I -! vevk when it was suggested ! . I tlia . Con: t adjourn over in- A tv a. c sad and perhaps for the term ieav- 1 ing the civil case-, for a regular term, Jud Bobbin j?u: !us foot down a Hat ? :.o." i-.'i. ? -a .1 M.iui. that ? intended, if ;>> ? c. the dockets. In other '.'ord- His Hon "" ryit interest, ol' people aoove ms >wn con.: irt. He remembered ;h? : day a man t.iusf. con ? to c to :.ait in :n : >r Cu-->e m _e called, cost.-. that man moi. ? hin. time he can never reaa-n. rr.a> mean a lost business opurtun: y tiia' w ill never came again. t >i" men charged with criminal of fend. postponement of ita?ei ? if they are innocent ? keeps them from acc. pting employment in another section of the country. The too frequent practise of som? juii-ie.s in adjourning court over tilt week end ? or several days before the end of ttie regular term, so that they could have a vacation, at home lias meant costly delay to many, ana in some cases, actual hardship. Even to the guilty, if they were con lined in jail. Judge Bobbitt's plan to clear the docket, if possible, wa. good news. Time spent in the county jail, awaiting trial is known as "jaw bone." It means just that much ex tra confinement in addition to tiieii sentences. Naturally every man v ho faces conviction wants to be sent to < the roads, or the penitentiary, as quickly as possible. Tile quicker he begins building his tim \" the quicker he gets out. For those guilty ones put on bond, who hoped to "wear their ca-.es out" by a long series of continuances, the plan was not so good For Judge B ? > bitt has 1: Je sympathy witi. cri minals, and ilis sentences whi ? not excessive, certainly were not light. Summed up. the Judge regarded the ses.ion as a 'ask to !>;? done as speedily and as efficiently as po*i ble. He wo . not harsh- but neither did last minute pleas for leniency 1 where none was deserved > have any effect. Calmly, dispassionately, he sought to make the punishment f:t the crime." He will be back in Murphy again, he announced, to preside at the November Term and every good citizen in this section should be glad. Judge Bobbitt is a credit to the Bench. Boy Hit by TVA Auto Reported Improving Little Jimmie Stiles, two and half year old son of Dlllard Stiles, of Mar tins Creek has been returned to his home and is steadily Improving. Little Jimmie's leg was broken above the thigh when hit by a car about ten days ago. It was first reported to and written in the Scout hat llie Jimmie had been hit by a TVA truck while play ing in the road and had been taken \* c : or., ' >nd r 'd * ' ,uid collar **d ir.ier ' ' ' :a.i:uto: I 1 )mc :: E 'T* bed ;n the jaii IfKNied to be ! ? -?> ? i * _ d . adding ' I v. i rtndows n *? I rt paii n . mat . . .? ::: ;> : >: >nd:t: ?. and . : ia- : were no. prov-U.-J : j tiie bed.: - ? Vt, be ftjgt :-.-i ! ?c a" or. -on Ofi? ! ? n1 t.-.a: and the nu'.'i,-. Or* .-I J )" -1.' .l'.'. j unle - lv> pr )v:dod with ex: a :na* * j - allow t haium-'.. !%????:)? m ? :? will *dj mpossiait un '. ? > * prisoners are left with ) -: an: .:a ?.-? a: ail while the .supply or r..: : 'v.iu " i ?.?,d. He in ??:! out ! that :t is pot possible to wash a f ? '? ! 1 a*, a time because the 'ail Is so of. 'nj full. The trash can cover, co'.emir. e.\- 1 'ilained had been stolen jus: '-Wore , '.he Grand jury made its inspection j and l. ? ..ij :: ha- -.a.- to t : ? new j. . ? r ' de clirer! to be the work of recerr ' raer". one of them in-an * The dirt reported on -. ? .". >or> ' Coler-ar. said ??>.- :ue to ?. > fact :a he ..: as mi-. : ? .:fore ..ie daily clear, -a;- ad b-=r. art "d. As "? e '.vail, and ceil. ?; Jail .- C ... :..a'. ;j iivhat thi needed ?? .s r... - washing as new | pain;. I. sheets are provided. 2 kept clean, there proba ;ly will h? ? t s be a ?p->cial appropriation to niiet the :. ? 'J. allowing a change for each bed. TVA Announces New Appointments At Local Projects Tho Tennessee Valley Authority has announced appointment of nine representatives .0 direct inanags ment of properties and to be respon sible for the health and safety pro gram at the TV As four new Hiwassee , P.oject* ? Apalachia. Chatuge. Not | tely. and Ocoee No 3. Management of real property anc l related facilities throughout this re j gion ha* ' n assigned to A. D. P.ieg er. Man - "r of TVA properties in '.he Ciia Tanooga area. Edward H. Watson, formerly as ,.tr t.> the Camp Manager jt Watts Bar Dam. has cc.ii a,'P inted Camp Manager for the Apalachia Project, with additional responsibili . v f ' the m?:ia:;ement of Hiwassee , Village, housing an.l facilities at I Murphy, and accommodations at i Chatuge, Nottely. and Ocoee No. 3 i projects. He will be responsible to Mr. Rieger. The population readjustment pro gram will be directed by W. T. Hunt from offices at Murphy. North Caro lina. Activities of the Health and Sa fety Department will be administer ed through an area office located in Murphy. The following appointments have been made for health and safety services in the Hiwassee area, which includes <in addition to th? const ruction projects > operations at Hi wassee Dim, Blue Ridge, Parksvill?. and Ocoee No. 2. Area Administration ? Dr. O. M Derryberry. Senior Health Officer in-Charge: James W. Hardy. Safety to his home before being brought to the hospital. This was an error. Little Jimmie was crossing the road to go home when he was hit by a TV A car, and was brought directly : to the hospital by his father. .1 ? \ IS: ?? './.iu1: v: :s A vpu to *o in : Ft I.- !v.r;- ? f:'. >. i. ? a- . C. . t* JV9? Jt-coa:*' : " .1 .. ad ? : ten." St ationed first in Wa-hi:s?t ?? ae ua plac- i In .1- : ar. >fl:ce in NMhVlIle. Ten!:. Ihcn i? * ?- OtilU .! b vk to V.'.i- in ' -:i- e ' ' Chic a:o. back U'j. '..i-.j-ja a.iai thence to New York. back to Wash ington once more ana thru to Phi ladelphia. whi ro .w ls no* stationed. Hi- ? ar.* "iie Gimb.-l build in-. -nd he has .i sked the Scout to t*?".dor a - ? neral invita*i.ii ' ) com and MC him jj In UM City of Brot herly Love. Col. Cosp-: whwe woik .-.a- to d nu reiulmt : .:i ui iuotor trdrj'.p?: tation. declarv - hit .-.e is unhappy. He wants to back in Me army: but can't d > it because at phv.>ica' d:;aba.:Uy. Incurred in line of d'itr \v:th the A. E F. Applying for re call he was told he would net '.e recalled unlo -. ajs ilutely n:ce.=-.\n--. He mjd.' a notable record in the a my. C .mm.**. .ned a Second Lieu tenant early in 1917 he rose rapidly through the \*anaus grados. ar.d was retired as a Colonel. Friend* here- and this includes just ibJtt' everybody ir. Cherokee County ? ? predict that if he doe.-, get back in the service, he probably will come our owning the arm7. While "home" Co!. C"op?r plan;; to make a present of his big Mur phy residence to his daughter. Mrs H. A Mattox, but says he plans to build a five room bungalow for him Officer, and O W. K)c:r.i'.iy, Jr., Associate Sanitary Engineer. Apjlachia Dam ? Dr. Jjlin C. Sharp. Health Officer. Ocoee No. 3 Dun ? Dr. Sammuel H. Freas. A-isociaie Medical Officer Murphy Office ? Dr. Gordon G. Sirdsong. A.s^aciate Medical Officer. .Appointment.-! for Nottely Dim and Chatuge Dam are pending. ? a a i is. ..<? . il nf * o-njec. int . M \ :r. :I a: area. J* : :no:- ai:o will . ecei* e :hj ph s p!..i ?- ?: ?: John W. Ro-.-. G. vv Ba:..i'- E ?V BaTe-. Ba) 3ran:'.:r Joh:-. Clark. S. Cjiomjn. Gej.n C. f :d. John Dockerv. s. W Ers?u> Albert K:!oy. P. L. Roberta. McMillan, a. s. Moss. R. w Martin. B B. Morrc-.\. j. w. odotn. C . W M V sung B ;:j p. ? : Li ? Murphy and \V. M P. ? '. PERSONALS Ra; ?: . las; week end here w v. i.Ld \I - W >! Film Mr. a:;.! M Hrn:e S v.e- ant dau,'h'.?? Charleen r.d Wanda, w Hai.mc:;. Ten:-... Willi arrive :rt M :r pny l.'l v ea iir. 3o ? - beer, 'r?.r :err_-ci here v.::'.: the T V. A. A. 3. Ja.-.< Meyers and M ?>. V. n Dai s. o. C.t ' arrived V.'eJ:; ? day !or a visit, here with Miss Clara Mcl irnba. 7.? j C-en;;\ 3:.. Owsa'j" Mr- W. G. Owenby aad liL'.i" Jutfv Ox aby ; Ma.ietta were v:.si:ji\> in tow.-. Sur.ua;.. fc.rs. 'J L. Alvema ani "I. Eld Qu'*a9 were visiters lr. Bry son "ity. TV^.s'la','. M". ard Mrs. .Ti-n Franklin Miss Elizabeth Frankiin. and Miss Marion Axl- 7 Wild vUitc.-> la Aousville. Tue day. St.-. and Mrs. Vaughn Rarer of Taf . Cal., arrlvea <S'^nday tor n I vis'.! h . a:1-.'.: ttrs. Rapir'3 sistJ:'. Mrs. Bill Gentry and Mrs. Don Gen try. self and wife right next door. No matter where I am stationed he said. Murphy is where I really live." t M. M: -Muiinell Wxliun Ww Smith, M; *???? i-. K. Sliles were C :> -viile Sunday. B. Ma;iev. r.e:t ? m " ... ?3. ..I J "V. - .inn j C WM a vU-.r to- .. Ti.- CI;..- 5;i d : ,? Hll. s>.*nt Mtiluia: . Jerry Davidson. of Ba.,. r;?-j :r. i>:..ew po.t. La. u , ? Anr,' A " C?n?s in..:,. ..<1 d v, here tllis a . pare!; -. and Ml.-. J ,. . avid, son. Cap.u? . f ' <1,' \\ ... an-. ; *0. . :2 -v.;* City. IlV.:... s.ieitt laot week or . M: s. \Y. L. Kirven o i C :? visiting here v.. : iaj Mrs C. L McCx-'.a::. Mr. and Mr-. V. C. '.Vr - . wen t:-.r dinner guens of M S?ra C P at the Ttrr. . a Ar.drev - :as: Friday - . : Frtd Dickey i -1 - . -;;ent | ? ::i da 3 here this j Miss Polly Anderson, of .V. . S. C., is visiting in MurpBj . . ,-.er j.ater. Mis. Jim Gibbs. Mrs. Hayes Leat.i" aai can, iter. Ann It:: Wednesday for* weeks vsit in Oriandi OcaU, Pla with relatives. Mrs. Mei.ssa Dale. a?e.i a-)vr. 85 ysar;, is ?. patient in Petrie : ispital, ? b.e. - ner condition is reported to i?? crticai. Mrs. Dole is a r.';;ient of Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E A. ?rsoa, ;! Ala., visited here several day t-'.L-. "eek with Mr. ar. J Mrs. I C. L. Aiverson. I Miss Mable Callahan if Cullman. Ala., will arrive Saturaay to visit w'.'.'x her sister. Mrs C. L Al.vr son. ,vi,.>. LUwdi'd o . Miller oi AManti is visiting here with her motlier-in law. Mrs. E. 3. Miller. Dr. and Mrs. W. H MrCall of Ashevllle spent last week er.J Here j with Dr. MoCall's mother. Mrs. J. H. McCall. Be good to Yourself, for once . , . GET AN OUTFIT WITH REAL CLASS SUPER-FINE SHIRTS AS LOW AS $1 (Limited supply) NON-CREASE TIES 50c to $1 DRESS SHOES (Bostcnian & Mansfield, $3.50 to $8.50 WEINBERG WORK SHOES $2.50 to $4 (These shoes have arch supporters and cushioned soles ? Strudy as an Oak Tree, but Pretty Enough for "Dress.") PHOENIX SOCKS (Rayon and Lisle) only 25c Silk and Lisle, 50c ? A few pairs of Pure Silk at $1.00 SUITS and ODD TROUSERS, MADE BY A NATION ALLY FAMOUS HOUSE; SOLD and GUARANTEED UNDER OUR OWN LABEL Suits $15 $17.50 $22.50 T rousers $2.50 to $5 (Note: ? We are able to Offer these Unusually Low Prices Because of an Exceptionally Good "Buy." We Cannot Guarantee as Low a Range after the present Supply Is Gone We Hand!? Onlv The Best The MAN Store MURPHY'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE HABERDASHERY J. W. Davidson, Mgr.

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