Help Wanted OPl '.IN . FOR I XPtRIKNCEl SALKSMAN . iric re\ .. trade EXCELLENT ;:;coaic ioi BSar. . pabl< and qualified to get ? v iun replying. lupin ? will be held >ly Bon For Sale FOR SALE H mad. ? ? .er. Wti. CORlOdftte two peopii', cneap. In? *t F:ve Point Grocery ;n E.i-t Murphy n-pdi FOR -AL' . ? ? A ? . . "> ci;:' At! :i. 2 -p :n. - ' ..m lii . n and outb'.t !l!nv ?. I." c." 'd 2 ni:! from Peachtree on M. Read. S-, . -a\ '?>: i- lim . Seii R. isoili'u'.' . Mi -. ?: P licHati Marble. N". C. K . 1. ' l'.-2-pd.' FOH SALE: Six ? :w farm n Mur phy-E'.u. -villt nghway .x n . Jrcm Mii.; NVe '? : i..:u 1: with two porchi and runntnx w. Ci ..i are . : . .jit See Roy Hushes, Murphj. Rt. 2. 3---P" ' FOR SALE: Ti'.irty-onc acre farm star Elii-Jerville. 'IVntu e. On i.avd -arfaee highway. Fifteen (5 ci trac along No!achek> R.'.-. I: interested, write DOVER B. FO-TS. Burnsville. N C. ?3-2t-pd> j FOR VALE: F. ? room ?? ?u-. . all mo dern :r.iaxnci.\ Ca or t"tms. W. M. Fa:n. FOR SALE 50 b-asldin.; : from $100 00 up. Cash or terms. \V. M. Fair- ' 53-3T-chg ' Wanted HATCHING EACH WEDNESDAY, Reds, Barred Rocks, New Hamp shires. Crosses. Hatching eggs wanted. The Burgin Hatchery. Marion. N. C. 'l-4t-pd>. For Rent FOR RENT ;n Isabella. Term. :T wo 5-rooni houses, S12.50 each: Two 4-rccm houses, $8.00 each; Three j 3-room houses. S6.00 each. With- ! :n 8 miles r,f Ocoee No. 3 I 24 miles Parncr Dam. Farner j Tin:;. Good roads ti> both. R. M.I Shields. Isabella. Term. <2-2t-pd'.j Classified Display Dr, L. T. Russell dentist X-Ray Service Phone 42: Sunday & Night: 101 Murphy, N. C. DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bldg. Murphy, N. C. I To relieve Misery of COLDS LIQUID TABLETt ? ALVK NOSE DROPS COUGH DROPS Thy -i inofui LtNiworr Need a Laxative? Take good old USE THE CLASSIFIED AOS ?c i"* * *> * ? \E a ' 7 yt'LED HERE . .AUGUST 30 ntl i' n ? - - \' :np ?? |w. M. i . i::nxn !'? n U :? \V. A. ? ?!: H. li. Klfcin and Jt Ray \ ;j'k:n- r .i hi! ? r p. am : a: " :: an.i p: J ' . i .. . .1. : nival \ui ? >1 . - ,i ? . ; .'i " . ; lare as In the past. Promotions Given Local NYA Youths Mrs. Willabeue Posqt aiumunC-ci ?'.. foil .wint. promotions :> NY A : - i:i C:u . okt < County. Ma y Willard C opt'.- who h.ts been ? :*2 ic? i .n: ?.n the Clerical pro ject has been promoted to full time work. Mary Willaiia now project time keeper at the defeme pr.jict : ariey Kepha v. l:a> .. vi. a youth worker at ie boy.s work hop . .. b?'i'U promoted to project Super visor, he will assist Bob Sc. oirgs. the Super' hor, with the three shifts rkin. at the Defense p.oiect. Pc . r |aey |a .i vui; :'.i I ader lor some time before i his pi emotion.? Willie Belle srowwid wh ? was of fice assistant on the clerical project accepted ?: position as Secretary to Mr. Loyd Hendricks County School supt. o Ohio radio listeners heard a speech by Con?.re??man Brown several days alter Germany attacked Russia, in which he said: Opinion in Washing ton is that there will be no war bet wren Russia and Germany." The speech was from a phonograph re cord made before hostilities started. o Bueck Announces . . ' Continued From Front PaKe) lin Smith. Ella McCombs. G;ape Crec r". School: Mis. J. H. Pitzer, Frances Dickson. Kinsey school: Mrs. Richard B Mcroney. Texana school "colored): J. Wil l'.ain Wade and Minnie Zenobia Latiimer. Dr. E. E. SMITH Chiropractor Murphy, N. C. FOR GOOD HEALTH MACON" COUNTY FARMS We have 60 or more good farms listed with us. Priced right to sell Various acreages. Just to fit your size, from S1000 to S5000. Get in touch with us for a real buy. G. JAMISON & BRO. Franklin, N. C. Kef.: B?nk of Franklin (2t-l-pd> Protect Your Loved Ones With A QUINN & HUMPHREY Mutual Burial Certificate Only Costs 25c to Join Quinn & Humphrey Mutual Burial Association CopperKtll, Tenn. , in e*on is is I- . . d :. ? . i . a nv :? .. ? 2. v - [ ? :\d Manager L'ut.ns oil o:; ; dig U. .1 jPouph ? i . : ? *'?). aS llQUffll" ? ...u " Mav : dJ . a . ant: m ....iff )?::;> to t li* >ys;cm. we won't b? ah! d > anything until Ha: ve vets back." 'I "j c Rob'btiy . . . 4 Continued tr??m Front Page) j ' i.a'.I ( v. mv hauled Mr Pat tail frorr ; ? h: nl?. ? -c? '? I ;jjcn cu. lite prlcc ::j $10. and finr.!!.' I : j S4 which :>.? a. i cd :o pay. "Then I decided they were no* jcfficcr;;" ? ' erf. "and I iold 1 them I wouldn't pay them anything, j w.-.i ; '.iie: ? ? iuled me back in 1 tiuir ?.?Jr. and took 45 t i nts, and m:. , ; and knife. Then they dragyc d me cu: o t :h. cur ^ i-.iii t*c?itin. mi Mv a.: ?:i"d '.ii .- :> cm ar.d .-he vp' :;uck i: tiv head. She be::an ; -reaming. and :hcy fled. Bo ! : tlii' convicieu mci? dcnitci , ha vine ar.'-.'in to d.? wi:a the ;v.nd up. Attorney Mallonee. who reprt ' rnted them, pieadeo with the Judge, j stating that he did not believe the two were guilty. Jutit.e Bobb; t replied that he dif ; fere::. H< added :ha: while he "might ! be wrong" he believed that the two ! Picklesimer boys he had ordered re i leased U.-ati.-v o; '. ck of positive identification were also guilty. Attorney Mallonee then made an extended plea for mercy. He said W I r. Picklesimer, who came here to visit his aged father, had a good job in Virginia, had money in bank had a good reputation, and was will ing to sell '.i:s automobile, if neces sary. to puy a fine that would keep him out of the penitentiary. His pleas were in vain. | o Swindler Given . . . Continued from Front rage j A moment after Olmsted had turn ed over his money to the alleged at torney all three men leaped in a cat and fled. Cobb went to Atlanta and then to Cincinnatti, where he was arrested and put up a vain fight ag ainst extradition. The other two men have not yet been captured. They are reported to have fled to Cuba. Cofc-b claimed that Olmsted lost the money playing poker. Cobb said he did not play, but testifying at the extradition proceedings he ad mitted he had received S500 of the money. He could not explan why. Evdenee by Frank Forsyth of the Citizens Bank and Trust Co., by Chief of Police Fred Johnson, and other disinterested witnesses showed that Olmsted had drawn the money from the bank at five minutes after twelve and at 12:15 ? only ten minutes later, was at the home of Chief Johnson asking his aid. In those ten minutes Olmsted had driven to East Murphy. Cobb and his two companions had fled with the money. Olmsted had gotten Clerk of the Court, Hugh Leatherwood, of Waynesville to give him a lift to Murphy, where the town was circled in a vain search for the car of the confidence men: had pick ed up his wife and told her of the robbery, had phoned Chief Johnson and made an appointment, and then had driven to Johnson's home nearly a mile distant. It was pointed out that under this time schedule Olmsted would have had to lose $2,000 at poker in not more than two minutes. minutes. The Jurors, which included three ministers, refused to believe such a story. They were out only about 30 I minutes. We can handle good Dry Rye now at best market Prices. Want to buy few head fat cattle and Hogs. We pay highest prices for Chicken i and Eggs. DICKEY FEED STORE Forgolten Pri -oner . . . < il I rem !*i i I .1 bat son period of two yeas-'. Ti'.iscn d el no: s ''member t: .? ? . I date. but : tmml ?:.;i.'.ss.'. -vha: was If It of Use Jar ol ! "spl';." si nd .-.'.only thcstaller he Wu in jail. When his i.s-e was called Fririav, ivr . ;:a:ion showed that his pr - j ba-.ion had two more days to ran. i T:ll-on pleaded t is.. t he though* ; his time was up. that he had jus: ! rone to wo:\: fo: the TV A . and tha: : i.e had a wife and child dependent o:- ' him, but J.sciyc Bobbit; pointed oa! . ?ha he was powerli ss to sc: aside the ! c;?ht months -aspindid sentence | SPECIAL SERVICE T . Rev a. Rufsi.s Moman. Rect > ( ; St. A^ncs Church in Franklin, and Superintendent of Kanuga Lake Con ferences will preach, a: ??sc Chuseli of tii - Me.-sah < Episcopal 1 m Murphy rs xt Sunday. Holy communion will be cfit-L-iaUu at -erviccs beginning a: 11 A. M. ONLY 39 DAYS LEFT THE NEW ORDER JUST SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT, WILL MAKE PRE SENT SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS ILLEGAL. IT ALSO WILL FOR BID MORE THAN 12 MONTHS "TIME" PAYMENTS. IT GOES INTO EF FECT NEXT MONTH. BUY NOW-OR ELSE! Here Are 6 Big Bar gains. See them ? Try Them. They Run right ? and they're Priced right. Extra Special One 1941 Americar de luxe Coupe. (Best buy in the County) Also One 1936 Plymouth Coach $300 One 1 934 Chevrolet Coach $175 One 1934 Ford Coach $195 Two 1932 Chevrolet Coaches $175 THESE CARS ARE ALL CLEAN, OVER HAULED, AND READY TO ROLL. FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. MURPHY. N. c. PHONE 124-W H B. IN N THE ATE E Ml'RniY, NORTH ( m;,,Un, Thursday A I': ut Victor McLa*Un . li.n .k v)'KalV lit ? "BROATAVAV LIMITED" Saturday. Ausf. 16 Three McsQUii rs In ? "LONE STAR RAIDERS" la to Shan- ? aiurrtay 10:30 Roscoe Karns &? Lois Nl.on |?_ "PETTICOAT ITfC" . t ? ? 5 .> Sllinl.'.v, Ay,. IT Jane Withers & Nancy Kelly In "A VERY YOi Vf, Monday & Tuesday, Aug. 18-1! Abbott & Costello A. Dick Powtl In "IN THE NAVY" Wednesday, August 20 DOUBLE FEATIKE Cesar Romero and Mary Hughe ?IX? "RIDE ON VAQUERO" ?Plus? "NIGHT TRAIN" With Margaret LocKwood Thursday & Friday, August 21-2 Rudy Vallee & Rose Mary Lar ?IX? "TIME OUT FOR RHYTHM" ? Also ? MARCH OF TIME Saturday, August 23 Roy Rogers, Geo. Hayes In ? "YOUNG BILL HICKOK" Late Show Saturday 10:30 p. n Richard Dix & Patricia Morison Ii "ROUND-UP" NOTICE! One to Increased cost of ",B! admission price* on Saturday *1' be advanced a* follows: From 1? A. ?. to 1 *?? Children 10c? Adult* IV From 1 P. M. to 9:3* P. M. Children lte? Ad?H? late Show at It P Children 10c? Adults 3fc