READ THE ADS SPECIAL NOTICE TO LONO DISTANCE TELEPHONE USERS Never ktfori in history kara ?air Im| distance switch boards ksm so busy. Long distance calls this year have already far exceeded 1940's record-breaking average, and the volume grows greater every day. Industries with vital de fense orders and booming Army and Navy posts are re lying heavily on long dis tance service. In addition, calls from the general public have increased by leaps and bounds. Despite our "all-out" ef fort to meet these rapidly expanding demands, our fa cilities are at times operated at near capacity. Occasional delays may be expected on umo long distance calls. "Hold-the-line, please" service it not always pos sible. To relieve the situation we are engaged in an expan sion program costing mil lions of dollars. Many thou sands of miles of new long distance circuits have been placed in operation this year, and more are on the way. Additions to many switchboardr have been in stalled. Others are being set up as fast as they can be se cured and our men can place them in operation. But manufacture and in stallation of telephone equipment takes time, and defense priorities are mak ing it increasingly difficult to secure essential materials. Long distance telephone users can do their part in this present emergency by avoiding as much as possible placing calls during the peak long distance hours of 9 to 1 1 a.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. The understanding and cooperation of those we serve will be most helpful and will bo genuinely ap preciated. Squtherd BellTeiephoiie flno telegraph company Herman Logan Wins Mistrial in Theft Of Andrews Auto Former Mayor Wade Reeee. Town. Clerk Jack Stribllnc mod Mr. Tom Cotter all of Andrews, wasted several diys In Superior Court last week waiting to testily in the trial of Her man Loean, widely known through out this section, on a charge of steal ing Cotter's automobile. When the case finally was called. L?gan acted as his own attorney, and cross examined the witnesses so skillfully that the Judge Bobbin de cided there was not sufficient evl dence to prove that the the car the prisoner admitted driving away was the one stolen from Cotter. He ac cordingly declared a mistrial, and remanded Logan to jail. It may be some time before the case is tried again, however, for on Friday Logan was taken to Asheville to answer a Federal charge of auto theft, preferred by the F B. I He also has another automobile theft case, brought by he F. B. I. in Atlanta. Oa. This second case deals with the alleg ed theft of a pick-up truck anil a set of electrical work-tools from W ide Guffey. of Murphy. After thesr fe deral cases have been disposed of and sentences i If any > served, Logan will be brought to Murphy again Messers. Cotter. Reece and Strib- i ling, all were prepared to identify the car Herman drove off as being the property of Cotter ? but they failed '/> testify as to by engine or serial num bers, and the court held that mer? appearance wjs not sufficient iden tification. Cherokee Co. Farmers To Attend State-Wide Demonstration Meeing A group of at least 20 demonstrat ion farmers from this county will attend a state-wide meeting of de monstraticn farmers in Boone on August 26-27, D. C. Snodgrass. as sistant county agent, announced this week. The group, accompanied by both f nodcrass and county agent A. Q Ketnei. will leave in about six cars on Monday. August 25, and will re turn on Wednesday, August 27. The purpose in leaving a day early Is to tour the livestock farms in that area and observe the excellent blus grass pasture lands. Several officials of this program will addrilis the Boone meeting, talking cn the "Place of Phosphates in National Defense." Later the meeting will divide into groups to study the particuar phase of farm ing in which each is interested. Drunken DHver Tangle* i With Lindsey; Given Beating Ami 6 Months Homer Loudermilk. who llres Id Copperhill. Term, tangled with SMtr Hlfhway Patrolman Lindsey week Loudermilk not only came out a bad second best In a pitched battle, but Uter got six months on the roads His sentence might hare been even more severe, but for the fact that Lindsey decided the prisoner had been punished enough In the fight, and refused to press a charge of re sisting arrest. Loudermilk was sen- 1 tenced for driving while drunk, and was NOT given the alternative ol 1 paying a fine. , Loudermilk was arrested near L>-<* Shields' filling station, near Mur phy. while on his way to court to appear as a witness in another case. A car had become disabled, and Lindsey had driven in back of it. intending to push It to a garage, when Loudermilk drove up and crashed into the police car. Loudermilk got out and staggered up to Lindsey, the latter said: first accused the patrolman of biockinn the highway, and then took a swine at him. He missed and swung a sec ond time, and then Lindsey himself went into action. When Loudermilk was brought to the jail he was pretty badly beaten up. Head wounds were dressed by Dr. Harry Miller. He offered no excuses in Court, but asked mercy because he had i dependent wife and child. He said he could pay a fine; but Judge Bob bin's only comment was ' six months.' PATRICK NEWS Mr and Mrs. Jerry Hamby and son were the suests of Mrs. Martha Reid Sunday afternoon The Rev. Clyde Barnes and the Rev. Williams, of Tenn.. were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Owen Pickle simer Sunday afternoon. Miss Irene Croft, of Pa;ner. wat the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jjn:or Croft last week. John Picklesimer and Sam Raid were the guests of Mrs. Martha Reid Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ledford and children were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Clyde Jory at Postell Sunday. Gene Croft of Parner. was the (ttaul or I* Hor'-on jtundar . - - - Mr jinJ U ?. Juaior Croft ??f? the jtue.t:j if tier aut&jt. Mi ?nJ Mm. Buster Worltj. Sunday Mi and Mr<. Kd Jooex and child ren. of Florid*, paurd Uiromh h<rte Sunday Mrs Junes wa a formerly HLvi Annie Mae Hamby. of thi? place. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lr tford and daughter. of Oastonia. are vtsiUna re lAihv* her". ~h?. ? lV>rln<. wtio lt*t Heen jer ? HI.!/ III. It IJiprOTfd Mr lad Un W A. tm Uw iimu at Mi tnd Mi i +Lui Haai'Jr recently. M' u Alt* Bee Allen, of Violet, u> vLiituu her sister. Mrs Dlt Olen Htabi. who u einpioynl in Murphy spent theweek end ?lUi tin ?l(a here. SO EASY TO BUY i A 3 minute demonstration wil convince you that the UNIVERSAL is the washer you want and you'll be sur prised to learn how low they are priced. UNIVERSAL Washers are all finished in ALL WHITBI In homes where the laundry equipment becomes a part of the kitchen furnishings three new models in up-to-minute styling are moat deairabla. Ltrgc size Tub ? 6 to 9 lb. capacity Tub is Porcelain Enameled, inside and out Self-Lubricating Motor Silent Tr an minion Powerful Streamlined St arils tor Plated Wringer with Safety Release Balloon Type Rolls Double Drain- boards control direction at wttir ASK FOR A DKMOnmATIOM MURPHY ELECTRICAL SHOP Mrs. H. G. EJkins, Prop. Phone 134-R And Get A Meal for lOcts Just A Sandwich ? but what A Sandwich! Fat "Hot Dogs" ? with "Trimmings" ? 5c Visit Our All-Electric Grill PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER On Draft ? a 10 ounce Stein for 10c. In bottles for delivery, along with soft drinks, Pastries and Cigarettes. IF IT'S A SANDWICH, WE MAKE IT AND WE MAKE IT RIGHT Come in for a bite and a sip ? use Our Curb Service ? or Phone, and We'll Deliver. 24 HOUR SERVICE JUST CALL 9105 THE SMOKE HOUSE AT OUR BRAND NEW MARKET AND GROCERY THE BEST MEftL IN TOWN At Our Brand New Cafe Our Market Offers Prime Beef, Western or Local-Veal-Pork-Lamb Fish-All At Moderate Prices Our Grocery Department Offers Finest Fresh Vegetables-Canned Goods and Bakery Products. Our Cafe (Right Next Door) Offers Meals to Order - Table D'Hote - Lunches Packed Open All Night Spotlessly flern? 1W - Sanitary Sylvester's Market and Restaurant 'In the Heart of Murphy" Robert Sylvester, Prop.

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