Our Aim: ? A Better Murphy A Finer County $h t (fiterflk** Dcc'iiaicd i ;? 5 rvic c . > ? Progress LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN N NORTH CAROLINA. COVERING A LAROE AND POTENTIALLY RICH TERRITORY VOL. 33 ? NO. ?. Ml Ki'll\, V l'. nil RSDA V. \l <. | ST 21, 1S4I < OI'Y? $1.10 I'l K YEAR SON OF SHERIFF ENLISTS AS FLIER WITH CANADIANS C. H. Townson, 'Missing' Two Weeks, Located Training for Wings Missing for two weeks, but the fact :rp: carefully secret. C. H. Townson. n*J nf t:ie County's High Sheriff was . ed Wednesday throu .1 a le:-'".' i ived by the mother of on rf his ?e-; !: iends. Young Townson a ::: cai.ct the Canadian air ; soon to receive hi-> . commission ar.U to bo . n. v -'?? for arrive duty. Tat- letter telling of his where was received by Mrs. Hovt . of Copperhill. Tuva. Her 3. ilney. w nt to Can ..da with :: : T. '.vnson nnd rti-o < nl: ted in .i.r con's. Tiie two boys drove 1 and across the border in young nson's car. which he is kccpin? . him for u*e when off duty. H. Townson is 20 years old :: Townson told the Scout he undeLided whether or no: to :r an effort to brine his son back :ne. }f course no father cr mother : ?. the thought of 1 son facinq ? .v.h- and if there is any hottei ?:ng than in the air service I avent heard ot it," the Sheriff said. However, f we brinu him back 'and I im not at all sure that we will be to>" he is almost certain to be ?'.ed; and probably be in the war r.vhow. May he its better to have \rr. ,:n officer, in the service he loves . n 10 have him a buck private in round outfit." Young Townson and his friend, iinpbell left Murphy about two .reeks ago announcing that they were ng to Knoxville to do solo flyins ? an aviation school there in older j build up their official flying re ds. Both boys are good pilots and .ng Townson has long owned his I :i plane which he kept on his father's farm near Marble. Ti e two boys are the first from ? ?'s section to join the fighting : : es of a belligerent. Contract for Building Tunnel at Ocoee No. 3 Let to Two Companies A atract for the construction of : rnnel for Ocoee No. 3 project . been awarded to the J. F. Shea Company, Inc. and the Morrison Knudsen Company. Inc., of Sylva North Carolina, on a bid of S1.G40. 215.60, the Tennessee Valley Authori ".y announced today. Tiie tunnel, helping to develop a ?ufficient head of water to operate t:ie 27.000-killowatt power installat ion a: Ocoee No. 3. will be more than two miles long. It will be horsehoe shaped, with a width of twelve and one-half feet, and will be concrete lined. Ocoee No. 3 is one of four new (!ams authorized by Congress July 16. 1941, for construction on the Hiwassee River and its tributaries. The site is on the Ocoee River in Tennessee between Ocoee No. 2 Dam and Blue Rdge Oam. Methodists To Stage Great "Heme Coining" In Church on Sunday The Methodist Church in Mu.-ohy will celebrate Home Coming day next Sunday. August 24th. With the H? \ H. P Powell, now pastor of the D 1 worth church, Charlotte, preaching a: the morning services. A county wide meeting o! Metho dists will be held in the afternoon at the church, with the Rev. \V. L Hutch ins, superintendent of the Waynesville district in caarge. The e\cn:ng hour of wc:>aip wiii begin a; 7:30 o'clock, when :: is ex ported that another former pasto! will be in he pulpit. 1ab.es v. .11 be arransfd and clinnei served .?i i.ie basemen-, of the church All who will are asked to b:ing ba^ - kets c . fooc; -whatever is must con venient to prepare. T..e He*,. C B. Newton, present ' pastor, .,y- ..e expects the home ccmin:, to be the mo--. out>L.tiiuiiV4 in years Gasoline Rationing Started in County; 4 Classes Exempt Gasr.'iinp rationing wen into of fect in Cherokee coutnv Wednesday with fillins! stations and car owner both given cuts. For the lemainder : f August pri vate consumer will be allowed to buy only 45 per cent of the total purchased la*t month. Fillini Stat ion operators will be allowed to stock only 90 per ccnt of the amount they pot in July. Seventeen States are effected. For some reason, not explained, the rat ioning is not effective in either Aia bama or Tennessee. States hit are: Maine. X- w Hampshire, Vermont. Massachusetts. Connecticut. Rhode Island. New York, Pennsylvania. New Jersey. Deleware. Maryland. Virginia. West Virginia, North Caro lina. South Carolina. Georga and Florda east of the Appalachia river. The new edict not only cuts the income of filling station operators by ten per cent, but will necessitate a huge mount of book-keeping, to check up on how much each custo mer buys. If a car owner splits up his patronage among two or more filling stations, it will be hardly pos sible for anyone to know how much fra*1 he '.is r\~ exeep* (Continued On Back Page) o High School Students To Register Wednesday H. Bueck, superintendent of the Murphy chool unit, announced this week that everything was in readiness for the openng of the Murphy schools here Thursday. August 28. Bueck added that all hg'n school students and those entering high school for the first time are expected to report for registration on Wednes day morning. Tne busses will run one day early to take care of this reg isteration, he said. He specifically pointed out that no elementary students are expected on Wednesday. Their registration will betaken care of on Thursday. Murray Tops Record Catch of Season Landing 4 lb. 2 oz. Small-Mouth Bass A record catch for small mouth bass was set by W. H. 'Pete) Mur ray, Southern Railway employee, on Tuesday when he landed a 20 inch **?uty that weighed 4 pounds and 2 ounces. The largest heretofore Wrught was hooked by "Bunt" Alex ander, local veneer typhoon, whose *atch measured 18 and % Inches and weighed 3 pounds even. Murray made his catch about half a MUt below Lover's Leap It wa6 111 almost the same spot that Alex ander goth his three pounder, and previously, John Brittain caught a 17 inch small mouth bass. ! weinghing 2 and Vi pounds. Mr. L. R. Dcwell. of New Orleans, was with Murray. Dowell got a Chamber of Commerce folder, came here especially for the fishing, and is still at the Henry House. Shortly after Murray's catch, the visitor landed a 17 inch Pike: and on Wed nesday night he got a thre? pound small mouth bass. Mrs. Dowell was with him, and herself landed a one pound bass ? the first she had ever caught. T.V. A. TAKES OVER 5 ALUMINUM CO. DAMS IN W. Y C. Also Buys Fontana Site Paying With 'Power' ? Work Starts Soon is to ope rale the five-dam hydro electric system c! the Aluminum Company of Awnira m the Little Tenm >>ee River, r. v (hi lose:! : h i wt ; k in W a - : lingt c ?:*, wi * : * :w ^i'^nlns c? a contract between tht TV A :l. * Aluminum C mpany. TV A will not - urn wner.-aip 4 I " :.(? Company's plant, but will direr j a:id contr 1 lhe:r : t *a,:.o:. . The dam> to b*. *.akcn over include :eoah, Calderwood. Santeetl.il j Nan* aha!., and Gknwood. The contract also provides for I acquis!! t * T\'.\ ?' ? F :i tana c:am sitey watch th ? Company :.as cwne;! for 30 yea: . Upon :h> m:c ? TVA '.v.:: e? : - ru : i dam .-.bout 4"0 fee: high which \\\11 requiie i lm- ' M'w 000 > .1 cret? -thr ? times a- much a used In Non u m. I! v.iil p .aic .^proximately 1. 300,000 acrc-fce: oi flood s- .m and will adci approximately 200.000 kilowatt.-: or in tailed capacity to the TVA system Cos* of dam : c :;mat 1 ;ti bout S30.000.000 Request for fund? for the rvFinniiiR of construction will be made at once: the project has received the approval of the Office ?i Production Management as a de fense necessity. ! As soon as funds are made avail i able by Congress, construction will be begun. It is expected that the dam can be in partial use by 1943. and can be completed in 30 to 3G month*. The site is not to bo paid for in c. sh, but with electric power. CASH AND PRIZES PILING UP FAST FOR COUNTY FAIR Exhibits to Set Record Ard Monster Crowd Sure ? New Midway Preparations are rapidly taking :-hape for Cherokee county'., big an nual Fair, which is scheduled this year for five day , Sept. 30. and O. 'uObe. 1 -2-3-4-. A huge 1: : cf p: 'miums has been prepared for distribution ? , ;.-adinc farm and liome exhibitors. Ca.sh pri ces total around S1000. Particular interest is expected to be shown in beef cattle, especially in the 4-H club competition. Tiie fat calf exhibits were inaugurated last year and proved popular, showing a trend to greater improvement and a larger cash income for farmers through this particular division of farming. A new and larger carnival. Dant ley's All American Shows, has been (Continued On Back Pace) Farmers of Section Will Discuss Problems At Annual Meeting Farmers of Western North Carolina ? men who "talk a language" dif ferent from the soil tillers of the rest of the State ? will Tibld their an nual meeting at Appalachian State Teachers College in Boone Tuesday and Wednesday. August 26 and 27. Farm Agent Ketner says several from this county are planning to at tend. A minimum of speech-making, and a maximum of discussion, has teen planned. The farmers will discuss beef cattle dairy, poultry, Burley tobacco, and fruit production. 12 in County Sought For Ignoring Draft Final Tribute Paid To Mrs. P. H. Sword Here on Tuesday F;:-...: tribute w?-r- ! vk'ts at the Mei.iodi.v ...irei. 10 - T ? -(' ?. morniRP. She a. CC yt urs old. Af< . ? uftes in ? sti ok< b . year a*(\ M: S ? d had be* n ail in valid. S..o \va> .? me mi: tin Met hcdi>: ehurch and wa> well known and loved through*. at thi - -i etion. by ? H ?*. . t\ B NYv. t ;; Ttr .nv !.? \\v?s in Sunv :-t m? ?? ? ! . Fu:> iijnit had charge of arrangements. S uj .? ni r hu band, p. h Sword; :lu c:aun..:er$, M \nni? Brandon. M. ? Emily and Sara Sword: two . ?n>. Harry and John; Kf;:jv?rt; two - . an/-.:.dren. Mary Sue and Billy Brandon., all Murphy. ! Active palloear-; - were t Robert M C :n'j i: u rt Ak::. Boyd Aber nathy, Richard Meroney, F: . d J n. Ro>> L v::il ci. Howard Moody] and Bill Adam Hcnoraiy pah.>rar? : were: L. E. . 3.:yle.-?. John Axley, Neal Davidson, Win-1 iw Melver. B. L. Padgett. Mar sha'.! Ramsey, Dr. B. W. Whitiieid. Dr. J. N. Hill, W S Dickey, Fr;.nk Cickey Arthur Akin. Clint-iman Mr Donald, P. C. Gentry. Garland Posey. Ben Posey. John Posey. Hadiey < Dickey. Fred Bat.-. R. C. Mattox, T E. Evans, C. \V. S.;\ aure. \V A. Savage. \V. M. Mauney, 1;. S Parker. H But ek. K. C. Wrio'lu. Wm. P. Payne. L. L. Mason, Bob Allen. Z. C. Ram I sey. A. J. Hembree, Lawrence Hal: ! J. D. Mullon* e, C' D. Mayiielri, W. A i fifnerrill. Dr. J. W. Thomps >11. .1. B. | | Gray. Fred Moore. Morri.- Moore. ] W E. Moore. Geo: -. MiUney. ti. B. i Norvell, Shelby Franks. Reb Phillip-. Allen I Ram S. W. Cover. H. G. Elk n S. W. Lovingood, J. W. D.ivki ?n. E. A .Browning, Dr E. L. licit. Virgil! |I ..iiRood. J. H. Axley, .J. S. Mc- 1 MeCanbs. Dillard McCom'os. Have Leatherwood. R L. Fain. W. H. Mur ray. E. C. Moore. Harold Ilr* " * Tcoy Fain, Frank Crawford, Lowery Gentry. Don Gentry. Will G'qpitry, B. | B. Comwell. Ralph Bea. J. T. Ilaye | A. A. Richardson and E. O. Chris topher. Oscar Hunt Receives Promotion in U. S. Amy Notice was issued this week by U. S. Army headquarters that Oscaj Hunt, who has several years of ser vice behind him in two seperate terms, has been promoted to corporal Mr. Hunt's promotion, it was point ed out. cited him for special duty, rather than just the ordinary army I promotion for length of service. Questionnaires Aren't Returned: All Facing Possible Jail Terms Twt!v? your m* :: of Cherokee County a: . i. : jail sen fi * :? urn their draft touch with the County Draft Board, imm c. ely iave v.: C ons ' il* .ay. Secretary Wayne 5tep> m.iv be T. ? nam- , < >rd? i numbr: and ddr. - c! :hc :ve!ve 1. :: \ . ( l.' iio ( lii istopher C'ornwt ll. 437 Grantlvit w . < ... laud Voiii.tiii I?aniM >, "*0." Murph>. !(ul Us I'tlwin IIu iisui krr. 5llfl. I'at rick. I!a>(!<-n Carl .Inhnsnit. ;Y2,"?, Mur I?!i> . Kail \Y. Cabl<\ 571. Kohbinsville. ! d :;ir Winslow T;mn?'r 578. Kt. Murpln . Kdr.tr Lee Robinson, 589. Kt. 1, Murph\ . \\a! . r < lydf ? arr?u, 602, lamer Kt Intka. Henry Thurniaii ( i-ar!t \ ? .V, ( ul !?t rson. Larnevj Ut-ttdeison Kobson. f527. Kt. 1 Murphy . !!? vt T;^lor. <'.11. Letilia. Horace Lee Prince. (?7 0. lY.tatn Crock. In some of the above cases. Sec retary Walker said, the registrant s had moved without gi\ing a new ad dress. Some questionnaires came back, not filled out for unknown reasons." Other registrants a:t be lit ved to nave received tht quo: on bu: v.? have ignored Them. The County Draft Board requests that anyone Knowing the where abouts or able to give any informat ion about t:a- twelve young men list - ed abovt contact the D:att Board. ? : aTed above Mauney's Drus Store. TV Two Towns to Share Episcopalian Services Epi. nv.i.an- will divide their cer ? .1 S-.ndty between Murphy and Andrews, the Rev. Grant F imsbee. has announced. The Church Calen dar note- Sunday is Sain: Bartho lomew's Day. Morning service will be held a: ?he Church in Murphy. Evening pra yer service will be held in Andrews, a; five o'clock E. S. T.. in the home of M> Nothes'ein. Ml RIM1V POET HONORED John B. Moore. Murphy jeweler Is ! one of the authors whose poems are included in The Book of Modern Poterv. 1941. just published. More than 12.000 writers living in every pari of the United States and Cana da competed for a place in this im portant volume: but only a small percentage were accepted. Farmer Knocks Out Fox With Mattotk, Then Subdues Him With Bare Hands Bige Lovingood. of the Grand view community, was doing somi" woTk on a hilside near his home this week, when his dog jumped a fox. Lovingood. who was carrying a mattock, watched the chase until the fox ran past him. but close. Then he made a wild swine with the mattock, landed true, and struck the fox down. The swine was strong enough to have killed a cow. and the fox seem ed to be plenty dead. Lovingood grab bed the scruff of the animal's neck with one hand, and the feet with the other and started to carry it hom But. the fox was NOT dead. only stunned. Soon he came to. but play ed possum until Bisre loosed his hold on the neck. Then Sly Reynard re ached up and snapped him neatly on the hand. We won't tell you what Biftc said, but he kept a pretty good grip on his temper, at that, for the fox 1* still alive Bice sold the anlma* to l"Yed Moore one of Murphy's most ardent font hunter*. The latter intend* to Kim him loose in one of the race* at the fox hunters' convention, '.hi* fall.