Distinguished W ashingtonian Spending Vacation In Murphy Murphy has a distinguished sum Btr visitor. Mrs. H. J. English o! Washington. 15. E. who is spending pj.. 0| the summer with her sister, jjrs. J. N. Moody. M.-.v English, who is a native ol Afhiville. spends almost every sum mer in North Carolina, at Murphy. AshvvUle and Winston-Salem. A: present occupying herself with MKial service work in Washington. Mrs English has also distinguished herself in political circle of the na tion's capital. She is closely associat ed with this state's representatives in congress and is often a guest of the country's First Lady at the Whitehouse. Cited for much outstanding work, she whs particularly praiseu fui woik with the Absentee Voting bureau in Wanungton during the recent pre tidential campaign. ghe s at present very active in the work ot the United Servicc organi- 1 *at:on. and is seeking to serve more closely in the morale division of the country's armed forces, if possible directly in the camps. She has a son. Henry English, now serving as an of ficer :n the U. S. Navy. S :.i has the distinction of having been 'he first woman to conduct an election in the city of Asheville. Hav ing lived in Colorado for a number cf years, she also was privileged with voting before that opportunity came :o North Carolina women. Hi : hobby is the stufly and deve lopment of minerals and she has been inst.-umental in dispatching nume ;ous noted mineralogists to this sec ton :n an effort to develop its mine ral resources. o A black cat run over by an auto in Chicago was taken to a hospital and its two broken legs put in splints. When a Child Needs a Laxative I SYRUP OF BLACK-DRAUGHT tea tasty liquid that most children will welcome whenever they need a laxative. What's more important, it haa the same main ingredient as BLACK-DRAUGHT, its older com panion. Perhaps that's why it usu ally gives a child such refreshing relief from the familiar symptoms which show a laxative is needed. Comes in two sizes: 25c ? 60c. Catholic Bishop Heard At Double Dedication A double dedication of St. John's { Catholic church, Waynesvillc .and 1 St. Joseph's Catholic church. Bryson City, was held Wednesday. September 10. The Waynesville church was ded- | icated at 10:00 a.m., the Bryson City church at 8:00 p.m. The Most Rev. Eugene J. McOuin ness. Bishop of Raleigh, officiated at both services. He assisted at Way nesville church by former pastors of the parish. At Bryson City Bishop McGuinness was assisted by the Very Rev. Louis J. Bour. of Asheville. The Rev. Dr. Adrian J. Kilker, Philadelphia. Pa.. delivered iiie dedicatory address. The Rev. John A. Brown, of Ra leigh, was master of ceremonies a* both services. Mrs. J. S. Johnson Dies; Many Relatives Here Word has been receied here of the I sudden death ot Mrs. J. G. Johnson, a frequent and popular summer visit or in Murphy for the past several years. Her death, which occurred at her ; home in Atlanta, came as a shock to friends and relatives here. The funeral services, held Friday were at tended by Mrs. Harry Miller. 0 ? : ? . | Annual Council Meeting Of H. D. Club Officers Scheduled on Friday The county council meeting of the officers of the Home Demonstration clubs will be held Friday, September 12, in the Murphy Library, Mrs. Alline R. King, home agent, has an nounced. Plans for the coming years work will be laid out and arrangements made for staging the annual achieve ment Day some time during Novem ber. A special feature of the meeting will be a series of short talks by ciub women who attended Farm and Home week in Raleigh this year, relating their experiences while there. Also, Mrs. Anna C. Rowe, district agent, is expected to attend and address the meeting. Officers of the council are Mrs. 'Ttev&i'&e^oie Washing 0 SO EASY TO BUY! A 3 minute demonstration will convince you that the UNIVERSAL is the washer you want and you'll be sur prised to learn how low they are priced. UNIVERSAL Washers are all finished in ALL WHITE! In homes where the laundry equipment becomes a part of the kitchen furnishings these new models in up-to-minute styling arc most desirable. Large size Tub ? 6 to 9 lb. capacity Tub is Porcelain Enameled, inside and out Self-Lubricating Motor Silent Tranmission Powerful Streamlined Sterilator Plated Wringer with Safety Release Balloon Type Rolls Double Drain-boards control direction of water ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION MURPHY ELECTRICAL SHOP Mrs. H. G. Elkim, Prop. Phone 134-R Cotton Stockings Perfected By li S. For All Occasions j More than ISO different deslKns of cotton stockiings art' now available jio the hosiery industry, according [ to an announcement by the U. S. 1 Department ol Agriculture. Activity by the textile specialists is due to i silk shortage. Several of the new designs have i been accepted by mills and are now ! in production, the government an I nounced. and prediction was made ! that more designs will be in use ill j the near future. David H. Young, textile technolo gist for the Department of Agricul ture .has developed full-fashioned designs for cotton designs suitable to tvery occasion. These vary from cot ton web mnsh for evening wear, to plain knits in various weights for ' sports wear and around the house or ! garden. Young's designs are produced on a full-fashioned knitting machine at the research center of the Depart ment of Agriculture, and undergo se vere tests both in the laboratory and "in the field" for wearability, wash ability and appearance. Young pre dicts that their comparative freedom from a tendency to snag or run will I make them popular. He adds that they will be of lovely appearance, and i will find especial favor with the "men j folks" because they will be consid erably cheaper to buy. and will last | many times longer than silk. ] Mill owners will not be able to | boost prices of the new cotton des igns on the claim that it was nec essary to install expensive new equip ment. A government survey shows there are 16.200 full-fashioned knit ting machine in the U. S. and that 89 per cent of them are suitable for , knitting cotton. Only 48 per cent, however, can handle Nylon rayon ? which accounts for the difficulties, and high prices met in getting stock ings of that material. Lfist year American women purch ased more than 43 million dozen pairs of full fashioned hosiery. If these were all made from cotton it is estimated that nearly 300,000 bales would be required. Long staple cotton is best suited for stockings. It is grown in South Carolina, Arizona. Florida and the mississippi Delta. Maude Radford, president, Mrs. Ben Mann, secretary, and Mrs. Gibert Stiles. Treasurer. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. o New Officers Elected For Roadside Market The Roadside market, conducted by the county home demonstration clubs, has recently been re-organized and new officers elected. New officers installed are: Mrs. Pearl King, president, and Blanche Henson, secretary. Under the new regulations the market will now te open only from 8 until 12 o'clock each morning. A new and larger stock of mensbandise is being put in the market in expecta tion of an increased fall business. Livestock Exhibitors Should Contact Agent All farmers of Cherokee county ' who plan to have exhibits in t.he | livestock show at the Pair this year ' are asked to contact county agent ! A. Q. KetncT immediately. Preparations must be made for stall | space as well as training the animals ] entered to lead well for exhibition. , USE THE WANT ADS WANT ADS PAY j BUY Make Croplands Pay More This Winter Sow RYE GRASS and reap the many benefits of this soil-improvement crop rwoguiMid by the AAA tm it* 1MI program yemr Sow it dow. either alone or in combination with WOOD'S CRIMSON CLOVfiK. for late fall and early spring grazing. Relished by livestock and poultry. When grazed to ground, makes quick recovery. Highly recommended by V. P. 1. and other experiment stations. Wood's Crimson Clover Makes a dependable stand ... a bumper hay, pasture or soil-improve ment crop. Wbn rye rtms and Rtinanoa etorer are seeded togettfr, 1* Km. ?f eadi per acre b* reeem onaiel Largt, plump se? of hifh germination. 98% pure. Our seed carefully selected from healthy crops free of noxious weeds and not dam aged by rain. Wood's Beardless Barley YteJ