Navy: Beard. ?Cook ^ouul ~ t'"yk' Land of h?I*; ' Ei.. ill retreat: Draper,? BUtwniat fun falxS- Aifiiw of democracy. . ii- citizen -Jiould know "u; tji< Army: Homer. ? Dawn rtU.*, in t'unJ. Kosselring.? Ar .ui-i ? Uce; Miller. You d;. a .-m. ? With Hitler: Nash. TlJe . familiar: Nathan. ? icliflar life. j*ck. c ? you're cuing to fly; Siu rer B iin diary: Smith. ? Devil | j ma. ii"- ' -?ge: Stoime. ? How a torture your friends: Williams. ? Drawcrac} oattle. Wolfe. ? FUce of j nation n;e H:wassee Dam High School siudento wiio Iiave been attending cJjsses in tlie elementary school for tat peu>t week. wil." be able to re Qm to Cieir own building, heating facilities have been installed. The students enjoyed a special AAbtice Day program at the school on Tuesday. Tliey heard President Koosevelt s speech and observed a ?io-minute period of silence in hon ? if the :.eroes who fell with the A. E. f in World War I. Rich rd Farrar has been transfer rtd from Murphy High School and r.U enter classes here as a senio. Pour o:her high school students and 10 e'em iitary srade students were enrolled last week. A oqui-::. >11 for 25 police officers :o serve ! ?: ,i period of 90 days to ittttre t members of the force ibo have l; lilt up 30 or more days c! annu . . ive. has been OK'd by Dun off'.e.als. M: P. . n Henn and Mr. Ed , Titio.1 si a ill sign a contract to ?.-.>* n. it tin' Dam Auditorium. T.'.r fi. movie will be shown in a: Mr. Henn said. The W Mian's Club met Mjndav n. of Mrs. E. E. Curtis :a : :ie lted Cross. Tl:. V. Society for Christian &r .. n. a: Rt-id's Chapel Tues day afternoon for Its regular month ly program M Rutin Thirsten presided. She was a-ssisird by Mrs Ptipmtir. v.ce-presidcni. Ki: lit) w . rv- a lailc on foreign mis sions by :?ir.s Sc.uggs Mrs. Gsch wind spoke on "The World Outlook." The Rev Smith dlsciL-sed arrange ments for the oire of a child at the Children? Home in Winston-Salem Circle members have planned to clothe one of the inmates at the in stitution Among the new business discussed and agreed upon was a plan to do more sewing for the Red Cross. M. vLt'uQl Calvin was ippoiiitcd chairman of aCliriAtmas committee which plans to present a play tat the Auditorium on December 12 (or the bene!: of church improvement*. Til.- Parent-Teacber A_v>ociaUon h s agreed to donate $60 toward Ihe piuchXM- price of a wood stove lor the school cafeteria. The money was raised at the recent Hallowe'en Carnival. A 'Blessed Event Shower" will be givi 11 Lv the Women's Soc:ety for Cur lan S- rvicc at the home ol Mrs. George Quinn Monday -t - P m. for Mrs. Chillium. Union Service Planned In Murphy On Nov. 19 j A union Thanksgiving service will ; k held .u tin- Methodist Church, in j Murphy on Wrdmsdiy evenim:. Nov. 19. a: " 30 o'clock. Tlio sermon wtU at- preached by tlie Hev A. B Cash, pastor of the Murphy Baptist Church. A tree will offeiinE will be mailc for tlv orphans, and the donation-, will be between tlie fatherless and motherless children of the Metho ;v. UiptLst and Presbyterian churches cooperating Wm. D. Upshaw Coming To Murphy On Nov. 27 lion Wm, D t'psha*. former Ooorgia Congressman and dry" candidate for president tn 1933. will at the court !i )U*e in Murphy. Thursday evening Nn< mber 37. 7 30 Ho has often been nlled ' The Billy Sunday of Congress." The topic of Mr Upshaw's address will bo '?Carolina's Part in America * Greatest Battle." The churches in Murphy are cooperating with this program. EVER DO THIS? Not If You Use Woco-Pep Gas And Tiolene Oil And Look! When you say Woco Pep, Put the Accent on The "Pep" For, Man! It Has It! It Jolts a Tired Motor Like a Shot in the Arm. W ashing ? Greasing Our Specialties Also Yale Tires Sold with a guarantee tHat we back up. Woco Pep Service Station ' U hall, Mjtt.. murphy, n. c. LADY . . . you live in a modern world. Your streamlined automobile whisks you around the town . . . your vacuum cleaner lightens your burden . . . and a flick of the radio switch brings you news and enter tainment from all parts of the world. Yes, Lady . . . you live in a modern world filled with marvelous con veniences. And if you're really up-to-date you probably use these two modern products in your home? Twin-Pack Bread and Redi Cut Cake? in the clever new packages designed for your conven ience, plus a definite thrift quality too. Twin -Pack is the only bread that gives you twin halves individually wrapped. While you serve one half the other remains fresh in the protective dou ble wax wrapper. A convenience, yes ? and mighty thrifty too, with new found freedom from stale bread waste. And because variety is always desira ble your grocer has two kinds: All White and Half White-Half- Wheat. Thousands of thrifty Southern housewives wili tell you that Redi-Cut Cake is the most convenient new cake idea in years. 8 big slices of luscious 2- layer gold cake on a tray, in separate compartments, ready sliced, ready to serve. A replaceable cellophane wrap per that keeps unserved portions oven fresh. Four popular kinds: Chocolate, Caramel, Lady Baltimore and Variety 2-in-l (4 slices Chocolate, 4 slices Lady Baltimore) ? only 29c each. Are you enjoying the convenience of these mod ern products? If not, visit your favorite food store and ask for Twin Pack Bread and Rcdi-Cut Cake today. With the savings you make when you regularly serve Twin- Pack ilread and Rcdi-Cut Cake you can buy Defense Stamps and serve your country.