Our Aim: ? A Better Murphy A Finer County (Ebernkw #nnt THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN NORTH CAR OLINA. COVERING A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICH TEKR1TORY Dedicated To Service For Progress VOL. ? ? NO. H MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. APRIL 2. 1M2 5c COPY? SI. 5* PER YEAR MORE TO LEAVE FOR ARMY CAMP EARLY IN WEEK Two Volunteers Listed jb Group; ? Deferred! Men To file Studied Anoiiier proup of Chrrokci Coun ty Youths will leave fo. the army early next week. Two are volunteers; the rest are 1-A draftees. The volunteers are Oliver J. Creas man. of Andrews and Willard Fan Taylor ,of Letitia. The others are James Lyie Hamil ton, Boyd Gibby, and William Clyde Cable .all of Andrews; Oscar Porter Jenkins, and Mackcy Dcrreberry. both of Marble Henry Lee Sneed and Elislia Craig, both of Letitia George Tweed, of Brasslown: Char lie Bry-int. of Culberson: John Arvel Harp< r. of Tomotla; Edie Taylor, of Unaka. Ed William Hedrick. Idris Adams. Wayne Robert. Bowles and Hugh Ed Hensley. all of Murphy. Don Ernest Johnson, Murphy. Rt. 1 ; Theodore Henry Frankum and Glen "William Crisp, Murphy, Rt 2; anJ Horace McRae. Murphy, Rt. 3. William E Chambers, former TV A policeman At Hiwasoce Dam ? iso was notified to rcr>ort. but will start for ramp froiri Knoxvllle. where he now if makin ; li:s home. The call tills month was expected to be larger than that of February: but Instead was considerably smaller. This is believed due to the fact that a number o fresidents of the county have enlisted In both the army and the navy, in Asheville, and elsewhere. Numbers for those who registered In the third draft were received at draft headquarters in Murphy this week and Capt. Wayne Walker, sec retary of the Board and his assistants are studying instructions as to where to place them. Numbers in the first and second drafts were merged, and the men call ed according to the sequence in which their numbers were drawn. The Board (Continued on back page) o All But One Stay Sober As Court Term Open# Believe It or not. the mere fact that court is in session seems to have more effect on the gents who go in for serious drinking than all the po licemen and churches combined. The police are a 24-nour-a-aay warning of what's going to happen ,iust as soon as somebody gets crock ed The ministers are ready with in formation as to what will happen hereafteT. None of it seems to matter much to the over-thirsty. But let Court open, and Its n dif ferent matter. During the present term there hasn't been a soul arrest ed for drunkenness In Murphy, ex cept Mr. Snake Frankum. Rev. W. A. Cook Catches Another Whopper Bass Just Outside of Town The Rev W A. Cook, one tinv Murphy police chicf. and fisherman extraordinary proved on Tuesday . that his catching of a bass weighing mul/ riniu pounds a few days be- I fore was not ? fluke. Tuesday afternoon the retired minister hauled another big fellow ' out of the Kiawassee river. Though I smaller than the first one. It weigh ed four pounds and twelve ounces I And Just to f Kitten the report tha even ministers can't always be be 'icvcd when it comer, to fish stories j ; the pastor-sixirtsman left his catch on display .for hours .at Walt Mau ney's drug store. The catch was made near the fil tering plant .fishing from the shore, with a plug bait. It was one of sev ; eral. lire smallest weighing well over a pound. Self Defense Plea Made by Bob Slen In Bry on Shootrtg On trial for his life. Bob Allen i went on the stand in Superior court j in Murphy Thursday and swore that he shot and killed Lawrence Bryson when thi latter threw rocks at him. The killing took place December 13, on a street leading to the homes of both men. Formerly good friends, the latter had quarreled less than an hour before and Bryson had been fined $5 75 for attacking Allen in a dispute said to have arisen over pol itics. The accused man is defended by Attorney Tom Jenkins, of Robbins ville. and Oray and Christopher, of Murphy. Allen's testimony came after Dr. Bryan Whitfield. Policeman Prant: Crawford and the widow of the slain man testified that the victim told them. Just before he died, that he had been shot in the back while he was running to escape. Bryson was quoted as saying that Allen had shot him a second time after he was down, and then had stood over him and fired a third bullet into his body. The State concluded its testimony Thursday afternoon and the case was expected to reach the Jury Fri day. Eighty five special veniremen were summoned for the tri?l, and til of Wednesday and part of Thurs day was consumed In selecting a jury. Allen testified that he had tried to old Bryson after their fight, but met him on the way home. Without warning .he sold. Bryson began hurl ing rocks at him. Allen said he shot | ir> self defense Sales o fnatural gas last year were 19 per cent over the 1940 total, the biggest increase on record. Drunken Duck Goes On The War Path And Lands Self and Owner in County Jail They've had ail kinds of drunks, in the County Jail .but last week Jailer Patton Coleman had a new ?*? sprung on him by Prank Craw ford. one time cafe owner In An drews. but now r. well liked member of the Murphy Police force. It was a drunken duck named Sustace. the bird was raised as a pet. and ordinarily Is a perfect little gen ?Meman? but he drinks. And When he to tn his liquor, Crawford and Cole man agree that he acts scandalous! The owner of Bustace brought him to Murphy last week .leading him oy * string. Eustace would follow with out any cord, but la led, his owner explained, to keep htm from attack in* dogs. Bostace doesn't like dogs- ? i and he's a big drake, with a long, taogh bin. When he pecks 'em, they stay jjouked. Eustace and his owner went first | to the Smoke-house. Somebody i bought the owner a beer. The latter drank half, then put the glass down on the floor .where Eustace emptied It. After that, Eusttace was definitely In on the party. Everytlme a drink was bought .there was a glass for Eu?tace. Pretty soon he was honking challenges to any and all comers. Bud Alverson came around to an nounce that Eustace would haye to quiet down, or leave. Eustace didn't like his tone of voice, went Into a staggering charge, and bit Bud on the leg. For that Scstace and his owner both got put <rat. Eustace and his owner then pro ceeded to make the rounds otf the beer taverns. It waoit long before RALLY IS CALLED j BY REPUBLICANS FOR SAT.. APRIL 15 T~ M r? ? | t?.i. ? ? w ? nunc v^uuiuy l ivnci As Democrats Keep ^ Sfient About Plans Gei ia Oarbo wnni give out aiu 111 intervlt ws. She wont tell wnat slie plans. hopes, or expects And thi Democrats of the County, mostly an ".he same way when anybody mention^ the primaries, due the last of May. With the exception of Bass Padgett, who has announced himself as a can | rlidate for reelection to the office of Register o fDecds not a single Df-mci cratic candidate ha.; said a word a! i< st no. fer put .eivon. There is a well founded report, that County Commissioner FV| Wood, of Andr ews. one of tlx- leading business men of all this section, will refuse to run again His reason, it is said, is that he cannot spare the time from his many private business interests. The latter are far-flung. How the others feel about running again is not known Thus far. no definite plans have been announced to hold a Democratic convention. The county organization, as such, is dormant, and whether it will swing into activity before the primaries is a matter of guess-work. Democratic waters are particularly muddled as regards the coming race 'or She'iff. Loste ? Mason, formei Sheriff refuses to state definitely that he will be a candidate. Most people think he will run: but Los told the writer: "I'm playing dumb, and just listening. Ihaven't made up my mind ' There is no such condition amon< the Republicans. The organization Is active, and the party will put out a full ticket, backed with both work and money. They hope to make a clean sweep of all the County offices except the Commisionerships. There the party is doomed to a minority as a result of the re-districting of the County put thorugh by Col. Harry Cooper when he was in the State Legislature. In all the other county races, how ever. the Republicans see a good chance for victory. As this is written there .ire two or more aspirants for every post. To do away with any possibility of friction, a County Republican conven tion has been called by County Chair man C. E. Hyde for Saturday. April 11. Delegates will meet in the court Outstanding Rating Is Won By Ranger In School Contest The Ranger school covered itself with glory in the recent. World Study Scrap book contest conductei throughout the 14 uouiiMea of Wes tern North Carolina by the Ashe vllle Citizen Times. Its students took the first four honors in the County, and also won one of the "grand prizes." in the elementary division. Also the Ranger school was select ed as one of the five outsanding in Western Carolina, and the school library will receive the newspaper free, for one year, as a reward Mrs John Shields is Principal. The four count winners are: 1st. Christine Gibson ?Seventh Grade: Mrs. John Shields, teacher 2nd. Ralph Quinn ? Fifth Grade: Maggte Bell Kisselbury, teacher. 3rd. Annie Mae Henson -Sixth Grade: Mrs. John Shields, teacher. 4th. David Rice? Fourth Grade: Maggie Bell Kisselbury. teacher. Christine Gibson, also won third grand prise in the elementary di vision. Her prizes totaled $13. Ralph Qulnn. of Ranger, won hon orable mention, and t3 In pri*es. David Rice and Annie Mae Henson won tl each. Town Loses Fire Chief As Fred Swaim Takes Andrews Tannery Job The town of Murphy is without a j i fire chief Pied Swain, who has been head of ' j ii;~ volunteer fire filler* u.. ?; !ook- 1 if ? aft??- ? 'ire er.? e. :i J acted pactlcil.- a one- -nan Firr Dc I artme.u ?cr years, h %s go*~t to An drews to be chief mechanic for the reopened tannery. He began his n?-w duties Monday. Swaim will continue to make his ; home in Murphy, defying the tin* .shortage to drive to and from work. However, he will be home only at night. A fire chief must be available 24 hours .? day So Fred has resigned The Cherokee Motor Com pan;/. own*?<1 by Swslffl, wi\] continue in operation, with Swaim ? xercising j general supervision. Farmer Kills Fearing Invasion Of Nation by Japs Insane fear that the country was i bout to be invaded by the Japs i., believed to have caused Harvey Hicks Dyer. 37 year old farmer, to kill ihmself in his home in the flweetwater section ot Clay Count" last week The young farmer sent charge 1 om % double-barrelled ahot gun i.uo las heart, ate-" ' a k mi: l is wife and niother-in-lav ?>: a funeral, burlier in the mo m ig, wnen he sent hi.; two so'i.i to school, he told i hem ? <ocbye and rer^arkrj t ll f t they would never r,e" him again Before that, brooding over the war situation, he had told several people that the Japs would never take him a prlsonrer. The victim drove his wife, the former Pauline Chance, and her mother to a funeral on Fires Creek. Leaving them at the church, he drove to Hayesville and bought two shot-gun shells. Then he went home and killed himself. His wife found his body on her return. Funeral services were conducted last Thursday at the Sweetwater Methodist church, with the Rev. Denis, of Shooting Creel; officiating and with Ivie Funeral Home :n charge of arrangements. Burial was in the church-yard cemetcry. The widow and two sons. Glenn and James survive. o StNKISK SfcKVli t Beginning promptly at 6:15 o'clock there wMll be a special early Easter sunrise service at the Methodis. Church in Murphy. The choir will sing special music and the story of t he resurrection will be told in story and in song. Read The Want- Ads BARTON-DICKEY BATLE BRINGS FEDERAL CHARGE r ' i5" ?l* Arrests Athlete In Row Over Drafting I Of Brother Harley .fThnT',"1; il" * " 1 inv?^tK)? th( fist (nrht between Ray Barton . " a" '?<*<?> Barton ! m Marble WednewJ.v " ' mi a Federal warrant. Antsti'ii by "G-man.- B h Bui r" Amwiii,.. Barton w?, reieaaed ' rr bund u rrm >???? Bates. U s U? afternoon of ' ? ? 11 ? ? !?'? probal>;. wijj t*. ,r;< d in AslicvUle. The fight took pla., m front ? Smi-ke-House cafe. Th<- p b I v'.'uiT,'" tnn,b'' * lo mvc resulted from the draft >n<: of Hn: ley Barton. broth,, of ?y on him f'" "a"'nL- w,'r' indent '?> him for support Dickey Is Cliair Bfli'rd h< Chfr?k"' c<?'nty Draft. .ndKra ' ha'-'' a(!ainKt >"'th Barton hofn^M , WOrC tVlVr bC"' tr"-" I. for,. Magistrate D M Ree.s, bl|i ,rql"'S' ?f FV',rml author i^;. these cases were nolle pressed The Federal warrant was sworn out largely on the story Ray Barton himself tow t|lc F B j ,nv?tlRatt)] Rey related this story to the Scout. was in the pool room, and Shei Idan Diekey came In with a basket of ?rks. and stood next to me" he said. "I turned to him and said: You bin y?u ^ deter_ mined to send rev brother to the army whether he is needed at home <r not, wern't youV" Dickey said romething, and I told inm to put down his basket. He did and we went outside, and had it out until they separated us." As chairman of the 'Draft Board Dickey is a Federal official. Com plaint was made to the Federal au thorities that he was attacked in connection with his Federal duties The penalty for such an offense mav 'hr P???tiary. ?r -1.000 fine, or both. Meanwhile. Raleigh authorities are still holding the papers in the draft In? or Harley Barton, and he is still i here. ? Jail Breakers Given Long Terms in Pen i Tfin/I nnt*. i p f : - ~4i ' 1 6 co vi ureakiijv n om jail Homer Cheatham. Clarence Cornwell and the Beasley brothers i ltenM',n",J T W<>re K'Ven IOnR P?1" | Herniary terms Monday, j Cheatham and Cornwell, who broke tail twice rerelred sentences of 18 J months from each for the first of , tense, and two years each for the second escape. The sentences are | NOT to run concurrently. The Beas ! y brothrIS- who got away onty once, got two years each. Bomb To Explode Atop Mount Berger To Mark Start of Huge Easter Pageant A huge bomb will be exploded Just at the break of day on the topmost of Burner Mountain. N. C.. heralding the opening of the Easter Dnwn Ser vice exercises. The terrific detona tion will typify the Biblical descrip tion of the earthquake given in St. Matthew 28:2. "And behold there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from tho door, and sat upon It." Completing the pageant "Roman soldiers will fall bach: an angel will sit upon the stone before the tomb realistically prepared In the Fields of the Wood, natural amphitheatre between Ten Comandments and the Sermon on the Mount Peaks: Mary ?US hasten to Jerusalem, represent ed by a huge design about a thous and feet distant .and an Intrepid Peter and a more fleet Apostle John I will run to the tomb and find it open." In making the anonuncement. Rev. A. J Tnmlinson, that the pro gram would start In front of the world capitol of the Church of God in Cleveland. Tenn., at 3:00 A. M Easter morning, by the assembly of a motorcade of cars and b isscs from many states. The group will proceed fifty mllon : to the MountAtn. between Durfctown. j find Murphy .arriving at the mouo~ j tain about 4:30. After a time of worship the Bomb is expected to burst at 5:00 A M . Central Wartime, and the worship and pageantry w?.ll continue for about two hours.

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