Church Notice BAPTIST Re? A. B Cull. Pa* tor Service!, It A M and 7:30 P. M Wednesday evening. 7:30 P. M CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. Clarence Voyles Services Jtvd and 4th Sundays.. 11 A. M. METHODIST Rev. C. B. Newton. Pastor Services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. II. EpworUi League 6:45 P. M Prayer Meeting Wednesday nights at 7 Pit cmntcH or the mkssiah (Episcopal I S?Trtce every Sunday 11 A. M. T?urU Sunday: Holy Communion 11 A. M. Holy Days: Evening Prayer 8 P. M. PRESBYTERIAN Henry L. Paisley. DD? Pastor Services every Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P M except .in the first Buic'ay m t.r.'nf. and the ih -d Sun day evening TOMOTLA BAPTIST Rev. W. A. Hedden, P*sv?r Services 11 A M and 7PM MT. CARMKL BAPTIST Rev. E. A Beaver. Pastor Church services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Prayer services 7 P. M. Wed nesdays. i RANGER BAPTIST Rev. W. T. True'.t, Paaftor Church services 11 A. M. 8.30 P. M. WOLF CREEK BAPTIST Rev. W. A. Hedden. Prvslor Services second and fourth Satur days 7 P. M. Second and fourth Sun days 11 A. M. SWAN SON BAPTIST Rev. Bill Johnson, Pastor Services Saturday night at 7 P. ML On first Sunday at 11. SHADY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Pred Townson, Pastor Services held every third Sunday. LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Edgar Willlx, Pastor Church services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. ever? first and third Sundays OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. A. Beavers. Pastor Preaching first and fourth Sun days. Singing every Sunday at 1 o'clock. MURPHY M. E. CIRCUIT Rev. Alfred Smith, Pastor 1st Sunday: 11 A. M. ? Bell view; 2 P. M. ? Martin's Creek: 2nd Sunday: 11 A M. ? Beld's Chapel: 1 P. M - Un&ka; 3rd Sunday: 10 A. M. ? Rac er's Chapel: 11 A. M. ? Ranger; 7:30 P. M. ? Culberson; 4th Sunday: 11 A. M. ? Tomotla; 2 P. M. ? Ma?gfe'a Chapel; 7:30 P. M. ? Hampton Me morial. HAYES VTLLK METHODIST Circuit Rev. J. A. Clemmer, Jr., Paster 1st Sunday ? Oak Forest. 11 A. M.; Hickory Stand 2 P. M.: 0<7d?-n 3:3? P. M. 2nd Sunday ? Hayesville. 11 and 7:30; Sweetwater. 2 P. M.; Peach tree, 3:30. 3rd Sunday ? H'ckory Stand. 11 A. M.: Ogden. 3:00 P. M.; Oak For est. 7:30 P. M. 4th Sunday ? Hayes vllle. 11 and 7: Sweetwater. 3 P. M.; Peach tree. 3:30. SEVENTH DAY ADVHNTI8T Wolf Creek; W. L. Oarren. Elder. Services each Saturday 10:30 A. M. SNOW HIIjI. CHURCH Rev. W. C. Pipes, Pastor Service." second and fourth Sua days at 11 A. M. o I ;/30-H00W II jjgif Is rate t tail aUen'.wmr Si rnwi*V qirl-1 an? teldora attractive. Vou can't put on cufvea il' you haven't the appe tite f',r ?>f3p?r footlt. VINOI* with it? V.I HI.. ?I HI and Iron en<-o'ira?es appetite. Y??ur druiuist has ple?ii- \J a Jk| I ant tmung VIWOL. V I rl V U PARKER'S DRUG STORK Protect Your Loved One* With A QUINN * HUMPHREY Matval Burial Certificate Only Costs 25c to Join Quinn & Humphrey Mvtanl Burial AuodaHon Cfipwhill, T??m. STRAIGHT FROM NEW YORK Shakespeare puts Into the mouth of one of his characters in "The Merchant of Venice" these words. "The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose." The Scriptures them^lves bear evidence of the accuracy of Shakespeare's observation, (or the devil in tempting Christ Quoted the Word of Ciod. Evil and aisionest men have never hesitates to use a pasapp til "Vripture in an attempt to jiist'fy their wrong course of action 01 to rxcuse their evil doing. Of | course. It ch a pf WdllW is In itacK i evil :ir..l dishonest sine? '-he S;:1p turt- is by them misquoted or misused or Uu^tJied. The Wo'l of Ckxl j nowhere admonishes men to a course : of action v.-i rh violates law of ! God. Whatever else the Scriptures may , or may not prove, they do testify , that the I-iord Jesus Christ is God 1 manifest in the flesh. It is a sad fact that by many people today this great . and primary truth of the Book is overlooked or forgotten. Apollos preaching at Ephesus con vinced his hearers, "shewing by the j Scriptures that Jesus was Christ" (Acts 18-28*. Christ Himself admon ished His hearers to "Search the ! Scriptures; for in them ye think ye ; have eternal life: and they are they ! which testify of Me" (John 5:39). | Christ is the center of the Book, the burden of the prophets' message, the theme of the psalmist's lay, the chief character of the Gospels, the foun tain hend and inspiration of tha Epistles .tile sublime and majestic central figure of Revelation. The Bible is the revelation of Ood't will and purpose and love for man. It is God's Written Word. Christ is the Incarnate Word ? the Word of God come in the flesh. The Bible speaks of Christ. Christ manifests in His own wonderful person the truth of the Bible. -TCGt the scriptures to prove their own pet theories and | opinions. They are glibly quoting Scripture without regard for its pur pose o rtrue U-"hing. But the man who searches the Word diligently I with open mind cannot fail to be convinced of this fact, that Jesus Is the Christ, the One come in the flesn to redeem men from sin by the blood which He shed upon Calvary's cross. He must admit that there is nodutivi of the Scriptures teaching that "there is none other name under heaven given among men. whereby we must be saved." In the sacred pages of Holy Writ, God the Father claims Christ as His Son. proclaims His Deity, acclaims His perfections. Through the Word of the Father speaks to up of the Chrlat. "ThJa la my beloved Son. hear Him. ' AX IN FAVOR OF Royal Crown nac u a. fat o*r. la DISMISSED! ? That was the Court's answer, just a few days ago, to each and every charge made against. Royal Crown Cola by our largest com petitor, who claimed the sole right to use the word "cola" as part of the name of a drink. The Court recognized that cola has been used in various ways for many generations, and that the word "cola" is the generic term for a type of beverages known as "cola drinks," of which there are many. ? # * For 35 years, we have been making cola drinks. In 1934 we intro duced Royal Crown Cola in a bottle that gave not one, but two full trlncooa fw K"o!ks LiVsd more for their And even more important ? people said it was the best-tasting cola. Impartial group taste-tests of the" nation's best-known colas have been continuously conducted throughout the country. Royal Crown Cola has won 5 out of 6 of these tests. ROYAL CROWN COLA IS TRULY "BEST BY TASTE-TEST." ? ? * To you, the Court's decision means you can continue co buy which ever cola your taste prefers and, if you choose, you can get not one, but two full glasses for your nickel. To us, the decision means adjudication of our fair dealing, clean competition, and the fact that Royal Crown Cola is sold on merit alone. QUALITY THAT'S "BEST BY TASTE-TEST"! ? The highest grade* of sugar are required in making Koyal Crown Cola. Our Government has found it necessary to control the distribution and use of sugar. With this and all other conservation measures we are happy to cooperate. AND WE PROMISE TO KEEP THE tJUAI.ITY OK ROYAI. CROWN COI.A "I'.F.ST BY TASTE-TEST." TAKE TIME OUT FOR A "QUICK-UP" WITH "Royal Crown *2*. V- ? Pmt. on. Cola ? teaf Ay Nehi Bottling Co. Murphy, North Carolina