(ithprnkrp ^>rnut " vlhif uliifi iikpp wrmn For Progress ^ Finer County %>!? a 1 THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. COVERING A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICK TEURITORY VOL. 53. - No. 41. MI'KPHY. NORTH CAROLINA Till KSDAY. MAY 7. 1??. 5c COPY? *1.5* PER YKAR "ESKIE" HATCHETT CRASHES WHILE ASLEEP AT WHEEL Young Murphv Officer Driving to 111 Mother After 24 Hours Duty Drtvmg to see his invalid mother -n a Black Mountain Sanitarium Leonidas 'Eskimo. Hatchctt. crash lirad on into a Smith Transfer .nick ? arly Friday , vening. He is l uic hospital with a fractured knee cap and other injury which may keep him confined for many T; W??ich will not prove fatal H poi Ls thai the young Murphv po u-eman had suffered a fractured skul] pi oved incorrect. "Eskimos case got mixed up in wnw"n"rfSSlp W,,h 'hal of N' ?""?? HUGE BOND DRIVE GETS UNDER WAV | ALL OVER COUNTY : Voluntary hive?liner.t Sought with Forced Levy as Alternative ? ? - With S26.000 sought for thp month of May. an "all out" drive to sell war bonds and war savings stamps start ed throughout the County on Mon day and will continue until sales go "over the top". Every wage earner in the County will be seen personal ly. if humanlv jx^iblp. and urged to invest as mucii as lie can. Bill Whitakcr of Andrews, is in chart*- of the drive in the tipper end ' of the County. Frank Forsyth, of Murphy, is in charge in the lower end. Both will be aided by a score or more of lieutenants, both men and women. It- is exp'-cted that the sales quota will be passed with tut little diffi culty .since purchases throughout the county, without any special urg ing already total close to $20,000 per month. In addition to the drive to "buy now", however, there also wi]i be a pledge card campaign in which every wage earner will be asked to i promise to set aside a certain por t'on of his famines every week, for the purchar." of bond; pt stamps. Signtis of trier cards will b? purely voluntary, and the amount, pledged wtli be kept cor.fidentin'. The cards vill not cir.stf-.l-: iro.1 clf.d contracts. If a pTxrn finds (Con tinned oil back pare) Buddy Mickey Returns Promoted by Marines I : r:v. .ed lo Private f i:*> i class and trie drill instruc tor, with mor^ pro_ no- ^ just ahead. Buddy Dickey. T.r i hy'.- younges: Marine, came :rv .(? spend the week end with ..i mother. Mr*- T^lia pirkpv Bud ? ? ''listed January 10th, after run r.in? away fro msehool te> join the ervict . He is only 10 years old. His nether protested vigorously, but an \( nans'- of letters from Buddy's commanding offieer, finally :;av?' hei consent. The young Marine is stationed, 'emporarily. at Paris Tsland. South Carolina. Harmon Orr Cooper Andrews Navy Boy Missing in Action The first casualty lo be listed in Cherokee county of our soldiers is that of Harron Orr Cooper. Chief Petty Officer of the Langley. sunk I on February 6. Mr. Cooper is listed by the Navy Department as missing. The oldest son of Mr. and Mrs R. A. Cooper, of Andrews, the young of ficer was well known fo all in this section. He was 35 years old and had been in the navy for more than 18 years. Cooper enlisted In the navy November 1. 1923 and has seen continual service. Mr. R A. Cooper said this morn ing that he had received notice from the Navy Department that his son was missing. He said In tJic boy's last letter he told his Mother that he OmHtmW an tuk fur MURPHY ELECTS E. L SHIELDS AND MIXED BOARD New Mayor has Margin of But 7 Votes Over Mr. Noah Lovingood | A brand w administration look I < harm* of the low? /?f Mu.phy Unlay ?Thursday, follow:' ! wh?ch si .. record ii. -t.?. parti I ''ulars. I For Ui!ng ?? was out- of the >maIkoi turn out of voters the town 'ui.s s' en in many yea s Only 597, , out. of a normal 750 t' v- raJ candidates had nu*?r l out m EHj a?d litfywljy UrHguni j iSit-m in. The war. rising prices. dif t ficulties in obtaining competent ; labor and OUiCr troubles kept U : | 'lst in the election seemingly to a j minimum. Another record was set by tho I closeness of the vote: E. L. Shields, ! the new Mayor ? Democrat! defeated | Noah Lrovingood (Republican* by . only seven vote.-: Colonel F B Norvell, running independently, poll ed 4(> votes. The ticket that will serve with Mayor Shields is mixed Three are Republicans and three Democrats. Th?- EX'mocrats: B G. Brumby. Dr. B. W Whitfield: Robert Weaver will serve with Republicans. Walter Cole man; J. W Franklin and Ed win Hyde. Hyde is a formeT State Representative for the County. The other ran for office fo- the first time as, indeed, did Mayor Shields, also. Robert Weaver, an employee of Th'* Citizens Bank and Trust Co.. and probably the youngest of the candidates led the ticket with 524 vnies. Dr B W. Whitfield was second, with 502. and J. W. Frank Mn 487. The vote of the ot*v^r suc cessful candidates for the board was: B. G. Brumby. 357: Edwin Hyde. .*88: Walter Coieman 284 Defeated candidate for the board . were Z. C. Ramsey, former sheriff, ? with 272 votes; Lor? n Davis, with 250 votes and E C. Moore, with 248 votes. The board will find the town fin ances in the best shape i? many years. Thanks largely to the ef forts of former Mayor J. B. Gray tin bonds were refunded last year at considerably better terms. Also there is about $15,000.00 surplus in the town treasury. o? Howard S. Whitehart , Once Murphy Resident | Dies In Winston Salem Many old friends of Howard Stacy Whit.' 'hart, oner familiarly Known i" this section as "Bub", will loam with regret ol his recent death In Winston Salem. Aged 61, he was buried on Sunday. April 26. Mr. Whitehart came to Murphy with the Juruiture lactory once lo cated in Factorytown. but lone since burned to the ground. He married Miss Elsie McDonald, daughter of the late T. C. McDonald. Sr. and Mrs McDonald, of Murphy The d?,ccas"d retired from busi ness because of failing health, two years ago. Before that, for 20 yearn, he tiad bei'n foreman of the shipping departnvnt of the R. .1. Reynolds Tobacco Company. He is survived by his widow, two sons: Donald and Thomas, and one daughter. Mrs Melvin Atkins, all of Winston Salem. 0*r Job If to Savt Dollars Buy War Bonds Evtry Pcy t'ny