vTln- (fhiTukcc i?cinit n wjsiin) evkkv riKKsuu Enters u; -u* r^a OKwv ?2ar phy, Vo;th CaitjUfii ^ wond claw mattei iiide : a . March j. 169~ nn? Viet or C Olnu ? d. tax Airs, Olmsted i.ditor K?y V CtHik Business Maiu^er Rl WY HcCOMBS WINCHESTER Society Editor ? Phone 49- I 8I BS4 K1FT10N PRICE 1 Vr.ir. in \"??rlli Carolina $1.50 6 Mom., in North Carolina ... .75 I Y?*ar. Out of >Ult' ... '*.00 Pa. w,..- si.h i Iii Aavance Card* ?f thanks tn respect by individuals .?::?? . or ganiations r a> ?? tie . wdl be re gaJXted ^ ?aWyfirUsil'Wt.^fllM'h -WA?mw ?Aili *' {Barked i; " compliance A North Carolinian VY orth Beint; Proud of a.u .until.: ni)"ey on War con U; i urn ?i in '.-red his chief cap Mi $1 'i i Lick *t !o Newport N v. V.i parked his things in a poke ..i'm| joiiu d tlv U. S Maw. At tlv >:imo time his interest in avia tion ^a- ? raised by reading of the first flight of 111" Wrigh brothers a Ki'.tv HtA k . N. C I ist a, ok af* r four derades. the fx-u-: ? tpn ? fr >m North Carolina wrot i letter t > the Secretary of War ?:inir ha. hi. mpany want ed to refund $1 0-1. 000.000 to the gov ??rnm in it was making too large a profit ?' war contra " > During : ie interim young Tom M.?! - mi had ? ? rv-\| i.v y ?ai s on he battl* iip D- -.e. where he met Elmer Sperry. 'ventor of *he ;am ous -'.vroscope. The! an ordi" try seaman Morgan :i dped to install the 'l. >. gyroscope on 'he Delaware, and 3 perry :i.uc!BBMM: these Uav ilea we 1 are *eru: ' :/m* ih< fyp* - f man i .*>v. r ; :: tv.3? ;i JfVfloptd a' k : : : 1 :nocra*\v vr have bull: ' . - lciin tii.r ';v ex-teU* ;? -t;> .1:1 : ox- -.1.1 ? from North | Carol' u ?' ol o: :y r ?-e :o the top, Gas, or City Hunger Warm* tha: *o drastic r?\stric 1 ? ?: Msolino for farmciv pass ' ng? 1 .irs m::ht endanger move r market >? v tal food-: essent : 1 1 ? '.m* tMi*' Fr**d S. Sex- ' 1 \> ? ?-: i Cooperative Association. re- | '?ntly ;:- d Miar {ov?*rument r sr.r special consideration to rarmers . . :i fixing sas quotas. ' It appears obvious " he ? ??.?? ?? irucs. marc m; run 1- t:i* fact tha- many farmers use their oars to -.ak" fresh V. ii'iiil 1 1 i 1 r itKKlllCC ' M mark*- " If firmer.; ? ir. ad'-qastc ;as I : : t.i ir car- .? will in many cases ;? >..te and make deliveries of to.xi 0 urban localities impossible. In the in'.-rest of the public health. V mas: k?ep farm ears in motion. Super Modesty 1 When the first alleged "oil short 1 ? \i a . iiullabai oocd in '.he East , iom.' months ago. the President of Association of American Rail ads said that, in his opinion, ihe en c uld must?T sufficient tank 1 . > ; ? carry 200.000 baiTels of pet leum ant! petroleum products a : ij- ? > he E..st Coast. A storm of i ) . at once rescended upon him. I ? ;>roj) . -s of doom, including - ine Important -.?ovrnment offic ii. said that the railroads coudn't -in- ? inyw;> -re near that goal, and ? r. they could"" carry enough oil ? niee' ??ven a small par: of th? need. Now tii- actual facts have been . >:i -. ed. And they show that the , Preside-'-, of th- Association was ' fiuus andingly modest in his ?'sti ! . Po-.- the railroads haven't 1 bee- hauling 200.000 barrels of oil a FOR SALE 56 acres n?*ar Tucker, Georgia. All under fence. Suitable for trucking or rattle. ?*tc. All machinery necessary for farming and putting four hundred chickens per week on the market. Home, three tenant houses, barn, chicken house, etc. Will mail description of property to prospective buyer. 523.000. Will have to be seen and examined to be appreciated. W. L. COUSINS, SR. 518 PARK DRIVE N. E ATLANTA. GA. STORAGE PIANOS FOR SALE Wp hav" in >torac'' in Robbinsville 12 used pianos. Some ari these excellent pianos are priced as cheaply as prices prevailing a y?*ar ago. VERY EASY TERMS. Call on, write, or phone C. R. MITCfVEIX for particulars. These pianos are stored back of I>r. Crawford's new hotel. VISIT THE FUNBOWL Murphy's J|ew gowling J^lleys OVER CARRINGER'S STORE day ?_.> Ea>\ Coa.v laAt-i i. they J have be*'" hauliug 600 000 barrel* a day which 1st thre- lime- a* much jB*vV ?t first ihou-: ' the.- cculd j handle And 'Ju?t amount* to 45 peri tv of ail the oil con sumed along ? l Atlantic Seaboard T;i -i* who ap conv?*:Aan* %?v: t Ii the : ry f the Am* railroad . - 'dtistry won't he par uul?rly aston* t\i by their achievement ?pec?.\ cula- a- it is. For 'he railroad*, time and again. hav? dor. what ? ? ??:?:!.(?> said was impos$ith R l-.rin now they ar* cairying a lar*- I ? : ilumo of traffic than they car ? r he last war and t *\e? are t without ieiay. waste.' doinst a bi-:: : ar better. ' 10b on behalf of the war effort. If ? railroads are permitted IjjiyvMiiBiiffHP tivy : wiu n **ea as demand for transport a - , ?ion fur.her increas- >. they will con | ti>iiie to bmh til records. o Andrews Gclf Cc:-*? In Fine Condition QfRcfes aiWoutK .. And t" if Club is :m*A ndition it has oe''n in tills season. Work'-rs have just coatp^tetf tile jab of mowing the course and ' n-1 recent hard rains have made the greens ?:r. . "li and wet' -pack. ii Thi- "???ek-.-nd sh?v!d prove t ; be i .m opportune time to tour the course ."?I many ar" expected to 'alee ad ? vantaae of splendid condition U) siet in .? round or two A drive has been made r o-r.Uy to it-cure members for the club. Fifteen members have sisn-d up from And vs and Prank Forsyth has rounded up ten members from Murphy. Those I in charge 'xpect several more to join in the near future WOMEN Popj.cr 6i years HEADQUARTERS FOR "STAGS" ? ? ' ? ? ? m ? ? ? ? ? ? ? WE SPECIALIZE ON WINES. BEERS AND SANDWICHES i;ahst Blue Ribbon Beer on Draft THE SMOKEHOUSE S - r* 1 r- !i n. H >n:r t G'.od Fellows Phone 9105 NORTH CAROLINA FACTS ! hamtu the industry mas con tributed $ /O.OOO .OOO IN TAXES TO TNC NORTH CAROLINA TREASURY/ Three yean i^o the North Carolina beer industry launch. J its own ?"Clean I'p ur Close Up" drive, to help preserve beer's i :p :?t fits to the state. Today, on its thirJ anniversary, this Committee has proved iliat Sc!< Regulation really works! 20> retail beer outlets ? only a tmrdf'tl of the thousands of wholesome. Jav\-abidin>? places in?peeted~ tvaied to c:eua up jfter our warning. They were closed up? The beer industry, .vhich works \%Ith your Ian aiiictri through this Com* tnittcc. her.- rer.j.- . pledge to keep the recall sale of beer up to North Carolina's high standards. VOl CAN HE( !*! Buy your beer only in reputable, decent piaees. Report any violations of the law to your local officer* or to this Committee. For Victory ? Buy War Bv*d$ jhJ Stamps BREWSN6 INDUSTRY FOUNDATION y Lou ft Laxocina Committee ? EDGAR H BAIN. Sidle Director 613' 317 Corrtnigrcial Eldg. Have YOU Made Your War Bond Pledge? Let's Cooperate 100 Per Cent Sign Up For As Much of Your Salary As You Can Afford. The war bond pledge is important to you and your country. It is your voluntary pledge to save money regularly to buy War Bonds. This pledge is not an order. In signing it you simply pledge your self to save a definite amount of money, voluntarily to invest in War Bonds at regular stated intervals. Naturally, the more you pledge to save for War Bonds, the better. This is not a "token" war. It is a fight to the finish against the most ruthless and relentless enemies we have ever faced. When you invest your dollata in War Bonds, you not only help to buy guns, tanks and planes needed to defeat those enemies; you help keep prices down. At the same time you will be building for the future ? YOU':< fufure as well as your country's. So decide NOW to pledge for VICTORY. Buy U. S. War Bonds and\\Stamps Citizens Bank & Trust Co. MURPHY, N. C. >; ANDREWS, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation