Our Aim: ? A Better Murphy A Finer County THE LEAD.NG WEEKLY NEV. .PAPER ,N WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. COVER. NC A LARCUL AND POTENT. ALLY R.i'H TERRITORY ?h? Ulhrrokte ^rowl Dedicated To Service For Progress \ ol. :>4 ? No. 4 Jc < OPY ? SI.50 PEK YEAR CHEROKEE COUNTY FAIR TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 6-10 New Fair Building to be Ready For Display of Farm Exhibits The Fair Association of Cherokee county today announced the date for the fair this year, which will be known as The Cherokee County Vic tory Pair. The dates as announced by the association will be October 6th-10th inclusive, unless the War Department deems it best to dis continue the fair for the welt&re of the nation its its war efforts. Bantly's Ail-American Shows liave been engaged to show on the Mid way. This show with 10 rides, 10 shows and over 50 concessions, com bined with many local stands will afford many attractions for the thousands of people who each year participate in and enjoy the county fair. The American Legion. 4-H chits and other local civic organizations are expected to participate in mak ing the fair a success. The Fair Association has shopes that the new community building will be completed in time for the exhibits to be displayed here. The new Fair building will have 6,000 feet of floor space, and will offer for the first time plenty of room for the display of natural resources, ladles' handiwork, and a flower show. The old building will be used for the dis play of farm exhibits. The Cherokee County Victory Fair will be sponsored by the Fair Asso ciation, with gate receipts being used for the major portion of ex penses. The County Victory Fair is not sponsored by either the Coun ty or the Town Of Murphy. Funeral Is Conducted For Robert Fleming Robert Fleming, 72. died at his home at Brasstown Saturday after noon following an illness of three months. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Green cove church with the Rev. Ham Coffey officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are the widow: seven daughers. Mrs. Fanny Taylor, Moun tain City, Ga., Mrs. Lula Payne. Ball Ground, Ga.; Mrs. Gertie Walker, Fontana: Mrs. Emma Jones, Ashe viile; Mrs. Amanda Greene. Brass town: Mrs. Haggie Barker, Casa Grande, Arizona, and Mrs. Ollie Brown, of Asheville, and four sons, Ben. Ed. Walter and Ranee of Brass town. The pallbearers were: George O'Neal. Jim Mason, Carl Caldwell, Johnny Payne. Cline Anderson and Elbert Anderson. Two Dams In This Area Get Finishing Touches Finishing touches are now being put on two TV A dams in this area. The TV A information office has announced that both the Chatuge and Nottely dams are nearing com pletion. They were started early last summer. Gartes at the Nottley dam. which is located In north Georgia near the Cherokee count? line, were closed January 24. Chatuge dam Is near Hayesville In Clay oounty. The two are among *%he smaller dams constructed by the TVA for storage purposes. The TVA ?Jao disclose* that Apalachla dam Is now about half finished, with work going forward art a rapid rate. Married Men Are Not To Be Exempt ? ? Wayne Walker. secretary of thr j Cherokee county drill board, states ' that a false impression has gotten out that married men are exempt from being drafted for military service. The local board has been advised by the State Selective Service that their August .aid subse quent calls be filled with marred men if there are not sufficient single men available. Local Author's Work Published In Important Volume For Victory Mr. John B Moore. 107 Valley River Ave.. Murphy, is one of the authors whose work is published in "The Voice of Freedom", a 600- pane book of poems and lyrics just pub listed. This is a vo'ume which speaks for all Americans, for all freedom-loving people in this war critis. As such it is a definite con tribution to national morale and the war effort. Through publication of this book rrc.iy be found the sons of victory for which tlio United Nations have been waiting . . . Thousands of authors located in every part of the country competed for a place in this volume. Many of these are writers who have been published in other important publications and maga zines and some of them are authors of books of their own. To have won a place in this volume is therefore an important literary achievement. At a later date, a similar volume may be prepared by the same pub lishers. The Haven Press. 55 W. 42nd St., New York City, and writers who are interested in competing for a place in the new book are invited to write to the publishers for a copy of the rules of competition. Mr. Moore, graduate of N. C. schools, has been writing for ten years; Is also a composer of music and has had work published in two National Poetry and Lyric antho logies and in numerous newspapers. He is author of published song, "When It's Blossom Time in Ole Caroline". , New Reference Books At Public Library The Murphy Carnegie Public Li brary announces that they have re ceived a number of new reference books, which the public may have for their inspection. These reference books touch upon many subjects of early America as well as present day thesis. The list includes the follow ing: Early Architecture of North Caro lina. by Johnston. Photography and the American Scene, by Taft. Making an Etching, by West. American Glass, by McKearin. American Thesounus of Slang, by Berry. American Motion and Slogans, by Sh ankle. Manual of Trees of North Amer ica. by Sargent. Complete Poctical Words, by Longfellow. Who Was Who 1920-1940. Early American Pottery and China, by Spargo. House and Garden's Complete Guide to Interior Decoration, by Wright. New Beauty Shop Open# In Murphy A new beauty shop has opened in Murphy under the management of Miss Dorothea Cluxton, who has re cently come here from Knoxville, where She successfully operated beauty parlors for the past four years. Miss Cluxton is featuring the newest to hair styles. The new parlor is located on the Blue Ridge Road. Suspended Term Is Given Rogers In Death Of Child Wise and Coleman Draw Prison Terms On Theft ChaTge Juege F Omakl Phillip?!, ppn. sidtnp ovt: Ctvrokee County Su perior court here last week imposed a three- to llvt-.se of Allen Wise and Julius Cole mar.. who were charred with break ing and entering and stealing two automobile tires from the Dickey Chevrolet company. Coleman was also charged with assault with a deadly weapon and dnvinn while drunk. The cases against him were consolidated lor trial and he re ceived a sentence of three years, with his driver's license revoked in definitely. Wise was also convicted of assault with a deadly weapon, for which he received a sentence of one year, and two years for breaking and entering and larceny, making a com bined sentence of three years. The case of the state agains. Ralph Ramsey, charged with man slaughter i'n the death of Cecil Jenkins as n, Jr has been promouxi to the rank of captain in the army air forces. j According to word received by his parents Mr and Mrs. J W. David son of Murphy. Capt Davidson is pilo: of a Flying Fortress, and is attached to the 36th squadron, j Lake. California. Capt. Davidson received his wings and commission in the AAF at j Earksdale Field Louisiana. on April | 2f, 1941. WNC Baptist Sunday School Convention At Peachtree Sunday The Western North Carolina As sociatioi.al Baptist Sunday School convention will meet with the Peachtree BMpti^t church. Sunday rjternoox. August 23. at 2:30 o'clock. Frank Walsh, Assoc iational Sup erintendent. will preside. Each Sun day schuol in the association is urg ed to send a large delegation to the meeting. The following program will be g.ven: Congregational singing. Devotional ?Miss Dale Sudderth. Roll Call of Churches and Re ports by J. V. Hall Special Music? Directed by Victor West. Discussion of 6 Point Record Sys tem and its value to the Sunday School, and to the Individual? K. L. MuTkey anu Cyrus White. Special Music ? By Peachtree Choir. Inspirational Address ? Rev. Algie West. Adjournment. War Ration Stamp No. 8 Good For 5 Pound Sugar The local Ration Board announc ed today that sugar certificates may now be issued to institutional and industrial users for the September and October allotments. The Board advises that Stamp No. 8 of War Ration Books is good for five pounds of sugar and will be valid between the dates of August 23 and October 31. Stamps Nos. 6 and 7. each currently good for two pounds of sugar, expire August 22. The Local Ration Board an nounces ihat they have received a supply of booklets for merchants, supplement and digest of Bulletin No. 2. General Maximum Price Reg ulation. Price Bulletins Nos. 1 and 2, and Price Folder No. 1-0437-1. The Board advises that it is important that these booklets reach the re tailers as soon as possible and every merchant is advised that he can re ceive a copy of each of these book - lets by calling for them. Minister Endorse "Scrap For Victory" Campaign Full endorsement of the "Scrap for Victory" campaign was received today from the churches of Murphy. The Reverend A. B. Cash, speaking for his organization today approved t the salvage campaign as a means of bringing the war more quickly to a close. "There will be no peace in the world until the forces of evil are overcome," Reverend Cash said. "The increased material aid to our j righting forces which will come as a result of the scrap collection pro- 1 eram cannot fall to bring nearer the day of victory, when the guns of war may once again be hushed through out the world." Mr. Cash Concluded. Materials being collected by the local Scrap Salvage Committee In clude: iron and steel scrap, other metals, rubber, rags, mantla rope, ? burlap bags and -waste cooking fats. ! LOCAL BOARDS TO USE MARRIED MEN TO FILL QUOTAS New Policy to Separate Registrants Into Four Categories Stair Headquarters of Selective Service has announced that all North Carolina local boarc'- have been ad vi* <1 ol the adopt".!! by Congre.-'. oi a ;jolic;.- which provide. Mat regis ?rant" be sep-iateu in.'> rategoriei and tha' all registrants ir ehch cat i gory be selected for induct ton before any registrant in the succeeding cate gory is selected The four broad cate gories are as follows: CATEGORY ONE: Single men with uo dependents. CATEGORY TWO SinRje men with dependents. CATEGORY THREE Married men wiio do not have children but who maintain a bona fide relation ship in their homes with their wives provided marriage took place prior to December 8 1941. and at a tune when selection was not imminent CATEGORY' TOUR Registrants who with their wives and children, or with their children alone, main ain a bona fide family relationship -i1 their homes . provided marriago took place prior to December 8, 1941, ind at a time when selection was not imminent. Local boards in North Carolina have all been advLsed that they should fill their August and subse quent calls in accordance with this policy, if possible But the boards have also been advised that the na tional interest requires that all calls t o meet the manpower requirements ol' the armed forces must be filled on schedule. If any 1 ocal board doett not have a sufficient number of single 1-A men available to fill its can, it has been authorized to de part from the genera! rule of prior ity and use married men who ordi narily might be expected to be in category 3. if such departure is nec essary to meet said call. Board Certifies Tires And Tubes The Cherokee County Ration Board has certified the following as eligible for tires, tubes, etc.. for the period of August 8 to 15: Passenger tires and lubes: Nan tahala Power & Light Co., one tire: Jack Churches, one tube: Roy I. Lee two: Henry Corbishley. one. Truck tires and tubes: Ralph Adams, two tires: George Postell. one tire: Cliff Radford, one tire: Appalachian Veneer Co.. four tires: Townson Funeral Home, four tires: Olen Jones, one tire: Clyde Howell, one tirp: Elbert Totherow. two tires: R T. Sylvester, two tires: Roscor Dockery. one tire: Cliff Radford, two tubes: Appalachian Veneer Co.. two tubes: Vernon Pruett. two tubes: Fred Barton, one tube: Clyde Howell, two tubes. Obsolete tires: F. E. Ellis, two: Harve Rose, four: Frank Garrett, two. Passenger retreads: Lush Pace, one: Zodie Buntin. two; Lewis A. Roberts, one: A J. Anderson, one: Hiram C. ' ldwell. two: Sam Hutch ins. two. Truck treads: Joe Browning, two; Cherokee County Board of Education, three: Ralph Best, two: J. Franklin Smith, one; E. S. Burnett, one: Sam W. Jones, two: James C. Morgan, one. Wa*M motiey in wasted lire*. Don't waste prerinua Htm. Every dollar you e an spare should hr used to buy War Bonds, liny yonr ten per rent every pay dny.