Our Aim: tf 4 g -t? *5^ ?hp (ChprokFP ^foitt SSL THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN vnuru riu ?mW?i )t IHX RTH CAROLINA. COVERING \ LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICH TEtlRITORY ' -N"5 """?'" "OKf fAROL.N* llt'ESDAY. AIGIST - 1M4. = ~ '*" St COFT ? I1.&4 IKK TtAR RED CROSS IS MAKING APPEAL FOR WORKERS Women Needed T o Make Surgical Dressings In *-?? _ ? I /? a v^uci uncc v^uuinjr Tile American Red Cross Is in the m:dst of its greatest effort in the CI years of its existance. The women of America are called upon and expected to supply 90 per cent of surgical dressings needed lor our men in the armed forces. Tiie manufacturers of these sup plies can furnish only 10 per cent. Murphy, playing equally as im portant a part as town and cities ten times her size, makes this appeal to !he women of Cherokee county to respond to this plea and give sup port in the promotion of this work. Even if you can give only one hour your help is needed. Tne present month's quota is 30, 006 2-inch sponges. Next month's material is expected next week. The work is simple, taking no skill to fold on a cardboard pattern. Each worker, however, is required to wear a freshly laundered cotton dress and nair covering made of gauze or un reached domestic cut in triangle. The Murphy chapter sent Miss Aridk Leatherwood for a week's trai ng in Asheville and is now in structing supervisors in the making of bandages. The present Red Cross work room is in the Mayor's office in the li brary building, using card tables furnished by Peyton Ivie for work tables. Officers in the local Red Cross Unit are: Vice-chairman in charge of training for surgical dressings, Miss Addie Leatherwood; Vice Chairman. charge of packing. Mrs. R. S. Parker; Vice -Char iman charge cutting, Mrs. M. W. Bell; Vlce Chaintian charge of recruiting of ?workers, Mrs. W. H. Griffiths, and Mrs. A. B. Cash; Vice-Chairman charge of records. Mrs. Harry Mil ler. Next week The Scout will an nounce hours the work rooms will be open. Automobile Owners Warned To Affix Federal Use Stamp Attention of automobile owners has been called to section 557 of the Revenue Act of 1941 requiring that a Federal Use stamp be affixed to al" automobiles and trucks in use on and after Feb. 1. 1942. The stamps should have been pur chased during the period of Febru ary-July at the post office, and if this was not done you are required to purchase stamp from the Collec tor of Internal Revenue. S. E. Vam er of Brevard, is the Collector for Cherokee county, and if you are de linquent you are requested to pur chase post office money order, pay able to Collector of Internal Rev enue, Greensboro, N. C., and send to Mr. Varner at Brevard, together with the name and address of the person in whose name the car Is registered and the matter will be given immediate attention. Red Cross First Aid Course To Be Given A standard Red Cros6 First Aid course will be given Thursday night from seven to nine o'clock at the home of Mrs. Lillie Scroggs at Brass town. Miss Oayle Isensee. commun ity nurse, will be the Instructor. Further particulars may be ob tained from Mrs. Scroggs, or tho?e Interested may report to the class on September S. STATE WILL USE TAB-SIZED AUTO PLATES IN 1943 North Carolina s 1943 automobile license plate will be a small tab. con taining only four square inches. T. Bcddie Ward. Motor Vehicle Com missioner. has announced. Automobiles will be equipped with CIllL* OP" t.Hp tfthc atta/?hoW rear license plate. The serial num ber on the tab will not correspond with the 1942 number. Ward said. It is estimated that the state ! would save about 200 tons of melal by substituting the small plate for ! the larger ones now in u se, and I enouph metal is now on hand from previous purchases to m&kr enuugh tabs for next year. i CHURCH TO HOLD ADVANCE RALLY I Gathering Is Scheduled To Be Held I Monday At Andrew* Presbyterian Church A religious education advance rally, sponsored by the religious edu cation committee ol Asheville pres bytery, will be held in the Andrews Presbyterian church Monday even ing. August 31, at 7 o'clock. Tlie meeting will include the churches of Hayesville, Murphy, Robbinsville, and Andrews. Inasmuch as travel is difficult, other rallies will be held at Asheville, Franklin. Waynesville and Hender sonville so that one will be near every pastorate in the presbytery, according to an announcement by the Rev. H. B. Dendy. D. D? of Weaverville. chairman of the Ashe ville presbytery committee. These rallies were planned dur ing the recent conference of the presbytery's young people at Man treat. The program as planned follows: Devotional, led by the Rev. H. L. Paisley, D. D., pastor of the Andrews church; "The Advance as a Whole", the Rev. James M. Carr, of Knox ville. director of religious education. Synod of Appalachia; "The Advance and Sunday School Extension," by Dr. H. W. McLaughlin of Richmond. Va., director of country church and Sunday school extension; discussion of What Can We Do in Asheville Presbytery?"; led by Dr. Dendy. Following the meeting, moving pictures of the young people's con ference at Montreat will be shown. Pastors, church officers. Sunday school teachers and officers, young people's teachers, leaders in the auxiliary, parents, and all interested friends are urged to attedn. [New Service Ruling Will Effect Only A Few Here Instructions Issued last week by national selective service headquar ters to the local draft board to place all but the totally unfit class B-l registrants in class A-l will not ef fect very many men in Cherokee county, the local b ard announced here this week. Men classified as B-l are oiose who have heretofore been deferred because of defects. This move, effective Immediately, is taken in order that affected men ma7 be examined by army doctors and be either accepted or rejected so that they may at once know their status. Future class for selectees will be for class 1-A men only. Those tot ally unfit will be classified In class 4-P. RECOVERS FROM OPERATION Mrs. Neva Jlolt, who recently un derwent an operation for appendi citis In a Daytona Beach. Fla.. hos pital. has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital and return to her home. Mrs. Holt is expected back In Murphy in the next two weeks. CHEHOhbE lOliNI Y SENDS 86 MEN TO INDUCTION CENTER Group Left Murphy Early Saturday morning One of the largest groups of se Jectees to leave Murphy boarded three special buses at seven o'clock last Saturday morning lor the Fort Jackson induction center. The group was composed of 86 men from Cherokee county. The list included the following* Charles Hannibal Hyatt, leader: Harold Wayne Hall, assistant lead er; Hi>mer George Gladson, assist ant leader; Verlon Thomas Rober son. Baxter Hatchett, Fred Wash ington Breedlove, Major Ernest Church. Carmel John Curtis. Will iam Hardin Corn well, Lee Walter Hyde. Ralph Weldon Adams, Nolan Russell. Clayton Sankey Graham, William Morgan. James Wilson Con ley. Herman Alfred Green. Wayne George Luther, Lowell William Bal lew. Von William Cook. Francis Hu bert Aj'p. John Robert Bradley, Clyde William Lovingood, David Logan Ownsby, Virgil Allen Fisher, Wayne C. Roberson, Herbert Hugh Roberts, Ralph Claude Gibby, Pink Sherman Evans. Hoyt Houston Johnson, Willie Rattler. Ed Thomas Guthrie, Ralph Dockery, John Por ter Mason, Clyde Henderson, Addi son Martin, WiUis Lush Ledlord Pearlic Kephart, Fred Young, Edwtr Hensley, Walter Lee White, William Thomas Mallonee, Ralph Clin tor Hughes, Silas Jack Wilson. Hoyt Waldroup, Dale Harvey Dockery Tommie Farmer. James Arnold Stal cup. Rossie Newton, James Allen Clayton, Hobbie Whitener, Glenn Bryant, James Allen Painter. Carl Columbus Ledford. Leonard Moore, Ed Garland, Hubert Ray Holloway, Robert Talmadge Green. Everett* Anderson Kimsey. Wayne Anderson. John Arthur Swanson, Erwin Elijah Carter. John Robert Wilson, Paul Warren McMahan. I Haden Glenn Bruce, Lyle Marshall Robinson, Walter George Hogsed. Robert Henry Rogers, Robert Edwin Holland, Roy Louis Patterson, Hoyt Marion Bryant, Frank Frederick Wilson, Ag Gibby, Howard Walker, j Venson Burton Watts, Raburn Bur gess, James Hicks, James Arthur Griffith, Willis Buren Loudermilk. Charlie Wayne Conley. William Earl Chambers. The local board reports that the following men failed to show up for the scheduled induction trip: Will iam Richard Gance, Charlie McDon ald, Bert Russell and William Louis Brown. The following men were trans ferred from other boards and left with the local contingent: J. C. Johnson. Ernest Jackson Anderson. Fred Truell, William Lowry Whitmore. George Quince Rogers, Joseph Louis Ingram. i Occupational Census Going Forward At Local Draft Office The local selective draft board Is going forward with the task of mak- | ; to the identity of his attackers 01 ^ the motive for the attack. Folmesbee Will Be Ordained Priest , Sunday, August 30, the Rt. Rev. Robbert E. Gribbin. of the Diocese of Western North Carolina will ad vance to the Priesthood the Rev. Grant Folmsbec. B. D? the Vicar of the Church of the Messiah, Murphy. The service will take place in Grace Episcopal church. Waynes ville. at 11 a.m. E. S. T. The mem bers of the congregations served by Mr. Folmsbee are invited to attend the ordination .service. Sunday evening at 7:30 a Prepa ration Service for the Holy Eucharist will be held at the Murphy church. The Eucharist will take place Mon day morning at 8 a.m., at which time the newly ordained priest will give Communion for the first time. The members at Hiwassee Dam are urged to attend. A new schedule of services for Episcopalians in the county will be announced nert week. SCHOOLS IN CITY GET UNDER WAY THIS MORNING Several New Teachers Are Announced By , Supt. Bueck The schools in the Murphy City Unit began the fall Itrm today 'Thursday i with chapel programs lor both elementary and high school pupils. Registration in the high school will continue through Friday, with the full time schedule to begin Monday. The opening bell will ling at 8:45 in the mornings, with the lunch per iod beginning at 12:00 and lasting 45 minutes. Dismissal will be at three o'clock. New members ol the faculty for this year are .is follows: Miss Ruth Davis Emory of Pigeon Forge. Tennessee, B. S. in Home Economics from Maryville College, MaryviUe. Tennessee. Miss Mary E. Folger of Nashville. Tennessee. B. S. at George Peabody College. Nashville. Tennessee. \1 1 So MUdrd Hayw^rd Farrow, of Black Mountain. North Carolina, B. S. in Library Science. George Pea body College. Nashville. Tennessee. Charles Alfred Smith, of Murphy, North Carolina, B. A. Degree at Un ion College. Barberville, Kentucky and graduate work at Emory Uni versity. Atlanta. Georgia. Miss Margaret Cur*l of Greenville, Kentucky. B. A. and Master of Arts, Peabody College, Nashville, Tennes see. Muss Nina De Hart of Bryson City, North Carolina. B. S. Degree in Commercial Education. Mount Berry College. Mrs. Frances Ray of Murphy. North Carolina. B. S. in Education at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege. Miss Charlotte Varner of Port Myers, Florida. A. B. Degree, High Point College. High Point. North Carolina. Mrs. Catherine Wells of Murphy, North Carolina. B. S. in Education. Maior in History, Minor in English, Western Carolina Teachers College. Cullowhee, North Carolina. Robert S. Bault of Ashevtlle, Chi | cago Institute of Technology, Chi | cago. Illinois. ! Mrs. Pauline Bault of Asheville. ! North Carolina. A. B Major Latin, - Minor math. Appalachian State ! Teachers College. ? Miss Sadie June Love of Asheville, | North Carolina, A B. English. Uni | versity of North Carolina. Chapel j Hill. North Carolina. ! Miss Mildred Aiken, Murphy, Mur phy. North Carolina. B. S. in Music Breneau College. Gainesville, Geor gia. Mrs. Margaret LeMay Mauney of Murphy. A. B. Randolph Macon Col lege. Lynchburg. Va. Miss Geraldine Shields, of Mur phy. North Carolina, B. S. in Edu cation. Appalachian State Teachers College. Mrs. Llyod Hendrix of Murphy. North Carolina .Mars Hill College. Mars Hill. North Carolina Dedicatorial Service At Ranger Baptist Church A dedicatorial service will be held at the Ranger Baptist church Sun day. September 13. The following program has been arranged: 10:00 a. m. ? Devotional service, led by s. S. Akin. 10:30 a. m. Address by John B Payne. 11:00 a. m.- Dedicatorial sermon by the pastor. Rev W T. Truttt 12:00 Noon- -Dinner. 1 00 p m -Songs and devotional. 1 :30 p. m. ? Addresses by visiting ministers.