NEWS FROM [ANDREWS "Te ? HOLD COTTAGE PRAYER SERVICE Cottage prayer meetings were held each nisht tins wick in various sec tion.-. of tlie town through Friday nigh- nth ? ho exception of Wed nesday night at which time a central meeting \va iield at the Baptist church The {rouiic; .is arranged were as follow Qroitp No. 1. Rev. K A. JVlkner. pash : ot the St. Andrews in-the Mountains Lutheran church ader met Monday night in the : line ot Mrs Cleee Almond, Group Ne. 2. aav. uuy i . tiuuus pooU>r si the Andrews Methodist church lead er met r. the home of Mr L. B. Niehi 'Is. Group No 3. met at the oine of Mr. Oeorge W. LunsfirJ witti Mr H.uve L Mulkey as leader. Group No 1, Rev. Ed. Willix leader, met it tile home of Mr. D. P. Buc ' Italian Group No. 5. with Rev. Sammy Wheeler leader, met at the home of Mr R. P White. Group No. ti with Mr. P. L M itheson lead er met at the home of Mr C. C. Robinson All meetings were held at 7:30 o'clock with the same group leader in charge during the weeks prayer services. The Rev. A. B. Cash pastor of the First Baptist church of Murphy will conduct a series of services begin ning Sunday evening September 13. The Rev. E. F. Baker expressed a desire that two objectives would be reached in the group meetings. First. Personal Cleansing through confess ion and dedication and second. PER SONAL SERVICE, seeking the lost through prayer and work. Almond - Lewis Wedding Solemnized In Charlotte The marriage of Miss Mavis June Almond, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Thurston Almond, of An drews, to John Puett Lewis of Char lotte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robb S. Lewis of Dallas was solemnized in a ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Smathers. brother-in-law and sister of the bride groom at Charlotte. Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, September 5. How's Your Beauty These Days? Our famous establishment has been devoted to the proportion of beautifying women for many years. Our hair tyle and lovely perma nent cost so little and result in compliments of self satisfaction. Murphy Beauty Shop Under personal supervision of Mr.s. Neva Holt Phone 9117 r ? Huggins. pastor of the Baptist church officiated. The vow % were spoken before an impro vised a:tar. Baskets oi white chry isanthemums and cathedral Capers were used :n the decorations. Precedmg the ceremony Miss Louise McKettrick of Gastoma. pianist played ' l'o a Wild Rose" by McDowell and "Because". During I the ceremony she played softly. "I , Love You Truly" by Carrie Jacobs B >nd. The wedding I march from Lohengrin, by W.u?ner ! was used as the processional, and the m arc. l b> Mendelssohn was played as the recessional I'nallt^ded | The young couple entered the liv ! ins room together. Tlie bride wa i ?i iiit'd in a powder blue costume I cicui' sirei't length suit dress with ail accessories ill powder blue Her shoulder length veil was attached to i small hat made of feathers. She carried a white leather prayer book j to which was attached a white or chid. Her only ornament was a gold ! cross which was made and present ed to her by her father. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held. Tlie bride table was centered with a two-tiered wedding cake topped with minature bride and bridegroom. Mrs. Smith was assisted in serving by Mrs. Arthur Watkins of Andrews, sister of the I bride, and Miss Modena Lewis of Dallas, sister of the bridegroom. Tlie mother of the bride wore a black crepe dress with white acces sories. Her corsage was of gardenias. Mrs. Lewis, mother of the bride groom, wore a navy crepe dress with a corsage of gardenias. Immediately after the ceremony, the young couple left for a short wedding trip after which they will reside at the Hawthorne apart ments. Charlotte. Mrs. Leans is a graduate of Mars Hill college and received her B. S. S. A. degree in June from the Wom an's college of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. While at Mars Hill college she was presi dent of the Clio Literary society. For the past four months she has been employed by TV A at Bryson City. ! Mr. Lewis is a graduate of Mars | Hill colege. He was president of the Philomatheon society and served as page in Washington in the house of representatives. He now holds a position with the Southeastern Bus Tariff bureau, Charlotte. Mrs. W. G. Lail left Friday for a! visit at the Home of her parents at I Red Springs. Mrs. G. E. Lail spent several days j of last week in Murphy with her ; daughter, Mrs. Frank Forsyth. Private Max Phillips, of Ft. Ben ning. Ga.. is spending a medical fur ! iough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pitt Phillips. Mrs. C. T. Almond and son, Char ' les, has returned to her home after a stay of several days in Charlotte, where she attended the wedding of | her daughter. Miss June Almond, to Mr John Purtt Lewis of Charlotte. FIRST AID COURSE GIVEN AT ANDREWS A First Aid course ?M.> given las'. k r. Andrcu s for Auxiliary Fin - I. r. Auxiliary Policemen .?nd Res icue Workers. The course was held each night in the Elementary School building. Actual class practice and work began at 7:30 R. P. Lovin good. who is a First Aid Instructor taught the course. The following men were enrolled in the course: Garland Adams. Bruce Bristol. Rob ert Bristol. Henry Cathey. Walter Calhoun. John Christy. Neil C. Hay, He?':?'* Olvde Jarrett. Hay Mathe.son. J. V. McGuire. Flank Swaft. Frank Wilhlde. W. D. Whit aker. and L B. Womack. Two books were used In the course. Handbook of First Aid. prepared by lie Office of Civilian Defense and First Aid Textbook, prepared by the American National Red Cross of Washington. The following problems of First Aid were discussed and practical ap plications made and demonstrated: advice to Civilian Defense First Aid er. general directions for applying First Aid. care of wounds, dressings and bandages, control of serious bleeding, burns, shock, fractures, transportation of injured persons, artificial respiration and First Aid Kits. Buffet Supper Honors Miss Voilet Spivey Mrs. Henry Walker, the former Miss Violet Spivey. member of the faculty of the Andrews Elementary school was honored at a buffet sup per and miscellaneous shower Tues day evening by members of the as sociated organizations of the Wom an's missionary society of the First Baptist church, including the Young Woman's Auxiliary the Business Woman's circle and other circles. The affair was held at 7 :00 o'clock in the ladies parlor of the church. The large room was decorated with late summer flowers in pastel shades with pink and white asters predomi nating. The room was entirely light ed by candles. A corsage of pink rosebuds and gypophlia was present ed to the bride by Mrs. Jack Herbert president of the Young Woman's Auxiliary. The bride's table was covered with a hand embroidered linen cloth and centered with a two tiered wedding cake topped by minature bride and bridegroom on reflector base, encir cled with an arrangement of pink and white azalea-mums interspersed with fern. Tall white tapers in sil ver holders were placed at each end. A shower of gifts was presented to the bride. Following the supper a program was presented. Mrs. D. H. Tillertt gave two bridal readings and a mili tary contest was directed by Mrs. E. F. Baker. Mrs. Galusha Pullium presented two readings "Query" and What is 'dis bride wuf" by Martha Young. Mrs.. Mamie onyder of Franklir and daughter. Mrs. T. T. Love, of 1 Nantahala. spent Saturday here with relatives. FOR SALE 32 Chevrolet One half ton track ? rood rub ber. good condition, two extra tires ? $125.00 A1SO WANTED TO BUT GOOD TOTTNG MAKE, WEIGHT 1M? lbs, MUST WORK ANT WHERE. WW boy rood mole or bane at maw qmHUs. C. A. SEXTON Btavhr. N. C, Kg I Junaluska School Is Absorbed By Andrews l ast \v< t ; the 23 pupils who liud iimillnl :i the Junaluska school took l.i u buoks and slates and camc to the Andrews elementary .school to be ??Usorlx-d here in the various grades. This leaves only one white element ary one-teacher school in the An drews unit, namely. Topton. accord inn to a statement made by Supt. I. B. Hudson. Since 1935. when Supt. Hudson as sumed his duties here, tile following .schools have been consolidated with the Andrews Elementary School: \ ramnew. Oak Grove the 2 teacher Rhodo School, and Junaluska. Miss bar a Johnson of Atlanta. Ga.,1 is visiting her grandparents. Mr. and ! Mrs. Mike McOuire. Miss Charlotte Varner member of the faculty of the Murpliy school ?spent Sunday here as guest of Mrs. Roy T. Houts. Sgt. James Lyle Hamilton who has been on cadri duty at Ft. Sheridan. 111., for the past five months is spending a furlough visiting his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harce Hamilton. Sgt. Hamilton formerly spent three years in the Panama Canal Zone. Mr. and Mrs. Berton Rutledge and daughters. Misses Clara and Vera Rutledge of Lenoir were guests over the week-end of Rev. and Mrs. Roy T. Houts. The party was enroute to Bob Jones college at Cleveland, Tenn.. where the Misses Jones will attend scfiool this year. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Rcdgers. of Louisville. Ky . have arrived for a week's visit with Mr. Rodgers' moth er. Mrs. Charles W. Rodgera and bis sister. Mrs. D. H. TUlett. Milliam Baker of Greenville, S. C., spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. EL F. Baker. He left Monday for Camp Jackson. Columbia, S. C.. where he will be in ducted into the U. S. Army. Captain and Mrs. Mell TSbbett, and Captain and Mrs. Ed Barrack, of Miami. Florida, sure spending a two weeks' vacation here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wade Reece. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harris of Atlanta. Ga? spent the week-end here as guests of Mrs. Harris' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar. Mrs. Harris iS the former Miss AHce De war Andrews City Schools Have Enrolllment 1220 'I lie Andrews City schools had en rolled at tile end of the first week 1220 pupils. Of this number ther? were in Andrews 255 Ixigh school pupils and 710 elementary pupils. Marble enrolled 189 pupils and Tjp ton 4 1 . The colored school reported an enrollment of 23. The enrollment for this year is 90 elementary pupils lower than Uot \ car and 18 high school pupils. This drop in enrollment can be accounted for by the large number of families who moved away from this vicinity when the Nantanaia uam was com pleted. and also to the large numbers of boys who are now employed that are of school grade and age The total numbers of pupiis lost over last year is 108. Gordon Kodgers and small dauK li ter, Rebecca. spent Labor Day here as guests or his mother, Mrs. Charles W. Rodgers. Mrs. Willa Bell Posey, and daugh ter. Miss Sara Ruth Posey, left Thursday for Asheville, after spend ing a vaoation here at the home or Mrs. Posey's parents. Mr. and Mr.;. W. C. Sandlin. Mrs. Agnes Humphries who lias ."?pending several weeks here visiting her sister-in-law. Mrs Bert Wheeler, left Thursday for her home at Bur gaw. Clyde Jar ret t, Jr., student at Southern Dental college. Atlanta, Qa.. has arrived to spend a vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mr*. C. H. Jarrett. Mrs. Eaton Bradley has returned after a stay of several weeks in At lanta with her sister. Mrs. Newell Ward went several days of last week In Murphjr with her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Bolt. Mrs. Carl Tower has returned to her home In Raleigh after a weeks' stay here at the home of her brother, William P. Walker, and Mrs. Walk Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lang and small daughter of Cleveland. T^on , spent the week-end here visiting Mrs. Longs' father, W. T. isioore. Mrs. Arthur Bristol spent several days of last week here visiting rela tives and friends. ? I I" XT XT ANDREWS, N. C. HENN THEATRE Thursday - Friday, Sept. 10-11 LESLIE HOWARD - LAURENCE OLIVIER ? Id ? ? "The Invaders" Saturday. September 12 CHARLES STARRETT - RUSSELL HATDEN ?In? "Lawless Plainsman" Sunday - Monday, Sept. 13-14 WH) ABBOTT - LOU COSTEUU) "Keep 'Em Flying" Tuesday - Wednesday , Sept. 15-16 ? A Double Feature Program ? LUM 'n* ABNER ? In? "Bashful Bachelor" ?aim* ? WILLIAM HOLD EN ? Xi> ? "The Remarkable Andrew" Ttmrwtajr - FrfcUy. H-1S JOHNNY WnSRMTWlTB MAtJKECN omurui "Tarzan'* New York Adventure" Baby Beef Show AND SALES BEING SPONSORED BY NORTH CAROLINA BANKERS ASS'N. The Committee on Agriculture of the North Carolina Bankers Association is sponsoring the Western North Carolina Baby Beef Show and Sale, which will be held in Asheville. THE DATES ? October 7 and 8. THE PLACE? City Water Department Garage Building on Valley Street. THE TIME ? Judging will begin at 1 P. M. on the 7th. The Sale at 1 P. M. on the 8th. THE JUDGE ? Mr. C. D. Swaffer, Jackson ville, Florida, Livestock Development agent for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Detailed information regarding the premium lists and other matters in connection with this event will be announced later. Communicate with your County Agent or an Official of this Bank regarding entries, etc. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Member Men! Deposit bnniiM OorporaUon Murphy, N. C. Andrews, N. C.

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