Of INTEREST TO WOMEN RUBY McCOMBS WINCHESTER SOCIETY FDITOR TELEPHONE 49 -J 1 LJ' 1 WK The Salutation of the Dawn Listen to the exhortation of Ut? dawn! Look well to this day! ""Or It Is life; The veiy life of life. In its brief court* lie all the verities And realities of your existence: The bliss of growth. The glory of action. The splendor of beauty; For yesterday is but a dream. And to-morrow is only -a vision; But to-day well lived Make every yesterday a dream of baDOiness, Ar.d every to-morrow a vision of hope. Look well .therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn. - -Selected. Schedule Of Club Meetings Announced Meetings of the home demonstra tion clubs of Cherokee county for the remainder of the month have been anounced by Mrs. W. D. King, county home demonstration agent, and ire as follows: Friday. October 16, at Martin's Creek, with Mrs. Boyd C.hastaln, at 1 o'clock: Monday, October 19, at Ranger, with Miss Medley Fox, at 1 o'clock: Tuesday, Otocber 20, at Orandview, at the school with the Parent-Teacher asociation at 1 o' clock; Wednesday. October 21, at Postell. with Mrs. S. N. Montgomery, at 1 o'clock: Thursday, October 22, k; Peachtree, with Mrs. Law son Lunsford. at 1 o'clock: Friday, Octo ber 23, at Wolf Creek, with Mrs, Ar zona Bandy, and a shower for Sadie Cook, at 1 o'clock: Saturday, Octo ber 24. at Bcaverdam, with Mrs. Ber th:". Radford, at 1 o'clock: Monday 0 ?-.her 26. at Marble, with Mrs. Ei'' Iovingood, at 2 o'clock: Wed iv. October 28. at Andrews. Mrs. Fred McConnell, at the of Mrs. Earl On-, at 2 o'clock. 1 Mallonee of Morris town, T visited friends and relatives in Murphy last week-end. He was :t imp.mied home by Mrs. Mallonee .ias been visiting her parents, M and Mrs. C. C. Richardson, for tile past week. Dr. and Mrs. W A. Hoover and small son. returned last Thursday from a visit with relatives in Cherry - ville. Mrs. Julia Donaldson of Los An geles, California, was the guest of her nephew. Ray Paul Jones, and Mrs. Jones last week-end. Oeorge Jones left Monday for Lenoir City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Allen of Knoxville, Tenn., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty and son. Jerry, spent last week-end in Cleve land. Tenn. Mrs. Ralph Moody of Raleigh was called home last week due to the serious illness of her mother. Mrs. W. p. Payne. Miss Helen Harshaw of Asheville siient several days in Murphy with friends and relatives recently. Mrs. Mae Slayton left last week for Chattanooga to join her husband, who is employed with the TVA there. Edward Chambers of Bryson City visited friends and relatives in Mur phy last week. Mr. and Mrs. V.I. Butt of Blairs ville, Ga.. visited friends and rela tives in Murphy last week. Harold Hatchett. who has been employed in Ohio for the past several months, is visiting friends and rela tives here. Miss Ada Harshaw and mother have returned to Asheville after spending the summar here at their summer home. Mrs. Jack LovLngood and little 'laughter. KJay, have returned to their home in Hendersonvllle. after spending several days with Dr. S. C. Heighway and Miss Josephine Heigh - way. Mrs. Jean Kilpatrick Is 111 In a local hospital. Arthur Howard of Atlanta, Oa.. is visiting relatives in Murphy. MRS. EVANS HAS CHARGE OF W. M. S. PROGRAM ! Tlie W. M. S. of tile First Baptist church met Tuesday aftcrnon. Tlie meeting *n> opened by singing "Am I A Soldier of the Cross". Mrs. Tom Evans had charge of Uie program topic. Think on These Things What soever Things Heard Through His Disciples. Mrs. A. B. Cash gave the devotion al, taken from the book of Acts. Into Jail and Out. Mrs. H. Bueck discussed Courage unnstian Heroism. Hymns: Faith of My Fathers and Standing for the Right. While the Bell Tolled was told by Mrs. Mathews. The Courage of Faith, by Mrs. Evans. Courage Amid Difficulties, was discussed by Mrs. B. B. Comwell. Prayer, bv Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Kenney discussed Learned Through Missionaries. In Calmness and Strength, by Mrs. Henry Hyatt. Closing prayer by Mrs. H. Bueck. Members present were Mrs. Clyde Genett, Mrs. L. E. Bayles. Mrs. Leonard Johnson, Mrs. Tom Evans. Mrs. B. B. Cornwell, Mrs. W. H. Murray. Mrs. W. C. Kenney, Mrs. H. Bueck. Mrs. A. B Cash. Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Mrs. W. E. Mathe soil, and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix. Mrs. N. E. Pike ana little son of Greensboro spent several days here l.ist week with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howard and little Jimmy McCombs spent one day last week at Fontana. Miss Elda Queen and Eunice Shields spent last week end in Savan nah, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. P. R Cagle aru' mall son. Jimmy, of Knoxville. Tenn.. spent last week-end in Mur phy with Mrs. Cade's mother. Mrs. Sally Queen. Mrs. Irvln L. Young of Chicago. 111., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Gentry. Mrs. Linn Dills and Miss Mildred Gi-ntry, who jre teaching at Unaka. spent la t week-end in Murphy. Mrs. Clyde Snred o[ Klngsport. Tenn- is spending several days with i'er siother. Mrs. Vesta Hensley. J L. Smathers of Aslievillc and Orlando. Fia.. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B L. Padgett several days last week. Mrs. A. H. Hillis and Miss Mildred Gentry spent last week-end in Knox ville. Tenn. Mrs. Iva Stett Reece of Columbia. S. C., was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Padgett. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chandler. Jr., of Andrews, were visitors in Murphy Saturday night. Miss Sara Sword of Fontana spent last week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Simpson Jr., of Elizabethton. Tenn.. spent last week-end with Mrs. Simpson's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin. Boyd Abernathy of Fontana spent last week-end in Murphy with friends and relatives. T. C. McDonald of Fontana. spent several days last week with his family here. Charles Sneed, of Kingsport. Tenn,. is spending several days here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hemphill and little daughter, of Lenoir City, Tenn.. were called home last week due to the illness of Mr. Hemphill's father. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Johnson, of Blue Ridge, Ga., spent last week-end in Murphy with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Matheson and daughters, of Andrews, were visitors in Murphy Saturday. The many friends of J. M. Stoner will be sorry to hear that he Is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lowin Lovingood of Bristol. Tenn.. spent last week-end in Murphy with relatives. Dillard Strange of Bristol, Tenn.. spent last week -end here with his wife. Miss Evelyn Hall is spending thl3 week la High Foil*. Xliss Clore Weds Bill Ledford Mr and Mrs Robert clore an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter. Lucille, to Bill Ledford, son ot Mr. and Mrs. George Ledford. ot Copperhlli Tlx- wedding took place ai Blue Ridge. Ga., October 3. Miss Clore was a junior at Murphy high .school. Mr. Ledfcrd. a post graduate, is employed with the Trn | nessee Copper Co.. at Copperhlll. The many friends of Bob Fain will be sorry to hear Hut lie Is very 111 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. K. V. wearer. Mrs. ft. B. Hardin of Bristol, Tenn., arrived Saturday for a weeks visit with her sisters. Miss Ella McCombs and Mrs Edwin Winchester. Mrs. R. E Hambright -and son. of Grover. N. C.. are the guests of Mrs. K V Weaver. Mr. and Mrv Busier Bavless of Knoxviiie. Teiui.. spent las', week-ena with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bayless. H. E. Bishop spent last week-end in Knoxviiie. Tenn., on business. Mr. and Mrs. G W Candler -are spending this week with their daughter, Mrs H G MrBrayer and Mr. McBrayer. in Anderson. S. C. Mrs. Glen Taylor of Oakboro. N. C.. arived Monday for a visit with her mother. Mrs. tC V. Weaver. Mrs. J. W Davidson spent last Saturday in Atlania. Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Crisp, of Lenoir City, Tenn.. spent last week end Willi Mr. and Mrs. John Donley. Willa Bell McKinley spent last week in Nashville, Tenn.. and Hia wassec. oa. Cleveland Ricks and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ricks of South Carolina, visit ed friends and relatives in Murphy last week. Mrs. Morris Moore Entertains With Shower A shower was *iven recently at tile home of Mrs Moms Moore honoring Iter sister, Mrs. W. E. Stiles. The room was beautifully decor ated with assorted colors of rose jud*. carnation pinks, and other fall flowers. After all had Kathered for the oc casion. Mrs. Brownie Caldwell enter ed with a twin carriage trimmed with pink and blue ribbons stacked with gifts, which were presented to Mrs. W. E. Sttles. Quests were: Mesdames Blanche B Davis. Louise Mauney, Nell Clay ton. Clara McCombs, Julia Wells. T O. Slayton. Ed English. Fred Zimmerman. Kate Witt, Florence Lovlnxood. Fannie Wells. Emily Sword. Annie Brandon, Brownie Caldwell. Cecil Roberts. Everett Ziwiuii, C-r'. Z rmcrman. Abe Zim merman. Susie Ciriffin. A. n. He".. Fin ma Stiles, Hob Taylor. Patton Stiles. ^Morris Moore S. D Byrd. Lee Quails. Refreshments were served Miss Roberta Carringer left Sun day for Knnvville Tenn.. to enter business school Mrs. Robert Reed, Mrs. Sheridan Dickey. Mrs. John Donley. Mrs. T P Calhoun. Mrs. Blanch Davis and Miss Irene Barton spent Tuesday in Chattanooga. Tenn Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberson have returned from a week's visit with friends and relatives in Graysville. and Pikeville. Tenn. Ralph Hamby has returned to his home in Norfolk. Va . after a visit with friends and relatives in Mur- . phy. J. T. Goodman, of Ashevllle. was a visitor in Murphy Monday. Miss Elizabeth Gray and Martha Burnett, of Hayesville. spent last week-end with Miss Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gray. Mrs Joe Dyer, of Newton. Is spending this week here with her husband Kate Padgett Hugh Hensley Wed At Colorado Springs Mr. and Mrs. B L. PadiHt of Murpliy tiave announced the mam age of their daughtei, MLts Virginia Kate Padgett to Pvt Hugh E Hena ley of Murphy. stationed wlUi the United States Army. In Camp Car son. Colorado. The wedding was .solemnized on Wednesday, September 30. at the home of the Rev W. O. Scheafer In Colorado Springs The ring cere mony was used Tlie bride was dressed in blue with red accessories, and her corsage was of sweet heart roses. Acting as best man was William E. Carter, and matron of honor was Mrs Edna J. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Burnett spent Sunday in Newport and Maryvillc. Tenn. Thev wer? ^vOiiipauini i mmv by their little grandaughter, Betty Mynati. and their son. J-ack. who will spend several days here prior to his enlistment in the Navy. Mrs. Ue?rge Dyer, of Brevard, is spending several days here with her husband. Mrs. Richard Parker. Jr., and Miss Jimmy Carey spent several days last week in Atlanta. Miss Prances Rose has returned to Murpliy after spending several days with relatives in Waynesville. Mis. B. G. Brumby. Harnett Pulliam. Jean Mauney, Mary Sue Brandon. Paul Padgett and Dick Parker attended a football game at Copperhlll Saturday. Wiley Brooks, of Pontana, spent last week-end in Murphy with his wife and son. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schuyler are visiting relatives in South Carolina. Calvin Stiles, of Evansville. Ind., spent last week-end in Murphy with his parents. Dr. James T. McDuffie, Mrs. Mc Duffie, and Mrs. Hattie Akin spent last Friday in Aslieville. Neil Sr.eod. of Foniana. was a visitor in Murphy this week. America's automotive service men are play Ing an important part In the nation's war effort. It Is their job to "save the wheels that serve America." The Automotive Mechanic of Yesterday Is the VICTORY SERVICE MAN of Today Help him lo help you "SAVE THE WHEELS THAT SERVE AMERICA" by Getting a skilled service check-up regularly Take the word of millions: MORE PEOPLE GO TO CHEVROLET DEALERS FOR SERVICE than to any other dealer or&aniaation Just how important the auto motive mechanic's work is to the nation will be clear to all who consider the following facts*: ? Automobiles and trucks form the sole practicable weans of transpor tation for war workers and war materials in many communities throughout America. ? In some sections, 78% to 100% of the workers drive by automobile to vital war plants. ? 2,314 U. S. cities, with a popu lation of 12,524,000, depend on private cars for transportation; 54,000 communities depend en tirely on motor vehicles. ? Six out of every ten forms use one car or more; 67% of farm car mileoge is necessity driving. ? More than 65.2% of all war plants reporting in Michigan (a typical war production state) depend on trucks to haul their incoming and outgoing freight. ? Trucks haul nearly 100% of the milk supply of most large cities ? and 58% of all livestock marketed m the U. S. ? Trucks are the sole transportation system serving our 54,000 com munities not reached by railroads. The automotive mechanic ? the trained Chevrolet Victory Service Matt ? is the lifeguard of America's millions of cars and trucks. Help him to help you and America by getting a skilled service check-up at regular intervals. ?A* ttotementr bomi on report ? compiled by ffce Mkhioon Stele Hlghwvr Deportment and ffce Stof/rfFco/ Deportment of A. M. A. HEADQUARTERS FOR VICTORY SERVICE ON AU MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS DICKEY CHEVROLET CO. MURPHY, N. C.