Ration Board Lists Tires And Tubes Allowed Motorists N?-? passenger tiree and tubes: Fied V. Johnson, two tires: Tubes: j. E Anderson, two: Glenn T. Coop er. one: Ellis Collins, two: Robert Noel Kersey Jr., one: George Robert Fifke. two: Robert E. Ball, two. Grade n Tires: James C. Verner. two: W. H. Floyd, two: Will A. Rog ers. one: Zillah Taylor Pechin. four. Passenger Retreads and Recaps: W. H. Floyd, two: C. B. Newton, two: j. P Baine, two: I. N. Barber, one. New Truck Tires and Tubes: Bob Taylor, two; Elbert Totherow, two; and two tubes; Pearl Swaim. two tubes: Appalachian Veneer Plant, two tubes. Truck Retreads and Recaps: Paul U1V1IUT, n*c. Obsolete Tires: A. F. Lunsford. Iwo: Boyd Mulkey. three: J. F. An drrson, two: Robert Crisp, four; R. T. Peterson, one. OPEN FORUM This newspaper welcomes let ters written on subject . of inter est to the county from ts citizens. America Need* Better Homes Our president, a few nights ago spoke to the world over many hook ups. Perhaps a billion people heard him. He drew a very dark but cor rect picture of the World War as we hee it from a human stand point, but not one time did he ask God's directing hand in this most dcstruc lious war that history records. You will remember that Washington at Valley Forge was found many times on his knees; and Wilson, likewise in War No. 1; also Abraham Lincoln, in our own Civil War; and they soon won triumphantly. But mind you dont put too much blame on our leaders: "When my people which are called by my name" will meet on a common level, clean their own house, turn over the tables, kick out the money changers and those that sell doves for a profit, the Lord's house at that time had gotten in a very bad fix. And is there not a stricking similarity between his house and our own Christian nation full of churches, schools and tabernacles, part of them teaching things that ought not to be taught? Remember in the long ago, God told Joshua to fight a great battle and use nothing but rams horns, and on the seventh day the walls of Jerico fell. Remember Stalingrad, perhaps the greatest battle in all j history, has been raging for forty- i three days today and has not fallen yet. You will note, these two oppos- j ing powers burned their Bibles and : tire down their churches years ago. You can't do business with Hitler j Neither can you ignore the Triune j God and get by, as it seems they are trying to do. As our homes go, so goes our na tion. How long will our boys have j to fall in battle before the church | bells will ling at high noon as a danger signal, and the watchman on ? the tower calls out t.hat, the enemy j comcth. Then we cry cut "wha ought I to Uo". "Here am I. send ;r.c". If that is done it will close all drink stands of all kinds, (iance ; halls and houses of pleasure. All 1 these will have to go out as our Lord cleaned his house. And then, talk j about your Revival Meetings, they would start before you commcnced. . The poor old preacher would not have to preach a week to the Chris- ; tians, then a week to the Sinners, take up a collection and dismiss till ; next year. J. W. BRYANT. Maryville. Tenn., Route 3. j POSTELL Rev. Early King filled his regular j appointment at the Swanson church . Saturday night and Sunday. ; Shearn Jones, who is employed at Fontana, visited his family here dur ing the week-end. Carl Beaver, of Fontana. visited here during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy HoTbrooks and children, of Duck town. Trnn.. visited Mr. and Mrs. She am Jones, Sunday. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrv W. E. Bayle&s. o! High Point, announce the birth o! a son. William Edward Bay less, II, oil October 13. Mr. und Mrs Ralph Calhoun, of Murphy, announce the birth ol a son in Peine hospital on October 10. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Derreberrey, of Andrews, have announced the birth of a son on October 11. in Petrie hospital. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure. of Patrick, unnounce the birth of a son. Bruce, in Petrie hospital on October 11. Mr. and .Mrs. Lush Pice, of To motla. have announced the birth of a son in Petrie hospital, on October 12. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Brytus Dockery. of Grandview. e son on October 12, in the Murphy General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Green, of Brasstown. have announced iuc birth of a son in Murphy General hospital on October 10. Mr. und Mrs. J. L. Hughes, of Scvierville. Tenn., have announced the birth of a son on October 12 in Murphy General hospital. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stiles, of Murphy, route 2, a son on October 13 in Murphy General hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McClure, of Robbinsville, have announced the birth of a son on October 7 In Mur phy General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fleming, of Brasstown. announce the birth of a daughter in Murphy General hos pital on October 6. FOUR FROM CHEROKEE AT MARS HILL COLLEGE Four Mudenls Irom Cherokee' I uunty are among U* #02 studtsb inrollrd m Mars Hill college this tall. Tlvose from Cherokee county axe: Maureen Lovingood and Bill Mat thews, of Murphy; Edllli Alene Hawkins, of Suit, and Alice Tat ham. ol Andrews. Those enrolled at Mars Hill this year come from 91 counties of North Carolina. 19 states. District of Co lumbia .and China. "Hie states rep resented are: Alabama. Arkansas. Connecticut. Florida, Georgia. In- 1 tiiana. Illinois, Kentucky. Louisiana. Maryland. Mississippi. New York. North Carolina. Ohio, Pennsylvania. South Carolina. Tennessee. Virginia, and Washington. iBRENAU STUDENT ! ENJOYS THE SCOUT | Miss Martha Brumby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs B. G. Brumby, of Mur ' phy. writes thai she enjoys reading her home county paper weekly She says: For the past three years 1 have teen attending Brrnau Acad i my and am now in Brenau Colleg . as a sophomore. During the time I have had the pleasure of receiving the Cherokee Scout, and reading my home piper has afforded me much enjoyment for I can learn all the news about Murphy and my fiiends This year I am taking a prac j Ucal course in Journalism, with my j other work toward an A. B. de ' gTee." MARJOR1E JOHNSON | IN DRESS REVUE Home Agent* Altine Kim: and Mary Cornwell will attend a district training school lor a^t-nu in Frank lin Friday. Marjorie Johnson. Mur phy 4-H club member, will represent Cherokee county in the district dress revue. Marjorie was winner of the county dress revue and will model in Franklin a costunw- of cot ton made by herself. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR NOAH BEAVERS Funeiul services for Noah Colum bus Beavers were held October 15. at ' 10:00 a.m at Friendship with the! Rev. Fred Stiles and Rev. Thos j Truett officiating. He is surived by five sons. Auzie. Tlieo. Bob. and Bert of Gastonia: and Frank. of Akron, Ohio: one ds? htrr. Mr-. J. w. Keenuni, of Suit. Townson Funeral Home was in i charge. SUNNY POINT CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS | Tile Sunny Point homo demon st ration club met at the home of Mrs. R M. Morrow. Friday. Oct. 9 Mrs. Allene King was in charge of the meeting. The meeting was opened with a song and prayer. The following oficers were elected: Mrs. E. Roach, president; Mrs. H. r Tilson. vicc-pnesKlent: Mrs. Homer Bryant. secretary; Mrs. Floyd Byers, song leader: Mrs. J. M K.)ik, M-rap drive Indrr. The topic for Hit- day. Planning thr Waidrobr and FVth'un* for Victory Old to New". The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs E Roach, Friday. November 13 WANT ADS PAY Let im em- risk I ClfU^rt your suit look like new. Well priMrd clotbcf |hc JM a prosperous appearance. PHONE 13 Wf Can Far ud DrllTer. Imperial Geaners We Tmke Orders Far Tkt 8TITA LAUNDRY we kept faith with the South! Southerners are in the middle of the fight on all the fronts of the world. Wherever our Armed forces go into action, our boys are hanging up records that make us all mighty proud of them. And here at home too, Southern men and women are carrying on with the same kind of courage and stamina ? in defense work, in the shipyards . . . and in building morale. We in the Atlantic Company, brew ers of Good Old Atlantic Ale and Beer, are proud to be numbered among tho&e Southern institutions who are fighting the production problems created by war conditions 24 hours a day. Faced with shortages of metal for bottle caps, restrictions on deliveries to conserve vital rubber and gasoline, Shortage of man power because so many of our men have enlisted in the Army, Navy and Marines, we at the same time must produce more because many of our former competitors have abandoned this market and are now devoting all their efforts to serving their own home communities? and we must fill in the gap. In pledging ourselves to make every effort humanly possible to insure our customers and trade against any avoid able shortage of Good Old Atlantic Ale and Beer, we are, in our own way, simply doing our bit in the country's war effort, for we recognize tlint in the strain and tension of the wartime job, there is a real and vital need for the healthy relaxation which comes at the end of the day from a refreshing glass of cold Ale or Beer.