rultrr < AROUNA TIUKSIIAY. DEC. 17. 1S?. fcOHOS TO* TMftT \0% M Mewwws Sc COPT ? rSK YKAB Women's Salvage Group Organized In Cherokee Mrs. Alline Richardson King has been appointed Chairman of the Cherokee County Branch of the Woman's Divison of the State Sal1, age Committee. Mrs. Tom Rvaris has been aDiwiint^ Chii; m.u: of the Town of Murpiiy Murphy has been divided into sections or streets and Captains have been designated for each sccum. Each captain can call on as many helpers as she needs. They hope that each Captain will be in contact with the families j jr. her section and urge each ; household to save the very nec- \ essary usual waste for the war effort. At present, the Government needs all waste grease, rubber, j metal and all silk or nylon hose. Each household is asked to try to put aside a little of the householo money for war stamps or bonds. The grease will be bought at any of the markets for 4 cents a pound. There will be boxes at Candler's Store. Bowers' Store or Brownings where the stockings can be left. The Government needs these now, especially, to make powder bags. The following have been appointed as Captains in Murphy: Mrs. J. N. Moody. Mrs. Noah Hembree. Mrs. Fred Eair>. Mary King Spainhouer ; Mrs. Doyle Burch. Mrs. L. E. Bay j less. Miss Emily Sword. Mrs. Jin. Franklin in East Murphy with Mrs. Kate Axley. Mrs. Allen Lov- ! ingood, Mrs. Kate Mauney, Mr i. I Myron Jenson, Mrs. Lester Myers j to divide the streets. Miss Gillie ! Martin. Mrs. Edna, Whitney. Mrs. ' Mary Crawford. Mrs. Burton Corn vcll, Mrs. Roy Stiles. Miss Eunice Shields, Mrs. Haze Leatherwood. ' Mrs. A. J. Burns and Mrs. Vance Wjaan. ? In the county, the following have been appointed. Bellview ? Mrs. Lawrence Hatchett. Suit ? Mrs. Jim Wood, Liberty ? Mrs. Clarence Jones. Tomotla - Mrs. John Keener. Martin's Creek ? Mrs. Boyd Cl>astain. Ranger ? Mrs. Jess Wingett. Grandview ? Mrs. Ralph Adams. Andrews ? Mrs. Elsie Taylor. Peachtree Mrs. M. C. Plemmons. Wolf Creek Mrs. Cecn Cloree. Beaver Dam i ? Mrs. Fred Radford, Marble ? j Mrs. Harry Ingram, Sunny Point ? Mrs. Homer Bryant. Slow Creek ? Mrs. Joe Nations. Unaka Mrs. E. W. Bates. Postell ? Mrs. , E. J. Torrence. Registering Of Dairy Cows Pays Prices for registered dairy cat tle are healthy, states County j Agent A. Q. Ketner. The war time importance of greater milk production has caused farmers to look to those methods and thoso dairy cows that have been bred down through the ages to pro duce the greatest amount of milk at the lowest food costs. Prices should continue strong on re gistered animals with reports of more than sixty percent slaughter on all dairy cows in Nazi over run countries. Replacements for these herds after the war must come from America alone. High transportation costs will make it necessary to select well-bred re gistered animals from herds who have been following testing pro grams. There now is a new Special Registration Rate on all eligible Jerseys, male or female, bom pre 'rtous to October 1, 1939. The pur pose of tliis reduced rate is to ^"ow greater numbers of Ameri can dairymen to "cash in" on the HERBERT F. RAWLL Founder and President of Christmas Club, who announced today that members were using $75,000,000.00. about 20'*:, of the entire amount just distributed in Christmas Club checks, to purchase War Saving: Bonds. Arnold Crisp Is Bound To Court For Killing Wife A preliminary hearing was given Bluford Arnold Crisp last Monday afternoon, who is charg ed with killing his wife. Mrs Aloah Crisp, on December 11 Crisp entered a plea ol not guilty. Justice of Peace. James Dula. bound him to court and ordered him taken to Bryson City Jail for safe keeping until the March term of court. Sheriff G. E. Brewer an;; De puty Sheriff H. A. Sinclair ar lested Crisp at the home of Roud Crisp in the Tallulah section Sat urday morning about 10 hours after the shooting took place. Mrs. Crisp died instantly after having been shot twice, once through the heart ard again in the left side. Several witnesses testified for the state, one of whom was Mis. P'annie Burr Sawyer, the eye wit ness to the shooting. Mrs. Sawyer testified that she was with Mrs. Crisp at the time her life was taken. Mrs. Sawyer stated that she and Mrs. jCrisp started across a footlog when they saw Crisp be hind them with a gun. Mrs. Saw yer said they started to run and both fell, she on top of Mrs. Crisp. She also stated that Crisp pulled his wife from under her and that she (Mrs. Sawyer) ran about 10 feet when she heard the re port of a gun. which was follow ed a moment later by another shot. Mrs. Crisp and Mrs. Saw yer had been to a nearby store to see about Mrs. Crisp's son. who had not returned when she thought he should. Mrs. Crisp is survived by seven children. Mrs. Edward Pork as of Ohio: Aleene. Imogene. Dorothy. Virginia Dare. Junior and Harold Crisp; her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Adams; and three sisters. Mrs. Vincent Colvard of Robbin* ville. Mrs. Lon Cearley of Mor gan ton. and Mrs. Burl Cearley of Gastonia. Funeral services were held at the Sweet Gum church last Sun day morning with the Rev. W. S. Rogers officiating, assisted by the Rev. Roy Garland. Burial was in the Old Mother Church cemetery at Robbinsville. values of registration that are in | evidence today and promised to morrow. Man Is Found Almost Frozen "'Tr'nin. who Hm "*?? ?t Kta how la Ike FM ** wtlw, t? ?t Frtrto haa?i ?j rartwlac fPM? exr" "? randlUon i. u wcO as I*14 ** oncM, the kwpi r1 !*rtH Thmdaj wra Mr- ? iT* 'ii i vaa Wifcn ten La