'A3 VICTORY BUY STAMPS I BONOS VOI I Ml ->4 ? NO. 32 Ml KI IIY NORTH (Alt GLINA 1III KMIAV. M\K? II I I'll ! ? * ? > < opv?$1.50 pen ykak Red Cross War Fund Drive Will Begin Monday Jurors Are Drawn For Superior Court Judge H Hoy le Sink of I<exinp ton is scheduled to preside ovei lhe term of Superior Court to be field beKinninR March 29 Fallow ing is a list of juors drawn for the term: First W?*k: Harve Radford. G rand vie* T. T. Johnson. Culberson; J. C. Townson. Murphy; B. B Palmer. Marble; R. H. Kephart. Murphy; J. E. Palmer. <farmer*, Grand view; J. M Craig. Marble: B A. Breed love. Murphy; Ed King. Murphy; E. P. Hawkins. Murphy. W. M Mosteller. Andrews; Lester Corn well. Murphy; r. j. Kcun. Murphy; S. M Odeli, Grandview; W. J. Barton. Andrews: Dillard Stiles. Murphy: Raleigh Moore. Culberson, W W. Marr. Marb'c; Lee Watkins, Andrews; J. A. Rich ardson. Murphy; W. O. Cole, Mar ble; Zalia Adams. Andrews; M. A. Lunsford. Marble; A W. Mclver, Murphy; H. L. Stalcup. Murphy; R. E. Carter, Murphy; Wade Bry ant. Culberson; R. H Flowers Andrews; George Lovingood. Mur pliy; W. C. Kinney. Murphy; Ray Matheson. Andrews; J. K Bryant. Culberson; Lee Mull. Andrews; George Wright. Ranger; O. W. Hampton. Ranger; Clyde Reid, Patrick; .1 w Kine. Marbie; J. K. Kephart. Grandview; J. T. Davis. Murphy: R. R. Arrowood. Mur phy; John R. Jones. Andrews; J. F. Grant. Andrews. Second Week: W. M. Fain. Murphy; Guy Sud Jerth. Murphy; C. A. Pull lam, Andrews, W. W. Winkle;. ?i** ? phy; Dewey Thompson. Marble; Sam Barnett. Murphy: J. W. Rob erts, Grandview; R. L. Wallace. Culberson; T. J. Larkin. Murphy; A. J. Jones. Turtletown. Tenn.: Glen Palmer, Marble; W. A. Cal houn. Andrews; W. C. Mason, Jr.. Brasstown: Emory Sneed, Mur- j phy: Ben Rcece. Suit; Frank E. Dickey. Murphy; Elmer Burgess. Unaka: T. J. Jones. Andrews; Wil lard McClure. Murphy; Walter Tatham. Andrews; H. A. Barton. Murphy; Carl Gentry. Grandview; R. A. Helton, Culberson; James A. Fraizer. Andrews. E. A. WOOD. Chm. BROODER HOUSE BURNS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hughes had tho misfortune of getting their 1 brooder house and six hundred chicks burned last week. Training Plane Makes Forced Landing H( -lAl'A tine A crew of U. S. Army mechanic from the Army Plying School at Greensville. S. C were here this week 10 dismantle and remove the twin-motor training plane which was damaged in a forced landing here late Monday afternoon. The Diane was niloied by Cadets Dexu-i L. Waston aiul C A WMt, Arm> Plying Scnool. Columbus Miss. Dexter and West were on a routine training flight with Chattanooga as their destination, and reported that they became last when they ran into an over cast sky and their instruments failed to pick up their flight beam The plane suffered little damage beyond bent propellers. Roadside Market Is Improved ! The Marketers of Clierokce ! County nave remodeled and im j proved the Roadside Matket locat ed between the Baptist Church and the Regal Hote'. It has been put in A-l condition. The sellers have raised their standards and iiope to be able to serve the public in an efferent way. The sellers will have a Processor's Certificate and will sell foods as any other market olace. Men Apprehended For Tenn. Crime Woodrow Goforth of Culberson and Burton Brown of Isabella. Tenn.. were bound over to Federal court in Bryson City Monday on bonds of $2500 each for assault on a taxi driver in Chattanooga a week age. The two men. who have criminal records, were ap prehended Sunday by Patrolman Pritchard Smith Smith stated that Goforth has just recently been released from a California piison. on parole, having served time for armed robbery. J. M. Loudermilk Buried Sunday John M. Loudermilk. 34. died in Morganton Feb. 27. Funeral serv ices were conducted at the Shady Grove Baptist church Sunday at 2 P.M. with the Rev. Pat Elliott of Murphy officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery. He is survived by his wife and father. Pallbearers were Johnnie Hyatt. Ernest HoUoway. Henderson Gra ham. Ham Coffey. Jim Olivery. Elbert Totherow. Ivie funeral home was in charge. Several hundred tons of guayule rubber, the first natural rubber to be produced in the United States ; since Pearl Harbor, is now being extracted for war needs by the 1 Fo est Service. John B. Moore's Songs Popular On MGM Traveltalk and National Radio Programs "When It's Blossom Time in Old Caroline." written and published by John B. Mo??re. local composer and poet, is the theme song of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's travel talk on colorful Western North Carolina which is now teing shown throughout the nation. This song, which is a iavoriu- o i Jiimuie Livingston and his orchestra. Is at present being considered for inclusion on the Philip Morris Ginny Simms' program, according to correspondence Mr Moore has had with the company and their advertising agency. Indications are that it will be used at an early date. M: Moore who publishes his own music, has gained nationwide fame with his songs and poetry. 'When It's Blossom Time in Old Caroline" was first introduced over radio station WSB in Atlanta. Oa. It was arranged and introduc ed on the air by the Rice Brothers. ?n Atlanta band apearing on WSB. This same station recently introduced another of Mr. Moore's songs. "I'm Headin' Back South." which Is being used on the Dixie Southerners. M: Moore has written numer ous songs, two of his latest ones being patriotic numbers, entitled "Victory" and "A Soldier's Dream." Poems written by Mr. Moore j have been included in four national! (continued on page eight) LOCAL COMPOSER ? John B. Moore, whoso songs. "When It's Blossom Time in Old Caroline" and "Im' Headin' Back South." have Rained nation-wide popularity. His poetry, also is published in three Books of Modern Poetry. Packages of t>. v clothing and small sum of money have been received during ? past week by Mrs H O Foster. 12-year-old mother of a sc\ei ixrnnd daughter. Carolyn Louise, born at Petru hospital February 17 The mother and baby left the hospital last Thursday for th> . . >me at 404 Cherry street. Shown above are Mrs Foster and her aty. and the father, who ls a private In the U 3 A: my at Camp IKitnei Durham. At left is Dr James T McDuffie. the attending pir - lan. through whom the gifts have been ? nt He has been de ? . ul as the second "Dr. Dafot Play Double-Header Game Friday Night A doublehead??. basketball gume will be played in the Murphy gym Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The feature game will match Young Harris College and a com bination Murphy-Hiwassef Dam all-stars team. The Murphy toys will play a preliminary at "? 30 o'clock. Murphy made a clean sweep of three games with Robbinsville high here Monday and Tuesday nights. In Monday night's games the Murphy sirls won. 14-1 i. and i the Murplr. boys triumphed. 29 20. The K insville boys remain ed in Mui y for a second test Tuesday ai. vere handed a 30-25 setback. Girls' lin p: .Murphy ? 1'? Robbinsvitle 11 < M. Davis F Phillip 2' Johnson 4 F White 2 White F Rog* i T i Hall G On Pipe.- G Da v. Chambc G Hyd( Subs M irphy, Maar.ev J Davis C.i i'*-nter; Robbinsvi.le Bula. M? Clang. Roys lineup*: Murphx Robhinsville 20 Simond. F Orr 1 I; Kepi; t F B ook 4 Craw fore; i C Garlanci ?2? Palmer G Hyde <0 Beat-ty G Amnions 1 Sub.- M . i-hy. Graves. R K? phart. IV;- '7>. Carter. McDoii aid. Hill ('Uthrie. Ferguson. J Ferguson Boys' linrui?: Murph> >30 Kohbinsvillr <25' Simmond.s P Hyde 5> Rogers F Or: 6' Crawford 18 c Garland 7 Palmer 2' G Brock 2> Beatty G Amnions 5) Subs: Murphy Guthrie. McDon ald. B Kephart. R Kcphart '2 Carter. Hill, Graves: Robbin * villi F:edrick. Holiwav Stewart. 4-H Schedule Is Announced Carl Whiteside annoum es the following 4-H Club sen? . i.e. Monday. Marcn 8 Martin's Creek. 2:00 o'clock Tuesday. March 9. Marble. 9:0" o'clock: Andrews's High. 10:30: Andrews's Elem . 1 00: Wtdne. J March 10. Pcachtrec. 9:00 Muri 12:55; Murphy High. 1:50: March 12 Ranger. 9:00: H: .10:30 The lesson su- ? Three Meals A Day 4-H W MEAT Under lease-lend to the Alius in 11 42 some p uuids of meal were laid down : upside. Nearly all of th men: delivered wa pork and amounted to 9.8 percent of the tot... U S supply. MARKETING Charges for marketing farm food products decreased 1 percent for November-Dccembe: and re tad foo<l prices ro.cc i percent. Payment- to farmers for equiva lent products advanced 3 percent. Volunteers To Launch Red Cross War Drive This Week Cheroko< County Koti Cr< volunteers by the scores this week will lauiu- house-to-hotise can vass ?'f the communities of the county in b< i alf of the $125.000 - ooo Rod C:< 1943 War Fund In 10 00(? Red . Cross chapters and brane, s throughout the United Stat- s. volunteer? have spent wet k preparing for the .most impoitaut fund-raising cam paign in the history of the or ganization. "If i? the a m of the Red Cross to give each and every Am? :ican j an opportunity to contribute to i t lie cause of mercy and humanity needed by the world as never be fore." declared Red Cross Chair man Norman H. Davis. Volunteers, who will piv? their i ?ime to the exacting task of door bell punching" will identify them selves with Red Cross volunteer j workers' credentials during the ? ampaicn. Tiny ,ht been orcan ized into efficient squads by chap ter and branches. Each contributor to the K<d Cros- War Fund will recelvc the cu iomary Red Cr-'s service flag foi display in the Windows of their homes and business estab lishments. but wartime cxigcncie.? have relegated the customary Red Cross metal tope1. button into ob livim for the duration. This year for the first time in o der to avoid tapping vital de fense materials, contributors t? tin- Red Cross War Fund wi'.l re ceive a paper lapel tag .bearing the Rod Cross insignia. Money collected by the volun teers will serve to further the American Red Cross w? rk not only on the home front but on the distant fields of battle where American lighting men are de fending freedom Marshall Jordon Dies In K? 2 :> n at Pine Lv Bupii? ? inch with t h? If Ham twi ll uui i Rev Rolland H? um. ? Jlui.it. nr Buial wa it isrt i; e meter; u:\ivintj a < his wile tw? l i xrit bub nnii-brwnor Ktid two Townson funeral home wa> m charge \NDREWR Then ? Costly Fire Is Started From Burning Trash \ :< ??st fire caused by Roll at; J Martin. ages 14 and 16. ol M. i- burned approximately tor. a< of private land before being ev '.ished by Cherokee County 'Fu< Warden Burnett and a crew "I ;? -.i states tli? Dirstrict Fines: Mupcrvi.so The tire ocurred on It. ? .?1 ? i niorvn nf Pphfyary 24. The fat..- >if the beys was assessed v he cost of putting out the lire amounting to $5.28. The fire occurred on We. C'eek ?ear the M.irtin home T 'a ' > were engaged m burn:in u .i and weeu- about the houst u . u' fire blew across a we'l t veiled road and spread rapidb up the mountain. Parents are cautioned to in >t; ? t their children not to do any burning whatsoever except it bo d'?ne under the immediate direc tion of the parents Care must be exercised in seeing that burning ' i' done only on qir.c days late in the afternoon. S*a: ? '.>? require that permits be ::vd before burning is done Failure : secure permit before bur::.:; constitute5: violation of the N v. Carolina' laws and is subject to iine. FARM MACHINERY When p.: :.irm machi nery. assurano f om a de aler that the machinery or equipment is ob tainable from ? .ier will be consider? . . . : ?: a dialer W orkers To Canvas Business, Rural And Residental *? v...! m..i. llt'US .H*.\l lU'fn I he official beginning oi the Red 111 s.- War 1" 11 n cl drive for the C herok.ee County chap ter. which iias a quota ot $3900 will be on Monday, March 8, an nounces the chairman of the drive. Rev. A B. Cash. Beginnm; Monday, voluntet-i kers will canvass the peopu the count'- to receive then '/uiiW)UiuOr?> fcr thf c?mnAitn. There will t* three divisions oi workers business district. resi dential district, and rural area In tli?1 rural territory the canvas* will Ik- ma<;e til- ?ugh the churches and schools.. Mr Cash announces that any one desiring to mak? contribution.? before they are called upon may leave them eithci at the A & r rtores. ChtTokf Remit. office, ix w h the treasuer PYank Por sythe, at Citizens Bank and Trust Company Production Work For Red Cross Is Done At School Red Cross work is being actively carried on at the J?>hn C. Camp bell Ft-ik school at Brasstown. Carol i.upe and Glad s Holland are in charge of surgical dres* in*^ w! ?: are being made at Kcirl ? e by both men and women T . rooms are open for work Monda> md Thursdays from 2:30 to 4 30 and 7 to 8;30 P.M. Cutting and sewing are undo lt .... ? . ' Mrs Al!a Scroggs. while M > W J Martin is in charge of wool and knitt-ing in structions When 12 an ready for home nu : instruction, a class will be < :f< ved on Tuesdays from 3 to 5 PM. at tiie hom?^ oi Mrs. Leon Deschamp1 Red Cross Rally Is Held Tuesday Nite "I Am Ail Aii ! :ran \\\i- the uljecr of the address made ai the Red C vos- a:.\ in the courthouse Tin -?day ? wv. v Dr. C) M Sc.igle*. pa.-: Fir Baptist Chun h. Car. G a There : no .such thin:- a.- f.i idom except a we sec re.por and obliga tion." he dec: a ed. :n developing tin theme of liberty and creative life. He described the United Stat': as a melting pot. but not on? that melt to a form. Here m? have a \v< ?. 1 >' 'tYberPiTier where the:- :;<n exercise their abili" to think The rally \v.i- vld for the pur pose of taunt. the 1043 war fund drive \-.o ClKrokce County cha.pt ? of the American R< d C os a\ 11. hiis been i:iven a quota this year of $3900 Di Seicler's address followitv t h ? pr< .?t. .<? on f a patriotic pa geant by tin seventh fctade ol Mm: uipr ? ? d of Mrs 3 w Davidson. che. Three R< C: -? workers were re. ? eni/cd for their many yea: of orvicc t *!?:" ourani/ation and pi- rntcci pins by Mrs Cathcnn? M <wart, field re ji esentaliv? f Ashevilk*. Mr Stewart was prf ? nted by Mrs T. V Ca^e r ? r chairman. W. M Fain received a service pin for nervine eici year* as chapter chairman W W. Hyde, for 25 ye ar- a* treasurer; and Mrs C. W. . :c. tor 15 years as roll call chairman, who is now serving ?s chapter secretary. The Rev A R Cash, chairman i-: t:ie war fund dmr announced plan.^ for the campaign and pre .?< n;?\: D- Seiplcr. Fiv ;eding the pub' <? meeting At the courthouse. chapter officers and war drive workers had a din ncr meeting in the home eccno mi building. Dr. Seigler made a few iemark>. in which he gave an Uiu.-t a; on <>f team-work and concluded with the statement. \ pui*. intil Victory ".??Us you tc ? ?, Mt v Stewart compliment ? . ffaptor on it? outstanding < i : < ? year in ? war drive. W: ? 51 t he COUnt \ \Vii.> C:iven i qUOUl t f $1000 and contributed more than $13.000 under the leader Joe Ray This placed the riiap't-r at the top of tihe li<t in h n.i ? >n. w. ? i vefcsencc to per centages. . Mr Ca ll Was toastm.'.. ter and made >me announcement II* nntcd Joe Ray. co-chairman - urged everyone to cive whole - heart?! support t the campaign M Case a!sfli made a few re marks T dinner was served by mem be-s ??f the high school faculty | and other*-, under the direction of M t Ruth Kmory Tin- tables and room artistically decorated in n<? * tonal ei?iorf- by M Margare t Cm<> R< <1 and white candles wer* used on the table and hi the win dow Tables ware a: ranged in the . ano of a cross and were c? ntered with a cross of red can dle in white holders surrounded by ivy Red Cross nurses, made by Miss Curd's art classes, were ! favors.

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