OF INTERESI TO WOMEN RUBY McCOMBS WINCHESTER SOCIETY EDITOR TELEPHONE 49-J Observe Season Of Prayer For Home Missions The Woman's Missionary socie ty of the First Baptist church here 4bs* rved the season of prayer for Jfcomc missions with an all-day Krvice at the church Tuesday. | Circlcs of the society had charge pr^fram. t lie Lottie Moon t'irrie presenting the program in the morning with Mrs. J. L. tsmv .age leader. The theme was "En trusted Willi Christian Liberties." Alter luncheon, the Fannie Heck ?and Mae Perry circles gave the topics. "Entrusted With American "Youth." with Mrs. A. E. Vestal in ?chu."i,c. and "Entrusted With Ma terial Possessions." lead by Mrs. B B. Cornwell. Serving on the program were: Mrs. Savage. Mrs. W. C. Kinney. Jdrs. Murray McCullough. Mrs. J. C. Ammons. Mrs. Bessie DeWeeso. .Mr*. Henry Hyatt. Mrs. W. H. .Murray. Mrs. A. B. Cash. Mrs. W. ?A. Sherrill and Mrs. T. S. Evans. '"Twenty-two members were pres ent: Mesdames John Savage. Clarence Arnold. Alvin Buchanan. Murray McCullough. J. D. McGuf fii!. A B. Cash. R. D Chandler. W. H. Murray. Bessie DeWeese. Tom Evans. J. C. Ammons. Laura Green, W. A. Sherrill. Henry Hyatt. L. E. Bayless. C. B. Genette. E. J. Darnell. J. C. Kenney, B. C. Cornwell. Carrie Hyatt. T. P. Cal houn. W. S. Dickey. ATTEnDLNC CONFERENCE Mrs. John C. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. George Bids trup. and Mitt Gayle laensee. of the John C. Campbell Folk School. Brasstown. are ?ttera1RICH In For President THURSDAY ? FRIDAY. MARCH 11 - It EDWARD G. ROBINSON in Unholy Partners Al?o Comedy?New* ALL SKITICK MB* ADMTTTKD PMS ANY TIM* Workers For Red Cross Announced Tlvoao who walked in the Red Cross surgical dressings room last week here were as follows: Mesdame C. W. Arnold. Jolin Conley. Alvin Buchanan. Ruth Carringer. Dorothy Trial. P G. Ivir. R. D. Chandler. A. B Cash. T. A. Case. J N. Hill. Tom Mau ney. John L. Savage. J. D. Mc Guffin. C. C. Richardson. Evelyn Patt.m .1 W. Davidson. W. A. i Cocke. Roy Cooke. Rubi n Cooke. Roger Ammons, J. b. Brown, w. S. Dickey. M W. Bell. J. W. Bailey. | L E. Bay less. J. W. Thompson. Leon Frach. Ed Barnott. J. C. Ammons. Harry Miller. Julie Mar tin. J. H. Hampton. R. S. Parker. Hon Witherspoon. C. L. Alverson. Minnie Bowles. L. T. Russell. Allen Howell. H. E. Cress. Ber'ha Kep hart. Hayes Leatherwoc ' Mary Eiiuiia tvlcrcncy. Elizabeth ??"nms. , Lucille McDuffie. C. R. Worthen. ' Misses Addie Lcathcrwood. Ann Leatlierwood. Parrie Vaughn. Gil lie Martin. Eunice Shields. Mil dnd Farrow. June Trial. Roberta Ilenson. June McCoy. Edna Ram sey. Franccs Waldroup. Information On Nutrition Is Available At Public Library Mucn material 011 uiiuiUoil been received at the Nantahala Regional library, according to Miss Dora Ruth Parks and Adella Meroney. members of the publici ty committee on nutrition. Posters will be made available to all gro cefjf ?tores -who want them, de scribing the necessity for buying nourishing foods. Pamphlets also will be distributed. A nutrition exhibit is being dis played at the library, and the public is invited to see it. MOVE Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gillman have moved from the apartment of Mrs. Nesfield Olmsted, on Cen tral Avenue, to an apartment in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Akin on Cherry Street. GOES TO WASHINGTON Miss Justine Johnson, who has been employed for the past year as stenogerapher for D. M. Reece. has resigned her position here and will leave Saturday for Washing ton where she has accepted a posi tion with the Government in Ar lington Hall. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY HAS MEETING TUESDAY The Woman's auxiliary of the Murphy Presbyterian church held its regular meeting in the Red Cross surgical dressing room Tues day afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Wilson, president, presided over a business session, after which the members made sponges. Later, they were invited to the drug store by Mrs. Ben Vaught, who served refreshments. Jerry Mallonee of Morristown. Tenn., spent several days here this week with friends and relatives. Mrs. Frank Justice left lost Fri day for Van Couver. Washington, for a month's visit with her hus band. Major Fimik XI. Jucticc of the rncdical Sgt. Tobe Allen of Ft. Leonard Wood. Mo., is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Mrs. Lor Ro- Rogers and little daughter of Chattanooga. Tfnn.. "pent several days he:e last week as th- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mauney. Mrs. Haven Mar:in of Fop ana j wa~. a visitor in town last Friday. Mr.v J W Thompson. Jr.. arid baby of Durham, are visi tin* Dr. j and Mrs. J. W. Thomp ^n. Miss Anna Lou Holland ?*f An dews. was a visitor in town on.* ^ay last week. Miss Sara Sword of Fontana. ( sprfi* last week-end at home. Miss Francis Wicker Is spending three weeks' vacation In Ocala. Fia.. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dyer will spend this week-end in Knoxville with Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Hampton. Mrs. Marshal Ramsey spent Monday and Tuesday In Bryson Clt7. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Francis of Hhwassee Dam were business visi ters In town Monday. ktiiel barry m ore "The Corn is Green." starring I*!?? Rarnmoic. will b< prwented in Ashevilie Civic Auditorium on Tuesday mpiju? Marrh 1? he Mrs. Case Tells Of Red Cross Work At Ministers Meet | 'iTiC Bi ccunty Ministerial as-1 scciation held its monthly meet- I ing Monday at the First Baptist church here, with the Rev. A B. Cash, presiding. Mrs. T. A. Case, chairman of the Cherokee county chapter of the American Red Cross, and Joe E. Ray, vice-chairman of the War Fund campaign, were present as visitors. Following routine busiiuw, Utd Rev. Ralph Taylor, chairman of the program committee, presented Mrs. Case, who told of the work of the Red Cross and its challenge to gifts and time and service. Mrs. Case indicated how the Murphy chapter is functioning tl trough its various departments, and sutieu that cf the 1125.000.000 national budget, the Cherokee county chapter is asked to raise the sum of $3,900. 67% of which is for local needs. ; Mr. Ray was asked to state what is expected of the ministers in the drive for funds. The program committee an nounced that the next meeting will be held at the school building when the boys of the senior class will be guests of the association, and the Rev. H. L. Paisley will lead a discussion on "Oui Life Vocation." The meeting will be held at 10:30 A.M. AprU 5. Party For Benefit Of Red Cross Is Held Folk School Members of the John C. Camp bell Folk school staff entertained with a paity at the school. Mon day evening, for the benefit of the Red Cross. The assembly room was decorat ed with flaps and bunting, and ??? great fire in the big open fire place added to its attractiveness. An interesting program arrang ed by the program committee, opened with a grand march with many variations, followed by a program of folk games and coun try dances. A marionette show was presented by Fannie Mac Clellan. of Dalton, Ga.. who has recently joined the folk school staff. Following the program, guests formed a half cfrcle around the fire and enjoyed hot cocoa and cookies served by the refreshment committee. Coffee was served ex tra at five cents a cup. As guests arrived, members of the finance committee pinned on tv?*?m Red Cross badges which they had made, and collected a -mall lee. half of jfchltfh went to the Red Cross. Proceeds of the party were divided equally be tween the Cherokee county chap ter and the Clay county chapter. Mi. and Mrs. Edwin Hensley I left Sunday for Fontana. where j Mi. Hensley is employed with the i fVA. ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Logan left ! Sunday for Panama City. Florida, i Miss Euna Puett spent Sunday ?n BTairsvilie with relatives. Ezra Price and daughter. El