RANGER Mrs. N. O. Kil pa trick and | daughter. Mamie Lei. visited Mrs. | Lena Martin Sunday afternoon. Jess Windgiate made a business ] tup to Murphy one day last week Mrs. Art Latshaw and son of iliwassee Dam. spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Fox. Mrs. C. M. Sneed and grand daughter. Marcella have returned I to their home after spending sev- | oral days with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Radcliffe of Copperhill. Tenn. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Pox was completely des troyed by fire Saturday after-] noon. Hoy t Kilpatrick spent Sunday | with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. M L. Kilpa trick. Mrs. Ralph Ledford and son 1 spent Sunday with her father. | Lee Garland. The Rev. H. J. Bassctt filled hisl regulir appointment at Ranger] Methodist Church. H. C. Johnson spent the week-1 er.d with home folk. Mr. Johnson | is employed at Fontana. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Fox made business trip to Murphy one day j last week. Rev. H. J. Bassett and C. M Sneed were the Sunday dinner cuests of Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Evans. Fred Sneed. who is employed at Fontana. spent the week-end with home folk. Mrs. Kate Shields spent Satur day in Murphy. CULBERSON Guy Hyatt and Troy Moore re turned home last week from Fla Dr. T. M. Golden was a business visitor here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dotson visited relatives in Tennessee last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson of Fontana Dam. spent the week end here. Mrs. Alline King, home demon stration agent, held a meeting here last week at the home of Mrs. Rubie Nichols. Roy Clonts of Fontana. was a business visitor here last week. Luther Nichols left Friday for Baltimore. Md. Ed Dotson made a business trip to Murphy Saturday. Miss Canadas Hogan of Brass icwn. spent the week-end here. with Miss Loma Kate Anderson. | Alvin Nichols of Duck town.1 Tenn.. was a visitor here Sunday, j Pvt. J. Roberson spent a few ( days here last week with his par- ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rober son. Mrs. Robert Roper of Murphy, -pent the week-end here with her pa-ents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Watson. Use Classified Ads NOTICE Upon motion made, duly second ed and carricd. it is ordered by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Murphy that an election be held on the first Tuesday after toe first Monday in May. 1943. u wine u.e 4 th day of Mud nonth. old election to be held In -he Court House In the Town of Murphy, the polling place eatab . ished b7 * governing body of said ! Town. Henry Hyatt is hereby selected is Registrar. Porter Axley and i Hugh Brlttain are hereby selected " Judges for said election. That regtsteralion books shall be open ed for registration of all person', entitled to be registered on the 1 3rd day of April. 1943. and kep: open dally until the 24th day of April. 1943 That Saturday May 1st. 1943. shall be rhslleng day Be it further oidained that all i candidates for the office of Mayo. I and Commissioners mast have their names certified to the un dersigned Clerk not later than six o'clock Saturday. April 24th. 1943 E. O CHRISTOPHER Clerk. Town of Murphv i 135-4t. NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION WHEREAS. It is deemed adyis able that a new registration of tin qualified voters residing within the corporate limits of the Town ?if Murphy be had: NOW. THEREFORE. It Is order , ?1 by tile Board of Commissioners of the Town of Murphy that .1 ' new registration of the qualified voters residing within the corpor ate limits of the Town of Murpliy ! >e had. and to that end Henrv Hyatt is hereby appointed re ?jistrar for said new registration who shall open the registration books on the 3rd day ol April 1943 and shall krep the same open j diily in Murphy. Nortii Carolina until the 24th day of April. 1943 for the purposes of registering all j ? qualified voters of the Town ol , Murphy who apply for registra | tion. Said new registration shall I ! be made under the rules and regulations prescribed for the reg istration of voters for general flections. E O CHRISTOPHER. 35-4t. Clerk, Town of Murphy. EXECUTOR S NOTICE Tlie undersigned having qualifi ed as executor of the estate of B. G. Webb, deceased, late of Cherokee County. North Carolina, this is tr? notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of j aid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Andrews. N. C. ? on or before the 6th day of March. 11944 or this notice will bo pleaded I in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will , please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of March. 1943. William G. Webb. Executor of B. G. Webb. 34-6tp. LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE Alex J. Williamson has applied for exchange under Act of March 3. 1925 (43 Stat. 1215> offering 125 acres, more or less, of land in Cherokee County. North Carolina, on waters of Persimmon Creek, bounded on south and east by United States lands, on north and west by Abner Williamson. Ed Hooper. J. B. Johnson. Lee Sneed. and Rose Parnell. in exchange for stumpage worth $600. more or PRINTING THAT IS DISTINCTIVE ? OUTSTANDING RINTING ?i Handbills, Placards Blotters, Menus, Cards Letterheads, Envelopes Statements, Ruled Fcrms Social Announcements Whatever your needs? laTge or ?ma'l ? cur shop is ready to handle the job with careful skill at modest ccst. May We Serve You? ally* (Etjmikr? &tmxt Phones 20 and 71 Murphy, N C. M TOP LIKE rr icsa. on national fomt land In ""herokee County. North CarollXM. >n watershed of Hlwassee River. ">eing that ar?i known as lliwan ee Graveyard Ctiambere Creek Tnits. acquired from Tt-nneaaee *ralley Authority. Persons claiming *aic? properties or having bona fide objections to such application must file their protests with the | 'egtonal Foresler. Glenn Build *?. Atlanta. Oeorrta. within ten days of tlie last publication of this notice. 3?.4t administratrix notice Having qualified as admlnistra-1 trix of the estate of J. w. Hyatt, deceased, late of Cherokee Coun ty. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased j to exhibit them to the undersigned at Culberson. North Carolina, on or before the fth day of April 1944 or this notice will be pleaded :n bar of their recovery. All per-, "on.s indebted to said estate will please make immediate pavment Tills the 8th uay of April. 1943 Mr;. J. W Hyatt. Administratrix of the 37-6t. estate of J. W. Hyatt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having quali ed as administrator of the estate f B. R. Carroll, deceased, late o! herokee County. North Carolina, lis is to notify oil persons having aims against the estate of said ?ceased to exhibit them to the ndcrsigned at Murphy. North arolina. on or before the 31st day f March. 1944. o- this notice will ? pleaded In bar of their recovery 11 persons Indebted to said estate ill please make immediate pay lent. Tills the 31st day of March )43. E. E. STILES. Adm. of R .B. Carroll, ?6-6t. deceased, estate. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ORTH CAROLINA. HEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Clyde C. Mills. Plaintifi VS. 'sabell Mills. Defendant The defendant. Isabell Mills, will take notice 1'iat an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina to secure an absolute divorcc up on the grounds of separation for two years; and the said defendant will further tak* notice that she is required to appear at the Of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina in the Courthouse in Murphy. North Carolina within 30 days after the 11th day of May. 1943 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 13th day of April. 1943. J. L. HALL. Clerk of Superior Court 38-4t. Cherokee County. N. C. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Homer H. Taylor. Plaintiff VS. Dollic Taylor. Defendant The defendant. Dollie Taylor, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of separation for two years; and the said defendant will further take noticc that she Is required to appear at the Officc of the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Cherokee County. North Caro lina in the Courthouse, in Mur ohy. North Carolina within 30 diys after the 14th day of May. 1P4T and answer or demur to 'he complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will aoply to the Court for the relief demanded In said comDlaint. this is the 13th day of April. 1943. .T L. HALL. Clerk of the Superior Court 38-4'. Cherokee County. N. C NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. TN THE SUPERIOR COURT Cherokee County. Plaintiff. VS. Etta Beaver. R*? Beaver. Fons Beaver. Eliza* ??h Beaver. Tril ia Be?vrr. Be'.ty Belle Beaver and Barbara Jean Braver. Ue- I (lend ants Under and by virtue of the i>ower and authority Ir. me vested by a Judgment ?~nd Decree of the ' Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty. North Carolina, entered In the i above entitled cction I will on Monday, the 10th day of May. 1943. at 12 o'clock Noon at the Courthouse Door in Murphy. North Carolina, offer for sale at i public auction, to the highest bid der for cash the following de scribed lands in Shoal Creek Township. Cherokee County.' North Carolina, to-wit. Adjoining the lands of Elsie Hunby. S. W Cotter. Voyle. Heirs.. Jim Runicns and others, fn District No. 8. on the Waters of Camp Creek. BEGINNING on a hickory stum;) and Rock corner, the sjme beini comrr of S. W Cotter's land, then runs South with S. W. Cotter's line to a down a hill to the top of the, ridge: thence an East cou;*se down I a mil to * Whit? Oak on a branch; thence North to a stake; thence still a North course to a Black Oak on the old original line; thence a Northeast course to a maple near the public road: ! th? nee with said road a Northeast j course to a roc* corncr nc.ir the gate; thence West up the ridge to a Spanish Oak corner on top of ' the ridge; thence up said Ridge a West course to a Spanish Oak and a turn in said ridge: thence still up said ridge a Westerly course to a rock and hickory | sprouts; thence a Southwest course with said ridge near thej top of ridge to a White Oak on the bank of or. old ridge road n??ar a large Chestnut Tree: thence North wi'h si id ridge road 1 to a public road: thence a South- ( west course with Public Road to an old original line between George Runicn and Son and W. L Voylcs Heirs lino: thence a South west course with said line to the beginning, containing 49 acres more or leas. This the 7th dior of April. 1943 J. B QRAY, 38-41 Commissioner. NOTIC E or SALE NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Cherokee County. Pluntiff vs J W Horn. Mrs J W Horn. Ros? Judson TilUtt. Betty Anna Tillitt. L. C Nichols and J. FYank Bristol. Defen dants. Under and by virtue of the power and authority in me vested by a Judgment ?nd decree of the Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty entered in the above entitled cause I will, on Monday, the 10th d.?y of Mav. 1943. at 12 o'clock Ntn n. at the Courthouse Door in Mui }o> North Carolina, m II at publie auction *o the highest bid der for cash, the following de scribed tract of 1 and in Valley | town Township. Cherokee Coun ty. North Caro'lna. to-wit: BBOINNINO at s stake In the West Boundary line of the tract bought of II. N. Wells by W L. i Matheson and runs South 30 East 22 poles to the top of a ridge to a .stake in Larkin Ntchol's land; thence North 84 East with Ni chols line 16 poles to a Sourwood. the corner of Pulliam and Nichol's land: thence 8 East with said ridge 1? j oles to a stake: thence North 12 V* East 4Vfr poles to the corner of O. W. Chambers* land: thence Wtst 30 poles to the beginning, containing 2% acres, more or kss. and being the hnd deeded to J W Horn by C. H West and wife. Martha Went, by deed dated October 1st. 1926. registered *n Office Register of Deeds. Cherokee County in Deed Book 98 page 168. reference to which Is hereby made. Tills April 7th. 1943. J B GRAY. 38-4t Commissioner. The Lone Ranger By Fran Striker / I IMPORTED I CQOwitV, rjf P\ " ^ j Vs?Ct ?C\ *0 iT^ , \\.r ~ nOj ll\ ,- .NP &UILET \ ^ nXfrS M \r t J iMuM ?/ .^T WI H c?V .1EV -:^.y f ; kU ?<&i /?? THEY OOSE OM - SPENT 0vt3\ 0>N? i -VC , _. ,, _ _ % fO W^TrltM &ER/WEEK.THERLMT MONTH *Vs> i / // '>^r i/ CS WE FOUND 1KB B% CWI' THAT* WWSN THE i. ? 1,'TH JIM r.. -> v JAC ?ON '.- ? - - X A. Ct > SUBKOi ar^wi SPJSJ?if^ /"A k_^K^r- JUW ONE LAW ^CCtVCCNlTK* TOST ) GO FLV A KITE/ llL GETTW CfcE CUT S ^ THAT sTEAM ENGINE ' J WITHOUT SOU / ANP, WW'4 "| // yjc yctf 25- ^ MORE J'M, VARv WE WARNEP VCXJ. NC.v FCQTHE LAST TIME. I'LL GIVE """9V S '?? M TUP- iz-mc Ditt-wui ^ SCO * Ci'V-Cc. WEUCAEEY OUT VHT y^FC\> '/j IKMMJ y^-ry/Mwr SangSftcJ^ ~*? 7 THE OCUNTRY -tOUT^ OF WERE 77" HEY, CROWLEY/ J'M .( C* HE K EH7 JAClgOH b StTTIN' UP \ /(WEIL, I'LL FIX THE STEAM ENGINE IIH |/ ? f HIM / - SPITE 0FAU.WE 'A'C t CC^t C" "C^TO' THE >c \ P '.L'.N'- O.'T TVE CART FILIEP "x