ANDREWS News and Advertisements Pauline Hicks, Editor Phone 94 Heaton Elected Mavor R T. H?\? on ?'.i re-elected myw itf Andrews In the election1 BE ASSURED OF A rt S R ROUND SUPPLY 05 SWEETS 'famNGFJtWT ... BEPP/ES This Season ^ held TufMlav !!?' hid no oppom :i.m. The board ot aldermen on | ? Democrat.. ticket. composed ot he m? umbent >. was re-clcct M H? at :i T' eived a total ot -U i \ld? t'tnen elected re < i fi -.ti? number^ of Ca om -"-?i z. b Conlev \v o Mi Keldr? \ L'8'.i and ?" L Whitaker 289 Re . ..*,ki. .! v. i'i-n for aldermen ii.ii tl ::nbe ? ?( vi?te> receiv urtl' hv' ** fnlinw? - AVbn ? Coward IIS n I tttgdon 105:; Bet ? W W D Wll Wm. Rav Truett Is In The ILS. Naval Reserve fttleH 17 >on Ot Andrews. lias ; ir Pilot train d State# Rezerve, announcement Aviation C .det ? A Ian tii Cherokee Coun-, Andrew- high ing the ape of ? : - after. ho will ;' t: ve duty for (?mple'ins al! j he will qualify i ? Win;- f Gold i : *d a Fly in v. Of Fleet. lir\TM ANDREWS, N. C. HtNN theatre Saturday, May 8 ROY ROGERS ? "Gabby HAYES in Heart of the Golden West Chapter 12 .?f KING of the MOUNT IF s .?nd CARTOON \dmission 10c and IZc LaU> >liow Saturday 10:.>0 p.m. VFI>\ VNN BORG ? I Yl F TXI.BOT in She's In The Army \hn ( XRTOON \dnu>sion 10? and 0c Mill Moll. Ma\ 9 - 10 CLACDETTt COLBERT ? JOH McCREA in The Palm Beach Story also?? NMVS ? SHORT SCBJECTS Tue*?. Wed.. May 11 U Double Feature Program (.IOK(.K BRENT ? BRENDA MARSHALL in You Can't Escape Forever and Scattergood Survives Um> new s \dmN*?ion 10c and 30c YOl NFKD NO Priority Rating For the Following: The right to live in a free country. The right to worship as you please. The right to buy War Bonds and Stamps. The right to be contented and happy. The right to vote as ycu think best. The right to be industrious and honest. The right to hope and pray for an early, victorious termination of the war. The right to borrow money when you need it for production or other legitimate uses. We invite you to use our bank and the services and advice of our employees. Hold on to these rights BUY WAR BONDS And Stamps Regularly CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. Serving Southwestern North Carolina MURPHY, N. C. ANDREWS, N. C. Mi mhrr Frdfral Dfpo*lt Insurance Corporation 125 Employees Put Ten Percent On Pay In Bonds T! ?" l- > : tnpllA ?? ? - ol \nd' ? Tannin- C'ompan. And:r*> now are :.ivtnK subtracted from IKi> at 1< a ? ten ptwr.t to: wai bonds, on ea ray d.?\ T < bi weekly payroll ?*f tur i .?Ull'.tii,? Iviiaii 57vDv Tt-I ? i m;\my went on the trn peicfi. for bonds payroll plan a t a weeks aco Wm. P>. Hornsby Knlist* For Pilot Training Wt ,i. Barnette Hortisby IT. . : ? M a: Mrs. Guy Horr in* Ano.:? ? enlisted !>? Of ficer P:!ot training m t!:- United -'at?- N.val Reserve. aecoidir.: m ar. inn??un? t-ment made fcy ?ne Naval Via.on Cadft s? .on B.?ar : Vl.tnu Hornsby bem In Memphis IVn.i. ? : uated from And:? \ ?. where he played t ' ?all ?: . l).rA'-tia.: Captain W - Horn>by f ? . United Vm; of the now m Up : ? :r.i -'.-.o a-'?? of 1R ? ???..-.?ratter. Hornsby ww'. do .? :rd in active duty for ?runin A!'*??:? completing all 1? j-.ii?.. -.e w ill qualify f r : Na Wing- of Gold" ana ?o cmm ionrd a Plying Offu?r ivith the Fleet. May f) Is Golden Cross Sunday S'.md y May 9th. has been c .?Njcnatf fi a- Golden Cros> Sunday in ?:.? W?-lern North Carolina ; Confer enee of the Methodist C by Bi>p Clare Purcell | and ' ? district superintendents, j In all churches of the conference j attention will be called to the! wo: k bein^ done at the Hugh Cl..t'...?m Hospital at Elkin. North Carolina An of fer ine will be taken for the charity work of this instution. T < Golden Cn-v, fund is used in rhii-.vTy work and is adminis :c:vd b:- ? e Reverend W M Smit conference director of Go ".den Cros> Tie offering last ? -a: for this rause was $11.098.00 Ti fund m..kes -,t po.>. lble for hospital at Elkin to care for ?::any charity pat: :r The Hugh i:n Memorial H --pital has ? unictue distinction r>f never' :n::nu awjv -in1-'." person on i count of inability to pay. New Officers Of P.-T.A. Elected ANDREWS At the last meet in of .:.t Andrews P.-T.A. Mrs. Rob Stamper was elected presi dent: Mrs Edwin Bristol, vice presiden" Miss Lena Hamilton. ? :ctary: and Miss Catherine S. Morton, treasurer. Mrs. Stamper eds Mr- John Christy Mrs. C . isty having served for the past years as president of the or ?amzation. RETURNS TO TEXAS ANDREWS Cpl Ernest W. Whitaker 'Coot"? has returned to his post in Fort Brown. Texas, where he is Technical Cook for the Quarter Master Corps. Cpl. Whitaker has been visiting his wife and friends in Andrews for the past fourteen days. He volun teered in September 1942 and re ports that army life is fine VISITS RELATIVES ANDREWS Felix Brady of the U. S. Navy is spending a few days with his relatives and , friends. Mr Hrady is the son of .Mrs Bell Nell Brady of Top ton. He recently married Miss Zel m h Lunsford of Andrews. i Cpl. Ernest Whitaker left Sat iurday morning for Fort Brown. Tex., after spending several days | with friends and relatives in An i drews. Hov Scouts Try ?r ?> Beer Experiment At their regular Friday rM* the B ^ S? ut>? of An dr? * > cxwrinm ?d by placing an < :? ? and a plfff of tu fir: ir.NN was gone. iY? mtturly mtu- of t) ? ? vee had turned to water ??? it had a wa t? '\ .?ppearan? M - t of the v.hi:? had dUar arrd T ? ntain? of bar?>n and beer u k? exomi: d and 'he bacon had ' much < - and '?iok<'d i- if It ad been plated ir water U> ? vrral niinute> 1: > Mentally. ?? bacon rout m??n?\ and rat stamps while : fie U ? r cost rV.\ money" .ys K K A Pelk? s* unia-t? Auxiliary Kieds New Officers ANDREWS \ -i: bu of tin* Pr? ?:?rian Auxi held a* ? u me of M: l> Nichols l.i i Fv.:Ua> ni h: ' :?? lollowi: ffli ? rs were j president. Mr . Edwin H vice-pr?- i-i M: L H \:c hi >ecretar. M vV. ("? | ? t ;rer. MM ,i Ba: Church of (iod To Have Revival Ocoiyr lli'Mi of the' ?if God Ani: '"a - an that revival s?:vues will May 16. at 7 30 F M the i n And rt a B Harold v .. onduct , .tnselistic ? ? ? F: r: Peitit ia< t vel much I he South conducting revival meet inc .- with great -?uecess and | t !1 liked wherev- he- coo? The public is cordially invited attend these meetings. C pi. Robert W Rt?;?er .-.pent ? day> with wfe. Mrs ?? .il Roper. Mr Roper is the : rmer Mi ? Opal B *. Mrs Isabell Trantham left last week for Bryson City, to join her .-.isband who is employed at Fon tana. P\ t Porter Ledford of the U. S. Army. -penr Sunday night with his trot he: Mr. Lush Ledford. before coin to Havesville to visit his parent- Pvt. Ledford is in the Engineerin- Corps and has been stationed at Shenango. Pa. Lieut William Moore left Tues d iv for Sai* Lake City. Utah. He has been spending several days with his mot Mrs. Lena Moore Mrs. Jack M< Carney and Mrs. Marv Dar d en :>ent week-end in Atlanta The frier. of Mrs. Mack Smith are - ? ry that she is ill. Mrs Smith the former Miss Vivian Bake: daughter of Lieut, and Mrs e V Baker. She lias been in pital at Murphy for several day Mi> ? Ma*,tic Bates, who has been in F'. .da for several ni nths, -..i- r. ? tmcd home. Mrs. O- ??r;2 Smith has re turned '<* ? r tape after spend iv* several months in Florida. Little Roy Conley. son of Mr. ind Mr Zeb Conley. who has i been very ill. : much improved at this time. Free Booklet T ell* Of Thrilling Discovery; New Hope For Millions One of thr moit sensational scientific dis coveries of m'*lcin time* i< an nnli-itr.n hair vitamin thai re More* natural, nor mal color to ftray hair in naturc't mi n nay. Scientific invest-Ration i ha# revealed gray J hair, in tnanyca*e*. may } he due to a vitamin 1 deficiency. Scientist? have aluo dlncotfffd the particular vi tamin that I* nrcfwary to restore col or to the hair in such ca?w Rejiorts ol test* made indicate remarkable result?. Sot a */>???nor a tint?not a drug?not o medicine! It I? a \aluable food sup plement. If you arc the millions of peoplr who find themselves handi ? .ipped. in business or socially, because of *r;iy hair, mail coupon below <* writ?) for free booklet about thi* marvelous new vitamin discovery. There is no coat or obligation, so *cnd today ITnit?! Vitamin Product?. O W Washington S* C hk?fO. in. I>pt. 5 Vnd rrv rRWF BOOKLET *i*wt the nrw ANTI.CRAY HAIR VITAMIN. V?w A44**ta . j 4 ' C*f ? t.1 ? . S#? .. ?. ra Entertains Class L. B. Nichols, .superintendent of the Presbyterian Sundty School. < ntcrtaimd liU class with ? fwh im: trip and picnic last Tuesday Tin Hf ntakiriK the trip were: Charles Pltfl. Raymond Rlslry. Msm-i and Oeorfe Eubank. Harry N:chol* Tommy Higdon and Roy Cochran. IIOMK ON' FrRI.Or