Are Seven HllNPRED MILLION CHRISTIANS in the 'WOU ID ' TODAY PICK AND SHOVE.L BRIH& TXSTI/AONY" Archaeologists, excavating in KaMrrn lands, have added greatly lo our knowledge of people and customs of Bible lands. They have also brought scientific proof of the ac curacy of Bible stories. Inscription* have been unearthed of Kame^es II, the king who "knew not Joseph.*? The inscriptions gi\e the king's own account of the great buildings on which the Hebrews were compelled to labor. In some place- bricks have been found made "without straw." Dr. Wooley's expedition, while excavating at I'r, unearth ed remain* of .t civilization >ix thousand yars old. This wa< buried under eight feet of clean, white clay which, in turn, was hidden beneath a buried citv. Scientists are convinced that the clav wa* def -i!e?i upon tin- ancient cities bv the great H?>od from which Noah and his family were saved. Evidences have l?een found of the de?i ruction of Jericho told ot in the in ok ft Joshua, i he arcn.vologicai date cut responds to the time indicated in the B'bS ? record. Excavation? in Jcru.-jlem have disclosed -inn- of the de structions ami rebuilding of the eitv that .ire described in the Bible. One writer -.iv*. "It i- probable that we have there traces ami rem: . - ? i older and more numerous gen erations than in any other city under the sun." Excavations have identified almost all the place- men tioned in the story of Nelietniah's night ride ahout the city told in Nehcmiah 12 : 1 'J - 1 . The Valley Gate, the Dragon Gate. the Dun Gate, the Fountain Gate and the king'- Pool have all been found. Scholars are study ins the important recent find in Egypt of the earliest known manuscript of the Greek Hible. Some of these manuscript* date hack into the second ccnturv A.D. They include the four Gospels, eight hook* of the Old Testament and some of the Pauline Epistles. rRAIN UP A Child in the . WAY it SHOULD GO ond when he "I am far within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, and ail the navies that ever were built, and all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned. put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth u powerfully as has that one solitary life; the life ot Christ." ? pbillip Brooks. The Following Firms and Individuals Interested in the Spiritual Welfare of this Community Are Sponsoring this Page Each Week: Dr. W. A. HOOVER ANDREWS TANNING CO. ANDREWS, N. C. TOWNSON FUNERAL HOME HIAWASSEE MOTOR COURT CHEROKEE LUMBER CORP. CHRISTOPHER DEPT. STORE J. W. FRANKLIN MAYOR OF MURPHY WHITAKER BROS. ANDREWS and MURPHY, N. C. HOME OF GOOD MERCHANDISE LOVINGOOD'S STORE CHEROKEE FURNITURE CO. REECE MOTOR CO. 'ANDREWS, N. C. RAGLAND BROS. CO. GULF SERVICE STATION IMPERIAL CLEANERS PALMER'S SINCLAIR STATION DAVIS DRUG CO. ANDREWS, N. C. CHIC and HENN THEATRES JOHNSON'S MARKET SHERRILL'S SERVICENTER C. C. RICHARDSON MURPHY SANITARY MARKET MURPHY ICE and COAL CO. CHEROKEE HOSIERY MILL MURPHY HOSIERY CO. Marble Club Has Program On Meals I The Home Demonstration Club met Monday with Mrs. Vivian! I Barnett. having tm members and two visitors present. The discussion was on Busy Day Meals", given by Mrs AUtne King. An Interesting contest was hold the winner receiving a prize. Also recognition was given the oldes' ; and youngest members present. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess The August meeting will be held with Mrs. J. V Br y son. Upper Martin's Creek Mr- I .on Stnlcup and Mrs i Elizabeth Chastain vi.sitcd Mrs.' Ftnleup's parents. Rev. and Mrs. C P Martin last week Mrs B. W Chastain spent a frw days with Mr and Mrs Horace Staleup last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crisp and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Voyd Hogan on Brasstown a while Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crisp visit ed Mrs. Crisp's grandmother Mar tin at Grape Creek Sunday. Luther Martin was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mar- : tin. Miss V-sta M if his of Atlanta. Ga.. has been spending her vaca tion with her grandmother. Mrs. Chastain and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs G. \V. Keasler and Mrs. Arzo Hughes and children visited Mrs. Sis Chastain and Mr and Mrs Aster Hughes Sunday afternoon. Howard Morris of the U. S. army is spending his leave with , his mother. Mrs. Jim Worris. Mrs. G. W. Keasler and daugh ter. Eva Nell, visited Mrs. Ammons at. Almond. Saturday. Mrs. B. W. Chastain spent Sun day night with her son. Mr. and , Mrs. Boyd Chastain. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Crisp. Mr. and Mrs. George Chastain and ! family were Sunday visitors of their sister and father. Mr. and Mrs. James Mabry and John Lee Chastain. Mr and Mrs. R. W. Chapman and son. Robert Hayes, were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Voyd Hogan at Brasstown. Mrs. J. B Martin Is spending a few days at Brasstown going to I meeting and visiting relatives. j Mr. and Mrs. George Postelle and children visited his mother. | Mrs. Aster Hughes. Sunday after I noon. - Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Swanson of Newport News. Va.. were the guests of Mr. Swanson's sister. Mrs. Alice H. Barnard, last Wed nesday. Mr>. Joe Morgan of Ashevllle. spent several days here this week with friends. H. H. HuntW And Miss Rogers Wed ANDREWS A wedding of much interest to friends in this section was that of 1st S?t Harry Hilton Luther, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Luther, to Mi . jru Holers, daughter of Mr. and Mr T. II Rogers of Clyde. The ceremony mas performed in the Clyde Baptist church Tues day. July 20. at 4 p m by the Rev. T. II. Parris. pastor. Prior to the ceremony M-, Janice Smathers. organist, p.iv ed "Because" and "Always" M Polly Goodson sang "Ah. Mystery of Life". The Lo t.v\ u. march was played while Liuit Margaret Rogers and Don-. A:-:. Ensley. nieces of the bridt ed the candles. The bride and groom ent< r d together unattended. The mony was before an nrchwav [ ferns and white gladioli. Mr Luther wore powder blur crr;v with a corsage of sweetheart ro ? Her tiuvellng suit was of cadet blue with white and blue aero. scrio*. After the weddlln: supper the bride and groom left for a tour of Western North Carolina. New Principal Arrives Andrews ANDREWS ? Prof. Roy n Robinson arrived here Friday ac companied by Mrs. Robinson and their twelve year old dauchtc:. Mary Frances. Mr. Robinsnn will be the principal cf the Andrew? elementary school for n**xi y^ar. succor ding Mrs. D. H. Tillitt who has accepted school work in Statesvillo. The Robinsons have occupied the school custodian's home n the school premises. This home has undergone considerable re pairs during the summer prepara tory to the occupation of its new tenants. School custodian. John G Tat ham. will continue to live at hii homestead near the Whitaker church. Miss Barnard Is Guest At Dinner ANDREWS ? On Tuesdav eve ning Mrs. Addilee Brown and Mi-s Daisy Battle entertained witit a dinner party, honoring Miss R'? : Barnard Tile dinner was a' t'.ie home of Mrs. Brown. Tiie guests included Miss Barn ard. Mrs. Joe Histdon. Mrs. Sm:t't Howell. Misses Luclle and Emo gene Matheson. Ollie anil 1-eila Whitaker. Mrs. James Picket" . Daisy Battle. Mrs. Brown and Polly Hicks. Miss Barnard was presented with several lovely gifts. WE WILL PAY CASH FOR ANY MODEL USED CAR See Us Before You Sell Call W. A. Reece or A. B. Chandler, Jr. REECE MOTOR COMPANY ANDREWS, N. C.