OF IMTEIREST lO WOMEN SMILK mail without the spread :n\ I ,? puddin' without sauce, mattress without beddin'. .1 > art without a llOsx. door without a latch-strim:. i fence without a stile, dry an* barren creek bed face without a smile. hi use without a dooryard. ??aid without a flower, i clock without a main spring. ? will never tell the hour: that sort o' makes yo' feel \ :r.v:er all the while. Selected. s. D Akin. Mi-> Mary Ensign and Mrs Geo ' ? :: t Wednesday to visit Mrs. Paul Sehoffield in The Powells will 1:0 on to ? c Tarboro and other to visit relatives a few D. Hicf.'n Ramsey and M: - Davi'.v of Ashevillc arc n the home of Mi>- Add it I ? o Cooke. M: James I Given. ? >!' Flor S C. is spending several vith her mother Mrs Dickey. M Elkins of Camp Miss., spent a few days > ok with his parents. Mr Mrs II G. Elkins. returning :np Wednesday Circle No. 3 Meets At Church Parlor i Circle Nd 3 of the W> 'iiioti I Society of Christian Service met in the ladles' parlor of the M.- . udist chuivh Tuesday aftem | at ;t o'clock. The meeting op**n?-?i with silent prayer. Devi>i: v, : was ".iv en by Mrs E. B N ? U Mrs W. F. Odom had chat .the program. After the business session pray ?m closed the meeting and a * Cora Justice ??f I ' ' n turned home this week .liter spending .? month with M: r ; Juilee Edwin Winchester left M ? a : Fontana. where he has i>?-er , transf erred by t he TV A rims business COLLEGE OPENS AVFNUE TO SUCCESS Arrangements Made ! cr Business College Fall Opening ASHEVILLE. N. C. 'Sp nr. Business managers will to continue trying to se*. with untrained help. Onlv ? with specialized business ; :ng will be desired. can best serve your country : ?t the same time protect your v:. future by taking time now for ;>iness education. If you are interested in a permanent future. Cecil's Business College u: young people not to attempt short omrses or patronize cheap school in order to secure employment now. Thousands of half-prepared stenographers and - vpists will b released from government officrs after the war is over. Business will b-* readjusted on t he basis of effi- , ciency. Thousands of unsatis factory employer.- will be taken 1 off the payroll. Asheville being a winter resort as well as summer resort, there are plenty of fine boarding houses open t lie year round where board is reasonable and fine cultured ; .surroundings provided for girls: studying at Cecil's. Remembf. it pays to attend e good school, one with a reputa tion thai would be able to help you as long as you desire to work. The demand for office help is i the greatest in the history of our institution. Make reservations now for ' opening Mondnv. ; August 30 Write for 1943-44 catalogue. Address CECIL'S.: Ashevillp. N. C Advt. Dickey Theatre 10c and 20c Every Day SATURDAY. AUGUST 21 fiHNE AUTRY - SMILEY BPRNETTE - FAY McKENZlE in HEART OF THE RIO GRANDE ?AND? YOIJTH ON PARADE Also Chapter 6 "THE SPY SMASHER" SUNDAY - MONDAY. AUGUST 22 - 21 RICHARD TRAVIS - JULIE BISHOP in BUSSES ROAR Also M u.si r :il and News TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 21-25 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM jj|DAY EVERYBODY 10c bruce Bennett ? Virginia field . .ioiin beai, in ATLANTIC CONVOY ? AND ? PRELUDE TO WAR THURSDAY . FRIDAY. AUGUST it ? V HEDY I.VMARR . ROBERT YOUNG - RUTH HUSHCT in H. M. PULHAM, ESQ Also NEWS ? CARTOON -SERVICE MKN ADMITTED FRBK AWT TIMK Mrs. J. C. Amnions Presents Musk Pupils In Recital Wrdm-Kilj fotir *k .it the home of \frs j q Mnmons. fciv I ?? M.llIimrcM'iitrd in a plan,, rc-Hai m, s ;"> Tenn Mi n J Smith, of " Ml ? June and Bennett dau ihtei ? Major Mrs. c H Rennet- of Camp I.' >brns. Caiif and M .i.<\vr Sgt 1 rIane ??f Port Eenning. Oa . ut horn vacation rue.sts here : r the past several days Mrs .? n McCurdy trand i-'hti-r Mart t ?.f Angus s c ?>e expected Sunday to ? nd some time with Mrs Dixie ' mer. Mrs M Curdy i well ? Mi ?wn here. her husband having been railways agent at the South ? rn for several years Miss Sarah Sword as returned ' ? Fontr.na after visiting i la lives here. Wade Guffev i Asheville ;? nr l is- week in Murphy Ben Akin, studfnt at Moody Bible School. Chicago^ is visiting i;i- parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Akin. Mrs o T Huckaby of Little Hock. Ark . is spending a we k vith her parents the Rev. and Mrs H. L. Paislev she will re turn to Little Rock soon to as ^time duties as a teacher. Miss Norma Jran Harrison of Lr* Grange. Ga is spending some time with her sister. Mrs. Eugene Gilliam Mrs. George Wright and daugh ter. Judy, have returned to their home in Atlanta after spend in > several da\ with Mrs. Wright' ? parents. Mr. and Mrs e. a. Hov ard Thev were accompanied h:;me by Mvss Bee Howard. w ? i > has accepted a position there Miss Dora Ruth Parks left Wednesday for Chicago to attend the annual institute on the Li brary in the Community. She was accompanied by her sister. Miss Evelvn Parks. Librarian of Pack Memorial library. Asheville. and Miss Julius Amis, supervisor of Rural Libraries for North Caro lina Library Commission. The in stitute will be in session August 23 28. Mrs. R. E. Wallace and child ren returned to their home in Murray. Kv . Sunday, after spend - j ing several weeks here with Mrs. Wallace's parents. Mr. and Mrs. , Arthur Akin. They were accomp anied home by Robert Akin. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Terry and Mr. and Mrs. H P. Groben stein of Knoxville. Tenn.. spen*. ' the week-end as guests of Mr. i ar.d Mrs Eugene Gilliam. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brendle and son have returned to South port after spending a week with Mr. Brendle's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brendle. of Brasstown. Mrs. R E. Kintz and grand daughter. Jane Brendle. have re turned from Asheville after spend ing a week with relatives. BIRTHS At Prtrir Hospital Mr. and Mrs Jess Hamby of I Patrick announce the birth of a I daughter on August 14 Mr. and Mrs. Prank Oraland I -v Letifia announce the birth of a) ir.ushter. Barbara Carol, on Aus. , 16. Mr and Mr; Prank Battle of Murphy announce the birth of a s-n on AtiKU-' 17. Mr. and Mrs Paul R-eers of Andrews announce the birth of a son on August 19. Among The Sick Mrs. AHinf* R Kintjr. home demonstration agent. is confined | to hpr home with in infected foot.. The infection came from a, burn sustained last Wednesday when a fruit jar being used for canning broke, spilling boiling water on her foot. Mrs S. D Akin sustained * pamfui burn with hot grease on Presents Pupils In Musical Recital M!S C W Savage prramUd Olcnda Ivie and Carolyn Alcxand e r in a piano recital at the horn of Mr and Mrs Peyton G. !vie Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. t?> an audlrncc of appreciative I friends. After the pros ram. Mrs Ivlc and Mrs. Alexander served punch and cookies. The musu- room was decorated with all fU?or baskets of pink gladioli. Bowls and vases of rose< were used in the living room and dining room The dining table, spread with a handmade lace rloth. was center* ' with the punch bowl, which wa.? s irrounded with greenery studded w t ? dahlias ami Anecl trumpets The young pianists received a hower of Rifts which they open i after the program her right hand Wednesday morn inc. James Dnvey of AshevUle. in this section on business, suffered .? heart attack near Hayesville Wednesday, and is receiving treat - mrnt a! Murp ? General hospital. W. W. Hydi . 'M.ihler of Citizens Rank and Trust c, here is criti cally ill in an Atlanta hospital. Dr. Eva Atchlev OPTOMETRIST Offices Next To Tennga Hotel COrrFltlllU.. TENN. There Tuesdays HAVE YOIRS EYES EXAMINED On.e A Year. For The Finest Optical Service SEE DR. ATCHLEY CHATTANOOGA OFFICES Cia. Ave. at MrCailie Ave. PATRICK Wiuir Pickle&imer of Turtle town. Teim.. wis tl\t* nu?*.st uf his part nl Mr and Mrs Tom Pickle mmc: Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Lw llorton and i lnldivn and John Picklesimer we iv the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Taylor at Pleasant Hill. Sunday. Mr and Mi .> Duel Burgess and children of Parner. Tenn . art' visiting her mother. Mrs. Mary Hambv. at this writ ins Mi and Mrs. Clyde Beaver and children visited his parents. Mr and Mrs W. A Beaver, at Pleas ant Hill Sunday afternoon Mr and Mi > Paul Allen of Vir ginia. are visiting the lattery mot he: Mrs Mary Hambv. at thi. wi Itlng. Mr. Turn PickU -imer is ill at this writing, we wish hrr a speedy r? eo very Mr and Mrs F.stell Hamby and rhildren \v? ti? business visitors a Murphy, one day last week. James Picklesimer was the suest f John Picklesimei Mon day. Pvt. Harry Moore In Radio School FONT KNOX. K\ (Special ? intent upon mast mm: Um- my* n-ru's of operation a radio set from tumbling. rollim*. tanks and half tracks. a new class of enlisted men had reported today to tin Armored School Communication Department, upon orders of Ma.t Gen A Ivan C. Gillcm. Jr.. chief of the Armored Command. Among the soldier .students is Fv Harry L. Moore son of Mr. and Mi John B Moore of Mut phy. The school irttiru annually the thousand* of officers and enlists technicians for t he division* and >? paiate tank battalions that muke up the mobile. powerful Armored Command Commandant of the .school is Bri?. Oen J A. Holly. FDR -ic-ifi; Payroll tavingii in our ^n;ilr?t f.n lur in |?rot?-4'tiii? oiii'i'lvrs against in ll.it ion. We will pay $1.50 per bushel for good sound Rye, not musty so that it will do for seed, in even weight either 2 or 2 1-4 bushel bags. DICKEY FEED CO. Murphy, North Carolina ? . . f rom Idaho to Iceland Hat* a ""Coif", says the American soldier in Iceland, and in three words he has made a friend. It works in Reykjavic as ic does in Rochester. 'Round the globe Coca-Cola stands for the pause that re freshes ? has become the ice-breaker between kindly-minded strangers. ?OTItED UNDER AUTNO?lTY OF IME COCA-COLA COMPANY ?Y C O< A-COM> BOTTLIXC CO.. ASHKVILLE. V < Lumber Is Needed For The War Effort SELL YOUR FOREST PRODUCTS Cherokee Lumber Corporation Murphy, N. Carolina