Hlft Cl}?r$4g?gp #ip0int Buy An Extra $100 BOND This Month VOtl Ml S5 ? No. * Ml'RPHY. NORTH CAROLINA Tlll'KSOAV. SBiT. U. mj V (WY ? ?I.?o PER VEAt ONLY 16 PER CENT COUNTY WAR LOAN QUOTA SOLD Who, WHAT. WHEN. WHY? Who can answer these questions about the above picture? The picture is one of a etoup of Cherokee county people, at some Cherokee county school or church, so far as this paper knows. Will you reader* held identity the building and the people? Keenum Is Head County Unit NCEA R L. Keenum of Hiwassee Dam school faculty was elected presi- ' cent of the Cherokee county unit of North Carolina Education As scciation at a meeting of the coun- j ty unit held in the courthouse Saturday morning. Harvey H. Ferguson, principal of Hiwassee Dam school, was elected vice- : president, and Mrs. Pearl Wood srd f*aelier at Friendship, wai ejected secretary. The group voted to endorse I. B. Hudson, superintendent of An- ; drews city schools, for president I c! the Western District of N. C. E. ' A Mr. Keenum presided over the meeting and made a short address. ' Llyod Hendrix. superintendent of schools, made a few remarks stat ing that enrollment is eff this year, and presented E. S. Christen hury. area education director of , the T. V. A., who lectured on the j teaching profession. Mr. Christenbury stated that a j great burden and responsibility j Jests upon teachers in many . schools this year, with faculties I depleted. "It is up to us to give j the children the maximum bene- j fit from the experience they are ! now going through." he declared, j "We hope that one good thing ! that will come out of the war is a i recognition of the good that teach- 1 *rs do. We have an oportunity to make people realize the import- 1 ance of the teaching profession and the teacher. If It were not I tor teachers we could not have any I other profession. We have not j taken advantage of our opportuni ties to promote our cause. Au- j thorlty comes through a Job well | done." He spoke of the precious raw | Material with which teachers j *ork. "if we do not dearly love to work with children, wc should flot be in the teaching profession at all. The fact that we are in Profession is an indication to the public that wc do love them." At the suggestion of Mr. Chris anbury. the teachers voted to meet regularly once a month or ^^7 two weeks to discuss pro ^enal work. The following committee was appointed to make ^r these meetings R. L. **num. Mrs. Irene Grant of ?^chtree. and Mrs. Kate Shields ? Rsngcr. FIRE TRUCK '?( |h oJT1, In lnrtall flrr truck body on new 1?5# * a co*t ot approximately New Pastor Of Free Methodist Church Arrives The Rev. Fred R. Horton. Sr., new district superintendent of the Free Methodist church, and his wife are. moving here from M*?eon. Ga., to make their home. Mr. Horton has been pastor of the First Fiee Methodist church in Macon. He will succeed Miss Elda Himebaugh as pastor of the local Free Methodist church. Miss Himebaugh will leave soon to ac cept a position in Florida. Mr. Horton succeeds the Rev. M. C. Ballew as district superin tendent. Mr. Ballew goes to Ma con to ?e pastor of th? church where Mr. Horton formerly was pastor. Mr. Horton will have charge of the services at the Free Methodist church next Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Lions Club Is Thanked For Cigarettes Cigaretts have been sent by Murphy Lions club to boys in ser vice stationed In Seattle. Wash ington. and the following messages have been received by Lion Presi dent Frank Forsyth: Your gift was more than a sur prise and very much appreciated. To know that the other half is not all imbued with lust for money and more money, and will take time off to remember those who are making such things possible, adds much to the morale. Con gratulations for having such an organiation and may others be guided by your thoughtfulness and unselfishness. ? T/Sgt. Jesse B MorTison. A million thanks! from the boys. We each received two packages of camels along with our pay this month. Sgts. Joe Hibser. whose home address is Peoria. 111.. Tom R. Kelloff. La Jara. Colo.. Oeorge Oarro. Chicago. HI. The cigarettes arrived O. K. and were greatly appreciated. Keep the home front booming and well try our best out here. S/Sgt. Jack Webber. Dentist Works In Murphy Schools Dr. D. L. Weils, of the State Board of Health, who is holding | dental clinics in the schools of Cherokee county for the next sev eral weeks, finished the work in the Andrews school Wednesday, and will work in the Murphy city sthools for the next several days. He will then go to the schools of Hiwassee Dam. Peachtree. Mar tin's Creek and Suit. Trains To Assist ! Local Sanitarian Georse Atkinson of Uniontown. i Ky., is being trained as a sanitar ian to work in the Cherokee-Clay Graham health district, as an as sistant to Sanitarian A. M. Brown. Mr. Atkinson came here on September 1. He attended Mur ray State Teachers College at Mur ray. Ky.. and spent 22 months with the health department of the T. V. A. Awarded Army Conduct Medal For showing exemplary behav ior. efficiency and fidelity for a period of one year. Cpl. John Lunsford was awarded the Good I Conduct Medal of the United | States Army. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ! Lawson Lunsford of Murphy. Rt. | No. 1. Mrs. West Dies Result of Burns Funeral services for Mrs. Ira 1 West. 44. of Blairsvllle. Ga.. R. F. D . who died Monday in a Mur- | phy hospital as the result of burn-; j suffered when a lamp cxoloded at I her home Saturday night, were I held Tuesday afternoon at. 2 o*- j clock at Hood's chapel, near Blairs- ; I ville. with the Rev. C. C. Boynton. : j of Suches. officiating. Burial was in the church ceme tery. with the Townson funeral home in charge. Surviving are the husband. Ira West, and one daughter. Mary Lillian: three brothers, the Rev. ?lames J. Hood of Blairsvllle. R. ? F. D.. William A. Hood, of Los Angeles. Calif.. Thomas L. Hood, of Eaton. Col., and two sisters. Mrs. R. B. Sullivan, and Mrs. W. I B. Hunter, of Blairsvllle. R. F. D. i School -At- War Program Is Launched This Week The 1943-44 Schools-at-War } Program will be launched in city j and county schools in thi: are-. this week with a new "triple threat" Jeep Campaign as first t ig project of the program. Supi. H. Bueck of Murphy is a member of the Education division of the State war finance committee. Last year the nation's schools successfully conducted War Bond Campaigns to finance 39.535 Jeeps. This year they wiil be in vited to take part in the new "Triple-threat" Jeep Campaign 1 which will culminate December 7. i The quota for North Carolina is i 248 Jeeps of any type. The "triple-threat" school will sell War Bonds and Stamps to fin ance one of each of the following: Flying Jeep, or 4iGrashoppor". $3,000: Amphibian Jeep of Quack $2,090: Original Jeep (1-4 ton | truck). $1,165. A school or class may also undertake to finance any one jeep or any number of jeeps. i. - ** ' Smaller school? which may find it dificult to become a "triple threat" school in the Jeep Pro gram. may enter the little "triple threat" campaign to buy the fol lowing: Land. Motor Scooter. $185; Sea. Rubber Life Boat. $250; Air. 1 Parachute. $65. Schools succeed ing in either of these campaigns will be awarded a special treasury citation by Clarence T. Leinbach, State Chairman of the War Pin- j ar.ce Committee. In addition to the campaign ac tivities of school pupils, school faculties and other employees are giving their support by signing volunteer pledge cards stating that they will invest a certain percent age of their salaries into War j Bonds each month for duration of the War. Pulp wood Cutters Asked To Put Extra Funds In Bonds The U. S. Treasury today en thusiastically endorsed n suggest ion by the Newspaper Pulpwood Committee that farmers and wood land owners invest their extra earnings from pulpwood cutting in War Bonds and thus insure complete succeess of both the Third War Loan Drive and the Victory Pulpwood Campaign. Ted R. Gamlbe. assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury and National Director of the War Fin ance Division, thanked Walter M. Dear, chairman of the committee, for advancing the idea to cooper ating newspapers in 27 pulpwood producing states. "The efforts of the Newspaper Victory Pulpwood Campaign and pulpwood producers in behalf of the Third War Loan are greatly appreciated." Mr. Gamble said in a letter to Mr. Dear. "Our con gratulations and best wishes for success to the thousands of pulp- ! wood cutters and producers. "Fifteen billion dollars, our ! Third War Loan quota, is a tre mendous sum. Success in this greatest of all wars must be as sured. and it can only be assured through the patriotism and sac rifices of us on the home front, in barking up our boys who are sacri ficing their lives overseas. "Back the attack with War Bonds and the attack will con- ! t'nue until victory." Rev. A, B. Cash To Preach At i Union Service The third in a series of Union services held by the First Metho 1 dist. First Baptist and Presbyter ; ian churches of Murphy on Sunday ! evening will be held next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock at First I Methodist church. The Rev. A. i B Cash, pastor of First Baptist, will preach, using as his subject. "Whose is Your Life?" The two services already held have been well attended. AIX-DAY SING There will be an all day singing and dinner on the ground at. Toe coa church on Blue Ridse high way. Sunday September 19. Every one is invited to attend. Franklins Buy The Hyde Home Mayor and Mrs. J. W. Frank lin have moved into the W. W. j Hyde home which he recently pur- 1 chased from Mrs. Hyde. Mrs j Hyde lias taken an apartment in j the Whitfield apcrtment house. I Citizens Urged To Buy Bonds And Put County Over The Top In Drive The first week of the I hird War Loan Drive has ended, with total sales to date, as nearly as could be learned, only about $36,500. The county quota is $232,000. and campaign lead ers state that it must be reached. The entire county is called upon to do its best and help go over tile goal before the end of September. Whitaker Permanent War Bond Chairman Q | W. D. Whitaker. cashier of Cm /ens Bank and Trust Company. Andrews .has been appointed per manent chairman of the sale of E P and G bonds in Cherokee ? county. He is working closely with Pcrcy Fertbee. county chairman of the third war loan drive, and I members of Mr. Ferebee's com j mittee. Town of Andrews Adopts Budget For Fiscal Year The Town of Andrews on 'Sep tember 13 approved ard 1 v?d itr budget for the fi. / j. | With a tax valuation of $1,159,573. the tax rate is $1.50 per hundred dollars. Appropriations Include**? $]?. 572.03 for thr lencnd t *nd. in cluding operating costs; $1,112.20 for miscellaneous expenses; $8, 765 for debt service. The budget was prepared by Clerk Jack Stribling and Mayor R T. Heat on and was approved by the board of aldermen, com posed of Z. B. Conley. W. G. Mc Keldrey. and Z. L. Whitaker. Winston Craig Promoted To 2nd Lieutenant Winston E. Craig of Murphy has received liis commission as 2nd Lieutenant in the Coast Ar tillery Corps upon successfully 1 completing the officer candidate course at the Antiaircraft Artill- J ery School. Camp Davis. N. c.. on Sept. 9. He spent the week-end here with his wife. Tlie newly commisioned local officer will take up his new duties lr. the Antiaircraft Artillery after a short furlough. The course at the Antiaircraft Artillery School :< one of the most difficult of the officer candidate tests in the army. Not. only do candidates have to meet the high standard j of leadership necessary to all offi cers. but tliey must be able to master and put into practice the complicated technical art of Anti aircraft Artillery. Singing To Be At Ranger Sunday The West Liberty Sinning con ventlon will be at. Ranger Baptist ! church. September 19th. All are invited to romp and enjoy the day of good singing. Dinner will be served on the groimd states Rev W. T. Truett. Guild To Meet ANDREWS -- The Wrsleyan Guild and Business Women's Cir cle of the Methodist church will meet Tuesday night with Mrs. Olive Ellis. They plan to sew for a Christmas bazaar. EARLY FROST A lieht. frost was reported at Bvasstown Saturday morning There was no damage to crops however, old timers said it was the | earliest frost that could be re- 1 membered. Western Carolina Mutual Bur jh! Association bought the first tond in the drive. $5,000 worth. The purchase was made through Frank Forsyth, cashier of the Citizens Bank and Trust. Comp any. Murphy. P. B. Ferebee of Andrews is, county chairman. He has ap pointed H. Bueck as Murphy chairman and L B. Nichols as Andrews chairman. Committees have been named to assist the chairmen. Murphy Lions club Tuesday night voted to be responsible for the sale of at least $40,000 worth of bonds. Each individual member asked to sell at least $1,000 worth. Figures compiled Wednesday showed that the following amounts have been received at the places named: Citizens Bank and Trust Co.. Andrews. $16,381.25: Citizens Bank and Trust Co.. Murphy. $15, 000: Andrews Post Office. $3,150: and Murphy Post Office. $1,856.25. Other post offices in the county were not contacted. Because of the inability of the principal speaker to come, the rally planned for September 20 has been called off. Council To Name Park Commission The principal subject tor dis cussion at the meeting of the town council Monday night was the city park. The city attorney was told by T. V. A. officials re cently that it will be all right for the town to start the work pre paratory to having a park on the old CCC grounds. Joe Ray. rep resenting the Chamber ot Com merce. requested the council to appoint a park commission to dis charge the duties of constructing the park. It was voted to appoint a park commission. but first to write to some cities that operate parks and get copies of their constitution and by-laws. H Bueck was ask ed to assist the council in writing the regulations. In appointing the commission, the council plans to include one member from each of the follow ing: Lions club. Woman's club. Junior Woman's club. Chamber of Commerce. American Leprion. Ministerial association, schools, town council, and Medical associa tion. Rev. R. E. McClure Preaches Here The Rev. R. E. McClure. exe cutive secretary of Asheville pres bytery. preacher at the Presby terian church in Murphy Wednes day eveninc at 7:30 o'clock. He spoke on the subject of relig ious education. Mr. McClure .will conduct a series of services here for 10 days during the month of October. Squirrel Season Opens Sept. 15 The squirrel season which was previously announced to open Oct. 1. will open Sept. 15. as usual, it was announced yesterday by J. A. Bradshaw. district game pro tector. The bag limit will be 10 squir rels for a day in all counties ex cept in and west of Alleghany. Wilkes. Caldwell. Burke, and Rutherford counties, in which the bag limit is six.