Farm Loan Association Consolidates Consolidation of the Cherokee Njtional Farm Loan Association with three other association* to form a new association, which will I*. ki!.?v\n as the Waynesvill" Na tional Farm Loan Association, has teen approved by the FYirm Credit Administration, according to D. Reevt > Noland. Secretary -Treasur er Thc>e associations have main. U.i -"d a joint office at Wayn#; vil : ? :n the R. E A. Building for "al years. The new association is author k.-,l to accept applications for farm loans from The Federal I?t: i Bank of Columbia in Clay. C okee. Graham. Haywood. ti. Macon, and Swain Coun ties. T ere is no director from Cher or Graham county on the new ward. T :e new association has taken ic assets and liabilities of Cherokee Association and all rr".:?xi members who have paid ? heir loans in full to The Federal Lnnil Bank of Columbia will re cr: caah for the par value of i.i. : >tock in the association". Mr. Noland stated. "Under this ar rancement. retired members of tlie Cherokee Association in Cherokee. Clay and Graham Counties will receive approximately $6 000." EQUIPMENT Grcwers should protect their farm machinery from the weath-| er. and check and adjust it for maximum efficiency, says David S. Weaver, in charge of Agricul tural Engineering at State Col-! lege. ONE'S BEST < OF all! JUi/W *? Hiri Uwt? Mttarrli iT"" nii' '" took ?'nirK 1? .BO c,u" tO ?5t,*S* H.r vot. Ho7h| Crown Cola *Wtt ?u$$i t?)r F. E. Dickey Ne*>i Bottling Co. " r, m. o. No, these arc not Russian or Polish war orphans. They arc r ijihl here at home. Their father, who was .in auiomoiulc mechanic, is in Kuropc now, repairing American tanks. Their mother is in a war plant. Every night thc\ sit here and wait licr homecoming? and dinner. Yiur dollars can sup port playgrounds, equip ment and care (or them through one of our local welfare agencies. Would you rather have a new L evening gown? Let your heart decide A merchant seaman has been drugged back to life from an ocean of flaming oil. I le has lost all of tbc little pos sessions that sailed with him. I le is given warmth mid comforts and strength to fill till his desire to "ship" again by your dollars. Would you rather have bought a new radio? Let your heart decide - v. Let your heart decide DOLLARS can be cold and selfish things. Or they can be generous, com passionate and merciful. Turn over the spending of some of your dollars to your heart. It will want to give twice what your logical mind intended to give, because your heart understands the mercy, the relief and the pleasure that these dollars bring. Let your heart decide. This Chinese baby didn't have much, but yester day it did have a straw shelter, a crude cradle and two parents to care for it. A screaming Japanese bomb destroyed them all. \bur dollars can bring this baby hack to a useful life in the new China to come. Would you rather have a new chair in the living room? Let your heart decide Remember this soldier? "You saw him on the USO posters last year. I lis smile comes straight from a I ' SO clubhouse. One of the finest things civilians have done in this war is in building and supporting the USO. Boys come into the army from farms and cities? a little lonely? a little homesick. The U S O provides friendship, en tertainment and hominess. Some of your dollars are spent through the U S O. Would you rather have bought yourself a few theatre tickets? Let your heart decide Give () A7 C E for ALL these uso United Seamen's Serricc War Prisoners Aid Belgian War Relief Society British War Relief Society French Relief Fund Friends of Luxembourg Greek War Relief Association Norwegian Relief Polish War Relief Queen Wiihclmina Fund Russian War Relief United China Relief United Czechoslovak Relief United Yugoslav Relief Fund Refugee Relief Trustees United S'.ites Committee for the Care of European Children NATIONAL WAR FUND Cherokee United War County Fund Drive