* 4 4 ft 4 lr.? Will *?" ? fltlfri ? TinUi ?* " * ii ft <r VOl.l Ml" 55 ? No 15. MI HPIIV mm CAROLINA TIII MSOAV NOV ?. IM] ;V COPY _ n.M h.r VI tK 36 Men In Month's Draft For Service following 30 men left Wed v iv morning for Camp Croft, i < { for examination for the William Frank Forsyth. Joe Edgar Ray. assistant Hrnry Brownlow Ellis. (} ? Grady Allen. Gar V Mar tin i . ank Charles Oreen Everett 1 U ir Tlieron Welch Kindley }- rimk William Craii;. Lloyd! C? Simonds. Winston Andrew I... i.rmilk. Charles Paul Day. i C Jasper Snce<l. Eugene Led f( James Wesley Garrett. Jr.. Park Jacob Ledford. Howard j C;:i .'toi| Arp. Hoy Kimsev nyrie. ; Ray Junior Rop^r. Clyde Lee Brendle. Winfrey Hamby. Julius Er 1 Robertson. Jacob Leslie Sols | bt Vaughn Noah Coker. Junior rv il Park. Shelby Edward Hamp- l t< : Hadley Lee Plemmons. Clar ciu?- Luther Little. Wilburn Hu b? Bell. Claude Willard Doekery. Iv. t.4'e Stalcup. Arnold Haze Ro be: tson. Hoyt Stiles. Bascom Ram s< y John Allen Davison, and Tom 1 Smith. Junior Red Cross Enrollment Starts The Junior Red Cross Drive 5ta: ted November 1 and will la:^t r.trough November 15. Each home room is asked to give as much as possible, at least ei.t dollar. Each room that gives nv. much will receive the Red Cross magazine each month and an em blem sticker for the door if the . ioor;. One half of the money is to be used in Cherokee county. The other half goes to buy games, puz zlts, magazines and other things to entertain the wounded service boys in the hospitals. Many of the teachers are plan ning their work this week with er phasis on the Junior Red Cross program. Every student is asked to do- ! nate somethiny. Please do your share' ! Mrs Ward has charge of the membership drive in the High School, and Mrs. Adams is in charge in the elementary school. SERMON SUBJECTS The Rev. Ralph Taylor, pastor 1 ol the First Methodist church, will use as his sermon topics Sunday. Or. at Things" at 11 o'clock, and "Remember the Sabbath" at 7:30. Bueck to Speak Prof II Bueck ? i!l b? the guest speaker at the monthly myelin of tli e Cherokee-Clay count ie Ministerial Association to be held Monday at 10:30 a m at Fir ? Baptist church Orphanage far To Be Loaded November 8-10 Arrangements have been com pleted for the loading of the ear of produce for the Mills Homo at Tliomasville. according to an nouncement by Rev. A B. Cash. ! chairman of the local committee. The car will be in Murphy at the Southern depot in Murphy on Monday and Tuesday. November 8-1), and at Andrews on Wednes day. November 10. More than 50 churches in Cher okee and Clay counties have been enlisted in V ? drive. This is a joint effort on :'< part of the two associations. Western North Car olina and West Liberty. Leaders in the two associations state that they are confident that above twenty tons of corn and potatoes will be given to the Mills Home, which is owned by North Carolina Baptist convention. Escaped Convict Is Apprehended Clarence Com well of Hanging Dog. who escaped June 30 from Macon county prison camp, where he was serving from 8 to 10 years for robbery, was caught Thursday in LaFollette. Tenn.. by Patrol man Prit chard Smith, accompan ied by Arnold Dalrymple. This is the fourth escape Corn well has made from prison ? twice before trial and twice since. Service To Be Held Sunday Night Evening prayer and sermon will be held at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah Sunday evening at 7:30. with the Rev. Rufus A. Morgan in charge. Morris First Casualty Of War From Murphy Funeral services for Sgt. Snm-j ut '. R. Morris. 20. were held F*i"i- ; day itaorning at 10 o'clock at Bell view Methodist church with the | Rev. Alfred Smith, the Rev. John j Grwn. and the Rev. Ham Coffey | officiating. Burial was In the | church cemetery. The Townson ; Funeral home was in charge. An | unusually large crowd attended the funeral. This is the first casualty of the war for Murphy. Pallbearers were: Wayne Thompson. Jewell Whit more. Loftin Hatchet t. Waldcn Hatchet t. Tommie Hall, and Wil lis Loudermilk. He is survived by his wife, the' former Miss Elizabeth McClure; small son. Roy: his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. v Morris, of Route 2; one brother. Hardy Morris of Camp Lee. Va.: two sisters. Mrs. W A. Hembree and Mrs Horace | McLane. both of Murphy. Sgt. Morris, chief engineer on a Liberator bomber, was killed near Bi<v:s Field. Texas, when the plane crashed last. Saturday morning. Ten were on the plane. Five were killed and five are in the hospital, according to infor mation by Sszt. NT Strazzaboseo. radio engineer, who escorted the body to Murphy. Eagle Scout Of Clay County Is Presented Medal At Court Of Honor Thef Nantahala district Scout court of honor was held at Mur phy School Tuesday evening. with p V Smith. assistant scout execu tive of Asheville and Wade Recce, district officer of Andrews, in charts. Linton Johnston of Haycs ville was awarded the medal for E**Te Scout. It was presented to his mother, who pinned it on him. Attendance prize was won by Murphy scouts, and advancement by Hayesville. Both were Dented ty District Commission rr A. M Brown. The following troops were repr canted : Andrews. had nine present: Tapocn. 'hT^: Hayesville. 22: Hiwassee ?>BI- U: and Murphy. 25. "Nw*e receiving honors and were: Harry Neal. Hayes ville. tenderfoot : Boh Christy. Andrews; Jack Phillips. Tapoca: Robt. Cunningham. Paul Setzcr. Juno Swanson. Hayrsville and Gene Simonds. Murphy. second class; and John Smart . Jr.. Hayes ville. first class. Merit badares: John Christy. Jack Stewart. Joe Womack. An drews: Dovlc Burch. Fred Bren dle. Prank Alexander. Murphy: Krnt Beal, Kvlc Boal. Alexander Bradley. Jr . Boyce Padeett. How ard Palmer. Jack Palmer, and John Smart. Jr.. Havesville. Making presentations and as sisting with the court of honor j were: Rev. A. B Cash. Prank For syth. K. C. WriRht. Rev A1 Smith. Rev. Clark W. Benson. Rev. R A. Pelker. C. A. Bales. Repulses Three Jap Attacks Xj. y Marine t.orp? I'hoio Corporal John Rothschild, left. T.eatherneck mat hinc-sunnrr of New York Ciljr. rr ports to his commanding officer. I.I. John II. Wis mrr of Trenton. Mirh.. after he and another Marine hail broken three Jan attacks TU vc!-ntrrr:2 ic. m55 ? ????? ?? ? hazardous outpost at San ana Beachhead. Muntla Point, and were attarked by 150 Japs in three waves. Thev eliminated more than ino. One Jap reached tl* "r t?\hole but was killed by Rothschild. The second Marine died l ij con. Reaching Every Farm Family Is Objective Demonstration Clubs Cherokee county home demon stration clubs will serve Thanks giving dinners prepared from can ned foods at the November meet ings in honor of new club mem- j bers. Mrs. W D. King, home agent, has announced. A mobilization drive is on in the entire state to increase mem bership in home demonstration clubs. The objective for the clubs is to reach ever-' farm family with an extension program including: 1 ? Food ? Adequate food to meet nutritional needs. 2- Economic Security ? Using what one has ? money and non monev. 3 ? Home Improvement and Family Living ? Information on improvement of the home and surroundings. 4 ? Community Planning ? In formation on planned work and recreation for men. women, boys and girls. All club women are asked to at tend the Thanksgiving dinner. Meat curing and canning will be taken up at these meetings, and plans will be made for an achieve ment day program at the Decem ber meetings. The November schedule of meetings follows: November 2. Macedonia, with Mrs. Katherine Walker, 2 o'clock: November 3. Culberson, with Mrs. Ruby Nichols, at 12 o'clock: Nov ember 4. Peachtrec. with Mrs. W. A. Boyd, at 1 o'clock: November 5. Topton. with Mrs. Hassie Wright, at 12 o'clock: November 8. Bell view. with Mrs. Alfred Crowder. at 12 o'clock: November 10. Liber ty. with Mrs. W. F Hill, at 12 o' clock: November 11. Slow Creek, with Mrs. John Queen, at 12 o' clock: November 12. Sunny Point, with Mrs. Guy McNabb. at 12 o' clock. November 15. Bates Creek, with Mrs. P. C. Hogsed at 12 o'clock: November 16. Grandview. with i Miss Grace McDonald. at 12 o'- 1 clock: November 17. Unaka. with Mrs. O. C. Davis, at 12 o'clock; November 18. Tomotla, with Mrs.! J. S. Keener, at 1 o'clock; Novem- ' ber 19. Ogrecta. with Mrs. Oscar Johnson, at 12 o'clock. November 22. Marble, with Mrs. J James Bryson. at 12 o'clock; Nov-! ember 23. Martin's Creek, at 1 school building, at 11 o'clock: ! November 24. Andrews, with Mrs. ; Marion Earley. at 12 o'clock: November 25. Ranger, to be an- j nounced: November 26. Wolf Creek, with Mrs. Cora Ledford. at 12 o'clock. Fire Warden Explains Permits Forest Warden E. S. Burnett an nounces that burning permits from the Forestry service are not necessary for people living in town, unless they are within 500 feet of the forest. People living in the country have a right to burn trash if it is not more than 500 feet from their home. OPA Savs Coffee Will Not Be Rationed Again There is absoluatcly no chance that coffee will again be rationed, states the Char lotte office of the OPA. The reason for this is that there is more green coffee in this country today than ever be before. The stamps in War book four marked "coffee" were printed before coffee ra tioning was discontinued. Atlanta Couple To Be fried f or Murder In Superior Court Here Prospects For Mining Iron Ore Here Representatives of the I'ni totl Slates Bureau ?f Mines were In Murphy Friday and Sutuiday of last work with a view to doing some drillinc s _ J nf iron iirr available in this sec tion. They ?rrr: llarold B. Ewoldl. district en*ineer of the llurcau of Mine*. from Norris. Tcnn.; Luclrn F.aton. 79 Vm's tanr. Milton 87. .Mass.; P. t'. Merrill. 3620 lfith N. W.. Washington 10. n. r. Mrs. Ruie H. Owens Dies In Hospital Mis. Ruie Hesf-er Owens. <55 died at 10 o'clock Sunday night at a local hospital. Funeral ser vices were held Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. EWT. at Mace donia Baptist church. Balsam Grove, with the Rev. Bunyan Kil patrick officiating. Burial was in I the church cemetery. I vie funeral home of Murphy was in charge [ of arrangements. I Surviving are the huiband. Maf , Owens, of Lake Toxaway: three I daughters. Mrs. Emma McDowell I of Hayesville. whom she was vis iting when taken ill; Mrs. Edna Shelton. and Mrs. Mae Jones of ! Lake Toxaway: four sons, Till ] man. Paul and Bee of Lake Tox away. and* Troy Owens, of Pick | ens. S. C. Mrs. Newton Dies At The Age Of 68 Mrs Mary Tex Newton. G8. died i at Her home at Marble about sev - en o'clock Monday morning. Sur viving are tlie husband. J G New Ion. five daughters. Mrs. Mary Pace- Mrs. Lizzie Bradshaw Mrs. Josie Akers. and Mr Cordie Grilles, all of Marble anil Mrs. Lei la Roberts, of Lenoir: four sons. Johnny. Lester. Rossie and Dock. , of Marble. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon at two o'clock, -.if Pcaclitree Baptist church with the Rev Alpie West officiating Buri al was in the church cemetery. Ivie funeral home was iti charge of arrangements. Pallbearers were: N F Harper .r r Wells. Burl Shield Jud Stiles. Bill McClure. and Pink 1 Wells. Spirit of Paul Bwnvfi Spurs Victory Pu!pwood Pnve WITH PAI1. WNYAN (I-cn Co*?lry) directing thrm. International Fall". Minn.. hn?inr*? loadrr* I cam thr u?c of fVir ntr?ro?n tfce Koocfciohin* Cran tr P??P~norf I> rive. l^f? to ri?M are I.aroW Mnr-f, 1 .,t *o!fe. krn Sn^lmxn. Muror Krofvn* *nH Charlie Krtola. The.e ml lo*. *ill provide the fmlp?ood n-ed in mukin* ronUinrn in whkh ammunition. fond and medie*! ?npplie? are packed and -k.pped "?c"? f nrrc* oversea*. One cord of pnlpwood cat today may mtc a ?oMier'* Ufc tomorrow. Cat an extra cord >0* Superior court will convene here \1onda\ . November H, w ith Judge J. 1 I. C l< ?ment presid ing and Solicitor John Quern prosecuting. C. I" . Gordy and Mrs. Sallie Bradfield Gib son. both of Atlanta, are to be tried lor murder, their indictment being: "On the 9th day I Ang us.. I'M?, with force and arms, at and in the county of Cherokee, they did unlawfully, wil fully and feloniously and with premeditation and deliberation kill and murdei one I lomer Stiles of Suit. Carroll R. Brown At Norman, Okla. Air Station ATHENS. Gn. Naval Aviation j Cadet Carroll K. Brown, of An- j drews. N c . has completed three months of physical conditioning? ] and ground school work at the U is. Navy Pre-Flight School here ! He has been ordered to the Naval Air Station at. Norman. Okla . to begin progressive flight training ] preparatory to joining a combat unit. Brown, son of J E. Brown, grad uated from Andrews High School in 1938 He completed Naval j Flight Preparatory School at Co lumbia. S. C.. and was transferred j her from the CAA War Training i Service School. Macon. Oa. Third Grade Is Bond Sale Leader Murphy elementary school re ports $3248 90 as a grand total of war bonds and stamps sold during October. Mrs. Shield's third grade led the elementary school, with $712.05. Other classes sold: Miss McCombs* room. $30.30; Miss Shields. $1 70: Mrs. Patton. $43 30: Miss Dickson. $9.90: Miss Sword. $9: Miss Hayes. 30c: Mrs. Adams. $372.55: Miss Leather wood $146.95: Miss Moore. $108.90 and Mrs. Davidson. $640.25. mak ing a total of $2081.20. Previously reported was $1167.70. RECOVERS Mrs. A. B. Cash, who was quite ill for two weeks, has recovered and able to be out ' iiiifKi'u "Wiiu viuiniiuii of pro* j hlbltlon laws an : Pearl Posey. Loin Hyutt. Stivn Ferguson, Maude Ferguson. and Be. -te Lou drrmilk Earn Young. Lenmon .Sutton The following are to be tried for drunken driving : Roosevelt j Brown, who also is charged with Having no operators license J W Donley. Wayne Pace. Ralph Hog red, Adlia S Warren. Drewey Weeks Wayne C. Crisp. James Rote it Mackie. Dillard Carringer. Charged wi.th assault with a deadly weapon are : Carl Pierce, ami Alex Gibby. Other cases are: Wayne Adams, larceny: Wiley J. Waldroup. driv ing after license revoked: Oar I Haney. carrying concealed wea pon: William Payne, indecency; Delia Mae Lanc? indecency; Welch Tetuskee. drunkenness and forcible trespass: Lonr Killian. i non-support : Homer . -;er. bip ! amy: Junior McAfee, breaking I and entering and larceny trans j ferred from juvenile court : Andy Rogers ig with an of ficer: Aud Rogers, resisting an of ficer: Wayne Rogers, resisting an officer: Vemie Hartness. bad check: Roy Denton, kidnapping, robbery and assault. Cases brought over from the last term of court include: Hor ace Stalcup. seduction: Ashley J. Stewart and William Franklin Humphries, fraud: Ashley John son Stewart. William Franklin Humphries, arson: J P. Trull, vi olation of the prohibition law: Jack Oaddis. Homer Loudermilk, Charlie Loudermilk. Earl Hancock arson: Sheridan Stiles operating slot machine: Arthur Matheson, operating slot machine: John W. Guffcv. driving drunk: Elmer Sla gle. driving while license revoked: Ed Ashe. Frank As'.ie. Garland 'continued on page eight* Having Too Many Pennies, Nickels Lands Four In Jail j Becoming suspicious of a group j of young men and women who ate in her cafe Wednesday and had a | large supply of nickels and pen I nics. wanting to exchange them for larger money. Mrs. C. L. Al veison reported to Patrolman Prit ; ( hard Smith. In the meantime. ; the five customers had gone to I Ramsey's service station. While ithere they spotted the officers. Smith and Arnold Dairy mple. and left without paying for beer they had ordered. They were apprehen ded near the prison camp on high way No. G4. and brought to jail. Those arrested were Nelson Ly ons and .Toe Tlnkerton. of Dayton. Ohio, the latter allegedly a deser ter from the army. Ella Mae Horn of Ervin. Ky . Caroline Shocky. of Campton. Kv . and Frank Carter of the U. S. Army. Fort Bragr whose home is Newton N*. C. The latter is being hel l only as a wit ness. He was riding a motorcycle and stated that he met the quar tet in Chattanooga. He was on furlough. The quartet is charged with robberies of filing stations at Mid dletown, Ohio: Lexington. Ky.. and Chattanooga. Tenn . and the theft of a Packard automobile from Dayton. Ohio. In their pos session at the time of the arrest w r-v ;i sum of approximately $49 in small change, a sack full of gas ration coupons, cigarettes and chewing gum. allegedly stolen from the service stations. The above information was ziven the paper by Jailer K/.rn Price and Officer Arnold Dalrymple. Caro line Shocky admitted it to be true in nn interview with a reporter of 'The Scout. Pay Fines For Second Offense In Violating Compulsory School Law ANDREWS Dolph .Tones and Hill Stiles were again in court on Monday for the second time within 30 days charged with the same of fense as in the ftrst instance, fail ure to comply with the compulsory school attendance law. The first case was heard by Clerk of Court. ?T. L. Hall, in Murphy, on October 4. the defendants having been let off without any costs. However, in the second case heard before Squire J. R. Leach, the defend ants. who plead guilty, were tax ed with the costs of the case and a fine of $5 was imposed on each, and they were further required to comply with the compulsory school law. The cfcse was brought 'o court, by Mrs. Grant Polmsbee of the Cherokee County department of public welfare, who expressed the hope that the decision in this caae would cause such other deliqwnt parents as are in the countv to comply with the law so that It will not be necessary to institute further prosecutions.

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