VOLVMC 55 ? So. 21. MtRFUV. NORTH CAKOLINA Till RKDAV. DEC. 16. 1943 5?- COPY ? PER YEAR Lions Entertain Football Players Murphy high school football team and representatives of Rob binville and Hayesvi.le Lions clu- wt re guests of Murphy Uoils club at a Christmas banquet Tues di)- veiling. T. e dining room of First Meth od 1 : church was decorated with Christmas evergreen* and white and blue candlcs. Ih VV. A Hoover made a ivport for the blind committee: H. A Mattox made a treasury report: Sev A. B CasJi reported that the Bov scouts have a goal of "every Scout in uniform" before the next rone meeting and requested Lions club members to give the boys em ployments for them to earn some money during the holidays. The following visitors were in troduced: J. B. Gray. Murphy; v W Harvey. Hendersonville: J. B. Smith and Wm. O. Soderquist. Robbinsviile. H Bueck. stating that he is prcud of the Murphy football team because of their sportsman ship presented Assistant Coacli A1 Smith, who Introduced Ooach J H Pitzer. 'Hie members of the team were presented by Mr. Pit ter. Rev. Ralph Taylor read a letter that he had written to a young man in the army who had receiv ed a box of cigarettes from the Lions club and written a note of thanks The letter was one of high p aise for Murphy and the club Tiie club gave Lion Taylor a vote of thanks. Herbert McMillan Graduates As Torpedo Man Herbert McMillan has been vis iting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan of Unaka. the past veefc Herbert has graduated as tor]>edo man at Newport. R. I., and has been sent to the west coast for further advanced train- , in#;. He also visited his sister. Pfc. Beecher McMillan, at Washing ton. D. C.. and two brothers. John McMillan. Jr.. S 2 c. wPo is new ; at the U. S. Naval Air Training Station. Jacksonville. Fla.. and MOMM-C Russell K. McMillan who is on a Submarine in the southwest Pacific. Russell has teen in the service since Febru ary 1941. Gerald Wilson Awarded A Medal Sgt. Gerald J. Wilson, who is at Fort Meade. Md.. has been a warded a good conduct medal in recognition of exemplary behav iour. efficiency and fidelity as a enlisted man in the U. S. Army. Gerald is the son of Mr. and Mr; I. N. Wilson of Peachtrec. Students To Come Home Christmas MARS HILL, 'Special) ? The following students from Cherokee w*mty will return home from Mars Hill college this week to spend the Christmas holidays' Eloise Jacqueline Davis. Grand vfcw: Edith Aileen Hawkins. Lew 's Cast el I Hawkins. Suit: E. Mali gn Iiovingood. Foster Lee Mason. Jr . Mary Frances Shields. Mur Dhy. Christmas holidays will begin at college at one o'clock Thurs day. December 16. and will close one o'clock Tuesday. January Hawkins Opens Shuttle Mill Here K P Hawkins has opened a buttle mill at the fair grounds Murphy and is equipped to make proximately 400 shuttles a day c a heavy demand for shut *or war production. Mr Hawkins has bren oper Utn* a mill at Blue Ridge and | continue there, as well as op the new mill at Murphy. b advertising for dwwood log*, being the only wood eon be used for making the Hiwassee Lake Freezes Over Thym<lm,lrn. ?ropp^ ll" '? this wti?? Turidai . Thursday, toin, to four ab<>vr ?ro Thursday mornin*. Hi. *""* L*k' ??? froien over "hirh has not ocrurred before n two or more vrars. Fair weather has prevailrd. Capt. E. S. Miller. Writes Sister From Jap Prison | In Philippines Mrs. P. K Justice lias received I a card from ht-r brother. Capt. E " Mll|er. who is interned at a I military prism camp in the Phil ippinea. Capt Miller is in the Medical Corps. H" was reported missinc after the fall of Corrcsi. dor. but was later reported to be 1 a prisoner of the Japanese in the Philippines Tlie card reads as fol lows : "I am interned at Philippine Military Prison Camp No 3. Mv health is excellent: I am well ami working in a hospital. I miss you all and think of you constantly. Please thank the American Red Cross for the package we received I in December 1942. Give all my friends my regards. Love to every one especially the children." Bill E. S. Miller Most Teachers To Spend Holidays At Their Homes Mr. and Mrs. H. Bucck and son. 1 H C. will spend a few days in Salisbury this week with Mr. Bueck's parents. Mrs. Jack Houts will spend the holidays with her husband at Charleston. S. C. Mrs. Buel Adams and Miss | Frances Dickson will go to Gulf port. Miss . to spend the holidays I with Mrs. Adams' husband. Miss Mary Lee Felmet and Miss I Virginia Ann Morgan will spend Christmas at their homes in Ashe ville. Miss Ruth Emory will spend the holidays at her home in Pigeon Ford. Tenn Mrs. Joe E Ray will go to Pet ersburg. Va . to spend the holidays with her husband who is at Camp Lee. Miss Emma Louise Jenkins and Miss Elizabeth Reid will go to Young Harris for the Christmas ' vacation . Miss Mildred Farrow will spend the holidays at her home in Black Mountain Miss Mary Folgrr will go to her ; heme in Nashville. Tennessee for J the holidays. 1 Mrs. Jack Spainhour will visit Mr. and Mrs. J. E Spainhour and other relatives at North Wilkes boro. Two Liquor Stills Are Captured Two liquor stills recently were ? captured by Sheriff L. L. Mason , and deputies. A 40-gallon ropper i still and 180 gallons of still beer were captured near Andrews on McClelland Creek by Mason and Deputy Toby Fain. The still was in operation and had run off one trallon of whiskey. Officers met a , party coming from the direction of the still. No one has been ar rested thus far for operating. On December 7 Deputies Toby Fain and Ezra Price captured a ; copper outfit and destroyed about ! 200-gallons of still beer, in the | Gold Branch section, near C. C. Mull's home Emory Anderson and C. C. Mull were arrested. This still -ras just, beginning to operate, as | Emory Anderson was kindling a fire when the officers arrived, the I officers said. Hie two men ar rested ported bond. John E. Keener. Deputy Clerk Of Court, Dies Here J m\ Ell?- ha Keener. 71. deputy clerk of the Superior eourt. died ( udxlenly at his home here Wcd J rnsday morning at 12 30 o'lcock. j Mr Keener had teen in railing health for the post year, but was able to attend to his duties and , was at his office last Thursday, i Ho was clerk of the court for four ! years, and had been deputy clerk j tor the past 25 years. Funeral services will be held 'Friday morning at 10 o'clock at ? First Methodist church, with the i Rev. Alfred Smith, the Rev Ralph Taylor and the Rev. A. B Cash officiating. A second service will I be held at Hampton Memorial j rhurch. with interment in the church cemetery. Ivie funeral home is in charge of arrange ments. Surviving are the widow, the j former Miss Martha Clodfelter. ; one son. Lloyd, of Elizabeth City: ' two daughters. Mrs. V. M. John 1 son and Mrs William King ol j Murphy, and four grandchildren Hotel Salvage Drive Started Here Wednesday James VV. Wright. State chair man of the AHA Salvage commit tee. and manager of the George Vanderbilt hotel, Asheville. has ap pointed Mrs Thelma Dickey man ager of the Regal hotel .chairman of the drive in Murph> . Mrs. Dic key makes the folowing announce ment : The War Production Board's new Salvage All Pour for Vic tory" campaign was opened by the hotels of Murphy Wednesday. This campaign emphasizes the need of collecting all available i scrap metals, used fats, tin cans and waste paper instead of con centrating on just one material at a time as heretofore. ' The time has passed." stated Mrs. Dickey, "when emphasis can be placed on salvaging just one of the four vitally needed scrap materials. It is imperative that we concentrate on collecting all j four for victory." Ever:/ hotel employee in Mur phy will be enlisted in the cam paign. One of the many events planned by the hotels is a cellar to- roof search to salvage every possible item of metal that no longer is usable, is worn out or outmoded. The type of metal most desired is scrap iron and steel. Each hotel has received a spe cial salvage politer, approved by the WPB. which will be certified by the local salvage chairman when the scrap is turned over to ; the W.P.B. salvage chairman. Donald M. Nelson, chairman of the WPB .believes the hotel .sal vage day will prove very produc tive. "The War Production Board appreciates the cooperation of the j American Hotel Association in or- | ganizing state and local hotel sal vage committees." he said, "and I believe the results of th~ hotel salvage day will be extremely help ful to the nation's salvage drive." Pulpit Committee Is Appointed The resignation of the Rev. Dr. H. L. Paisley as pastor of the Mur phy Presbyterian church was road to the congregation at the 11 o' clock service Sunday, and tho members voted to accept it. M. W. Boll. J. W. Bailey and C. W. Savage were appointed as a pulpit committee to secure a pa?; i tor to fill the vacancy. Repairing Is Done At School A number of boys are at present, j i mployed in washing windows and doing minor repairs in the High School building under the super- j vision of Mr. Wright. Already the | , building is taking on a spring-like j appearance in spite of the ap proach of winter's chilling blMto. i Ot>her crew of boys, volunteers i and otherwise. have been policing j j the campus; and moat of the lit- , I ter ha* disappeared, I AMERICAN MPS ON OUARD IN ANCIENT LONDON -Mili tary Police of the United States Army have introduced many tech niques of Amcncan police procedure? including two-way ladio cars into London. Here, a corporal checks up on two members of the i euard. He is Corporal Daniel Glenn. 25. of Andrews. North Carolina, and the guards are. left to right. Private Alvin J. McKee. 2?. of 108 We. t Beech Stcet. Durant. Oklahoma, and Private Orville Carnahan. 26. of 421 Eighth Street. Rochellc. Illinois. Two Christmas Programs To Be Given At School Friday Morning The Murphy School children. ; under the direction of Miss Vir- 1 ginia Anne Morgan, will present j two programs of Christmas music on Friday morning. December 17. in the school auditorium. The first program of songs sung by the chil dren of the Grammar School will be given at ten o'clock. This pro gram consists of the following numbers: Little Jack Horner: Up On tlie Housetop. First grade: I Saw Three Ships; Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, Second gTade; Every Year On Christmas Eve: Away In A Manger. Sccond and Third grade: Father Christmas. Third grade; Shoe or Stocking: Jingle Bells. Fourth grade: Good King Wenccslas: There's A Song In the Air 'Ann Taylor) .""f^ifth grade: Deck the Halls: O. Little Town of Bethlehem. Sixth grade: God Rest You Merry Gentlemen: Joy To the World. Seventh grade: Christ mas story of "Song From Heaven" Ross Moore Is At Great Lakes A new recruit at the U. S. Na- \ val Training Station. Great Lakes. | Illinois .is Floss Moore, age 32. son ! of Mrs. Charlie Moore. General Delivery. Murphy. North Carolina. Now undergoing "boot" train- \ ing, he is being indoctrinated into Navy Life, and is being instructed | in Seamanship, military drill, and naval procedure. Soon, he will be given a series of aptitude tests to! determine whether he will be se- ' lected to attend one of the Navy's service schools, or will be assigned | to active duty at sea. Upon completion of his recruit training, he will be granted a nine day leave. Harfod Hushes Given Meda! CAMP POLK. La. ? ? Special > ? Private Harfod M. Hughes has been presented a good conduct medal, it was announced today by his commanding officer. 2nd. Lt. Garland D. Grant. Private Hush es Is a member of Sub Section A- 1 J 880th Service Unit. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs Aifter Hughes. Murphy. N. C. j by Elizabeth Ann Elkins. and Si-' ' lent Night. Eighth grade. The second program at eleven , o'clock will be composed of carols 1 sung by the high school chorus. ! augmented by paintings contribut ed by the art classes of Miss Mar garet Curd. Tliis program will con i sist of the following numbers: It Came Upon A Midnight i Clear. Richard Willis; The First Noel. Traditional; While Shep herds Watched Their Flocks By Night. Handel; O Little Town Of Bethlehem. Redner; We Three Kings Of Orient Are. Hopkins; Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella. Traditional: Hark! The Herald Angels Sins. Mendelssohn; O Holy Night, solo. Mary Lou H&tchett. Adams; Silent Night, Gruber: A Joyful Christmas Song: Coventrv Carol. Traditional: Adeste Fideles, Reading; Joy To the World. Han del. The parents and friends of the students are invited to attend one or both of these programs. Slow Creek Club Elects Officers SLOW CREEK ? The Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. C: "ie Morrison De cember 9. Tlie meeting was opened with a song. "Siient Night". Mrs. j Callie Morrison was pianist Pray er was by Mrs. John Queen, and roll call was answered with a Bible 1 verse. New officers were elected as fol lows: president. Mrs. Sam New ten; vice president. Mrs. Callie [Morrison: secretary. Mrs. A. Bur nett: reporter . Mrs. Mae Huskins. Tlie persons having the most chil | dren. were Mrs. John Queen. Mrs. A. Bar net t and Mrs. Gus Johnson, each of whom had ten. Tlie moth er who had the youngest baby. Mrs. Joe Nations: the member who walked farthcrert to the meeting, Mrs. Woodie Evans: the person who brought the most members to the meeting. Mrs. Joe Nations. Those having sons in service were Mrs. Dora Queen, one, Mrs. Vcl ma Parker, one. and Mrs. Sam Newton, two: the member having the most grandchildren in service. Mrs. John Queen. Names were drawn and gifts were exchanged. Fruit, salad, cake and coffee was served. Sanitary Engineers Make Inspection Of Murohv's Two Water Supplies PFC. DILLARD TAYLOR, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Taylor of Letitia. who is in t>be Infantry at Camp Van Dorn. Miss. Hie was employed by tfl?e Wilmington Ship- j building company prior to enter- j in* the army last September. A. C. Hubbard and F. G. Dor- " ?ctt. .sanitary engineers with the i State Health department. Raleigh. , spent several days here last week 1 to make an inspection of the wa fer supply in the city. At a call meeting of the town council Thurs day night they made recommen dations for repairs and improve ments that will make the system more efficient. The engineers could not deter mine whether waters of Hiwassee l/ake would cause a lowering of the quality of the water supply bccause the lake is up only in the summer months. Sanitarian A. M I Brown will make weekly tests of the Hiwa.ssee supply, and If the quality of the water is lowered the state engineers will return here with equipment to make a com- j plete Inspection. Chas. M. Robinson Trains For Cadet SPARTANBURG S C Avi ation Student Charles M. Robin j-on. 22. of Murphv. N. C. Rt. 2. lias arrived at. Wofford Col Ire", for course of instruction lasting approximately five months prior to his appointment as an Aviation Cadet in the Army Air Forces Fly intt Training: Command. During this period he will take numerous academic courses, as well as ele mentary flying training. Upon completion of the course he will be classified as a navigator, pilot or bombardier and go on to schools of the Plying Training Command for training in these special ties. Dr. J. W. Thompson Dies Suddenly Mon. Scout Offices To Be Closed From Dec. 22 to 28 The Chrrokff Scout will br printed .1 day early nrxt week. All correspondents arr asked to have their copy in the office by Monday. The pa per will appreciate the coop eration of advertisers and those who make regular con tributions of news and fea tures in having copy in the office early. Th?*?e who wish to sub scribe to the paper or pur chase supplies are asked to do *o before Wednesday night. The office and printing plant will be closed from Wednes day night, December 22. until Tuesday morning. December 28. for the employees to have a holiday. Dr. Arnold Speaks On Twelve Year School Program The local teachers had as their speaker. Dr. Arnold H. Perry, of the State Department of Instru tion Service of Raleigh at a Tues day afternoon meeting December 7. His subject was "The Twelve Year Program." He mentioned the handicap North Carolina boys and girls had been *' rider in competi tion with students from States in which this program is already in force. He spoke of the significant con tributions to the Curriculum from this plan as "Readiness to learn the subject: Integration. Demo cratic Participation." He suggested j using the local Community as a j starting point. Mrs. Benderman Is Buried Here Funeral services for Mrs. Mamie Carson Benderman. 58. were held Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Ivie funeral home here, witli the Rev. Dr H. L. Paisley, pastor of the Presby terian church officiating. Burial was in Sunset cemetery. Pallbearers were: Noland Wells. Paul McClure. Leonard McClurc. Dr. B. W. Whitfield. Jim Green, and Virgil Johnson. Mrs. Benderman who formerly lived in Murphy died at 5 o'clock Mondav morning in an Asheville nyising home after an illness of three and one-half months. Surviving are one daughter. Mrs. Bet.tie Jane McLnird. of New ton. her mother. Mrs. E. Sturgeon, three sisters and two brothers, nil of Scotland. Mrs. Benderman was an indus trial teacher in the Indian service , before her illness. She was a mom , ber of the Presbyterian church E. F. Arnold and Mrs K H. Foard attended a meeting of the F S. A in Asheville this week. I- J \V Thompson. 73, prucn iiwnt Murphy dentist suffered a In art a: tack at his office at !1:30 0 clock Monday morning while filling a tooth for a patient and died instantly. He had suffered a stroke about two years ago and was ill several week; but recovered and -unce Ihat tune had worked regularly a: (is office His health liad fall ed during the past month Bom in Clay county, he was the wn of Dr and Mrs Alexander Thompson. He had practised den tistry 40 years, locating in Mur phy in 1910. He came to Murphy from Andrews, where he liad mov ed from Haycsville eight years be fore He was Murphy's only den tisl for a number of years .and could be found at his office every day early and late Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Grace Brown: two eaughters. Mrs. R E Barclay, of Copperhill. Ttnn Mrs. Harrv Bishop of Murphy: one son Dr. J W. Thompson. Jr.. who is in the medical .service of the army in England: five grandsons. Bobby John and Freddy Barclay, of Cop perhill. Harry Bishop. Jr.. of Mur 1 phy. and J. W. Thompson, m of Pickens. S c., and one brother Robert Thompson, of Haycsville Funeral servic<s were held Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the First Methodist church, o; which he was a member, with the Rev. Ralph Taylor, pastor, offl I dating, assisted by the Rev. A. B. Cash and the Rev. H. L. Paisley. | Burial followed In Sunset ceme. tery. wit'i T..*i -m func.al ttuUre ! in charge. The tody lay In state at tiie church from 1:30 to 2:30 o'clock. Active pallbearers were: H. A. Mattox, Dale Lee. Frank Forsyth. Walter Mauney. Peyton G. Ivie. Dave Carirnger. Jerry Davidson and Wade Massey. Honorary pallbearers were: Dr. R S. Parker. E C. Moore, R. C. Mattox. C. W. Savage. Dr. J. R. Bell. E B Norvell, Dr S. C. Heigh way. Dr. B. W Wliitfleld. H. E Dickry. F O. Christopher. W. A. Savage. Dr. Harry Miller. J. B Gray. Neil Davidson. J A. Rich ardson. T. S. Evans. Joe Axley and E P Hawkins. League To Open Season January 7 With Game Here A basketball league rcccntly or ganized is composed of Haycsville. Hiwassce Dam. Murphy. Robbins ville. Font ana Dam. and Nanta hala. The season will open January 7. with Murphy vs. Hiwassee Dam. here. Ten games are scheduled for the Murphy team. The league tournament at the end of the season may be in Mur phy. but that has not been defi I nitcly decided upon. I The Murphy teams are as fol lows : Guthrie. Kcpart. J. Fergu son. Mauney. Hendrix. Crawford. Taylor. Jr. Ferguson. R. Fergu son Hatchett. Beavers. Keener. McDonald. O'Dcll, Picklcsimer. ! Rogers. Lovingood Store Bought Bv Graves Mrs. Roy V. Lovingood has sold ! her store to Ed Graves, owner of , Graves* Rollinn Stores. The namr i of the store will be changed from I Ijovintrood's Store to Graves' Bros. Store. Maynard Palmer will be the : manager of the new concern. Mrs. Lovingood has accepted a j job with Jerry Davidson at The ! Ladies and Man Shop. Schools To Close Here On Friday Murphy schools will close Fri day. the 11th. for Ciuistmas holi days Work will be resumed on Wednesday. December 29. 8upt H, Bucck announced ?W ^

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