Bert Russell Is Killed In Service ANDREWS ? Mrs. Sam Russell lias just received a message that her sen. Bert Russell. Seaman First Class, was killed in a ship collision just off New York, on January 7. Seaman Russell has be en in tfce Navy atout two years. Mrs. Russell has three other sons in the service. Bill and Jim in California, and. Noland. overseas. Infant Has First Letter From Dad ANDREWS ? The following is a totter received by Patricia Jano Brown from her daddy, Lt. A1 G. Blown, who is in Northern Ire land. "Pat" arrived after her daddy was sent overseas. Sunday Afternoon Northern Ireland, UK Deer Daughter ' May I call you Pat"?> : I want to take this opportunity to tell you that your cable an nouncing your arrival into the Brown Jr. family met with a bit; reception and that all the honors ever extended any child newly ar rived were extended to you and uhat evei*yone here wishes you the gree test succes sand happiness forever and ever. I can't begin to tell you what it meant to me to hear tlrnt you were here to stay and that you wanted to cast your lot with Add.v and me and break bread with us. I'm terribly sorry that I couldn't have been there to welcome you personally but that time will come in the not too distant future. I hope. Until then may I assure you that every thing that we can possibly do will be done and that your health and happines will al ways be our pleasure to attend to as long as we can possibly take care of it. In the meantime make I yourself at home and let us know anything that your little heart desires. 'Note: Mother) The Regiment into which you were bom extends its most cordial good wishes and requests that you ! aocept the cup they are presenting you soon and that it always will bring as much happiness to you , as it does to them to be able to present it to you. You are the finst girl to be born to the Regi ment in North Ireland and that in itself gives them great pleasure indeed. Your cable to your daddy was : very brief by necessity and with that in mind I'm asking a few Questions just so I'll know and be able to tetter write you later on. Here we go. I guessed your birth day was the 12th of December, ( 1943 by the date and time of your ; c-able Ls that correct and what thne? You also didn't mention whetlher you were a blonde, brun ette. or redhead, and the color of your eyes was not mentioned either. I judge you to be a pretty )*ealtliy baby witlh all of your 6 pounds 1 ounces. Hope you will | see fit to keep that way. I know j you will. Your cablegram arrived here fche 17th of December just as I was Iraving to attend a cocktail party I as guest of the American Red Cross people here. The evening was dominated with good wishes and toasts of success and hap piness to you. I could think of no tetter time for it to have come. It has given me great pride and pleasure to pass out cigars to all the officers and members of the Squadron Detachment and friends ; in accord with the custom for your coming. The Detachment have expressed themselves as adopting you as their daughter as well as ours. I think you'll like bhem all for they are swell fellows. They have been worrying with me as to when you would arrive and they feel as relieved and happy as I do tfiait you are here safe and sound. It took a great load from our minds. Now we will have to work for a change. The cable said that Addy was doing just fine and for that I can ' never than you enough . Take I socd care of her for me for she is the wriest girl I know and we aon't want anything to happen to i her now, do we? Give her a big ' kiss every now and then for me J and k ep her happy. I know you I will keep her busy and out of mis chief. Tell her for me that my thoughts are always with her and that I miss her every second and that I'm counting the days until j we'll be together again- and then | what fun the three of us can have. I I have to close now anxl get some work done Be a good girl > and take care of mother and when | you can take time out and drop 1 me a line. Say hello to all the folks for me and remember All my love and kisses forever, DADDY Library Notes ANDREWS ? Mrs. Connie Al mond. Librarian at the Carnegie Library, announces that the lib rary will be open every Monday for the benefit of the rural chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar do nated two books "The Keys to the Kingdom" by H. A. Cronn, and "The Sword in the Stone" by T. H. White. Children's Story Hour is held the first Thursday in every month for grades 1st through 3rd. The Story Hour Ls sponsored by the Konnaheeta Club. Each month a member of the Club has charge. Those who have served are: Mrs. Galusha Pullium, Mrs. N. C. Bell amy. Mrs. Ruth Hyatt. Dr. W. A. Parker To Lecture 20th ANDREWS ? Dr. Willis A. Parker, Asheville. N. C., has post poned his lecture which was scheduled to be Friday evening. January 13, until Thurs. evening, i j January 20. on account of illness. I jj This lecture by Dr. Parker is | ? sponsored by the Konnahee-t-a , Club and tickets will be on sale, j I The public is cordially invited. | ; Dr. Parker Ls well known in > Andrews, as he has conducted sev- j eral extension courses her and at Murphy. He is an able speaker on 1 international affairs. ? Y. W. A MEETS ANDREWS ? The Y. W. A | of Marble met Tuesday night at | the home of Ruth Hall. The mem- 1 hers of the organization took part on the program. Refreshments I were served at the conclusion of ! the program by Miss Hall. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE ANDREWS ? Members of the i Marble Spring Baptist Church are putting on a Membership Drive. Everyone is cordially invited to at tend Sunday School every Sunday HOME FROM MANEUVERS ANDREWS ? Pfc. James Cof fey of the U. S. Army is spending a nine day furlough with his wife | and daughter and parents at | Marble. He Ls an M. P. and has | received two medals, one for a ! sharpshooter and another for ex | pert rifleman. He has been on I maneuvers in Nashville, Tenn. I Mrs. Coffey Ls the former Lillian Watts of Andrews. fOA I-- ? -s r*es" flavok ANcexr** < ?A/vie<-S cue < MS ! Of/ffSL ? i ? thcy say: f CKtc LUGGER" bomber ?SEJSsr flu F'?sr 'N ?? service U'^r^ I fin c Cor ^ a* Coast r Pl' an J * c?"d- "?? ^ ^uT^ "nac' "* ^ords.) ven i i ? BACK THE ATTACK *i?r'B W /f. There's a weapon of war that fits the palm of your hand ? and you can hurl at the enemy! It's the WAR BOND you buy today to honor our army heroes. War is horror and heart-break. But our men in uniform have steeled themselves, willing to sacrifice their very lives to liberate right from wrong. They don't seek a way out when it comes to giving everything they've got to defeat the enemies of freedom! They "let 'em have it" on blood-drenched battlefields all over the world ... to protect us at home ! The least we can do is give them all possible sup port ... in guns, tanks, and all the other fighting equip ment they need. January 20 has been designated as Army Day in the nation's 4th War Loan. The one tangible tribute you can pay to our soldiers ? your sons, husbands, brothers and sweethearts ? is to lend your dollars in War Bonds! It may be YOUR extra War Bond that will give HIM the extra hand grenade he needs t osave his life! Help our boys "let 'em have it" by buying War Bonds for Victory! CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ANDRFJWS MURPHY ROBBINSVILLE