COUNTY IS $60,000 SHORT IN BOND DRIVE Red Cross Chapter Has $4,300 Quota Cherokee county chapter of the American Red Cross has been a.-, nod a quota of $4300 for tlie war fund drive which will jtart March 1. The Rev. A. B Cash a ill again serve as war fund chair man and he is setting up an or ?.inization to reach all parts of t e county, giving everyone an opportunity to have a part in the drive. on next Tuesday evening the workers of Murphy and vicinity will meet at the Baptist church, in the men's Bible class room, at 7 00 to make definite plans for the drive. On Tuesday. February 22. a rally will be held at the Methodist I church, with O. E. Roberts, field representative of the American Red Crass, as speaker. Dr. Willis Parker To Lecture Here On February 18 Dr. Willis A. Parker will de liver a lecture on the subject. War Its Economical and Social Aspects", at the town library Fri day evening. February 18. at 7:30 o'clock, sponsored by Murphy Woman's club with assistance of library officials. Dr Parker is a historian of note and is well known in Mur phy having delivered series of lectures here in 1940 and 1941, when he was a member of the faculty of Western Carolina Teachers College. Cullowhee. Dr. Parkir will lecture in And drews and Fontana Dam on this tour. While in Murphy, he will be entertained by Dr. and Mrs. B W Whitfield. Dr. Parker To Lecture Andrews ANDREWS The Konnahee ta club will sponsor a lecture of Dr Willis A Parker of Asheville at the high school auditorium Thursday, February 17. at 7 30. His subject will be: War and it.^ Basis". The club also is sponsoring a bond drive, with the help of the high school, to sell $77,600. enough for a pursuit plane. Included in Andrews high school students are students from Marble. Topton and Rhodo. Mrs: Hattie Akin visited her daughter. Mrs. Paul Scholfield. and children at Lenoir, last week Race Relations I)av Is To Be j Observed Sunday Race Relations Day will be ob sei ved Sunday at First Methodist church at the 11 o'clock service. Miss Eima Rae Dennis, principal | of Texanna school, and formerly a student of Samuel Hutson Col lege. Austin. Texas, one of the | senior colleges of the Methodist | church for Negroes, will speak. A Negro male quartet will sing spirituals. The minister. Rev. Ralph Tay | lor. will use as his subject, "Christian Fellowship in a Time of Crisis". Everyone is cordially i invited. Take Bean From Lung Of A Child Homer Taylor. 15-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Greeta. was reported to be in a fair eondition at Dr. Murdock Equen's infirmary. Atlanta, Tuesday night after having a butter-bean removed from his lung by Dr. Equen. ear. nose, and throat specialist. The child was rushed from Murphy to Atlanta Monday af ternoon by police officers of North Carolina and Georgia for the operation. Chief of Police Frank Crawford drove the child and his parents to Blue Ridge, where they were met by Cpl. Charles Finger of the Georgia highway patrol. It was report ed that the distance from Blue Ridge to Atlanta was covered in one hour and five minutes. According to information re ceived here, swelling already had set in around the butter bean when the child reached the infirmary and it was necessary to cut it out of the lung. The bean became lodged in the child's throat about 1 o' clock Monday afternoon, and it was about 5:30 o'clock when he was brought to Dr. F. V. Taylor at Murphy General hos pital, where X-ray pictures were taken by Dr. B. W. Whitfield. * ho called Dr. Equen in At lanta and made arrangements for the operation. Murphy Captures Doubleheader Murpliy captured another ' doubleheader from Nantahala Wednesday night on the Murpliy floor. Tlie Murphy girls eked out a 23-21 victory in the opener and the toys came through with a 36-24 win in the finale. Nantahala's lassies led through out the initial quarter but Mur Phy came back to sport a half time advantage. Murphy then in creased the lead in the third Quarter but a final rush by the visitors tied the game up until Amnions dropped in the winning two pointer with seconds to go. Johnson gathered 13 points to lead for Murphy and Owenby ac counted for 11 of the Nantahala total. Nantahala boys also grabbed an early margin and held it through out the first canto. Murphy charged back to forge in front by at the half. Nantahala clos ed the gap to six points against 'he reserves and the Murphy regu lars returned to sew up the game. Ayers dropped In 18 points for the visitors and Kephart tossed in IS for the winner*. Joe B, Collins Is Graduated In Aviation Mechanics i Amarillo Army Air Field, Ama rillo, Texas ? Pfc. Joe B. Collins i son of Mrs. R. M. Collins, of Rt. I 1. Box 46, Turtletown, Tenn., has completed liis course of studies as an aviation mechanic in this Army Air Forces Technical Train ing School. | His graduation from this tech nical school now fits him for air plane maintenance and he will be sent to some air base where he I will assist in keeping America's Flying Fortresses in the air for Allied victory. In addition to completion of (he schedule of academic and practical studies as an aviation mechanic, he has been thoroughly drilled in military tactics and de fense and a course of physical training that has condition ^l him to meet all requiremnts of an I American soldier. IN OREGON ? Cpl Roy Marr. l .son of Avery Marr of Gastonia. , v 10 ras reared by his aunt. Mrs. V. L. Hughes of Shoal Creek. ' volunteered for the Army 18 | months ago and is now stationed | at Camp Adair. Oregon. Commends Hoover On Results Of Polio Campaign I Dr. W. A. Hoover has received j a letter of congratulation from | Dr. Ralph McDonald, state chair man. on the success of the in I fantile paralysis drive in Chero ! kee county. With a quota of j $320. the county went over the top with a total of $570.31 re ceived. Dr. McDonald said in his letter: "I cannot tell you how delight ed I am that you have achieved such record-breaking results in ' the Infantile Paralysis campaign in Cherokee county this year. "You have exceeded your quota ! by around $202 and the amount you have raised is considerably greater than that raised in Chero kee in 1942% and 1943 combined. You. and those who worked with you and the other unselfish, pub lic-spirited men and women who have directed this campaign in the counties." Hour Preaching Service Changed ANDREWS Beginning with i last Sunday. February 6. the Sun day School of the Lutheran church | was at 10 o'clock instead of 11:00. and was followed by the preaching service at 11 o'clock. Preaching i originally preceded Sunday school. The pastor, the Rev. E A Felker. stated that he hoped this j change would be more convenient for the members and visitors, who are always welcome. SERMON SUBJECT The subject for the preaching j service at Free Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will I be: "(Christian Education", j VISITS HERE ? Sheridan [ Wade Teague A/S who is station ed at Jacksonville, Fla.. has re turned there after spending a nine day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Teague, and other relatives. Wade entered the navy in December 1B43. He is a gradu ate of Murphy high school and before entering the navy he was employed by Ed King Lumber I Co. Five Cherokee Men In Recruits At Great Lakes : Ntw recruits at the U S. Naval Training Station. Great Lakes, Iilinpis. are five Cherok- e County. N. C. men. They are now receiving instruc tion in seamanship, military drill, I and naval procedure. Soon, they ? will be given a series of aptitude j tests for determining whether they will be assigned to one of the Navy's service schools, or to im l mediate active duty at sea. Upon completing their recruit i training, these men will be home i on a nine-day leave. They are : Paul Curtis. 21. son of Mr. and Mrs. M T. Curtis, Route No. 2. I Culberson; Tom Voyles, 35, hus i band of Leona Voyles, and Pearley ! A. Chastain. 24. husband of Mavis I Chastain, Route No. 2. of Mur phy; Hayden A. Crowe, 24. son of Lillie Crowe, and J B Stiles. 19. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ' Stiles, of Suit. Schedule For Collection Of Waste Paper Is Announced The Rev. A. B. Cash, scoutmas ter. announces that waste paper will be collected, beginning Feb ruary 14. Newspapers, old maga zines. cardboard and kraft paper are wanted. It will be appreciat ed if those contributing it can bundle it. Trucks will operate Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday in resi dential areas. On Tuesday they will operate between the business distnct and Valley River; on Wednesday in East Murphy and all houses west of Hiwas see Riv er; on Thursday, in residential areas not already covered. Fri day and Saturday are reserved for special calls. Those having paper that is overlooked may call the Scout office, and it will be called for on those days. Paper will be stored in Wofford Terrell building, which will be ' open each day beginning Monday. February 14. Scouts Observe Scout Week With Trip To Atlanta, Ga. The following Boy Scouts with Scoutmaster and Mrs. A. B. ' Cash. Mrs. Peyton Ivie, and Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover, left Thursday for a two-day visit in Atlanta, in connection with Boy Scout week: Carl Meroney. J B. Decker. Harry Mauney. Prank Alexander. Doyle Burch. Boboy Crawford. Nick Howell. Amos Cash. Ralph. Warner. Fred Brendle. Peppy Henn. Ralph Gann, Jewell Mintz, Gerald Mintz. Bill Portwood, F J. Teague. and Ralph Picklesimer. The boys will stay at the At lanta Y. M C. A and will parti cipate in activities there. They also will hear Lt. Col. George , Clarke at the city auditorium on | Thursday night. On Friday they will have a sight- seeing tour to I he cyclorama. zoo. state museum and other points. On Sunday night the scouts i will be honored at a special serv ice at the Baptist church. n ? * ? j ? n i Scout Learns Of Four More Born On February 29 Among the Scout readers whose birthdays come on Feb ruary 29 are: Two Hill broth ers. twins, formerly of this coun ty. Luther of Williamson, W. Va.. and Arthur, of Detroit; sons of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hill; Mrs. J W. Kilpatrick. 76. of Ranger; and S. J. Sud deth of Jefferson. Ga . who states that he was born on February 29. 1888, and has had 13 birthdays He married a Cherokee county girl, and is a subscriber to The Scout Chief Petty officer Buel Adams of Gulfport. Miss., spent a few days here last week with his wife. m ni it Men mvitin? r eopie i o inurcn is Erected On Murphv Public Square The Rev Ralph Taylor, presi dent, presided over the regular | monthly meeting of the Chero- ' kee-Clay Ministerial association ; which was held Monday morning | at First Baptist church. The Rev. A. B. Cash reported I on plans for church loyalty cam I paign. stating that the churches ! plan revials. pre -Easter services. 1 or other such services Mr. Cash I led a discussion in which the i ministers planned for services at the prison camp. 1 , The Rev. L P Smith, pastor of Andrews Baptist church, gave a message on "Evangelism", stress- | ing the need of it among the churches today. If each church had a dozen members who live ! evangelism", he said, we would- ' n't have to beg folks to come to church." Mr. Taylor reported that a sign inviting people to come to church had been placed on the square by Murphy churches. The Rev. E. A Pelker. pastor of Andrews Lutheran church, ex pressed appreciation of the min isters of work being done by the turant officers in the schools. I The t-ody voted, upon Mr. ? Cash's suggestion, to have a j luncheon meeting in March, with ( the pastors' wives as guests. Attending the meeting: besides j those on program were: The Rev. R. Lane Akins. secretary; the Rev. Fred ?tiles and the Rev. Clark Benson, who was welcomed as a new member. Mrs. L. A. MacMahon of Arl ington. Va., is spending several I days in Murphy on business. Jack Barnett Gets Promotion Jack Barnett. son of Mr and Mrs. L. E. Barnett. has been pro moted from yeoman second class to yeoman first class, according to information received by his parents here. He is located at U. S. naval air station. Houma. La. RETURNS TO STATION Fred Deweese S. P. 3/C, who is stationed at. Bainbrldge, Md . lia.s returned to his station after visitng his wife here. Fred en tered the navy in September. 1943. and received his boot train ing at Bainbrldge. Last Report Showed $130,160 Received IN NEW GEORGIA ISLAND CAMPAIGN ? Pfc. Homer L Ledford, who has been serving over seas since May. 1943. was in the New Gorgia Island campaign Homer was inducted into the , army in December. 1942. and re ceived his training at Camp Croft. ! S. C. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ledford of Murphy. Week's School Of Missions To Start Sunday Evening A school of missions will begin I at the First Methodist church j (Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; Class sessions will be held each , I evening from Monday through Friday at 7:15. Each evening, a chapter from the book. "The Church After the War" by Bishop ! Francis McConnell. will be dis i cussed by the following speakers : i Miss Mary Cornwell. Miss Dora ; Ruth Parks. Mrs. T. A. Mis.-, | Emily Sword. Mrs. Porter Axley i and Mrs. Edwina Hagaman The Rev. Ralph Taylor will ' 1 speak to the school on the gen- ' eral subject: "Durable Pcace. . . A Christian Duty": Monday. 1 Search for a World Communi- 1 , t.v": Tuesday. "Drawing the Post war Map" Wednesday. Bread 1 and Peace": Thursday. "When ; i the Firing Ceases": Friday America and the Peace". A most cordial welcome is ex tended to the public to attend ; these services. Mrs. Willard Cooper spent the week-end in Atlanta with Mr. and : Mrs s. s. Christopher. Cherokee county still has ap proximately $60,000 worth of b' nds to sell to reach the quota of SL'02.000. accord in to County Chairman Percy H Ferebee. The most recent report received was ? at $130,160.75 as of Saturday had been sold. The drive ends on February 15. which leaves only a few days in which to complete the quota. Everyone is urged to put their money in bonds and help the county join other counties of the state in reaching the assigned ?oal. Lions Club Hears Reports On Work Murphy Lions club, at the meeting held Tuesday evening in :,he Methodist church dining :oom. heard reports from several ommittee chairmen on work that s being done Dr. W. A. Hoover reported that $570.31 was received from the infantile paralysis cam paign. of which $119 41 was from Hiwassee Dam. $107.50 from And rews. and $350 40 from Murphy, ivith a few minor expenses being deducted . The Rev A. B Cash reported :>n the work of the Boy Scouts, stating that several advance ments will be made at the next ?ourt of honor. Assistant County Agent Kirk man and Walter Carringer were afuests of W. M Fain and the Rev. A. B Cash, respectively. Patterson Is Brought Back By The Sheriff Sheriff L L Mason recently made a trip to Cleveland. Ohio, accompanied by Jack Carringer. to bring back Charles James Pat terson. who had a bill of indict ment here for manslaughter. The [?ase occurred last summer when the car of Patterson is alleged to have struck a wagon on which Avery Beavers was riding and was killed. The wagon was driven by Beavu.' father. The victim had ' is knife open md was whittling. As he fell from the wagon, the knife is said to have struck him, and he died almost instantly. Patierson has made bond for appearance at the April term of court. 106 Men Leave For Army Examination The following 8(5 men left Mur phy Wednesday morning for Camp Croft for phsical examina tion and possible induetion into the army. James Harlson Dun can was leader and Guy Arthur Brit tain assistant leader. The first seven men were vol | unteers. Luther Burgess. Grover White. James Harlson Duncan. Robert Everett Ashe. Mavis Radford. Charles William Hipps. Willard Hay Maughan. Memory Jewel Young. Woodrow Lee Hembree. Thomas Harold Coffey. Roy Al bert McHan. Wade Earl Wilson. I Zeb Floyd Flowers. Waco Clark. | Frank Edward Maxe.v. Thomas j Jefferson McDonald. Ralph Win , son Hall. Lono Bill Pullium. Duel Burgess. James A. Parker. Sher I man Joseph Postell. Clarence Hope King. Wfvne ! Clyde Williamson. Clyde Dockery. ' 8r James Alfred Moitow. Roy Ernest Flowers. Grady Vinson Carringer. Richard I?ee Waldroup. Edgar Ray Johnson. Jess Willard Moore. Fred Glenn Hert, Otis Mc Clelland Tanner. Wayne Otbby. Clyde H. Payne. Clifford Dale El liott. Frank Hendrix Taylor. Burl | Clint Mason. Allen Lee Bailey. Bailey Barton Coleman, Alvin Eu gene Crcasman. Homer Roberson. Allen Leon McClelland. Venson Morion Lee. Jam s Otis Phillips. Ernest Everett Mull. Charles Theo don Allen. Guy Arthur Brittain. Don Sheridan Graves, Prod Swain Jr.. Pritchard Smith, Jr.. James Lafate MoHan. Garland Ooffery West. Charles Quinton r. illips. Dolph Baxter, Charles David Lindsay Rupert. McLean. Albert Jewel Martin, Lonnie King. Charles William White. Hollis Van Crist. John Cast eel Moore. Harold Crisp. ?Tol.n William Burgess. Wade Ed ward Stuart, Verlon Ware. Clin ton Gragg, Floyd Garrett. Hubert Lee Anderson. Russell Sims. Luke Dockery, Mark Dockery. Robert. Bruce Harper. James Boyd Gib son. Arvel Woods, William P. Campbell. Jr.. Clyde Herman Johnson. Transferred were: Guy Edward Hall. Horace Jennings McClel land. Wayne Jefferson Edwards. I Blaine Vinson Ensley, Pearlie Glenn Williamson. Herman E. Bandy. Benjamin Wheeler Farth ing, Clarence Noegel, James Ern I est Morgan. David Clinton Tat ham.

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