MURPHY BASKETBALL TEAM, above, tied with Fontana for the Western North Carolina Ijeague penant with nine victories and one defeat each. Each suffered a defeat at the hands of the other, and neither was pushed by the other teams during the season. However, both teams were eliminated in the league tournament. The players are: lent to right, first row, Picklesimer. Fleming, Mauney. McDonald; second row, Rogers, Hatchett, R. Ferguson, Junior Fer guson; third row. James Ferguson. Guthrie, Craw tord, Kephart; and fourth row. Keener and Coach Pitzer. Andrews Over Top In War Fund Drive ANDREWS - L. B. Nichols. War Fund Chairman of Andrews Chapter of the American Red CiOoo, lias jUSt 1 iX i?i? gram of commendation from Al len J. -Carter, Regional Director Eastern Area, Atlanta. Ga.. on the early success of the War Fund Campaign. Mr. Nicnols states that And rews 'nas already exceeded its quota of $2400 by $400. All the town has not been covered, and he is asking those who have not teen called on to see any of the workers named below or to leave contributions at Nichols Store. The workers are: Mrs. Pauline Palmer. Mrs. Lucy Laughter. Mrs. Pauline Matheson. Mrs. Boyd Robinson. Mrs. Luke Ellis. Mrs. L. B. Nichols. Mrs. Frank Swan. Misses Gladys Christy. Emogene Hall, Daisy Battle. Polly Hicks. Gene Matheson ; workers on the faculty are: Mrs. Edna Bailey, i high school. Miss Ethel Boone, grammar grades, and Miss Ada Mae Pruette. primary grades. Mr. Nichols especially thanked j the Andrews Tanning Company : officials and their employees for raising $750.82. and Teas Extract ! officials for their donations and ; says that their employees will be called on at a later date. COMPLETE TRAINING Pfc. Charlie J. Hughes, son of Mrs. Lassie Hughes of Murphy. R. F. D. 2. who has teen in the U. S. Marine corps at San Diego. Calif., since September. 1943. has completed his training in the Paymasters Department and has been transferred to Miramar. Calif., for advanced duty. After graduation from Murphy high school in 1942. he was employed by The H. T. Hackney Co.. until he entered service. DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS ARE SCHEDULED RY STATE ROARD County Democratic Chairman H. A. Mattox has been notified by the State Democratic executive committee that Saturday. April 22. has been fixed as the date for holding precinct meetings for the purpose of electing commit tees. Saturday. April 29. was fix ed as the date for the county con vention. and Thursday. May 4. was decided upon for the biennial state convention. It will be held at city auditorium in Raleigh at 12 o'clock on that date At precinct meetings at least five Democrats will be elected, who will constitute the precinct com mittees. Each precinct commit tee will elect its chairman, who becomes a member of the county executive committee. At the county convention, the executive committee will elect a chairman and at least one vice chairman. The convention also will elect delegates to the state convention. Each county is en titled to one delegate and one alternate for every 150 Democra tic votes, and one delegate and one alternate for fractions over 75 Democratic votes cast therein for governor at the last guberna torial election. P. C. Gentry Suffers Stroke P C. Gentiy. who suffered a stroke of paralysis Tuesday morn ing. was taken to Petrie hoBpital Wednesday. He was night watehman at the Murphy Box and Flooring Manufacturing Co. and Cherokee Lumber Corporation. He did not return home from the | mill at his usual time Tuesday morning, and Mrs. Gentry, be coming alarmed started out to meet him and found him lying in the street a few feet from home. He was unable to speak, and she found that his left side was paralyzed. She called some neighbors, and they carried him into the house. He was not im proved Wednesday night. Mr. Gentry is a former sheriff of Cherokee county, ana city policeman. 26 Men Leave For Induction Into Military Service The folowing 26 men left Mur phy Wednesday morning for Port Bragg for induction into the arm ed forces: Thomas Harold Coffey. Luther Burgess. Duel Burgess. Clarence I Hope King; Wayne Clyde Will iamson. Clyde Dockery. Roy Earn est Flowers. Wayne Gibby. Clif ford Dale Elliott. Frank Hendrix Taylor. Homer Roberson, Allen Leon McLellan. Venson Merion Lee. Ernest Everett Mull. Fred Swaim. Jr.. Charlie Quentin Phil lips. Albert Jewel Martin. Wayne Claude Pullium. John William Bur cess. Clinton Gragg. Floyd Gar rett. Hubert Lee Anderson. Mark Dockery. Horace Jennings Mc Lelland. Blaine Vinson Ensley. James Ernest Morgan. Fourteen reservists left last week for the Naval recruiting sta tion at Spartanburg. S. C.. for in duction into the navy, they in cluded : Woodrow Lee Hembree. Frank Edward Maxey. Sherman Joseph Postell. Grady Vinson Carringer. Burl Clint Mason. Guy Arthur j Brittain. Pritchard Smith. Jr., James Harlson Duncan. Charles David Lindsay. John Castell Moore. Charles William Hipps. William Pierson Campbell. Guy Edward Hall. David Clinton Tat ham. Revival Starts Free Methodist Church March 22 Tho Free Methodist church will | conduct a revival meeting at its ; place of worship in East Murphy. Natural Springs, <the old play house) beginning Wednesday night. March 22. and continuing through Sunday. April 2. The Rev. Fred R Horton will be ^he exangelist. Those who have heard him know he preaches the "Old Time Gospel". There will te special music and | messages on prophecy at differ- j j ent times. Services start each evening at 7:30. and the public is invited to attend. Regular services will be held at Free Methodist church with the pastor, the Rev. Fred R. Horton. in charge. Sunday. THIRD SUNDAY SINGING The Third Sunday afternoon singing will be held with Little Glade church Sunday. March 19. at 2 o'clock, announces Frank Coleman. All singers are urged to attend. War Fund Half Raised The Rev. A- B. Cash, chair man of Cherokee chapter of Anurcan Red Cross war fund drive, reports only ppproximate- I ly one- half of the quota has ' been donated. He reported Thursday morning that a total of around $2300 had been con tributed or pledged. The goal k S4300. R<d Cross officials request all citizens of the county to co operate in helping the chapter to so over the goal at an early date. Postwar Planning Organization To Be Set Up In County March 27 J. W. S. Thorpe of Franklin, chairman of the committee for economic development and post war planning, and Percy B. Fere bee of Andrews, county chairman, will preside over and lead discus sions at a public meeting to be held at the courthouse in Murphy on Monday. March 27. at 3 o' clock p. m.. when an organization will be perfected. Chairman Ferebee urges every interested citizen of Cherokee county to attend. Whitfield Named Assistant Surgeon For The Southern Dr. B. W. Whitfield of Murphy recently was appointed on the medical staff of the Southern Railway System as t^sistant com pany surgeon at Murphy. Dr. Milton B. Clayton, chief surgeon of the Southern, stated: "This appointment was made because of the outstanding professional ability, high standing in his com munity and leadership in his pro fession." Cpl. Idris Adams left Tuesday for Camp Crossville. Crossville. Tenn.. after a week's leave at his home here. Draft Officials Resign In Body Wayne Walker, clerk to the Cherokee county draft board; W. S. Dickey, chairman, and H M Whitaker, member, resigned in a body Thursday of last week, and it is understood that their resig nations have been accepted by the state selective service office. Mrs. W. G. Darnell has been appointed to succeed Mr. Walker as clerk. Walter C Witt is the j only remaining member of the ' board. Chairman Dickey stated that I the resignation resulted from un due criticism from the Raleigh of- j fice. and not from any local criti cism. It is understood that sev- 1 eral days ago the state office sent buses here to transport a group of selectees to an induction cen ter for examination, and that none were ready. Clerk Walker stated that no call had come to this office. Miss Willie Mingus Dies Wednesday After Long Illness Miss Willie Ann Mingus. 60 died Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock at a local hospital after an illness of almost a year. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Ivie funeral home, with the Rev. A E. Cash officiating Burial will be at the old Methodist cemetery. Pallbearers were: Loren Davis. W S. Dickey. Prank Dickey. P. C. Hyatt. H. G. Elkins. and Jim Green. She is survived by one sister. Miss Bennie Mingus. of Murphy, and Wilburn Mingus of Hayes ville. Mrs. Nell Everett, of Bristol. Va.. and Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt Hayesville. cousins. For a number of years. Miss Mingus was river stage observer here, and was timployed as clerk at Candler's department store, and other stores, and worked for a while at the local library. ATTENDING C'OIRSF The Rev. Ralph Taylor and the Rev W T Medlin. Jr . are in High Point this week attending a training course on Evangel ism". They expect to return to Murphy Friday night. Critical Need For Surgical Dressings Exists; Chairman Names Supervisors Mrs. J. H. Wilson, chairman of tiic surgical dressings committee for the Cherokee county chapter of the American Red Cross, states that she had received information recently from area headquarters that there is a critical need for surgical dressings. Allen J. Car ter, regional director, pointed out the fact that the Red Cross is not meeting war department contracts. Mrs. Wilson urges local women to give more of their time and assistance in the surgi cal drerssings work being done here, so that this chapter can do its part to relieve the need. Mrs. Wilson announces the fol lowing supervisors and hours they are working at the surgical dress ings room: Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. M Axley. Miss Jean i Murray: Monday evening. Mrs A. , B. Casli. Mrs. R. D. Chandler: Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. B W. Whitfield. Mrs. J. H. Wilson: Tuesday evening. Miss Gillie Mar- ; tin. Mrs. Harry Webster. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Thompson. Mrs. E. F. Arnold: Wednesday evening. Miss Addic i Leatherwood. Mrs. Charles Wor ihen: Thursday afternoon Mrs. C. C. Richardson. Mrs. C. A. Beatty: Thursday evening. Mrs. Buel Adams. Miss Mary Cornwell; Friday afternoon. Mrs. R. S. Par ker. Mrs. Don Witherspoon: and Friday evening. Mrs J. W. Dav idson. Miss Emily Sword Afternoon work begins at 2:30 and evening. 7:30. Doubleheader At Robbinsville Sat. Robbinsville Girls vs. Bethel Girls! And Hayesvjlle Boys vs. Canton E: js! is the tar rain fo.- S&iurday i.ight ai the gym. Plans to '?v.* t :c winders of the Canton Gold Medal tninnaments and th.? %Vc*t ern Carols. a Leai'.ui tourn^^.icnt meet in a pair c posc-sJ...'^n games have finally material! c' The starting time is sew 1 o dock .Sat .w day night, when Urhel brings the well-known sextet :nto Graham eounty for the first time. At eight o'clock Canton boys will engage Hayesville boys who up 3t the dope bucket last week at Murphy to defeat Pontana in the finals of the tournament. Bethel girls walked through the Canton meet without much dang er and won their second straight championship. Robbinsville won the regular season pennant in the Western Carolina League and then proreeded to prove that it was no fluke by carrying off honors in the tournament. Hayeville boys finished third in the regular season behind Fon tana and Murphy but were red hot in the tournament as usual and once again carried the champ ionship back to Clay county. Op posing them will be Coach C. C. Poindexter's fast breaking quin tet from Canton. The Canton boys upset Sylva in the finals of their tournament and it will be a case of two upset winners meet Distinguished Guests Entertain At Lions Club Ladies' Night HEADS LIBRARY BOARD ? H. A. Mattox. who was recently elected chairman of Murphy Carnegie Library board, to suc ceed the late M. W. Bell. Stuffed Tovs Are Being Made Here The newest industry started in Murphy is the manufacturing of stuffed toys, by Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Brumby, formerly of Mariet ta. Ga . under the firm name of Fayola Manufacturing Company. M: and Mrs. Brumby and two daughters are now living at the Henry House. Their business for the present is being operated in the Cherokee Hosiery Mill build ing. SCNDAY SERVICES The Rev. W T Medlin. Jr.. announces that preaching service will be held Sunday. March 11. at Rogers Chapel church at 11 o' clock a. m.: and at Bellview church at 3 p. m. LEARNING A NEW TRICK? Mayboe Marine Private Joe W. Lcdford of Murphy. N. C . never mopped before he went into the Marine Corps, but he's becoming an expert at it now while taking recruit training at the Parris Is land, S. C.. Leatherneck base. ? Marine Corps Photo. By .V M. Cooke The Lym' Reporter extends to one and all a hearty welcome to night. To our guests male and female; to visiting Lions; and *o ! cur own fair companions, the 1 Lionesses of the Murphy den, we bid vociferous welcome," stated ' the semi-monthly bulletin of Murphy Lions club, a copy of which was placed at each guest and member's place at the ladies' night dinner held in the dining room at First Methodist church Tuesday evening. The Lions had spared no efforts to make the occasion one to be long remembered by their Lion esses and other guests, and they were fully repaid by the hearty response and appreciation for the entertainment that had been pro vided. Coming over from Bob Jones college at Cleveland. Tenn.. were Mrs J R Faulkner, instructor in piano, who was accompanist for Miss Margaret Smith, voice in structor; and Miss Louise Cherry, speech fellowship student. Ac companied by Mrs. Faulkner, Miss Smith sang several selec tions and played "Meditation from Thais" on the violin. Miss Cherry gave the reading. "Mrs. Miniver". The theme of their program was the United Nations, and all numbers represented one of the Allies. Hon. Allen J Bell of Clay county, renowned for his after dinner speaking, made a short ad dress. telling some tales of Clay county H. Bueck was program chair man and had arranged to present some local ta?ent. in addition to the program presented by the above. He called upon Wade Massey and Frank EH lis to imi tate Dorothy Lamour. first hav ing attired them in appropriate costumes. Both men were given hearty applause, but Wade won the prize. His performance was so accomplished that even Frank ceased his dancing for a moment, to watch his contestant. Bob Bell, with Bob Easley ancf H A. Mattox standing by to give him bravos or raspberries, de pending upon whether he accom plished the task correctly or not, was given a diaper and instruct ed to put it on a doll. He receiv ed bravos. Harve Elkins was asked to de monstrate with motions how a lady undresses in preparation for taking a bath. His performance kept the guests in an uproar of laughter. Jimmie Weir was assigned to the task of walking, blind-folded and with his shoes off. down an isle strewn with eggs and avoid stepping on the eggs, which he did perfectly. Guests were welcomed by Presi dent. Prank Forsyth, who presid ed. and by K C. Wright, to whose remarks Mrs. H. Bueck respond ed in behalf of the Lionesses. Among the special guests pre sented were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee Dr and Mrs. Robert Cox. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kirkman. O. E. Roberts of Mars Hill. Mrs. Joe Ray. Mrs. Duke Whitley, and Mrs. Thelma Dickey. Each lady was presented with a corsage and a gift. Favors were made by Miss Margaret Curd and her art classes Tables were deco rated with forsythia and spirea, and yellow candles. Mesdames H Bueck. Frank Ellis. Frank For syth. and Wade Massey were thanked for assisting with ar rangements and decorations. Rev. R. E. McClure Preaches Sunday The Rev. R. E. McClure. exe cutive secretary of Asheville 1 Presbytery, will preacn at the ! Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Following the sermon, a congregations meeting will be held for the pur ' pose of extending a call to a pas | tor and the transaction of other matters of business.

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