Recreational Program To Be Launched At Youth Night May 19 Friday evening. May 19 at T uo will be the beginning of a n> w program called "MURPHY'S YOUTH NIGHT", at the gym nasium. This is a program of recreation for the young people of Murphy and the surrounding community. It is being sponsor ed by the Junior Woman's Club, in cooperation with the City of Murphy, the Welfare Department, the Lions Club, and other organi zations and individuals interested in a well-rounded program for the youth of the community. The program as planned will include a variety of entertain ments calculated to interest every body who wishes to attend. Among othfr things to do will be: table tennis, badminton. horseshore pitching, softball. volley ball, cro quet. shuffle board, folk games and contests of all descriptions. It ii hoped that a large group will plan to attend the opening night, and on all susequent Fri day nights at 7:00. While this enterprise is intended for those of the "teen age" group, all who wish to participate or to look on are cordially invited to be pres ent. Those planing to take part in the activities inside the gym are requested to wear composi tion or rubber soled shoes. This will be insisted upon, since care of the hardwood floor is essential if the gym is to be used to the fullest extent. The steering committee for this program is made up of the follow ing people: Miss Mary Comwell. Miss Adella Meroney. Mrs. My ron Jensen, Miss Elizabeth Gray. Mrs. Pauline Kindley. and Rev. W. T. Medlin. Jr. Any further questions about the program or any suggestions will be welcomed by this group. Ministers Hear Talk On Problems Of The Welfare Department Mr Lucinda Colo, superinten <;? nr. of public welfare in this ? was guest speaker at the C. ? kee - Clay Ministerial asso n meeting at First Baptist h Monday at 10:30 a. m. ?>oke of some of the things :>artment is doing and what ?uople of the county can do i the department. Among * ^ -'sbjccts discussed were: So< ecurity program, old age as <? aid for dependent chil nd aid to the blind: general other financial assistance. i . cl ool probation work. iard investigatons. check - v the state institutions, con of parolees and all on proba nd the child welfare pro pram. The biegest problem of the avd in regard to child welfare." Mrs. Cole, "is juvenile de :.'i lency. The people of this ( (.ur y .should consider this a ser VISITS HERE ? Cpl. Garnet t R- Moore, who is stationed at Camp Forrest, Tenn., in the Mili tary Police Detachment, and re cently spent several days with his mother. Mrs. Vivian Moore, of Murphy. R. f. D. 1 and friends. Corporal Moore has been in ser vice for several months and has rpceivcd a number of metals. Committeemen A: the Democratic convention ^ Raleigh Thursday the follow ing Cherokee county people were ' <cted on committees: District, p B. Ferebee; Congressional. Mrs. G W. Cover, Sr. *>r' M. 1 c Maude McAllister of Uie New York Navy Yard, who ? **>en in the Waves for the Past 15 months, has teen visiting father. J. M. McAllister of Suit who is ill at Petrie hospital 01 the past few days. i ious problem and do something about it. If the people particul arly the church people will get behind i:. something will bo done. The trouble goes back to the home." Mrs. Cole stressed that all the forces of law and of right eousness must be mobilized to meet this problem. Due to their summer programs. Liu* iniiiisieis voiod to suspend the June. July and August meetings. The association voted to call the church people to immediate, daily prayer in preparation for invasion day in Europe and recommended that all churches in the territory embraced by the association be open daily for those who wish to enter for prayer and meditation. Those present were: Rev. Ralph Taylor president: Rev. A. B. Cash, Rev. L. P Smith. Rev. Clark Benson. Rev. W. T. Medlin. Jr.. Rev. C. C. Wash am. and Rev. R. Lane Akins. Those Needing Canning Sugar Should Apply On May 15-16 Registration for canning and preserving sugar will be held in , our County at most of the school j sites on next Monday and Tues day. May 15 and 16. Every per ; son desiring sugar for these pur j poses must present his application there for his entire family unit. ' Applications will be available at all the sites. . The person making application must present War Ration Book 4 for each member of his family included in the application. The i over-all 25-pound per person limi i tation still stands: that is, 5 pounds on stamp No 40. 10-pound maximum to be issued during the registration, and 10 pounds on ap plication to the Board after June 15 upon showing that all sugar previously obtained has been used for canning and that an additional amount is needed. Persons fail ing to register on May 15 and 16 will therefore lose ten pounds of sugar, which cannot later be is ! sued by the Board. Dr. Harold Mver Speaks Here of sociology at the University of North Carolina, and head of the state committee on recreation, spoke at the library Wednesday evening on a recreational pro gram for this area. He will re turn Saturday and meet with the youth committee and town coun cil to discuss some definite plans. Mariner's Medal Awarded Cathey Posthumously ANDREWS Gordon Cathey, who lost his life in the Gulf of Mexico in July. 1942. with the U. S. Merchant Marine, has been posthumously awarded the Ma ! l iner's Medal according to a noti fication received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Cathey. The parents were notified by the Merchant Marine Cadet Corps at New Orleans. La. The notifica tion further stated that the medal i would be presented to the parents | at the time and place indicated by them. They were asked to select a date if possible of the week be ginning. Monday. May 22. The Mariner's medal is similar to the Purple Heart Medal which is awarded by the armed forces. The deceased cadet is a gradu ate of the Andrews high school, and was a former football star here. He enlisted in the Mer chant Marine .shortly after his graduation here in the spring of 1942. Free Methodists To Use The Old Methodist Church The Free Methodist Church. Murphy, announces that it has accepted the offer of the Metho dist Church to use the old Metho ' dist Church, known as the Har ' haw Chapel, as its regular place j of worship. Services will be held there be ginning about June 1. Definite dates will appear in The Scout I later on. In the meantime, re ! pairs are being made on the build ing to put it in usable condition. Plans for building a new church on the .o;, owned by the Free Methodists in East Murphy, have ' been suspended for the present. 1 in view of the Government's need of materials for war purposes. I & N Petitioned Not To Change Train Schedule Notice was posted here recent ly stating that the L. & N. Rail road company was petitioning the North Carolina Utilities commis- 1 sion for permission to change the schedule of the L. & N. trains from Murphy to Blue Ridge. Ga . putting on night sen-ice to replace the present day schedule. This change would practically j eliminate passenger and express service and would mean no defi nite schedule for Murphy. Town and county officials, to gether with civic clubs and indi viduals have taken the matter up with Stanley Winborne. utili ties commisisoner, citing their op post ions. and he has assured them that he will make a thorough in vestigation. The Rev. F. S. Foster, D. D.. former president of Asheville Col lege spent. Wednesday night in Murphy. Dr. Foster is now work ing with "Save the Children Fed eration' which includes several counties in western North Caro lina. and parts of Tennessee and Kentucky. Many Changes In Business Taking Place In Murphy A number of changes in business and owenership of real estate have taken place in Murphy re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lovingood have rented from Bright Raper the E. L. Townson department store building and will put in a stock of general merchandise. B B. Cornwell has bought the business of Imperial cleaners from Arden Davis and Joe Hamil ton. W. D. Townson has purcha.sed I from Dr. Anderson of Etowah. I Tenn , the building occupied by the Lay five and ten cent store. Mr. Townson at one time owned an interest in the building with Dr. Anderson and sold his interest to him a few years ago. The Sanitary Market has been closed. Hembree's market was purchased by V. Johnson and moved to his place. G E Rice, who formerly operated the sani tary market which he sold to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mashburn. now has a market at the Hembree store Miss Addie Mae Cooke recently purchased the three-unit apart- 1 ment house on Hickory street, from Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whit field. B. G. Brumby has purchased from Mrs. Addie Brit tain the building on Valley River Avenue, occupied by Davidson and Mr Tver Noah Lovingood has bought from P J. Henn the buildins whit was formerly occupied by Henn Theatre M1 Lovingood has not announced in what way ; hr will use the building. Drurv Sam Davis !s Expert B-24 Romber Mechanic Keesler Field. Biloxi. Miss. Pvr. Drury Sam Davis qualified as an expert B-24 Bomber me- ; chanic upon his graduation from ' Keesler Field airplane mechanics ! school this week Pvt. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs J. B. Davis. Murphy. N C.. Rt. 3. was one of scores of soldier students who finished the course of approximately 17 weeks today Ho will either be assigned to duty servicing one of the great four engined Liberator- sent to a fac tory school for advanced study in some phase of their maintenance or sent to one of the Army Air Forces Training Command's aer ial gunnery schools to learn to shoot Axis fighters out of the skies. In the Keesler Field mechanics school he received instruction in all phases of heavy bomber repair and upkeep and then for eight days before graduation went to "Fort Liberator", a field test ai\a to put into practice under mock combat conditions what he had learned in the previous phases in class rooms and workshops. The Rev. R D Bedinger. D D.. superintendent of Negro work of the Presbyterian church in the southern states, was in Murphy a short time Wednesday en route to Holly Springs. Miss Dr. Bed inger was formerly t ocutive sec ret ary of Asheville Presbytery. SGT. JOHN PALMER Sgt. John Palmer Is Radio Operator At Peterson Field Peterson Field, Colorado Springs, Colo. ? With months of specialized training in Army Air Force Technical schools completed Sgt. John R. Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Palmer, Rt. 3, Box 23 Murphy, N. c . has recent ly arrived at Peterson Field for assignment to the Combat Crew Training School as a radio opera : tor and aerial gunner. With others manning a Libera tor Bomber, he will, for several months, undergo final training be fore leaving for one of the the aties of war. The crew formed here trains as a unit, putting final polish to the techniques learned in technical schols. and more important still, raining the close-knit teamwork so esesntlal in combat. At Peterson Field the new crew men train and fly side by side with men recently returned from the fronts ? men who have been easoned in combai and who are Well qualified to pass on their knowledge. Three Doss In Past 60 Days Within the past approximately fiO days, three dogs in Murphv have been found to have rabic as proven by tests at the State l aboratory of Hygiene. Tlv mos: it cent one was a dog belonging ?<> Mi Bill Adams, and. while he bit no one. the family Is taking treatment. Dr m. P Whichard. publi< health officer, is requesting that al' dogs be vaccinated, anji " e has ordered serum for this to br done Announcement of when ii arrives and when vaccination will be done will be made later. Churches Observe Mother's Dav Sun. Murphy churches will observe Mother's Day Sunday with spec ial music and sermons appropri ate to the occasion. Tile Rev. Ralph Taylor will use as his subject Sunday morning Mother Ostrich", and at the evening service, "fton Conformi ty." The primary department of I the Baptist Sunday school will present a Mother's Day program I a: 9:45 in the auditorium. At T:45. t lie Rev. A B. Cash will I Pleach on the subject "A Gold Star Mother." Spc<fieil music I will feature both morning and evening services. Guernsey Sale To Be Held May 18 21 County Men Return To Camp For Induction Twenty-one Cherokee county men who had passed their physi cal examinations left Murphy Tuesday morning for Port Bragg for induction into the army. Claude H Payne was leader. The number includes: Claude H Payne, leader: Henry Clayton. Frank Vinson King. Wade Martin. Charlie Garland Davis. Aaron Salmon. Hollis Van Crisp. Bascom Virgil McCIure. Hugh Thomas Penland. Ernest Floyd. Harvey Green Stalcup. Samuel Homer Wilson. Robert Jackson McMahan. Lloyd Blanco Cochran. Grover Spear Chastain. Emmett Randall Hedrick. Garland David Hogan. Cecil McKinley Ghorley. Jack J. Lemons. James Arthur Card in, Gerald Christoph er Ledford. Mavor's Court To Be Held In Mornins; 8*00 Mayor's court will be held here after mornings at 8 o'clock, when anyone is in jail for trial. It will be held in the city hall, according to announcement by Mayor W. M. Fain, who also states that all bonds must be approved by him before being iccepted. 37 purebred Guernsey an imals which are to be sold at auc tion in Murphy on Thursday. May 18. are of the highest type avail able in the Guernsey breed. Many of these animals carry the -ame blood lines a.s those ani mals which sold in the recent Quail Roost Guernsey sale that averaged $1,216 each. Riegeidale Farms of Trion. Georgia, sold the top cow at this sale for 54.000. They have con signed six animals to the Mur phy sale: three are heifers and three are bulls Arden Farms have consigned to the Murphy sale a good bull. A full sister of this animal sold in the Quail Roost Sale for $900. They are also consigning a nice cow. Other consignments have been made by Not la Farm. Osborne Farm, Clear Spring Farm. Fan ning Field Farm. McCrary Farm. Frank Corpening. C. Y. Tilton, T. A. Hester. Mollie Hester. Em ma Voss. Elbert Justice, Mrs. Sue Enloe. W. C. Mclver. C. A. Couch. A. B. Slagle and Bert Shield., Considerable interest is being manifested by interested citizens of Murphy who are sponsoring the sale of tickets on calf. This heif er carries the Maxim blood line and will be an addition to the Guernsey breed of this section. Much enthusiasm has been shown by the Guernsey breeders of this State a.s well as through out the South in the Murphy sale. It promises to be one of the better promotional sales and bids fair o become an outstanding institu tion. Continued on page eiglv Recreational, Red Cross, Blind Programs Presented Lions Club Totherow To Collect Waste Paper Tuesdays Elbert Totherow is now collect ing waste paper and will serve ?ho entire town in picking it up. He announces in an advertise ment in the paper this week that he will collect the paper on every Tuesday. Those who have spec ial lots of paper and it is not con venient, for it to be left on t .e premises until Tuesday should call Totherow at 188 W to have a truck pick it up. The Boy Scouts who conducted a campaign a few weeks ago. to collect, waste paper, will continue to cooperate in the salvaging of i ho paper. HOME FROM TEXAS Cpl. Allen E Tabor of Camp Maxey. Texas, has been visiting his mother. Mrs. Carrie Tabor, of Murphy. R. F. D. 1. Mrs. Tabor has another son in service. Cpl. William Ralph Tabor, who entered service in 1940 and Is now stationed in Greenland. Minister Says Paganism Springs Up In Loathsome, Dirty, Rotten Polities The timeliness of the sermon preached Sunday morning at the Methodist church by the Rev. Ralph Taylor, pastor, has caused a lot of comment on the part of those who heard it. Many people who did not attend the services have expressed the desire to know the contents. Preaching on the subject. "The Church Vs. Paganism". Mr. Tay lor said in part: "A pagan philoso phy of life is expressed not only in the terror of war. but also in i the undercurrents of our modern political, and economic life. There is often a tendency to ignore righteousness, and promote sel fish practices (hat undermine faith and cheapen human per sonality. "In the economic and political life of the world though the pagan practices are more subtle and less spectacular than in open open military practices, yet. the same pagan influence is no less surely gouging fellow human be ings often acting behind a screen of benevolence, and leav ing its victims hungry and de vitalized and worn upon barren fields in our commercial and political life. Candidates who claim to be statesmen when elect cd and employed .often turn out to be mere politicians until the pa me of polit ics threatens to de stroy democracy and encourage dictatorship. All ol these sow the pagan seeds of war. oppress ion. and human wreckage. "This same pagan philosophy witji its godless, materialistic at titude reaches its hideous fangs right into our very neighborhoods I springs up in loathsome, dirty, rotten politics. It builds its road houses and its vice-dens. which our clcc;ed leaders will not at tack because they arc more con crmed about dollars and votes Man about human lives. It in sults decency and openly and brazenly demoralizes our sons and daughters? our only hope for a better post-war world. "But. there is another and far brighter, and much more encour (Continued on page four) Murphy Lion club had a full program at the meeting held Tuesday evening The board of directors of tlu Cherokee county chapter of the American Red C c.-r. me: wit ;!,e club to present certificates received for distin guished achievement in the recent war fund campaign and to give a ummary of .he work being done by the chapter The Rev. W. T. Medlin Jr.. spoke on plans for providing a recreational program i?<r the young people of Murphy. Mrs. Edna Keeler of the State Blind commission spoke on the work for the blind in this area and made suggestions on how the lical club can help the blind pro tram. President Prank Forsyth pre en rd Miss Addie Mae Cooke, chairman of the Cherokee county chapter of the American Red Cross, who introduced the follow ing members of the board who wt j : tending' Mrs. C. W. Sav age. Prank Forsyth, Miss Addie Lcatherwood. Mrs. W. D. King. Mr*. Bessie Deweese. Miss Dora Ruth Parks Mrs. J H. Wilson. Mr R P. Parker. Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs. H G Elkins. Mrs. Willard Axley Rev. A. B. Cash, ft W t Medlin, Jr.. w. M. Fain. H Bueck and Rev. Ralph Taylor. Miss Cooke called on the following to give reports of the work being done by the various committees: Mrs King, home nursing: Miss Parks, production: Mrs. Elkins. home service: Mrs. Wilson, surgical dressings: Mrs. Deweese. sewing: Mrs. Harry Miller, kits: and Mr. Cash, war fund. As a result of the talk by Mr. Medlin. the club voted to co operate a hundred percent with the recreation program. Following Mrs. Keeler's address, the club voted to present Miss Viola Titus, district supervisor of 'he blind, with a donation of $10 for guide service, and to plan to ; ward having a supervisor for a ! four-county district when one is i available. K. C. Wright announced that a wheel chair was purchased by Continued on page eight

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