Free Methodists To Hold Opening Services Sunday T.e Free Methodist church. ? M . piiv announces its opening services on Sunday, June 18. a: tlif new location, the old Harshaw chapel, which has been remodeled. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Sunday school will be held. Preaching is at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Tlie revival planned by the Free Methodists starts Sunday and ex tends through the next two weeks, closing Sunday, July 2. with the Rev Fred R. Horton, evangelist, preaching. Mr Horton says: "You will en joy hearing the word of God and worshipping at this sacred old spc: in downtown Murphy. Har shaw chapel holds blessed mem ories for scores of people in this section, because of the old-time p ospel tliat was preached there in former years, and you are urged to join in these special meetings which mark the completion of :hc repair work that has been go in,-: on there for the past month. ' Come and see how God's house | has been beautified through the generosity of Murphy people." There will te a great meeting for v. ung people especially, this Sunday night. A guest speaker ' w.. be Buford Cranford .survivor of Pearl Harbor, who will graphi describe his miraculous es cape through the Power of God and prayer. Cornwell Is In Enfland Doin<i Engine Repairini? Air Service Command c>ia- 1 ' ? Somewhere in England"?' ? Harland J. Cornwell *on of I' t Corn well of Rt No. 1 Mur- 1 C. is now overseas witli Eneine Repair Section of an A r Ser ice Command depot ruowh re in England". ' son and Packard Merlin en-, are disassembled and given ')]< ro overhaul by the skilled !n<:ars of this section. In ' on. they manufacture dies, jig-;. and fixtures which needed to meet the ever ing iemands of aerial war fa re ? 5 Harland J. Corn well is of t le men recently com - ' dod ?y Lieutenant General ( Spaa z. Commanding General h United States Strategic Air ir Europe, when produc at i ie depot was increased by more .han 100 percent. Before entering the Army, he emp.oyed by the T. V. A. in Murphy. Jurors Drawn For Superior Court Jurors for the June lerm of Cherokee county superior court which convenes Monday. June 19, have been drawn by the board of conty commissioners as follows: First week ? P. W. Kilpatrick. Murphy. R. P. D. No.' 2; J. W Farmer. Grandview; N. W Mintz, Murphy: N. E. Hunsucker. Mur phy. R. F D No. 1; Aud Sudderth, Murphy. R. F- D. No. 1: J. T. Kephart. Murphy. R. F. D No 3; G. W. Rogers. Murphy. R F D. No 3: Ed English. Murphy. R. P. D No. 1: D M. Reese. Mur phy; J. M. Robinson. Patrick: Oscar Davis. Unaka: Joe Bran nan. Unaka: Everett Martin, Murphy. R. F. D No. 3: Drew | Davis. Murphy; Dee Mick ins. ^ Vests: Walter Graham, Unaka; C. F Woodard. Andrews: J D. Carringer. Murphy. R. P. D. No. 2: B. R Peek. Murphy. R. P D. No 3: H. W. Arrowood. Andrews; A. D. Smith. Andrews: J W. New man. Culberson. R. P. D.: Clay ton Stiles. Postell : A M Greene. Murphy. Second week ? George W. Wil- J son. Murphy. R. P. D. No. 1 B. H. Wilson. Murphy. R. F D No. 2: Fred Sneed. Murphy. R. F D. Nc. 1 : Porter Axley. Murphy: Floyd Evans. Ranger: J. U. Firm er Grandview: Willard Kephart. Murphv: Oscar Rice. Turtletown. Tenn.R F D: J. M. Brvson. Marble: J. V. Hall. Marble: Ray Matheson. Andrews: Z. L. Whit-: ikcr. Andrews' M J ITang cr: B. T Helton. Culberson. R. F D No. 2: C. C Forrester. Culber son: J. T Dorkerv. Grandview: D. L. Parris. Andrews: D. A Cald well. Murphy. R F D. No. 1: Howard West. Murphy: T. E Self. Turtletown. Tenn.. R. F D lee Godfrey. Letitia: Ed King. Murphy: Robert Bault. Murphy: C. S. Evans, Murphy Salo Horowitz Accepts Position j E Ranters who has served as treasurer of the Cherokee Lumber Corporation since its or ganization two years ago. and as bookkeeper for Murphy Box and Flooring Manufacturing Compaq . left Monday for New York City. Salo Horowitz who recently ar rived here from Amsterdam. Hol land. succeeds Mr. Kanters. Shields Is Re-elected Murphy Town Clerk E L. Shields was re-elected j city clerk at the regular meeting of tiie town council Monday night, j It was voted to rearrange the ! fire hydrants in Factory Town j to give greater fire protection. It was also voted to survey and open the alley connecting Dillard Street and Bayless Street. The council accepted the resig nation of Arnold Dalrymple, city Policeman. His successor waa hot appointed at this meeting. In case an extra policeman is needed at any time, it was voted , to pay him $3 without a car, or j $5 with a car. "facing the worst" Is sermon subject Dr Ralph H. Taylor, minister a: First Methodist church, will | Preach Sunday at 11 o'clock on ftc subject. "Facing the Worst".! SINGING The third Sunday singing will be held Sunday at the Hanging church. Everyone is invited *? attend. Fifteen Men Are Re-Classified 1-A Fifteen Cherokee county men have been classified 1-A this week. I With 21 cJassifed 2-A; one 1-AH and one 2-B. They are: 1-A Hobert Picklcsimer, Jack Adams. Richtfrti. WiMfeon^ {Law rence Hogsed. Clarence G. Miller, James Lemons, Aubry L. Brown, Junior B. Arms. Clyde E. Thomas, Fred D. Almond. Herbert C. Hen ry. Monroe Lee. James M. New man. John A. Ray. Solomon H. Rich. 1-AH John O. Gilmore. 2-A Walter W. Radfcrd. Willard i G. Forrester. Clarence L. Payne, | Cecil W. Verner. Floyd A. Clark. Ralph L. Lovingood. Boyd N. Mar tin. Fred L. Moss. Frederick W. Hughes. Charles G. Owenby. Den nis M. Shields. James D. Davis. James C. Rice. Wade E. Kephart, John B. Bryant. Ernest Allen, Don ald H. Green. Jack Almond. Henry Kelley. Arthur J. Elrod. Gordon I Ware. 2-B Clyde A. Dockery, Jr. 'invasion y\ApmmmmmmTKmmmmT. ( Soundphoio ) Invasion moves as depicted on the map above were planned to isolate German troops in fortified zones according to forecasts by military experts. How close those forecasts came to being right s now indicated by the actual invasion. Lions Club Awarded Two District Trophies IN NEW GUINEA Pfe. Lester G. Forrister, who has been in the army since 1941. has arrived safely in New Guinea. He re ceived hi.s basic training at Camp Shelby. Miss., Camp Carson. Colo., and Camp Adair. Ore., be fore going overseas. Lester is the husband of Mrs. Wilma For rister of Culberson. R. F. D. 2. Murphy Lions club was award- j ed two of the three trophies a warded to district 31 -A. at the state convention held in Char lotte Sunday through Tuesday of I this week. This club received the trophy for doing the best work for the blind and also the attend ance trophy, which is based on the miles traveled and the num ber attending. S. N. Bobo was given honorable mention for his work as secretary. Attending the convention from the local club were: Frank For syth. H. A. Mattox. H. G. Elkins. Dr. W. A. Hoover. Dr. J. R. Bell. I R. S. Bault. K C Wright, and Robert Easley. Bible School Is j Held At Ranger The Annual Vacation Bible I school, which is being held this week at Ranger Methodist church under the direction of the Rev. W. R. Crowder of Duke Divinity School, will close Saturday with ! the closing exercises to be held ' Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Clyde Woods Is Killed In Action Nazi Planes Burning BRITAIN ? This official U. S. A. A. F. photo, showing German planes burning on the ground after a low-level attack by fighters of the U. S. 8th Air Force, was made over an enemy air field in Europe. Gen. H. H. Arnold, commanding general of the U. S. Army Air Forces, in Chicago, said that this aerial pounding of enemy territory and planes constitutes an invasion "in the deadliest sense of the word" and is not a prelude as some peo ple believe. * Mrs. Maggie Woods of Murphy. ! f Route 3. received a message Sun day that her son Staff Sgt. Clyde Woods was killed in action May 27. on Biak Island. He was 27 years of age. He went into ser vice Jan. 16. 1941. and went over seas March 1942 He was in ser vice in Australia and New Guinea, i Surviving are his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Woods, two sis I ters, Mrs. Callie Whitner of Syrmaville. Ga.. and Mrs. Olen Taylor. Murphy Rt. 3. and one 1 brother, Arvil Woods of Murphy, j More People Must Buy Bonds To Go Over Top In Drive The Fifth War Loan has been on since Monday, and it Ls re ported that Cherokee county people are buying bonds but not sufficiently to go over the goal of $237,000 unless there is more interest before the drive ends. Included in the quota for this county is an "E" bond quota of S76.000. Mrs. W. M. Pain took her daughter. Miss Mary Porter Pain, to Gatlinburg Thursday where she has accepted a position with i the Park Highway commission. Plan Formal Opening Of City Park On July 4 Members of the Park commiss ion met at the mapor's office Tues day evening and discussed plans for t e formal opening of the city park on July 4. Before this time, grass will be mowed, tennis courts, badminton and shuffle board courts will te constructed, swings and seesaws put up. and water and lights installed. It is planned to enlarge the park committee by adding mem- | bers from different civic organize | ?lions, as an advisory committee. Doyle Burch representing the Lions club, E. P. Hawkins and Robert Weaver of the town coun cil. and C. H. Kirkman. assistant farm agent were present at the 1 meeting, in addition to the fol- | lowing members of the commit- 1 tee: J. B. Gray. Mrs. Thelma i Dickey. Mrs. Howard Moody. A. | L. Martin and W. M. Pain. Troy L Ledford Is In Signal Corps In Italy Allied Force Advance Press Headquarters. Italy ? Private Troy L. Ledford. Lineman, hus band of Mrs. Louise Ledford. Route No. 2. Murphy. N. C. is serving with the wire section of Signal Corps regiment that es tablishes. operates and main tains communications for an im portant part of the Allied Annies in Italy. Early in the campaign this wire scction was given the almost im- j possible task of setting up in fif teen days an entire telephone sys tem for one of the most import ant headquarters in this war theater. With every man in the unit working day and night, the job was finished on time. Estab lishing this system involved ac tivating a six-position commercial switchboard and installing 35 miles of buried lead ctle. 60 miles of field wire and rubber cable and 200 telephone instruments. Construction crews, linemen, cable splicers anid switchboard operators are proud to see the re sults of their work in operation. A total of 700 officers and en listed men. most of them who were telephone technicians in civilian life, are now engaged with this unit in keeping open the lines of communications that are vital to the success of a fighting army. Sister Of R. C. Mattox Dies Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mattox re turn: d Wednesday from Daniels ville. Ga.. where they were called Monday on account of the death of Mr. Mattox's sister. Mrs. C. C Kidd. Funeral services were held in Danielsville Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock Mrs. Kidd had visit ed Mr. and Mis. Mattox here once. IN ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Dickey have received word that their son. Pfc. John E. Dickey, has arrived in England and has been assigned to headquarters service. ENTERS NAVY? Russell Sims. 18. son of Mr anil Mrs. Paul Sims of Murphy, who left May 24 for the Naval Training Center at Camp Peary, Va? where he will take his boot training. Superior Court Is To Convene On June 19 AWARDED PURPLE HEART ? Sgt. Herman Jones, who has been wounded in action in Italy and awarded the purple heart, according to a message received here by his wife. Mrs. Lois Jones. Herman is th son of C. A. Jones of Unaka and is a member of the Masonic Lodge there. He has ! been in service 15 months and overseas since December. 1943. He received his basic training at i Camp Robinson. Ark. Vacation Bible School Closes Session Friday The Vacation Bible school which was held at First Baptist church for the past two weeks, closed Friday evening1 with a pro gram of songs, scripture memory verses. Bible Quiz and a panto mine showing the value of in fluence. An exhibit of land work done by the children in all departments was on display. Murphy First church. Calvary and Pleasant Valley churches co operated in the school. The en rollment reached 200. Friday af- | ternoon. a picnic was held for the children at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cash. The Rev. R. Lane Akins. pastor of Hayesville Baptist church, was in charge of the school. He was assisted by a faculty, includ ing the Rev. A B. Cash. Mrs. Cash. Mrs. J. M Ammens. Mrs VV. S. William.1 and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix. superintendents of de partments. with others assisting in each department. WOMEN'S C HAIRMAN Miss Dora Ruth Parks has been appointed chairman of the wom ! cr's division rf *he Fifth War Loan drive for Murphy and vicini ty to work with the local chair man. She was appointed by Miss Frances Cover of Andrews, chair man of the women's division for Cherokee county. Cherokee county superior court v;ill convene Monday. June 19, for a two weeks' term, for the trial of civil cx*ses. only. Judge Felix E. Alley of fWafynesville will preside. Following is the calendar: June 19. Roy Rich vs. Hester Stile Rich Elsie Marie Mull vs. George Mull: Allen Bell vs. Evelyn Bell; Hobert Brown vs. Ezra Price; Carsie Ferguson vs. Herman H. Ferguson Peoples Furniture Co. vs. Elizabeth Grandstaff ; Frank Laney et als vs. W P. Cuthbert son et al: Walter C. Witt vs. E. L. Townson. Tuesday. June 20: Cherokee county vs. J. W. Donley et als 'protested*: Cherokee county vs. J. W. Donley et als 'protested); County board of education vs. J. W. Donley et aLs 'protested); county board of education vs. J. W. Donley et als (protested): J. L. Hall vs. J. W. Donley et als (protested: J. L. Hall vs. J. W. Donley et als (protested). Motions: West vs. West; H. L. McHan vs. Dillard 'Bell): E. A. Andrews et als vs. Murphy Baptist church for final judgment; Beecher Luther vs. Anderson et als ? Witherspoon) : W. S. Dickey vs. Coleman Head < Witherspoon) ; Mattie Smith vs. Floyd Laney <Bell>: Floyd Laney vs. Scott Laney et als 'Bell); Citizens Bank and Trust Co. vs. Elmer Holt, Jr. et als: Cherokee county vs. J. W. Donley et als 'protested*: Chero kee county vs. J. W. Donley et als (protested): Board of education vs. J. W. Donley et als ( protested) : Board of education vs. J. W. Donley et als (protested: J. L. Hall vs. J. W. Donley et als (pro tested ' : J. L. Hall vs. J. W. Don ley et als (protested): Wither spoon et als vs. Latt et als. Draft Board Puts Nine Men In Class 1-A Fourteen men were classified this week by the Cherokee coun ty selective service board. Nine were placed in 1-A They were: 1-A. Alfred Lafevers. William A. Jones. Rome B Manev. Hoyt O. Gladson. John R. Parker. Clif ford C Dotson Fred H. Verner. John H. Brooks. Ross Dockcry. 2- A. Ralph R. Wilcox. Edgar W. Newman. William Raxter. 2-B. William H. Ramey: 1 -C, Wayne C. Hass In order that the public may understand the reclassification of selectees, following is an expla nation : Men classified 1-C are in ser vice: 2-C in the farming class: 2-A. occupational deferment: 2-B. occupational deferment for those engaged in essential war work: 1-A. available for service: 4-F. physically unfit: 3-D Needed at home. Twenty-Eight Men Leave For Exams Twenty-eight men left Murphy ' Tuesday morning for Camp Croft I for pre-induction physical exami- J nation. Quetter Lesley Louder- , milk was leader and Mack Howard ? Logan assistant leader. Others in the group were: Allen Dockery. Charles Elisha Coleman. Aston Curtis. Frank Harrill Ashe. Jack Charlie Gibby. William Harvey Kephart, Broad us Graves. Harvey Jewel Case. Cha-rles Edward Lee Boyd Millard | Hedrick. Arvil Moore. Young Al bert Beaver. Howard Orton. Zeb j Burley Lee. Johnsy Hillard Pat j terson. Arnold White. Arvile White. Jack Adams. Richard Wil son. James Lemons. Lawrence Henry Hogsed. Pi ed Dennis Al- ! mond. James Newman. James I Richard Roberts. Glenn Augustus Eller. Marion Lewis Morgan. ? Oran Picklesimer did not report. Anyone knowing his whereabouts | is asked to notify the draft board. Youth Night To Be Held Friday Murphy's Youth Night will be held Friday night at the gymnas ium beginning at 7:30. All of the young people are cordially invit ed to attend. Those persons hav ing small children will note that beginning this week, there will be someone on hand to take care or them while the parents take part in the youth night activities. A large crowd is expected to attend. HAS BROKEN" ARM Pfc. Calvin H. Stiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stiles, has been in the Fareda Army Air Field station hospital since the | last of April with a broken arm i and other slight injuries sus tained while in training. Upon J release he will be sent home until ready for duty again.

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