Pitzer Is Chairman Of City Park Opening Celebration On July 4 J. H Pitzer lias teen named 1 by Mayor W. M Pain as chair man <>f names and entertainment for me Independence Day cele bration to be held in connection ;Jie opening of the city park on J.i v 4 Mr. Pitzer states that aniujtmi ement will be made next week in regard to details of the 1 program. Mayor Pain states that it is pianmd to have tennis, badmin ton .lorse shoe pitching, see-saws, swing. and probably shuffle board-; archery, and other means j of entertainment for the opening. It is probable, also, that picnic [ tables and out-door furnaces will te pnn ided by that time. Wate- I was to have been turned on at I the park this week. Federation To Have Picnic Here July 8 The Farmers Federation war rally picnic in Cherokee County will tx held at the Murphy high school all day on Saturday. July , ? Announcement of the picnic was made this week by Jame.s C K McCiure, President of the Farmers Federation, who announc ed fiat the county agent, a Farm Security Administration repre sent. uive, and those in charge of Wa. Bond sales in the county wi:; be invited to participate in the celebration. W lilt the sale of bonds and the all-out production of food for vie: y will be stressed through out . o day, there will br plenty of fun and entertainment, Mr. McCiure said. All quartets and cho rs and individual musicians are .nvited to sing or play duriilg the day. Pender Rector and the Farmers Federation String Band will be present. Each family is invited to bring a Pit nic dinner. The usual wat erm< Ions and lemonade will be furnished free by the Farmers Federation. Mr. McCiure will preside as i usuai. and the Rev. Dumont Clark < religious director of the Farmt Federation, will supervise a' ? contests during the lunch period M McCiure will tell of the Pr":' ? -s of the Farmers Federa tior nme time during the day and -he Rev. Mr. Clarke will tell ?* pread of the Lord's Acre Mo- "ment for financing of the rur:?i church. There will be no len speeches at any time, Mr. McC.ure said. T ? program will start at ten 0( ' 'ik and will continue in the1 SriH. auditorium until ^twelve. W a'? 'melons and lemonade will be ' rvcd after those present have had an opportunity to eat their ^nh" Athletic contests will -eld following the serving of 'monade and watermelons, program in the afternoon ? consist mainly of singing by nngregation and individual Performers. Crowder Preaches At Ranger Sunday Church School Day will be ob served at Ranger Chapel Sunday. The p.ogfam will last all day with dinner on the grounds. All mem bers and former members are in vited to be present. A part of the program will coAsist of the dedication of a Service flag to the church. The message in the afternoon will be brought by Rev. W. R Crowder. YOUTH NIGHT Youth Night will be held in the Murphy Gymnasium again Friday night, June 23, at 7:30. CELEBRATION CHAIRMAN ? J. H. Pitzer. who has been named chairman of the celebration to be held July 4 in connection with the opening of the city park. Townson Host To Fire Department W. D. Townson entertained \ members of the volunteer fire de- 1 partment with a banquet ai : Cagle's Cafe Tuesday evening. I Those invited were: Roger Am-' mons. Tom Axley. E. A. Brown ing. Frank Crawford. E. O. Chris- j topher. Reuben Cook. Edwin | Cook. Loren Davis, Arnold Dal- 1 rymple, W S. D ,'iey. p.ank Dickey. Frank Ellis. H. G. Elkins. j Wess Garrett. Fult Hartness. Fred | Johnson. T. H. Kent. T. W. Kind ley. W. W. Rogers. Dr. L. T. Rus sell. W. A. Sherrill, John Strat- j ton. E. L. Shields. Fred Swaim. George Townson. Bill Watkins. j Revival Is In Progress At Free j Methodist Church A revival is now in progress at the Five Methodist church, in Old Harshaw chapel. Gospel messages are being delivered every , night at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Fred Horton, evangelist. Chil dren's song services are held at : 7:45. Sunday services include : Sun day school at 9:45: preaching ser- 1 vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Mr. Horton will speak next j week on the subject of Prophecy. : including: "The Return of the! Lord" ? "The Anti-Christ" ? ' "The j Millennium" ? "Nebuchednez- ] zar's Dream." The revival will close Sunday, , July 2. AWARDED THE PURPLE HEART ? Pvt. Carl Brooks, who lias been wounded in action in Italy, and awarded the purple heart, according to word received by his wife. Mrs. Jewel Sneed Brooks of Murphy. R. F. D. 1. Carl is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brooks of Gastonia. He has been in service 20 months and received his basic training at Camp Shelby, Miss. Memorial Service Held In Honor Of j Don Witherspoon Memorial service honoring the late Don Witherspoon. member of 1 1 ie Cherokee county bar, was held at 1 :30 p. m. Tuesday at the ession of civil court now in pro gress. Judge Felix Alley of Way nesville presided. Resolutions of respect, prepared ; by a committee composed of J. B. Gray. J. D. Mallonee and T. | M. Jenkins of Robbinsville, were read by Mr. Gray and adopted. Paying tribute to Mr. Wither spoon, as a man of professional ethics and Christian principles, with a strong loyalty to his pro- i f ession. clients and friends, char acterized by skill, ability, integ rity, and honor, several lawyers ' and others made short talks. Among those speaking were: . Judge Alley, T. M Jenkins, J. D ' Malonee, F. O. Christopher, Clyde | Jarrett, J. B. Gray, and Sam | Voyles. Julias Panther In Hospital From Attempted Suicide Julias Panther. 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elis Panther of Peach tree, is in Murphy General hospi tal suffering from a gunshot i wound in the stomach which was said by officers to have been self inflicted Sunday afternoon about 3 o'clock, as an attempted suicide. He is reported to have told an of- 1 ficer that he had teen ill for five ' weeks with stomach trouble, and j ho just thought he would end it all. He used a 22 rifle. Panther has a wife and two small children. Hedrick Arrives On Hospital Ship When the hospital ship St. j Mihiel docked at Charleston bar- 1 bor recently, it -brought back one Cherokee county man from over seas duty? Pvt. Cecil B. Hedrick. : Route 1. Murphy. Most of the patients were veterans of the Italian campaigns. The men who arrived on the St. Mihiel are now quartered at i Stark General Hospital. Charles- 1 .ton. S. C.. where they are receiv ing treatment and enjoying i American food until they are ( evacuated to General Hospitals j nearer their homes, or to other ( Army hospitals for specialized treatment. D WIGHT HORTON Dwight Horton Is Honor Man At Great Lakes Great Lakes, 111. ? Dwight Nelson Horton, 18, of 11 Hill Street, Murphy, North Carolina, was graduated June 3 from recruit training as honor man of his company t the U. S. Naval Train ing Center here and will go on ' boot" leave. Horton was elected candidate by fellow bluejackets and selected honor man by his company com mander on the basis of military aptitude and progres. He has been recommended tto attend hos pital corps school fo* further training. Prior to joining the Navy he was a student at Greenville Col lege. Illinois. He will spend his leave with friends at Winona Lake. Indiana. Mr. Horton. a ministerial stu dent, who had two more years in college prior to entering the navy, is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Fred F?. Horton of Murphy. He preached at the Free Methodist church here last suir.mer and is well known here The parents received a letter from Capt. R. R. M. Emmet of tiie U. S. Naval Training Center at Great Lakes, stating that young Horton "is to be commended upon his conscientious attention to duty which has led to this high honor." IMPROVES Gordon Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Creed Bates, who under went an appendectomy at Petrie hospital last week, was sufficient ly improved to be removed to his home Wednesday. ' Face to Face with Death ? Army Signal Corpt Photo This is one of the most unusual pictures to come out of the war. Here is a Jap sniper who had hidden himself in an American foxhole, then du if it a little deeper. But sharp eyed doughboys discovered him. Here you see him. crouched down, miraculously dodging bullets and grenades that Yanks shot and lobbed at him. When this picture was taken he was alive, but note the fear of death on his face. A few moments later he died lit a hail storm of American lead. Back our boys up who are fighting such men as these bv buying War Bonds. Pvt. Ammel Baine, Wounded In Italv, ?J 7 Arrives Home Pvt. Ammel H. Baine son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Baine, is spending a furlough with his family at Patrick. He was wounded in action in Italy. Nov. 11. 1943. His right leg was shot off by German artillery fire. He was in the hospital there until M'ay 5. when he was sent home, arriving in Charleston. S. C . May 14. He was sent from there to Lawson General hospital in At lanta, coming from there to Mur phy last week. He will return to , Lawson General the last of this month to be given an artificial limb. Pvt. Baine enlisted Feb. 18. 1943. trained at Ft. McClellan. Ala., and went overseas Aug. 18. 1943. He has a wife, Mrs. Lou Belle Baine, and a 9-months old son. Ammel H- Baine, Jr. He has a brother. Pvt. Earl Y. Baine. in England. Samuel Young Dies In Ohio Funeral services for Samuel Young, 81, who died at the home of his son. James W Young in 1 Akron. Ohio. Friday, were held 1 Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Ivy Log church, with the Rev. Lum Conley, assisted by the Rev. John Gren. officiating. Burial was in the family plot in the old Ivy Log cemetery. Townson fu neral home was in chare. He is survived by two daugh ters. Miss Daisy Young of Akron. Mrs. Mary Jordon of Detroit, and one son. James W. Young of Akron. A native of Winston-Salem. Mr. Young had lived in this section. Culberson. R. F. D No. 1, for about 40 years. He went to Akron a few months ago to visit his son. Pictures To Be Shown For Fifth War Loan Drive "Government Girl", a fifth war ? bond premier, starring Olivia D? Havilland. will be shown at Henn Theatre on Wednesday. June 28. announces P. J. Henn. Cherokee I county chairman of war bond , 1 sales in the theatres. Admission to the picture will be by war bond, purchased upon ! entering the theatre or between I June 20 and 28. There will be no further admission charge. Tickets 1 to this picture are being distrib uted by the bank and post office to those who buy bonds. Following the same plan. "The I Gangs all Here", starring Alice ; Faye and Carmen Miranda will be shown at Henn Theatre in An drews on Wednesday, June 28. m k j l a iwo ArresTeaun Liquor Charge ! Charley Wise and John Byers were arrested by Policemen John I St rat ton and Frank Crawford i Monday charged with having 10 j gallons of whiskey hidden near a house in Factor/ town. The officers went to the place they I were told they could find the j whiskey and found the 10-gallon I keg there. They loaded it in their car, | Officer Stratton said, and started i to town when they came upon Wise and Byers in Byers* car. They stopped them and searched them, taking a pistol from Wise. Ho was said to be drinking. They . were lodged in jail. At a pro , liminary hearing Tuesday before Mayor W. M. Fain they were re ! leased on $400 bond each, to be j triod at the next term of superior court, and additional bond of I $200 was required of Wise, for j carrying a concealed weapon. SUNDAY SERVICE Services Sunday at Reeds Chapel Methodist church. W. T. Medlin. Jr . Minister, will be as follows: Sunday School at 10:00. Wor ship with the sermon at 11:00. The Rev. W. R. Cro wider, as sistant pastor, will preach. Murphy Chairmen Plan Booth For The Fifth War Loan Drive MURPHY CHAIRMAN H Bueck. who was appointed re cently by Percy Ferebee, county chairman, to direct the sale of war bonds during the fifth war loan, in Murphy and vicinity. Superior Court Is In Session Here This Week Cherokee county superior court convened here Monday morning with Judge Felix E. Alley presid ing. The first diy was taken up with selecting the jury and try ing four divorce cases. They were: Roy Rich vs. Hester Stiles Rich: Carcie Ferguson Elliott vs. Her man H. Elliott: Allen Bell vs Evelyn Bell; and Elsie Marie Mul! vs. George Mull, which wen granted. The case of Frank Laney el als vs. W. P. Cuthbertson et a was called Tuesday. The Cuth bcrtsons are contending that mad( improvements on the land it question and that Laney tough one-fourth interest in the proper ty and owes them for improve ments made on the part he bough and for feack rents. The cas went to the jury Wednesday al ternoon. Tuesday afternoon the coui paused for an hour, from 1:30 t 2:30 o'clock, to hold a mcmori? service honoring the late Do Witherspoon. Court was adjourr ed Tuesday afternoon in hone of the memory of Mr Withei spoon. H Bueck. local chairman of the Fifth War Loan drive, and Miss Dora Ruth Parks, chairman of the women's division for Mur phy. met Tuesday and made plans i for the drive A booth will be set up Satur day morning on the street corner ! by the Cherokee Scout office. It ! will be supervised by various women and will be moved from time to time to different points on the square, through Saturday July 8. Miss Parks wants volun teers of the booth. Plans were also made for ad vertising and for a general can vas to sell bonds. Rural sections are being con tacted through the home demon stration clubs under direction of Mrs. Alline R. King and Miss Mary Corn well, home agents, and through A. Q Ketner and C H. Kirkman. farm agents. Cherokee county had sold through last Friday. $46,126 in bonds, of which $38,626 were E I series, according to announce ment by P B. Ferebee. county chairmn. This was the Treasury department official figures. In Jail For Serious Cutting Ralph Guthrie of Ranger is in jail, charged with assault with a : deadly weapon with intent to kill Jake Rogers of Sweetwater Satur i day. Rogers was cut on his back and half way around his body, officers said. NO SERIOUS INJURY i , Mrs. Almond Hughes of Mur phy. Route 2. accidentally drop ped her seven-months old baby on the street last Saturday. The baby was rushed to Murphy Gen ; eral hospital where, upon exami 1 1 nation by Dr. B. W. Whitfield, > it was found to have no serious in juries. , Miss Jimmy Carey and Miss Elba Sneed re spending a vacation [ ; in Corpus Christi. Texas. Hearing On L & N Changes Is June 30 The North Carolina Utilities * Commission has announced that on Friday. June 30. at 10:30 a. m.. a hearing will be held at Langren Hotel. Asheville. on the application of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad company for authority to discontinue its agency ! at Culberson and to change the schedule of the mixed passenger and freight trains on the Murphy branch from a daytime to a night schedule. The order for thr hearing was made by a meeting of the Utilities Commission in Raleigh on June 1^. Application for the changes mentioned above was made sev eral weeks ago by the L & N. Many prominent Cherokee . county citizens, including business 1 men who would be seriously af fected by the changed schedules, have protested to the Utilities ! Commission against granting the application. They are expected to attend the hearing in Asheville' and present the reasons for op ] position to the proposed changes. ! ARRIVED OVERSEAS ? Pvt. Ernest V. Trantham. who has ar rived safely overseas, according to a letter received by his wife. Mrs. Ernest Trantham of Marble. Ernest entered service in 1943 and took his basic training at Camp Barkley. Texas. He is with the army medical corps.