WOUNDED IN FRANCE ? A j. Ramsey ;is been notified that son. PK* Leonard Ramsey, was wounded in France July 28. A subsequent letter to his sister. M:v Irene Ramsey, from Pfe. Ramsey stated that he was back ir. England in a hospital and is now able : > sit up. He was hit in :he back with shrapnel. p:, Ramsey entered service in IP42 and went overseas last year. He ut nt to France a few clays after the invasion started. Homecoming To Be Held Reeds Chapel Aug. 27 T:.< annual Homecoming at K H:\vassce Dam. will bt Sunday. August 27. Sunt; i s, . .1 w.U begin at 10:00. M< 1 -:i:p with the sermon ;n a 11:00. This service .. the- beginning of the -Ties to be held at this Following the morning : - there will be a picnic on the grounds. I oped t:-.at many former and pa. tors w 11 b$ pres to ? " ' cccar: ~.zi. Tl. ? .svv.al ill be held each evening be- :.:. at 7:30. The public is im. (i to attend. Rev W. T Me;. :. Jr.. is pastor of Reeci> Ci:a;> heed Wheat To Be Sold On Saturdays H N Wi lls, i airman of comi ty A c \. Committee announces :!.a" ..ill be at the wheat bins a ? c h ouse Saturday. Aun us l ? nine a. m. to sell f'^cd u. tarh Saturday there fc! it : the- bins there are *mp/ Then l.e will lie at th? l\n- r : ,? ? lair errounds each Sat urday D the shortage ol labor in 1 t'.u* : < a the couniy committee1 etc hat cne day each week till -ufficient to take care of Ihc farmer's need. Since most ; ?.l farmers come to town on Satxci the committee chose Saturday for distributing the *heat. Gordon Hasty Found Dead In Bed Thursday Funeral services were held Sat- j urday afternoon at 3 o'clock at | Dobbins funeral chapel. Marietta, i Ga for Gordon A. Hasty. 49. who ^as found dead in his bed at his ?warding house in Murphy Thurs day horning. Interment was in Mount View cemetery in Marietta beside his father and mother. He *as a veteran of WorM War 1. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. W. Anderson and Mrs. J. J. S:ch=rd?. Smyrna. Oa.: Mrs. C. ? W. Rfece of Atlanta, and Mrs. W. j F McCurley of Marietta: four | toothers, R. K. Hasty of Moore, i s c D. p. and W. A. Hasty of A"anta. and C. C. Hasty of Miami, Fla. Townson funeral home was in charge of arrangements. hivvassee circuit '' schedule for the Hiwassee CU1! of the Methodist Church ?r s?n<lay, August 20. is as fol *s: Rogers Chapel, 11:00 a. m.: "alia, 3:00 p. m.; Bellview, 7:30 ,, m R*v. w. T. Medlin, Jr., is I "* minister. Rev. W. T. Medlin Succeeds Cash As Scoutmaster At a meeting of the Troop Com mittee of the Lions Club held Tuesday afternoon, the Re\ W. T. Medlin. Jr.. was named Scout master of Troop 2. Murp . ..v. to sue ceed the Rev. A. B. Cash, who recently moved to Columbus. Ga. Attending the meeting Tuesday w re: H. A. Mattox. K. C. Wright Chairman of the Troop Commit tee. Harry Webster, who will con tinue to act as assistair scout master, Doyl" Burch. Peyton Ivie, and W. T. Medlin. Jr. The troop will have its regular meeting Friday night. August 18. at 7:30 p. m. All Scouts are urg ed to t:1 present on time, and Fully Uniformed. IN ENGLAND P\ Vincent | H. Stiles has arrived safely in ' England, according 10 word re- j ceived by his wife Mr> Y H i Stiles of Murphy. P\;. Si: :rs is! the son of Mr. and M.s. E. E? ! Stilts of Murphy. He e : ered the service in September. 1943. an.; took his basic training at Ft Bragg. He received advanced training at Camp B wic. Texas. Late News Bulletins Lt. <len George S. I'atton's arm> is within miles ot Paris: 60. 0C0 Germans have been captured in tin I S. third army's sweep through Brittaiuy. ( anne is reported to have fall en to the allies who now hold a 72-mile beachhead between ( anne , and Toulon: Winston Churchill ! watched the invasion from a de stroyer . Eleven parked Japanese air planes were destroyed in a bomb ing raid upon Halmaliera island west of New Guinea, headquarters have announced. Moore General hospital at Swannanoa has been designated as the army's tropical disease center for the United States it was announced Wednesday. Supreme headquarters Wednes day denied reports that Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery had been removed from command of all Allied ground forces in Western France. The Germans on the battlefield know they are beaten. Gen. Sir Harold R. L. G. Alexander, Allied commander in Italy, declared last night in turning over the civil administration of the provinces of Rome. Frosinoneand Littoria to the Italian government. "But the war is not over yet*', he said. "The German tyrants will fight to the last because they know peace will bring them in exorable extermination." Glenn Ashe Is Wounded, Hiwaii Mr. and Mrs. Anldy Ashe have received word that their son, Pvt Glenn Ashe, has been wounded 111 Hiwaii. Pvt. Ashe entered ser vice February 9. 1942. and has spent several months overseas. Hill Miller Contacts Family j The following message was re ; reived by Mrs. Bill Miller of At lanta. I am interned at Phil 1 i)jpir.3s Military Prison Camp No. 1. My hcalt is excellent, my condition remains excellent as i (ported before. Have had tele gram from Mother and hope to luar from you soon Give regards to all my friends. Love to you and to all the family. Bill". The mes sage was forwarded on to Miller's mother. Mrs. E. S. Miller of Mur i hi'. Carroll R. Brown Completes Course Can oil Robert Brown, son of James Elbert Brown of Andrews, has recently completed the course [ cf training as Aviation Orda I nanceman at t e Naval Air Tech nical Training Center. Memphis. Tenn Seaman Brown enlisted in the Navy in September, 1942. and took his boo; training at Great Lakes. 111. Seaman Brown was torn in A Q none. N. C. He attended An drews high school, and was em ployed as a drill sharpener prior to his entering the Navy. Johnson Opens lunch Room V . M. Johnson opened today T... ?? .ia; 1 . a lunch room in con >. .ti.'n with his market. It is mpletely furnished with all new qmpmcnt and is clean and sani tary. Mr. Johnson will serve < :iik>r mails and short orders. IN ENGLAND P : Warren McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McDonald of Murphy, wli . is stationed in England. He is a member of the antiaircraft divi. i ion of the army. Private McDon ] aid entered service with his broth j er. Rotcrt Binion. who is also in J England in the navy. Family Reunion Held In Home Of C. T. Winklers A family reunion was held re cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Winkler of Marble. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Donaldson of Marble. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hensley. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Hensley and chil dren. John. Mary, and Rebecca. Mr. J. O. Hensley and son. Greg ory of Murphy. Billie Hensley, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hyde and chil dren. Louise. James and Wayne. Mrs. W. L. Bailey. Woodrow. Mary. Gladys. Ruth and Lois Bailey of Jasper. Ga.. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Hyde of Robbinsville. Celebrate 18th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson celebrated their 18th wedding an niversary with a dinner at their home here Sunday. Guests at tending were: John W Davidson and family. Mrs. Maxine Fish and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Dav idson and family, and Mrs. Hat tie Davidson. f The Rev. Ralph Taylor visited in the afternoon and conducted a short devotional period. Republicans To Hold Meetings . Murphy Boy In Group Capturing Mt. Alto, Italy With The Fifth Army. Italy Piivate First Class \ t non Mar tin of Murphy. N h Carolina, was a member of a neatly out numt.red group of 17 men of the B8th Infantry Division who storm ed German-held Mt. Alto, captur ed the hill and en a 1 ,i tj eir bat talion Lo .\rsue ih retreating enemy on the Fiftii ny fron .. i .r . Wlv.i the fierce 1. . had end id. 4a n man dead i-jvereil the mouniiin. sevenl w. wounded and ' h? lerv.iAiits ol :.ie defend ing force fled. Germ a.1 resist'. w.i$ s:ub 'oorn ana l 10 V.?:.k .? :i :td ? 'our to or.r, w?re ' ? : > :.d vane? in the face ol heavy ma ehinegun. rifle and mortar fire u they climbed up to push Jerry fl the ill. Witli skillful plac ing of machinegun and Browning automatic mi s. and bringing into play dea.ly lifle grenades, the Americans forced :h harrassed G( : mans t<- evacuate ? ? ir p ?? t it ns and join the s ea ly st ?< am ;f Naz .- ret rt at in : nor hward to vai'.i R me. iii: c >mpU te success t the at tack wa evidenced by th( man? j N'; /: (it .'.(i strewn on tin ..i. Makes Apology Tr:> Bu.i. editor ol Nc h Genr L'i.i News. Blair, ville re i ies?.> the Seen: to publish an apology for luni. H.1 regret the la; \v?ek h. l)Mb1ished an er: on. ..u:> . po. a *K)ut infaatil ? paralysis in Mur : i y and Andrews. He stated that >t was reported in Blairsville r.ai number ol" :? cf inf?nu! paialysi-- liaci developed it: Murphy ?aid Andrews and ilial the- >.'w iion was alarming to the extent 'ha; the school oj. :iin;',:- ":au bei-n ))r ? ;i ned. On a visit .. ?atuiUay Mr But i learned t .. was ?/. error and stated fcha felt he had com- Murphy and Andrv tiiv. injustice and v 1 to apo'c gizc SINKING The third Sunci.-v :?veniim sing ing will be with Calvary Baptist < . ureh on Augus !0. Everybody i - invited to attend. Mrs. Jack Crawford will go to Chattanooga Friday to mee her husband wh.? will spend the I wc k-end with her there. I ' I VISITS HOME Ray C. Smith .s??n of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith, j has returned to Farragut, Idaho. ^ after spending a 1"> day furlough with his parents. and wife, the | I f< rmer Christine Barton of Lenoir I City, Tenn. Smith entered the Navy in ! September, 1943 and took his I b )ot training ai Bainbridge. Md. H 3 completed the Storekeepers' School in April. 1944. and was sent to Bradford. Va.. where he received Amphiious training. From ' Bradford. Va.. he went to Puget r^und Navy Yard at Bremerta. Wash.. and is now stationed at Farragut. Idaho, in Ships Comp eny. Mrs. F. R. Cagle and son. Jim- j my spent last week here with her I mother, Mrs. Sallie Queen. Republican meetings will be: held in Clay. Cherokee and Gra ham counties on Augus: 17 and j 18. with Hon. F. J. Bin] new sec retary of the Republican State Executive committee and other Republican leaders present at | each. The Cherokee meeting will be held at t :e courthouse on Thurs- 1 day evening. August 17. at 3 o'- 1 clock. The Clay meeting will be1 that afternoon at 2 o'clock at the | courthouse. The Graham meet ing will be on Friday evening. | August 18. at 8 o'clock, at the courthouse. All Republicans in various counties are requested by State Chairman Sim A. DeLapp of Lex ington .o attend these meetings and complete plans for t ie fall campaign. Tilmon Phillips Is Promoted Army Service Forces Training Center. Camp Barkele\ Texas Headquarters of the Army Service Forct Training Cen: : announc ed this week the promotion of Pjc. Ti mon J. Phillips. tl'J ii Medi cal Training Bn. to T 5 He re .-ides a: Andrews. N. C. S^KMON SI B.I I ( I S The scmon subjtci of the R -v. Ralph Henderson Taylor a F:: Methodist churci. Sunday wi" !.?.?: 11 o'clock. "Th? Cliristain A.n.u'.ic Toward the Govern m n'": and 7:45 o' . ? -k. What Bills Di You Pay?" OVERSEA- Robert Ben ? . McDonald. Sm 3 c. son of Mr. and Mr-. T. C. McDonald of Mir. phy. who, with his brother. War- i ren. has been in the sen it- for ' eighteen months. Both are in En". land. Robert is a navy signal | man. las. W. Newman Dies At Culberson James W. Newman. 76. di*?d at his heme at Culberson. R P. D. No. 2. last Saturday following a j ear's illness. Funeral services were held at i Hope Well church. Monday after noon at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. ( Freed Townsend and the Rev P. H. Chastain officiating. Burial services were in charge of the j Masonic Lodge. A member of one of the pioneer families of Cherokee county. Mi Ncwtii.tn owned and lived on his father's farm. He was loved and respected by all who knew him for his patient care of his wife, an invilad for many years and of his family of six sons. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. i Ellie Newman and six sons. Clyde ' of Culberson. Wade of Davis, ' Calif., Cpl. Edgar Newman and Cpl. Alfred Newman, both in ! France. Pfc. Owen Newman. Italy, and Pearlie Newman. Petty offi cer. 3/c, Jacksonville. Fla. Bremer's funeral home of Duck tewn. Tenn.. was in charge of arrangements. TRIED FOR ASSAULT Mrs. Abe Healey was tried be fore Mayor W. M. Fain Tuesday lor asasult with a deadly weapon upon her son and bound over to superior court under a $300 bond. Group Of Men Leave For Army Examination The following men left by | special bus Wednesday morning lor Camp Ci ft for pre- induct ion t xamination Lovwn Pat Docke . y. leader: 1 Ee^cher Jam< Cornwall Jack Charlie Gibby Frank Let Kep hart, Harold J Ledfoid Elvin Monroe Dill.. Charlie Hooper. Earl Vaughn Smith. Boyd Hay Pace, Albert Junior Led ford. Ed ward Guynn Owenby. Lonzo Gregory, Thomas Joe Henry Bur rell, Vernie Hartness. Jr.. Hubert Gano Stile-. Pied Dennis Almond. Junior Henry Gregon Jame. Junior Blaylock. Poley Gordon Campbell, Alvm Russell. Erne-' James Deckei. Harold K.iil GET.- SECOND MEDAL Wo; 5. ?;i b< en leceived by M;> Willa Miu Mv-K nza of Hiwa>see Dan. that her husband. Pfe. John D MrKenzie. 1 as been awarded the. Infantry Comba: Meaal in Franc -. 1 Hi al^< . old-> the good conducr | medal. He has been in France - ince th< Invasion, Pfc. McKen zie has been overseas since Octo brr. 1043. and he entered the ser wee in September. 1940 He re ceived his basic training at Fort Sam Huston. Tex and Camp \' Coy. Wis. His wile former Mi*s Willa Mae Fltn : Hiwassei Dam. is living then now. Morganton Ladv Dies In Murphy Mrs. Martha W:.. ixu> (J8. v . of William O. Will .m- : Mo: an ton. Ga.. died a P : < hospital. ..rurp. y. at 11:05 ck Wednis ;;o morning foil an illno* ; five weeks. Funeral servi ? s . be held at \< Hop ? Bap: i>: :.. bette l.nown as Flint K. . ? i wiiich she .i a member, wi junal in the hui c ? . metexy. i '? ? date an i our * .^."vicc ' ' been set waiting the arr:. i. 'if relative . : cm Ohio. She is survived b> husband : iire e du.^hle:.,. ' Char I ones of Ljvin. Ch Mis. Rufu. Ross of Mineral IV Ga.. M: ^ est a. A. p of Nov. Oh* >; tir. . ? ons, r.aii William Struthers. G io. Carl Wiliiai. - of Morgan ton and Cpl. Allen Williams of i he South Pacific a: ?? ? : four broth < s j. B. Ammon.1 ?f Athens. Ga. A. J. Ammcns of Alma. Ga.. tht Rev. J. C. Amnions of Murphy j nd L G. Ammoib f Angus a Ga.; lour sisters. Mr> Alice Queen i i Oklahoma City. Okla . Mrs. E ( Grantham of West Point Miss.. .Mrs. O R Guthrit and Mrs. Craw ford Beavers, both of Morgan ton: and eight grandchildren: Richard. Raymond and Johnnie Arp. Billy a ;ui Doris Jones. Tommy. Sammy :id Bobby William Mrs Williams united with the E.ist Fork Baptist church in . ackson county. N C at the ape if 12 years and was an active . mbr i of the New Hope church Morganton until her health fail | ed. In her young womanhood, she was a teacher and many of her pupils are indebted to her for a more constructive and useful life. Mrs. A. C. Kimsey of Chatta nooga. returned hom? Sunday after a week-' visit here with her sister-in-law. Mrs. Sallie Q'aeen. Miss Ethel Donnelly of Philadel phia. returned to her home last week after spending a week here with Mrs. O'Halloran WOUNDED IN FRANCE ? Word has been received by Mrs. Rozelle Zimmerman of Murphy, Route 1. i hat her husband. Pvt. Abrom A. Zimmerman, was wound ed in action in Fiance. July 15. Further details of his injury have not been received Pvt. Zimmer man entered the servu- in Sep tembe. 1942 und iCvCi.^d his basic training at Fort Jackson and Camp Fannin He went overseas jr April of t s year. He Is the son of Mr A. A Zimmerman of Murphy. Route 1 Horace >Ii!lsaps Killed In Italy T!. follow ng telegram was re ceived recently ty Mr> Icie Sea bolt of Murph". Route 3. The ? eiar of War desires that I tende.* his deepest ympa ly to : ou in the loss of your brother ; Private First Class Hoi ace S. 1 Millsaps wh was pi. re J ported missing in action. Re [ port now received state- he was i killed in action February 4 in : Italy. The Adju ant General." ranme Deneese Assigned ! o Greensboro Fort Oglethorp* Ga Private Iannie L. DeWct i daughter ol Mrs. Bessie E. DtAVct Murphy. N. C.. who has bu n stationed at 1 tae Third Trainim Center of the Women's Arm?. Corp :e re. has been assigned ?? WAC Detach ment at Sede< Fie: Greensboro. N. C. , KII*LED IN FRANCE ? Pfc. A. ! J Roberson, who was killed in France July 19. according to word received by his wife. Mrs. Vir , ginia Rcberson. Pfc. Roberson was inducted into the Army in February. 1942 and received his basic training at Ft. Jackson, S. C\ He was sent oversea* served for six months before his death. Pfc. Roberson served with the 117th Infantry in the invasion of Fiance. Before entering the ser \ ice he was employed by the TV A. Roberson was a member of the Macedonia Baptist Church from l his early childhood. He is survived by his widow, j i he former Virginia McClure, his parents. Mr. and Mrs John Rob erson. two brothers. Walter Rob (son of Graham, and Pvt. Wayne C. Roberson somewhere in the Aleutian Islands, two sisters. Mrs. Nora Hyatt and Miss Donnie Rob erson of Culberson. MOVE TO MURPHY Dr and Mrs. W. A. Paper and daughter have moved from An drews to Murphy and are occupy ing an apartment at the home of Mrs. Ruth Carringer. Dr. Paper is employed at Parker's drug store.

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