Taylor President Of Church League The K< v. Ralp.i Taylor was fiectwl president of the Cherokee coun:y unit of the Allied Church League >1 North Carolina, at a Bfftini 1 Id at the Methodist chui'cii Monday afternoon, when I A Martin, of Lexington, exe cutive .rector of the League, .spoke on the purpose and objec tive of the organization. Othei officers elected were: Vice-president. P. G. Ivie; secre tin' Mi.-* Ruth Gruber; treasurer, Miss Addie Mae Cooke; and mem ters of lie executive committee: ] B. Gray. Rev. L .P. Smith of Andrew* Mrs. J. H. McCall, Cy rus White. Everette Nichols, Rev. C c Wo-sham of Andrews, and Eev Alfred Smith. The above officers will hold a meeting soon and appoint an ad visory board. The Allied Church League, which already has been organized in approximately 50 counties of the state has as its definite ob jective to drive liquor beyond the borders of this state. The plans and purposes are statewide in scope and it is now the only or ganization of its kind operating m North Carolina. While tlie organization is non denominational, it is a church iponsond and a church support ed body Tlie organizers of the Leacue purpose to launch an edu cational campaign against liquor and its attending evils throughout the state, and it is the purpose to organize units in every county in the state. Mrs. Dockery Dies At Age 70 M:>\ Mary Emma Docker/. 70 widoA of the Majov Ben Dockery of the Hangingdog sec tion of Cherokee county, died at a Murphy hospital Tuesday. Au gust 15. at 8 p. m. She suffered a stroke at her home. August 9. and never regained consciousness. Funeral services were held at 11 o'clock Friday morning at White church. Hangingdog, with the He. VV. T. Truett officiating. Bur: . : was in the church ceme tery . Su iving are four daughters. Mrs Annie Lou Gaddis of Mari etta. Ga. Mrs. Lumis Gaddis. Mu: R. F. D. No. 3. Mrs. Jack Davi md Mrs. Daisy Allen, both of Akron. Ohio; three sons. Lu ther Dockery of Akron. Fred of Spri: . tield, Ohio, and Johnny of Murphy. R. F. D. No. 3: four sisters. Mrs. Andy Earwood of Murphy. Mrs. Louise Bivens and Mrs. Fannie Davis of Seattle. Wa>: ngton and Mrs. Clara Clark. Murphy. R. F. D. No. 3; four brothers. Gid Mills. Chris Mills. Frai <? and Maynard Mills, Mur Phy. R. F. D. No. 3. Townson funeral home was in charge of arrangements ASSISTS with filing ballot application J- vV. Franklin is assisting famihrs of service men in filling ?ut applications for absentee bal lots. He requests families to ccme in and make applications. Late News Bulletins French forces have liberated Paris, it was announced Wednes day, while Allied armies tighten ed a great noose around 93.000 survivors of the beaten German Seventh Army and American fly ing columns lashed out far beyond the capital to within 125 miles of the German border. Romania has announced its withdrawal as a German ally and will join the Allies in the war against the Nazis. French troops have raptured Marseille, second city of France. American forces swept 140 miles inland from the Mediterranean, to within less than 250 miles of a junction with Gen. Eisenhower's legion below Paris and captured Grenoble. Two cargo ships were sunk and a third damaged as allied planes attacked a Jap convoy in the Bonin Islands. American fliers have sunk or damaged 90 craft in blow at .laps' supply lines; furious battles are raging in Hunan and Hupeh pro vinces. The Bucharest radio announce ment that Romania had accepted , i>eace terms ? on the same day of the news of the liberation of Paris ? signalled what may become a quick collapse of the whole struc ture of Hitler's Europe. Mrs. Kitchens Of Clav Dies Fridav ?' ?x Mrs. Iowa Kitchens, widow of the late Thomas Kitchens of the Shooting Creek section of Clay county, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Hooper. Friday. Funeral services were held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning at Old Shooting Creek Baptist church, with the Rev. Joe Bishop, the Rev. Mr. Ledford and the Rev. Boyd Hoe sod officiating. I Burial was in the church ceme ' tery. She is survived by three daugh i ters, Mrs. Will Ashe. Mrs. Fred Hogsed. and Mrs. Leonard Hoop ! er, two sons. Gorman and Henry, all of Clay county. Grandsons were pallbearers, and granddaughters were flower bear ers. Townson funeral home was in , charge of arrangements. Miss Dora Ruth Parks left Sat j urday for Chicago. 111., to attend l the Library Institute 0:1 Regional libraries at Chicago University j this week. She was accompanied ; by her sister. Miss Evelyn Parks. ' and other librarians from No?th Carolina. Jarrett Is Speaker Lions Club Meeting Clyde Jarrett. membei' of An drews Rotary club, was guest speaker at Murphy Lions club Hectinu Tuesday evening. He spoke on the purpose and work of ?he Rotary club, saying that the slogan of the club is: "Service Above Self; He Profits Most Who Serves Best". The objectives of the club are becoming acquainted with each other and each other's Problems, operating on higher business standards, and rendering community service. The principal objective of the club is work for cripples. Mr. Jarrett was presented by C. Wright, program chairman. President H. A. Mattox called cn the committee chairmen for "?Port*. Rev. Ralph Taylor s?oke on "Unity" in Lione clubs. President Mattox announced that , the next meeting will be held at ' the park, September 12. Dr. W. 1 A Hoover reported that an eye | clinic was held Tuesday and 31 patients examined Of that num ber 29 needed glasses. H. S. Webster reported that Rev. W. T. Medlin, Jr.. had asumed the work as scoutmaster. Harry Bishop reported that a child who needs a tonsil operation will be assisted by the club. H. G. Elkins report ed that cigaretts and chewing gum still are being given to all boys leaving for the armed ser vices. Robert Bault was thanked for painting Lions signs for erec tion at entrances to the city. Rev. W. L. Adams of Conyers. Oa.. was a guest of Rev. Ralph Taylor. LEAGUE PRESIDENT ? The Rev. Ralph Taylor, pastor of First Methodist c.iurch, Murphy, who on Monday was elected president of the Cherokee county unit of the Allied Church League of North Carolina. Republicans Hear Addresses By State Party Leaders Thursday A meeting of the Republicans of Murphy and Cherokee county was held Thursday night at the Cherokee county courthouse. Lewis P. Hamlin. Republican candidate for congress for this district was present and in a short talk introduced the Hon. F. J. Beal, secretary of the Republican state executive committee. Mr. Hamlin stressed the importance I of the families of soldiers making I application for ballots and asked | that the Republicans register and J vote in the November election. \ He emphasized the responsibility ot the voters to take an active part in elections and especially at this time. 'The Republicans of North Carolina are anxious that each soldier should vote. Your state chairman is leading in this drive. I am here at his request to fur ther that effort", Mr. Beal said. "Let us be sure that each man wearing the uniform of his coun 1 try is given the opportunity to take part in electing public offi j cials who will protect his interest | at home. we arc engaged 111 two wars; one is on the battle front; one is on the home front. It is import ant that we win the battle on the home front if we are to keep for ourselves, and for future genera tions the liberties for which they are fighting."' John L. Coffey Promoted In Italv y With The Fifth Army. Italy ? Private First Class John L. Cof fey, whose home is in Coffey. North Carolina, has been promoted to corporal. He is a cook with i he 85th "Custer" Division of the Fifth Army in Italy. Revival Begins At Beaver Dam UNAKA ? Revival services conducted by the Rev. W. T. Smith will begin at the Beaver Dam Bap tist church Sunday. August 27, at 11:00 a. m. Evening services will begin at 8:00 p. m. The public is invited. CHURCH CALLS PASTOR OAK PARK ? Mount Carmel Church has called the R?v. W T. Smith of Rt. 2, Murphy, as half time pastor, to hold meetings the first and third Sundays. SERMON SUBJECTS "Disturbing Public Worship" will be the sermon subject of Rev. Ralph Taylor at First Metho dist church Sunday at 11 o'clock. "The Painted Pace" is the subject of the minister's sermon at 7:45 o'clock. Persons Coming From Restricted Areas To Be Quarantined; Children Under Fifteen Not Allowed In Groups Sixteen Men Leave for Induction The following 1G Cherokee county men left Murphy Wednes day for Camp Croft for induction into the armed services: Q'aetter Weslet Loudermilk, leader; Allen Dockery, Charles Elisha Coleman, Britton Ray Mason. John Bayless Morrow, C. B. Newton, Aston Curtis, Gid Mor gan Laney, Harold Wesley Green. Earl Jackson Morgan, Dock George Coleman, Shelby Edward Hamp ton. Roy Lincoln Nichols, Prank Washington Gilbert, Robert David Meyers, Jack Lewis Adams. Sgt. James Knight Killed July 23 Sgt. James Knight, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Voyles of Murphy, was killed in action in Prance July 23, according to news received here. He is the son of Mrs. Dixie Ramsey of St. An drews, Pla. Mr. and Mrs. Voyles have a son-in-law. Joe Hensley. and three sons. Prank. Vance, and Tom. in the navy. Frank was home re cently on a 30-day leave He has been in the navy more than three years. Vance entered the navy during the first World War and served eight years, returning to the navy two years ago. Tom just recently joined the navy. VICTORY SERVICE Services of praise and thanks- | giving will be held at First Methodist, First Baptist and Calvary Baptist churches in Murphy on the day that news of Victory in Europe in received. The Rev. Ralph Taylor an nounces that as soon as any person hears the news he is asked to notify H. CI. Klkins who will sound the fire siren for a period of five minutes. Thir ty minutes after the sound of the siren, no matter what hour of the day or nirht the news is heard services will be held in the churches. Mr. Taylor requests that all churches in the county plan to have services on that day. SCOUT MEETING IS CALLED OFF Due to the ruling of the Health Department this week regarding children under 15 years of age meetin in any public gathering, the Boy Scout meeting planned for Friday night has been called off. according to announcement by Scoutmaster W. T. Medlin. Jr. Just as soon as conditions permit the work of the Scout Troop will be resumed. Mr Medlin says. Mrs. Wayne Plemmons as just returned from a few weeks in California, where she visited her husband. Lovingood Again Heads Association The Rev. Paul Lovmgood was re-elected moderator; P. G. Ivie, vice-moderator; and Rev. C. A. Voyles. clerk, at the 60th annual session of the Western North Carolina Baptist Association in meeting at Peachtree Baptist church Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The association was well attend ed and was described as success ful. The host church was highly commended for its entertainment. Thirty-two of the 38 churches in the association were represented. The Tuesday session opened with devotional by the Rev. W. C. Pipes of Macon county. The as sociation voted io change the word "delegate" to ?'messenger", designating those appointed to represent the various churches. The following visitors were rec ognized: J. A. McMillan. Tiiomas ville, editor of Charity and Chil dren; Rev. W. S Adams. Conyers, Ga.; L. A. Martin, director of the Allied Church League of North Carolina; Rev. W C. Pipes. Mac ,on county; Rev Oscar Winkley. West Liberty association. Pastors of this association also were rec ognized. Following election of officers, as named above the moderator made his report. Clarence Hendnx reported on Christian literature; Rev. M. L. Mall on Sunday Schools; and L. A. Martin on th< Allied Church League. The following committees were appointed: Nominating: Rev. R. Lane Akins, Mrs. Ralph Adams, Miss Dale Sudderth, Cyrus White, and Ralph Smith; new churches: Rev. Pat Elliott. George Hendrix, and Bob Abe ma thy; revision of ordained ministers: Rev. Blaine Ledford. Rev. H C. York, and Rev. A. B. Corn; resolutions: Harve Mulkey. J. B. Hall and Mrs. J. C. Am moiis; time and place and preacher: Rev. L. P. Smith. Rev. F. B. Garrett, and Dock Ramsey; order of business: Rev. R. Lane Akins. Rev. C. A. Voyles, I. B. Hudson. Lloyd Hendrix. and Roger Ammons: and evening ses sion program: Lawson Lunsford, P. G. Ivie, Mrs. Pearlie Arravood, L. P. Hendrix. Rev. Paul Lovin i good. Prank Walsh. Miss fcate Robinson, Rev. C. A. Voyles. Rev. Robert Barker. J. V. Hall, and Miss Dale Sudderth. The Rev. L. P. Smith dismissed i he group for lunch. The afternoon devotional was conducted by the Rev. C. L. Adams, and prayer was offered by the Rev. Pat Elliott. Visitors recognized were: Dr. R. H. Sat Lerfield, Meredith College: Rev. ! Pied Stiles. West Liberty associa tion: Rev. Colvin Thompson. San Joaquin Valley association. Cali ' fomia; Rev. L. S. Black of Geor gia. Report on the Tuesday eve ning session was made by P. G. Ivie. Mrs. Pearlie Arrowood discussed the hospital and H. L. Mulkey. the orphanages. The state of the churches was discussed by the pastors. The Rev. Pat Elliott re ported two new churches ? Top ton and New Hope ? and the members present were given the right hand of fellowship. The evening session consisted of opening prayer by H. L. Mulkey: devotional by Rev. Robert Barker: sermon by Rev. J. A. McMillan: and showing of pictures of Mere dith College and Raleigh by Dr. Satterfield. W. A. Adams led the devotional at the opening session Wednesday morning. The following visitors were recognized: Rev. M. H Ken dall. Mars Hill: Rev. B. P Kin caid. Ocee, Tenn.: Rev. C. E. Parker. Baptist hospital. Winston Salem; Rev. A. B. Loell. Hiawas se 'Ga > assoeiational moderator; Rev. W. T. Truett. West Liberty association. Rev. R. Lane Akins reported on state missions: Rev. Blaine Led ford. home missions: and Rev. Paul Lovingood. foreign missions: and Rev. Dumont Clark, director of the Farmers Federation Lord's Acre plan, brought a message. The missionary sermon was preached try Rev. L. P. Smith. "The Challenge of the Cooperative Program" was presented by State Secretary M. A. Huggins: and < Continued on Page 8> KILLED IN ACTION ? Pfc. Horace S. Millsaps, who, accord ing to word received by his sister. Mrs. Icie Millsaps Seabolt. of Murphy, Rt. 3. was killed in ac tion in Italy February 4th. The deceased was born April 10. 1919. He was a farmer, and a member of the C. C. C. before entering the service. He entered the Army in May. 1939, and took his training at Port Benning, Ga. He had served overseas with the fifth army in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy, since June, 1942. Pfc. Millsaps is survived by two bro thers, Lt. Woodrow Millsaps, serv ing some where in France, Pvt. Broadus Millsaps. with the fifth army in Italy, five sisters, Mrs. Don Greene of Marble. Mrs. Char lie Orr, Mrs. Ross Holland, Mrs. Isop Crisp, all of Robbinsville, and Mi's. John Seabolt of Murphy ? Rt. 3. WOUNDED Word has been pro ived by Mrs. Ethel West Max field of Murphy tha' her husband. J Pvt. John W. Maxfield. was ; slightly wounded in F:ance. August 1 2 Further details of his injury have no: been received. Pvt. Maxfield entered the ser vice in September. 1943 and re ceived his basic training at Camp Earkeley. Texas. He went over seas in March of this year. He is the son of Mr. am; Mrs. A. G. Maxfield of Port Madeson. Iowa. Reeds Chapel Programs \re Postponed The homecoming and revival. ' which were to have been held at | Reeds Chapel beginning next Sun day. have been postponed for an ; indefinite period, according to an nouncement made by the pastor. | Rev. W. T. Medlin. Jr.. because of the action of the Health Board relative to the polio epidemic. The regular preaching service will be held at the Church Sun day morning at 11 00 a. m.. though all parents are asked to take notice of the fact that those under 15 cannot gather in public places. As soon as conditions permit, the revival and homecoming will be ! scheduled. Mrs. W. P. Odom attended the ( Lay-Hall reunion at Calhoun, Ga.. I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M Lay. and visited old friends there. The Cherokee County Board of Health at a mreting held Monday morning in the office of School 3upt. Lloyrl W. Hendrix. because. )f the epidemic of infantile para lysis in t: .?? state passed an ordi nance prohibiting children under 15 years of age from attending iny public gathering from now until September 18 or until such Lime as the State Board of Health recommends the opening of schools, and that all persons coni ng into the counties from re stricted areas be quarantined for a period of 21 days from date of their arrival in the county. Dr. M. P. Whichard, health of ficer, who called the meeting, was given authority to appoint a quarantine officer to serve during the emergency. The ordinance in full is as fol lows: WHkKfc^b, there is an epidemic of Infantile Paralysis in many sections of North Carolina and in adjoining States to such an ex tent that an emergency exists in nearby areas and it is necessary to adopt reasonable regulations to safeguard the health of the peo ple of Cherkee County THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIN ED by the County Board of Heal th of Cherokee County : Sec i ion 1. That it shall be un lawful for any person coming into Cherokee County from restricted ? infected ? areas, that is areas in fccted with infantile paralysis, to be off their own premises for a period of twenty-one days from the date of their arrival in Chero kee County and all such persons are resfrirtad -to their own prem ises for said period < . me Section 2 That n shaii be un lawful for any p-rson fifteen years of age and under 10 attend any public gathering from this date until September 18, 1944, and the parent or person having custody of such child or children shall be responsible for the con duct of any such child in their cus tody. Section 3. Any person violating any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined TEN DOLLARS. Section 4. That the proper authorities be requested to ap point an assistan Quarantine Of ficer to serve during said emer gency and to pay him Five Dollars per day for his services and Five Cents per mile for each mile nec essarily travelled in s car in the performance of hi.- duty. Those voting : ? ::ie resolution: E A. Wood. cha:man Dr. VV. A. Hoover. Dr. W C. Morrow, Dr. J R. Bell. L. W Ht-ndrix. The resolution was adopted and declared in effect from and after this date. August '.M. 1944. Herbert Kilby Gets Promotion Pfc. Herbert O Kilby of Unaka has teen promo ud to Technician 5th Grade, according to informa tion received from Army Service Forces Headquarters Prisoner of War Camp. Public relations of fice. Aliceville. Ala. His wife is Mrs. Marjorie Gossage Kilby of Aliceville. Staff Sgt. Newman Is In England ANDREWS ? Staff Sgt Clyde M. Newman, son of Mrs. Daisy Newman of Andrews, is now serv ing his countrv in England. Sgt. Newman enlisted in the army in 1939. After his basic training at Fort Bragg. N. C he served two yeais in the Hawaiian Islands, coming back to the U S. two months before Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japs He was in service in the U. S. until May 1944. His wife, the former Miss Winnie Redurne of Texas, is re tiding with his mother here at the present He was awarded the Sharpshoot er Medal fot* expert rifling; also a good conduct medal.

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