?hr (Uimikrr ^rnut r > Published every Thursday at Murphy. N C. ADDIE MAE COOKE Editor and Owner ROY A COOKE Production Manager MRS. C VV SAVAGE Social Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cherokee and surrounding counties: One V Ml $9.00 S:x Months $100 Pour Month 75c Outside above territory. On<: Yeai $2.50 Six months $1.25 j __________ 1 En t ie d in the Post O: :ce at Murphy. | C. Zf' ' ' n rth Carolina, as s 1 class matter I ? under the Act ot March j 1397. MEDITATION 1'aradox .t 1 thought it be ?>nl\ that man is it rest who attains it through conflict l'his peat .? born of conflict. is not like the d?-adl> hush preceding the temi -st. but the MTt-i.f and pure-aired quiet that follows it. It is not generall> the prosperous one. who I. as never sorrowed. who is strong and it rest II in qualit\ has never been tried and he knows not how he ean stand even a gentle slun k. He is not the safest sailor who never saw a tempest; he will do for fair weather ser\i?r tiut when the storm is rising, place at the impoitant p"st the man who has fought out a gale, who has tested the sh.p. who knows her hulk sound, her rigging strong, and her am lior-ilukes able to grasp and hold b> the ribs of the world. ?When first affliction comes upon us. how everything gives wa> ' Our clinging. tenderil hopes are snapped, and our heart lies prostrate like a vine that the storm has torn from its trellis hut when the first shock is past, and we are able to look up. and say . It is the Lord,' faith lifts the shat tered hopes once more, and binds them fast to the feet of God. Thus the end of confidence, safety, and peace." Condition Of Town Published Murphy city fathers this week are publish ing to the citizens of Murphy a summary of the condition of the town government at the close of the past fiscal year. June 30. 1 he figures are taken from the audit of a certified public ac countant. The mayor and councilmen are publishing the findings of the auditor in order that people may be informed about their town and the op erations of its various branches, t.very inter ested citizen should read the report. Men in public offices, and particularly those whose duty it is to administer the affairs of taxpayers, receiving and spending taxes and other public funds have a special obligation and respon ibility to those whom they serve. The Murphy town officials are commended for their practice of publishing for all to read the condition of the governmental department thev serve. Price and Ration News MEAT5. FATS -R, . s Af . :ou Z8 and A5 thrcr.i O" ' od indefinitely . PROCESSED FO >: B - HHPS A8 through Z8 and A5 hi nigh L5, good indefinitely. SUGAR - S. Samp? '>? 32 and 33 e.ich good lor i pounds indefinirt Suga ... 40, good for five pound.- : canning suia. tin jgb Feb:-; yea: GASOLINE In 17 E;> ( ust States. A ll coupons, u ... hrough November 8. I:, s utside the East Coast Area. A-12 coupons good through Septemb* ; 21 FUEL OIL P- i d 4 "> otipons. good "hrough Septemof 30. New Period 1 coupon? no*.v good. SH? ES Airp'.ane Stamp- 1 and 2. good indefinitely. HOE STAMPS GOOD INDEFINITELY Removal of time limi ts at restrict he ..se of special "hoe stamps is announced by OPA The new pro1 : apply to all special shoe stamps except that iucd to Mexican border residents must still be used by con sun, wrhin 30 davs P: rviously. some special shoe stamps -such as . ued as extra rations had to fcv used within time limits. The P ..-ions affect only special shoe stamps and in no way involve the validity of regular war ration shoe stamps, either for consumer or trade use. Medical Work Is Program Subject The Woman's society of Chris- ? lian service met Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock at First Metho dist. church. The Rev. Ralph Taylor opened the meeting with prayer, and made a brief talk, after which Mrs. W M. Axley and Mrs J. H Hampton served refreshments. Following quiet music by Mrs. j Hampton, Mrs. E. B. Norvell gave a scripture reading and Mrs. E. S. | Miller sang a solo. ' Medical Work in the United ; States .Alaska, and the Dominican j Republic" was discussed by Mrs. ! Roy Stiles, and Mrs. Hampton of- 1 lered prayer. Mrs. W. M. Axley, president, j conducted a short business session. Mrs. Hampton, chairman of host- j esses, announced that Mrs. W. P. ' Odom. Mrs. W. A. Savage. Mrs. I B. L. Padgett, and Mrs. R. A^, Akin will be hostesses for the neii ' meeting, and Mrs. Julia Martin and Mrs. T A. Case will be pro gram leaders. Announcement was made con L-erning the picnic area which cir cle No 2. Mrs. J. H. McCall, chair man. i building back of the church, and the ladies were asked to see it. Sixteen members were oresent. PERSONALS Max Sneed. Seaman first class, has returned to his ship in New York after spending a leave with his wife and mother. Mrs. Edwina Hagaman left last week for Long Beach. Calif., to be with her husband who has been wounded in action in the South Pacific. Mrs. Margaret Fisher is operating Mrs. Hagaman 's. beauty shop while she is away. Mrs. Edward S. Miller of At lanta visited Mrs. E. S. Miller over the week-end. Mrs. John Thuss and son. John )ny. of Oak Ridge. Tenn., and Miss Ixraclne Wells of Wlnstoiv-S&lem | are spending a vacation here. FINISH THE I M Louise Johnson of Knox v.'.Ie is spending a month here with her pa: ents Mr and Mrs \ M Johnson. M : . s Miller ha> returned to Atlanta after a visi: ere with his mothei Mrs. E. 3. Mille: M J W. Thompson. Mrs. J. \V Thompson. Jr.. and Bill III. . :id Mrs. John Gundy spent Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bar lay in Copper hill. Mrs. Bill Bay less and son. Billy, i! Asheville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. E Bay less Mr and Mrs. Harry Bishop. Mrs. J W. Thompson Jr.. and M: s John Gandy spmt last Fri day in Atlanta. Mrs. Bill Thompson. Jr., and son. Bill III. and her sister. Mrs. John Gandy. returned Sunday to Wal alia. S. C . after a week's visit with Mrs. J W. Thompson. Miss Sara Ruth Posey of An drews visited friends in Murphy last week. Miss Margaret Ann Ryan of Sylva spent several days this week with her aunt Mrs. G. W. Candler. J. Lawrence Voyles. attorney, let t Tuesday for his home in Pich er. Oklahoma, after several weeks' vacation spent in Murphy and other points in North Carolina and Kentucky. Frank Mauney made a business trip to Newman. Ga.. Wednesday. He will return the last of the week, and he and Mrs. Mauney, and her Mster. Dr. Sara Ure. and Mrs. Christine Herring who have spent the summer here at their home. Imps Nest" will leave Monday for their ome in Washington. Ga. Miss Too!.-. Cook and Miss Eliza beth Ann Elkins returned Sunday from Lake Geneva. Wisconsin where they attended the Nation al Youth Fellowship conference as delegates from the Murphy Youth Fellowship. Mrs. E S. Miller visited rela tives and friends in Atlania last week. Miss Mary Porter Fain of Gat linburg is spending a two weeks' vacation here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fain. Mrs. Kyle D. Crowther. Sr.. of Knoxville, Tenn spent several days this week with her daughter in-law. Mrs. Jessamine Crowther, at Dickey hotel. Miss Elda Himebaugh. who r ( erved as pastor of : e Free Metho- 1 .' v church here in 1943. is visit .ng friends here. Miss Hime j ;,augh has been engaged in miss ! . >n work at Tampa. Fla.. recent- ' The Free Methodist maintain | , :here a mission for Spanish speak , in*; people. Miss Margaret Mount of De troit. Mich., arrived Sunday to prnd some time as the guest of M:ss Mary Porter Fain. Sgt. Arthur Mallonee Jr., of Camp Gordon : a> returned to j ramp after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mallonee. S Sgt. Gene Mallonee has ar rived safely in England, according ! to word received by his parents. Mi anti Mrs. Arthur Mallonee. Miss Mildred Gentry has re turned to Newport News. Va.. after spending a vacation here) vith her mother. Mrs. P. C. Gen- | try. She was accompanied home ( ' by her mother who will spend j some time in Neupo't News with her and her sister. Mrs. M. L. j Dills. Mrs John Davidson left Friday 1 lor Fort Dix. N. J. to join her ' hu.-band who has been transferred 1 there from Fort Benjamin Harri- j 1 son. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carringer and children of Knoxville. spent ; the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Carringer. BIRTHS BATES CREEK Mr and Mrs. Arthur Dockery announce the birth of a daughter on August 31. Mi and Mrs. Broadus Graves announce the birth of a son on September 1 PKTKIt: HOSPITAL M.. and Mrs. Glenn Prater of Hayesville announce the birth of a >on August 31. Mr. and Mrs W G Justice of Murphy. R F D No. 2. announce the birth of a daughter Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Brn Gaddis of Murphy announce the birth of a son Sept. 2. M and Mrs Opie Clayton of Welch Cove announce the birth of a daughter Sept. 5. Mr. and Mi> Paul Foster. Jr.. of Young Harris announce the birth of a daughter Sept 6. MURPHY (iFNKRAL HOSPITAL Lt and Mis. Harold Wells an nounce the birth of a daughter. Virgin;a Ev iyn at Murphy Gen eral hospital. Aug. 29. Among The Sick The Rev J. C. Amnions return ed last week from Atlanta, where he has been undergoing treatment at a hospital there. He is improv ed in health. LITTLE BRASSTOWN Bonita Crisp has returned after visiting relatives in Gasionia. Fred Brooks and family and j Tooisie Lovin of Gastonia spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs W. O. Almond. Bonnie Almond left Sunday for Gastonia where she is employed. Mrs. Ernest Morris and children o* Copperhill. Tenn.. are visiting with Mrs. Morris' parents. Mr. and Mrs A. H. Stalcup. Rev. Jim Truett preached at Little Brass town church Sunday. Violet Mae Buchanan of Mar tin's Creek visited her uncle and aunt. Mi. and Mrs. Hayes and; Maggie Buchanan, last week. W. O. Almond spent Sunday with his uncle. Henry Carringer. Ross Hughes and family were visitors at Bellview. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carroll of Grape Creek visited Mrs. Carroll's parents. Mr. and Ms. A. H. Stal cup Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Carringer of Martin's Creek is visiting her chil dren. Amanda Cunningham and Miss Mary and Hazel Moss of I Little Brass town. Prayer services were held at i the home of Zeb Tweed Sunday. I AM NOW OPERATING A PLANING MILL AND ALSO HAVE FOR SALE CONCRETE BLOCKS AND FINISHED LUMBER sold according to government regulations H. D. BARNETT Old Whiting Band Mill Site, Opposite Southern Y Murphy, North Carolina Have a Coca-Cola = Swell work, Leatherneck ...or how to celebrate a victory at home Returning home with a captured Japanese sword, the husky Marine is greeted with Have a " Cok e". It's the kind of celebration he wel comes most. At home or abroad Coca-Cola stands for the pause \ that refreshes, ?has become a symbol of the American way of life. ?OTUID UH Oil AUTHOIITY OP TNK COCA-COLA COMPANY IY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. ? Aahevllle, N. C. It'* natural for popular name* to acquire friendly abbrevia tions That's why you hear # Coca-Cola called "Coke". Grouting TOith ?lje libitar BILL LEATHERWOOD. who is ( with the navy on Admiralty Is lands. requests that we publish the following leuer to his friends in | ihis vicinity: If I may. I shall take this opportunity to tliank all of you for the many letters which I I've received from you. I should like to explain that it is practical ly impossible for me to write and 'hank each one separately, be cause my own time is very limit t-d. I sincerely hope that each of jwirwho . its written will under stand. Although I have been a way from Murphy more than three \ears. it is still my home, and its citizens are my friends. "I have had the pleasure of visiting several cities since I en MACEDONIA Bill Roberson of Mineral Bluff. Ga.. spent Sunday with his t?i other and family here. I Miss Frank ie Wilson of Murphy -pent Friday night with Miss Don- I 11 ie Jean Roberson. listed in the navy, bu: I .iven't found another where the people are as friendly to strangers js they are in Murphy. 1 ly with much pride, bccause Mur phy is my home, and I love it." THE FOLLOWING l.FTTER recently was received by Mrs. Maggie Woods of Murphy Route 3 from her son's commanding of. f;cer. Lt. Eulon Richardson "Your son. Clyde, of *!iose death the War Department ilis undoubtedly notified you. was an outstanding Squad Lead i n my company and his loss was keenly felt here by we who knew Hi- was at all times an excelled soldier and very considerate of hi men and when lie died he wa i-ading his men into a dangeiou- area that had to be taken and was taken by his squad. The example of courage C'.vde s et for us will be long remember ed. and we who also fee: and extend to you our i ;>est sympathy." Dickey Theatre Murphy, North Carolina Saturday, September 9 RILL BOYD, In "RIDERS OF THE DEADLINE" ? Also ? "Mexican Spitfires Blessed Event" Chapter No. 1 4 SECRET SERVICE Sunday - Monday, September 10-11 Bob Hope - Betty Hutton, In? "LET'S FACE IT" CARTOON ? FOX NEWS Tuesday - Wednesday, September 12-13 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Tom Conway - Jean Brooks, In? "THE FALCON IN DANGER" ? Also ? "TANKS A MILLION" Thursday - Friday, September 14-15 Mary Martin - Franchot Tone - Dick Powell ? In ? "TRUE TO LIFE" PARAMOUNT NEWS ? CARTOON What's the R?sh? IT'S THE TELEPHONE RUSH. Every night thousands of service men and women dash to the nearest tele phones to talk with families and friends at home. Most of the Long Distance calls from camps and naval stations are crowded into a few short hours. Many circuits are likely to be crowded at that time and it helps a lot when you keep the lines clear from 7 to 10 for service men and women. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company INCORPOIATID

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